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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 65 KB, 376x183, Xbawks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7554454 No.7554454 [Reply] [Original]

What is your gamerscore/trophy level, /jp/? Being hikki NEETs, I expect at least 6 digit gamerscores from most people here.

>> No.7554456


>> No.7554459


>> No.7554470

I still laugh at how 4chan doesn't understand what sage means.

>> No.7554471

What makes you think hikkis have the money for gaming consoles?

>> No.7554476

autism checks from your glorious western goverments

>> No.7554477

u mad as fuck

>> No.7554482


Back to /v/ with you, OP, everything since the PS2 was shit.

>> No.7554484

Shameless Valve fanboy detected

>> No.7554485

I don't play consoles. I'm apart of the master race in all aspects of life.

>> No.7554486

>since ps2
I seriously hope your joking.

>> No.7554490

My gamerscore is 1417.

>> No.7554491


>> No.7554494

Mine is 57676 and my PSN Trophy level is 14. I don't really try to get Achievements or Trophies for the most part anymore.

>> No.7554497

10,000 or so. I never modded my Xbox so it doesn't see much use.

>> No.7554499

I have to agree, I haven't had fun playing a console since the PS2. Either it ruined me for all future consoles or I grew up and did not want to play with a plastic controller.

>> No.7554504

>grew up

>> No.7554507

But playing with a plastic keyboard and mouse is fine.

>> No.7554513

Of course, I didn't say anything that is plastic is only for kids- However consoles are.

>> No.7554517

Hmmm, maybe you just didn't play the right games. PS2 was like my golden age for gaming. Spent my days doing nothing but playing it, until my mom smashed it to bits and I downgraded to a 360.

>> No.7554519

Fine, since SNES.

>> No.7554521

He evolved into being apart of the master race. It's common theme among the elites. They grew up playing consoles, but around xbox,ps2,etc were the last consoles they enjoyed playing and have since stuck strictly to PC gaming.

>> No.7554523
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ITT Anon realizes that video games are made for kids

>> No.7554525
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>> No.7554528

The PC has games other than eroge?

>> No.7554531

I never even actually had SNES, you know? I just played the games a few years later on emulators. They were good.

>> No.7554537

You didn't have a SNES? That sucks...

>> No.7554542

PS2 was still good. Things didn't go to shit until the most recent generation

>> No.7554545

Brown and bloom shooters and Facebook games.

>> No.7554546

>You can play actual real games on a PC? I thought it was only for facebook and farmville!
How are you different from this?

>> No.7554547


>> No.7554567

Eastern Eurofag. I don't think it was even sold here. We had our Amigas and Ataris instead, so it wasn't that bad.

>> No.7554575

>500 pounds
>plays xbux and pissshitan3 all day erryday
>mom changes his soiled diapers
>makes threads about himself talking to himself to make announcements since no one asks

typical man child console gamer

>> No.7554582

Trying to platinum Demon's Souls right now. Fucking pure bladestone.

>> No.7554604
File: 746 KB, 1280x720, [Derp]_Gosick_-_12_(1280x720_x264_AAC)[62E83274].mkv_snapshot_01.28_[2011.04.09_12.29.34].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>greentext everywhere
>making things up

>> No.7554702
File: 13 KB, 1024x90, hard corps 1lc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

172,835 gamerscore
trophy level 7 or something, I don't really care about the PS3

Pic is probably the hardest achievement I've done, I dunno. I am boss.

>> No.7554706

Ah I see, well no matter. The amiga was great.

>> No.7554718
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>> No.7554724

Lol at feigning PC superiority. Every good PC game besides Starcraft 2 is available on console.

>> No.7554725

>he says on /jp/

Not terribly bright, are you?

>> No.7554727

I don't own a 360 or a PS3.

>> No.7554730


>> No.7554733
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>> No.7554736

It's the truth though. Ironically, one of the biggest PC games is better on console, because on PC it evolved into a pay-to-win Korean FPS grindathon.

>> No.7554741
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>World of Tanks
>Microsoft Flight Simulator

>> No.7554746

Not MechCommander 2? That game was the shiznit.

>> No.7554751
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>> No.7554758

okay, but it's for autists

>> No.7554766
File: 279 KB, 638x638, 1305244775592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MC2 wasnt as good as one. The maps were too nasty looking, and the Microsoft designed mechs made the game sorts of fail. It was very fun online, though. Im just more of a Clan Wars fan.

>> No.7554787

I see, I see.
So would you recommend I play the first one, then? I've played through 2 about three different times.

>> No.7554797
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Not really...

