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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7572974 No.7572974 [Reply] [Original]

I have to get this off my chest, /jp/. There's really no where else I can go to confess this without being ridiculed. Mind you, I expect you guys will laugh at me too for the mostpart, but I think at least some of you will understand.

Here goes nothing.

I have this fantasy, and it's really fucked up because I'm not into guys. I fantasize about having shaved all the hair off my body (I'm lean and not bulky at all, so in the fantasy at least it looks okay), being smaller and cuter and wearing a dress. Like an elegant dress, like a ball gown sort of thing, you know? And in the fantasy my dick's taped away so it's practically not there.

Here's where it gets fucked up. I fantasize about being surrounded by dozens of guys (/jp/ users, preferably, the kind of guys who'd like punishing me like the bad little girl I am) and ravished. Just absolutely violated. Degraded. A cock everywhere there's space, spurting semen all over me and taking turns pounding my vulnerable ass. Of course, all this happens without taking off my dress. I want to get cum my dress, in my hair, on my face, in my mouth, everywhere, begging for them like the cock-hungry slut I am. I want to be left lying on back, my eyes rolled back in my head, semen leaking from every possible orifice.

God, I'm so ashamed. I've actually thought of contacting /jp/ users I know in real life to do this, since they're fags and I'm kind of a trap, but I'd never be able to face any of them afterward. Jesus christ, somebody kill me.

>> No.7572980

>/jp/ users I know in real life

>> No.7572991 [DELETED] 

>I'm not into guys

The sooner you stop denying your own sexual orientation, the sooner you can get over this shit. There's simply no remotely straight guy who would have fantasies like that. Period.

Why don't you head on over to that buttplug thread and ask them for newcomer advice. They seem like pretty cool queers.

>> No.7572987

i'm pretty sure we have a few threads about this already

>> No.7572988

>somebody kill me.
I hope somebody kills you too.

>> No.7572993

I've read about worst fantazies on /jp/.
Yours seems to be pretty normal.
For someone on jp/

>> No.7572997

>I fantasize about being surrounded by dozens of guys (/jp/ users, preferably, the kind of guys who'd like punishing me like the bad little girl I am)
>/jp/ users

>> No.7573000

That's one hell of a strange fantasy. It's not my sort of thing, but you know, if you like it, that's fine. Don't worry too much about it.

>> No.7573003

>I've actually thought of contacting /jp/ users
>since they're fags

>> No.7573012
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Ah, makes sense now. /jp/ wants to be the slut but projects it on others.

>> No.7573021

I'd be the /jp/ guy who halfway through the act would suddenly realise the folly of my ways. Desperately I would fight until the other /jp/ murder me with their hands.

>> No.7573025


I wouldn't say that's everyone, but I guess some do.

>> No.7573036

I almost wish this copypasta was someones true feelings, because talk about a goddamn trainwreck. Not a single straight man has that fantasy.

>> No.7573041


OP here. This isn't a fucking copypasta. Google the shit out of it if you want. I'm so ashamed I'm crying right now, but it's not a lie.

>> No.7573044

I like how you think that everyone else on /jp/ doesn't have the exact same fantasy.

>> No.7573043


Must be your first day on the internet

>> No.7573048

I'm sure there are some people who feel that way. I know I went through a phase when I was a teenager where I fantasized about being violated and used by loli-futas, but I still to this day think men are fucking disgusting and would never willingly touch another one.

>> No.7573046


But I don't.

>> No.7573047
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I've been saying that for years.

>> No.7573052

and then /jp/ was /y/

>> No.7573055

I've always wanted to fuck a cross-dressing /jp/sie. Seriously. I'll get one of you one of these days.

>> No.7573060

Don't cry anon, everyone accepts you here. It's a perfectly fine fantasy that's shared by many an anon.

>> No.7573079

Trust me, I got worse fantasies that's not even legal becuase of morality issues so dont worry to much.

>> No.7573084

> crying
Straight men don't do this, either.

>> No.7573091

My fantasy is to save a /jp/sir trap from loneliness and shower them with the love and tenderness they deserve. We will hold hands and go to carnivals and feed carp in ponds and do cute things together.

>> No.7573113

I love a good cry every now and then. You feel awesome in the morning, like you're king of the world.

>> No.7573138

>>7573041 I'm so ashamed I'm crying right now, but it's not a lie.

Have you seriously not seen the numerous posts and entire threads about wishing to be the girl, getting raped by futas or faceless men or whatever to the point of mind break and ahegao, etc.? Or the trap and crossdressing threads? Or the sex toy threads?

/jp/ is gay as fuck. Your kink is small time. Average at best.

>> No.7573162

I'd be willing to fulfill your fantasy.

If the price is right.

>> No.7573220

I would do that to you if you were a girl.

>> No.7573249

What is worse, wanting to be gang raped as a trap or wanting to do cute things and be pretty? Or do cute things with a trap who acts cute and has a kind and innocent heart?

>> No.7573267

Oh god I want to be kind and innocent again , so baldy.
I'm trying so hard to be like this again but no matter what I do those evil thoughts are coming back.
Nowadays I wish someone would do terrible things to me as a punishment, that way I could redeem myself at least a little bit

>> No.7573278

No homo.

>> No.7573280


I remember those days of innocence. I'm trying to go back to those simpler times in some ways, while trying not to fall into the traps I did in the past because of it. It'll never work though.

>> No.7573303

I might as well post this shit here:

>look like a girl
>have absolutely no sexual desire
>be disgusted how everyone connects looking like a girl with sexual pleasure

Am I alone? I just enjoy girlyness and fancy dresses for the same reason I would enjoy tea or a videogame.

>> No.7573306

But someone could purify you with love. Gently battering down your self with kindness and forgiveness so your true heart can come through and shine again. They will always be there for you because they know the real you too, the you deep down in the heart.

You don't need to be punished.

>> No.7573318


The truth his, love wouldbe the most terrible punishment.

>> No.7573336

>I just enjoy girlyness and fancy dresses for the same reason I would enjoy tea or a videogame.
I thought I was the only one. I don't want to become a whore.

>> No.7573350


That's just some people here. I don't think everyone wants to be a whore or something of those lines.

>> No.7573359

>>look like a girl
are you sure you aren't a woman? the stuff you describe makes it seem that way.
>have absolutely no sexual desire
for that reason you're extremely alone.
>>be disgusted how everyone connects looking like a girl with sexual pleasure
plenty of feminist believe think this way

small amount of people think that way, but since they have some fetish for being a "little girl" no one believes their fairy tales about being asexual.
there is only a tiny amount of people who are actually asexual and most due to huge chemical imbalances, and people just happen to be asexual with a sexual preference about being a "little girl" and doing girly things? no.

>> No.7573389

I wouldn't say asexual, just not a huge slut or a raging lesbian.

>> No.7573541

I'd fuck the shit out of you, OP. Where do you live?

>> No.7573569

OP, this doesn't neccessarily mean you're attracted to men (not that it's a bad thing);
It could mean you're fixated on the idea of a girl getting violated as you describe, but:
-You feel guilty about inflicting such a thing on a girl in your mind and you find it less of a burden to take her place to see it happen
-You are fixated on the emotions and sensations of the female during the act and so you place yourself in her position to further experience the female side, disregarding the fact it means you handle cocks.

Or of course, you really could be gay.
Not that it's a bad thing.

>> No.7573695


This is going to end very, very badly.

>> No.7573706

I've come to terms with the fact that I am a little gay, if you want penises inside you I would think you are too.

>> No.7573747

I have the same fantasy, but in it I am a loli. I consider myself straight, somehow

>> No.7573772


>> No.7573807

cool seinfield reference

>> No.7573814 [DELETED] 

>still making Seinfeld references
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.7573822

Well, to be fair, the correct phrase is, "Not that there's anything wrong with that."
So it's not really a reference

>> No.7573861

Thanks for giving me more fantasies to steal, /jp/

>> No.7574236

This thread gave me the biggest hard-on I've had in weeks.

>> No.7574260

I felt nothing from it at first. But then I started to imagine an actual girl being all lewd like in OP's scenario and then yeah I popped a boner.

I couldn't be one of the guys violating the girl though. Don't need no sloppy seconds or whatever.

>> No.7574272

>46 posts
>Most of them are sage

Oh /jp/ you card.

>> No.7574289

Sorry OP, I don't care about 3D.

>> No.7574290
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>> No.7574303

I would totally do this to you, OP. It's pretty much my biggest sexual fantasy.

However, it almost sounds too good to be true.

>> No.7574336
File: 7 KB, 200x142, 1309850899212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a game you might be interested in, OP.