>> No.7554806
File: 143 KB, 360x259, 1299322634099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baldur's gate 1 and shadow of amn
red alert 2
roller coaster tycoon
age of empire
Mount & blade
company of heroes

>> No.7554810

Morrowind is on the Xbox, though.

>> No.7554815
File: 139 KB, 775x800, 1246482309580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. And play the expansion for the first one too.

The graphics wont impress, but the game itself is great. See if you can manage to salvage the Mad Cat on the level where you have to rescue the Raven :3

>> No.7554820

shit, well at least it have mods on console that fix gameplay problem and graphics

>> No.7554825

I was gonna do this but I got bored on sometime on my 4th playthrough

>> No.7554828
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Maybe if you're under 14.

>> No.7554829

I thought we were talking about modern games here.

>> No.7554846

>See if you can manage to salvage the Mad Cat on the level where you have to rescue the Raven :3

Oh, I remember myself playing that level for the 1st time:
"Oh, a Mad Cat! Yay! I gotta try capturing it! I have 5 mechs and I am near the captured towers, what could go wrong, really?"
2 minutes later:
okay.jpg Where is the restart button?

>> No.7554863

Seriously. It shows how dire the PC situation is when 90% of the games people come up with are older than time itself.

>> No.7554869

For recent games I enjoyed The Witcher... Can't think of much else.

>> No.7554871

I always rushed a Commando across the bridge at the spawn before the air strikes blew it up. It had to be in drop slot 3 or else it would be too fare away. Then I would use the commando to lure the mad cat off its island and to the bridge, where I would blow the bridge with Airstrikes or the gas tanks next to the bridge. stranding the mad car on the bridge where I can air strike it slowly one at a time until its dead, hopefully salvaging it. I would do this over and over until I got super lucky with a 100% salvage with all parts.

>> No.7554872

Own a nice PC and have all the benefits of it including emulation of really old stuff, best graphics, fast computer, no lag on applications ever, and have access to all games regardless of region and if they're untranslated there is hacks, patches, mods, and tools to still be able to play it.

Buy some new gen crap console be forced to be 3 of them if you want all the new titles, region locked, no mods, outdated hardware, crap graphics, limited choices to what you can play, if the game isn't released in your region you're shit out of luck, developers aim at children demographic and rerelease rehashes every 6 months since parents will buy it(cod 17).

There is no pros to being a console gaming peasant in 2011. You buy a computer for the price of these crap consoles and have access to games from the past 50 years nes,snes, n64,wii,ps1/2, and none of the restriction(ps3 network gets hacked and your credit information is stolen, plus you can't play online for a month)

Console peasants aren't even trying.

>> No.7554879

I only use Steam.

>> No.7554882

You know you can download games for free, right?

>> No.7554884

>There is no pros to being a console gaming peasant in 2011

Exclusive games, Senior Derp. That's far more important to me than high res textures and some more AA.

>> No.7554897

Yes, I have several free games. If a dev or a series I like has a game on Steam, chances are pretty high that I will buy it.

>> No.7554961

Those actually aren't even worth playing though. If your game was good it'd be on the PC.

>> No.7555005

No, if your game were good it would be on console. That way people will actually buy it.

>> No.7555007
File: 24 KB, 568x486, 1297939866105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This boy knows what's good.

>> No.7555025

RPGs are for fags who can't play real games.

>> No.7555043
File: 41 KB, 486x301, 756845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

half of those aren't even RPGs

>> No.7555077

Too bad there are only very few arcade ports for PC.

>> No.7555081

I play total war,age of empires,and jrpgs. Barley play my xbox 360.

>> No.7555195

I have a modern PC but I still play all multiplatform games on consoles because I like getting achievements.

Suck it.

>> No.7555204

It's also too bad that barely any Japanese devs support PC. Capcom is practically the only one doing anything, and while the PC versions are obviously technically superior, they are competitively inferior because all of the best players are on console.

>> No.7555218

I'm getting a really good PC sometime in the next few weeks, and I'll be in the same boat. Achievements are more important to me than nicer graphics.

>> No.7555236

>if your game were good
>then you would have to do something deleterious to the game experience to get people to buy it

Do you kiddos even think about what you say sometimes?

>> No.7555282

The current game PC fanboys like to hold up as the pinnacle of gaming, too complex for console peasants, The Witcher 2, is getting an exact console port by the end of the year.

I guess Witcher 2 isn't so great after all.

>> No.7555289

Herp derp, hai from /b/

>> No.7555308

That's interesting, >>>/v/ might want to hear it. Come back here when Touhou gets a console port.

>> No.7555315

There is no possible way the hardware of consoles can support the highest settings of the Witcher 2. It will not be a straight port.

Man, I don't even know why I'm talking about this, I don't even care in the first place.

>> No.7555337

Who cares, practically every shoot 'em up on the 360 is better than Touhou.

Superfluous. The game will be exactly the same.

>> No.7555395

the 360 just got a pretty good JRPG on XBLA (Half Minute Hero)

>> No.7555417

Looking forward to replaying it.

>> No.7555439

Exactly, who cares (about 360), even the little it has was long available on PCs anyway.

>> No.7555479

sounds like someone's jelly because he doesn't have access to all of the amazing shooters on the 360

>> No.7555504
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>console gaming

>> No.7555999

bump so i can hopefully read more arguments from platform warriors

>> No.7556022

Where the hell is Kinectimal Control when you need him?

>> No.7556028

He was truly a visionary.

>> No.7556029

The only arguments are which console is better. Comparing PCs and consoles is like comparing if a scooter can outrace a ferrari. The only competition is 2nd through 4th since 1st is already finished the race before it started.

Keep on trucking in those scooters console "gamers". I'll be making 7 figures with my beautiful wife and ferrari(PC)

>> No.7556032

>Hakurei Kouma Rally

>> No.7556043

How can you sit there and write something like this without cracking up?

>> No.7556047

But I love scooters. 50cc is fun as fuck.

>> No.7556048

>implying i don't regularly lose my train of thought when i'm writing stuff cause i'm laughing so hard.
The analogy is still correct.

>> No.7556049

>beautiful wife and ferrari(PC)
I hope I am interpreting this correctly, in that your wife and ferrari is your PC.

>> No.7556061

People who side with either a pc or console and say the other isn't great are fags. Both have their ups and downs. I have both pc and console and I enjoy one as much as the other. Deal with it.

>> No.7556063

Yeah, me too. I enjoy arguing about inane shit though.

>> No.7556082
File: 77 KB, 850x477, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean your PC isn't your waifu?

If you're a casual and enjoy playing games for children then the casual is okay. No one will disagree consoles are great for women and children. The debate is if consoles aren't for women and children, or completely casual "gamers". I got my mom a wii and she loves it and the games for it.

>> No.7556156


>> No.7556163

That would be witty if it wasn't the most noticeably random >>>/link/ I've ever seen on /jp/. Since you seem familiar with that stuff you should go to >>>/v/

>> No.7556165 [DELETED] 


>> No.7556172

He was telling somebody debating the console wars in /jp/ to go to a place where that sort of stuff would be welcomed, and you're telling him to get out because the way he did it wasn't witty enough for your taste.

You're retarded.

>> No.7556173

Bump the thread linking some children's forum you visit and recommend others leave? No. Tell your parents to buy a better family computer.

>> No.7556187

When these arguments come up people always ignore shmups. No matter how often they are brought up the entire argument is ignored.

>> No.7556218

Eh? There are at least as many shmups native to the PC as there are on the 360, and as many again in MAME.

>> No.7556234

Yes but for now there are a lot of exclusives on the 360. Enough to justify a purchase to say the least if you enjoy shmups.

>> No.7556236

now how many of those native PC shmups are good:

Crimzon Clover
Cho Ren Sha 68K


>> No.7556239

Warning Forever

now you do three again

>> No.7556266

i ran out.

>> No.7556272

I hit a little over 10k before I converted to PC gaming master race. It's been a year since I got an achievement.

>> No.7556277

The Witcher, so good.

>> No.7556278

Jamestown is kinda neat.

>> No.7556280


>master race


>> No.7556281

Blue Wish Resurrection

>> No.7556295

Diadra Empty
Guwange Dash

>> No.7556303


>> No.7556312

>NEET = Master race
>PC gamer = Master race

>normalfag = scum
>consolefag = scum

>> No.7556336
File: 34 KB, 320x433, astro city.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The true Master Race plays games on this.

>> No.7556344


Did I miss something? Since when does preferring a particular product equal a "race?" Races are categorized by genetic features.

>> No.7556351

It's a reference to a video game review.

>> No.7556367

No, it makes sense. It's just like real life: white people, black people, asians, etc all hate each other because of their race alignment, just like console fans, handheld fans, motion control fans, and PC fans all hate each because of their platform alignment.

>> No.7556398

The funny thing about /v/ caliming the 360 is a frat boy console when they are all disgusting normals posting from their dorms with their PS3s, worrying about girls finding out they download photos of them off of Facebook.