>> No.7574345

Also, >>7573303, I know that feel. I don't want to get buttfucked by a bunch of guys like OP, but I wouldn't mind having a big strong guy who would cuddle with me and pretend to be my oniichan while I was dressed all frilly. I'm short and skinny enough to pull off feminine clothes, I think, but it kinda loses its luster when I don't have anyone else to appreciate it.

>> No.7574347

I laugh at you OP.

Your sexual fantasies are too tame.

>> No.7574377

Your fantasies are interesting. I've always admired those cool, protector figures, so I want to be one and care for a young maiden and watch over her, with my life one day ending in a beautiful sacrifice, my blood dripping onto her tear filled face with a smile knowing I that I could watch her grow into a fine young lady. I think I may be messed up as well.

>> No.7574392

You're not alone, man. I have the exact same fantasy.
>but I wouldn't mind having a big strong guy who would cuddle with me and pretend to be my oniichan while I was dressed all frilly.
And that. Definitely relating to that.

Does anyone else prefer the female body, but not the actual vagina? I'd suck a dick long before I ate out some chick's pussy. There's something unappealing about it in my opinion. But no, I'm totally straight.

>> No.7574401

I don't know what your crying about OP, I see threads like this all the time in /d/. I wish I had your fetish, it would be yet another thing in my life to fap to.

>> No.7574403

>Does anyone else prefer the female body, but not the actual vagina?

I believe that's the general opinion on /jp/. Nonetheless, the idea of doing something one would normally consider disgusting for the sake of the person one loves is appealing and "N-no! It's dirty!" and "But we're both girls, we can't do this!" are my favorite lines, so I want to be the little girl and have a becoming, elegant relationship with another little girl.

>> No.7574409

Violated Heroine did this to me six months ago. My mind is never going to be fixed again.

Welcome to being awkward with yourself for the rest of your life.

>> No.7574410

I have the same fantasy, OP. I don't really consider myself gay, either. I'm not attracted to the male body in the same way that I am to the female body, but there's something about being treated like a slut that really turns me on.

That's awesome. I'm imagining somebody like Winfield from Demonbane. Can you catch a sword with your teeth and punch out giant robots?

>> No.7574417


I wish I could do a tiny fraction of that. Sadly I'm just a mischievous loser at best. Even so, that's the sort of thing I imagine a lot. I don't know why though.

>> No.7574424


>> No.7574494
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Everyone has different kicks and fantasies OP. not a big deal.

>> No.7576575
File: 303 KB, 799x800, 1304265795708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a fantasy where I'm a cute little trap that get fucked properly by a real man.

>> No.7577157

i have one where i break ass of a trap from /jp/ from fucking him so hard. after sex when he feels like a used whore we'd cuddle and i'd hold him tightly.

>> No.7577526


We'd get along well

>> No.7578159

Who is this trap you speak of?

>> No.7578360

Key word fantasy.

I dunno, not that guy but I'm fairly trappy myself, though I don't really like the idea of getting raped. Hrm.

>> No.7578370

Holy goddamn jesus

>> No.7578422


... man, I'd be down with all of these.

>> No.7578447
File: 304 KB, 987x643, 240Z rare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /jp/, greetings from /o/. I just saw this thread on the home page and read it. Holy fuck, you guys are weird.

>> No.7578475

In our domain, you're the odd one. Get out, weirdo.

Also I fucked you're car.

>> No.7581569
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>> No.7581582

Freak who has more cars than he has dakimakuras.

>> No.7581611
File: 412 KB, 600x602, 1309992010193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you guys. I really do.

>> No.7581615

best thread on /jp/ right now.

>> No.7581635


I feel the same way. But I don't love you guys like that.

>> No.7582434

if it makes you feel any better sometimes I have my girlfriend do me in the ass with a strapon while Im tied up.

>> No.7582564

Marine here, and my dream is to one day make enough money to buy a house big enough for all of you hikkimori traps and be a manly oniichan for all of you. Sadly, I'm not that manly, and also I would never rape any of you that have 'slut' fantasies. Only pure maidens are allowed to be my imoutos.

>> No.7582603

Yeah you do that so I can visit and raep Chisame.

>> No.7582679

How about no.

OP, the only reason I would laugh is because you're new and think this is some big deal. But being new and posting isn't funny. Stop it.
