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7552303 No.7552303 [Reply] [Original]

Would the Crimson Moon fuck like a tiger? Arcueid seems pretty boring in bed.

>> No.7552306

No. Tuna.

>> No.7552318


>> No.7552322

Brunestud could probably poke your forehead and overload you with enough pleasure to turn all your blood into semen.

Then she drinks it all.

>> No.7552326

Mollusk jokes?

>> No.7552363

He's not interested, those women with male personalities never are.

Fuck hating the feminine personality but loving the female form.

>> No.7552391


>women with male personalities

>implying Brunestud of the Crimson Moon can be quantified into a gender

>> No.7552398

His true form was that of a male.

I think if he had tits zelretch would have lost the fight do to being distracted.

>> No.7552400

So what IS the Crimson Moon exactly?

Other than "really powerful thing"

>> No.7552406

women with male/psuedogodlike/ancient wizard personalities is a nasu thing like shota's with no limbs.

>> No.7552416


Form is meaningless, and gender is meaningless to a transcendent one.


Brunestud of the Crimson Moon is an Aristoteles, the Ultimate One and king of the Moon, and as such is Type-Moon. It is an existence above all others, and is the living embodiment of the might of a planet(oid).
It liked to fuck around on Earth because it plans on conquering it one day because apparently the moon was boring. The True Ancestors are imitations of it that it had Gaia make with plans to use them for its resurrection. Arcueid is the only success, and she's more like a replication than a resurrection.

>> No.7552426

Then why was his true form a male human and not a fucking alien gray?

Oh wait we're arguing about a porn game character.

>> No.7552427

If form is meaningless why can't the crimson moon just give himself a new form to fuck around?

>> No.7552428

So the living embodiment of the might of the moon thought the moon was boring?

>> No.7552432

to become a type you have to murder everyone else on your planet.

dead planets tend to be boring.

>> No.7552440


Nobody knows what the original Brunestud looked like, we only think it looked male because everyone calls it a "he".


Because it has a plaaaaaan.


I guess when you're god of the whole goings-on of it, it'd get a bit boring, sure.

>> No.7552444


That's fanon, but it's amusing fanon.

>> No.7552452

Why doesn't he just transcend boredom?

>> No.7552458

He has a portrait in character material.

I thought they said it in notes that it was the only way to be considered the pinnacle of evolution but I can't read jap so I'm already at a disadvantage on nasuverse canon. He voids his own canon enough that I'm going to start making shit up.

>> No.7552463


>He has a portrait in character material.

What? Which one? Where? Post please.

And I don't remember Notes saying how one becomes an Aristoteles, only that they are the absolutes of their planets.

>> No.7552480

ask /fate/ on wakachan, I seriously don't care enough to look it up.

But I know I've seen the page or something similar enough that I thought it was a character material page.

>> No.7552481


Did you even fucking READ? They are the absolutes of the planet because they are CHOSEN to be the absolutes of the planets. We dont know by who.

>> No.7552496


>We dont know by who.

And we also don't know how! So the point stands that "kill everything else" is not the known answer, but it's probably a good guess.


I'm certain Brunestud has never been depicted except as Arcueid. I would be glad to be proven wrong.

>> No.7552504


I cant stand fools. We know how, they are bestoyed the power through the use of the god damn planet.

This is like having a conversation with a child.

>> No.7552526


>We know how, they are bestoyed the power through the use of the god damn planet.

Okay, fine, be pedantic. But what I'm SAYING is, we don't know why they are chosen, then!

What I'm saying is
>to become a type you have to murder everyone else on your planet.
This is not the confirmed mechanic to become a Type.

>> No.7552532


This is ridiculous. I AM tell you HOW. It has nothing to do with eradication, most planets never had life to begin with!

>> No.7552553


>I AM tell you HOW. It has nothing to do with eradication

Then you're agreeing with me.
Yes, the planet typically makes its Type. How the Type is chosen is unknown.

>most planets never had life to begin with!

That's not confirmed either, where does that information come from?

>> No.7552555


Common sense.

>> No.7552557

Science indicates that the gas giants never had life to begin with

>> No.7552564


Considering that Type-Jupiter was a giant photon monster, I'm pretty sure science be damned.

>> No.7552570

I dont think the types are alive in the traditional sense.

Oh and since the gas giants are...well gas...couldnt you just fly THROUGH them?

>> No.7552586


They are so massive and dense that Jupiter's "rocky core" is bigger than earth itself. it would be gaseous if it wasn't under the titanic pressure of the atmosphere above it.

>> No.7552739

Wheres the pressure coming from? Gas is gas.

>> No.7552745

Am I getting trolled?

>> No.7552803

How do you think we stay on the surface of the earth? That's right, air pressure from the GAS above us keeps us down.

>> No.7552812

But its the earth's magnetic core that generates gravity.

>> No.7552816

Oh, right. What was I thinking?

>> No.7552824

Princess Arc isn't Crimson Moon yet.

>> No.7552844


Fuckin magnets how do they work

The only thing that "generates gravity" is mass.


>That's right, air pressure from the GAS above us keeps us down.

No but if there were the atmosphere of Jupiter transplanted to Earth, you'd be turned into a puddle as the weight of it crushes you.

It's a Gas Giant because there's a lot of gas. It has a big rocky core, but way way way more gas.

>> No.7552959

On a side note does anyone have type moon's or Nasu's official email address?

Im pretty sure its on the official type moon site somewhere but i dont want to swim in moonspeak looking for it

>> No.7552971


Theoretically it's the higgs-boson particle that creates Gravity, if that even exists. The density of our core is commonly thought, with the potential particles that exist within, to create gravity. But you are right, Magnetism doesn't create gravity

>> No.7553151

Yeah, Nasu and I email each other the time.

>> No.7553519

>Would the Crimson Moon fuck like a tiger? Arcueid seems pretty boring in bed


Way to show your ignorance. The CM inside Arc and the usual Arc are one and the same. So the people saying that the CM inside Arc is male (or that it's a different being) are completely wrong. It's like all the people here never read KT.

>Arcueid is the only success, and she's more like a replication than a resurrection

Except that she as well as all the TAs are a reincarnation of CM, while at the same time a different being. So yes, since she is the perfect TA, she can be a replication just as well as a resurrection.

>> No.7553641

>The CM inside Arc and the usual Arc are one and the same.
This is so wrong.

>> No.7553669

You can't read Japanese? I posted the quote for you. Is stated in both her profiles (MBAA and MBAACC). It's also stated in KT.


>Not an alter ego of Arcueid, but one and the same as the normal her.



>Even though the principle behind her actions is different from Arcueid's, it's not a different personality, the nature of this her and the usual her is the same

In KT she also herself stated that she is an aspect of Arc, which is consistent with the aforementioned statements. In her profiles here Nasu just wants to point out that "CM" Arc isn't really a different personality, more like an aspect, like Black Sakura and Sakura.

>> No.7553678


>> No.7553715

Still bullshit, considering how different the arc in the dream is compared to the usual arc.

The usual arc is a goofy klutz whom doesnt know much about the world.

CM doesnt care much for Shiki at all and seems distinctly alien, its motives and thoughts unknown.

>> No.7553754 [DELETED] 

>Still bullshit, considering how different the arc in the dream is compared to the usual arc

And? You can see the same for say, Dark Sakura and Sakura, or Void Shiki and Shiki. Nasu is the one who wrote it anyway. You can't argue with him.

>The usual arc is a goofy klutz whom doesnt know much about the world.

So what? CM Arc has the same knowledge as Arc (their minds are the same), so she is just as ignorant about modern stuff, she just doesn't show it because she hasn't had any interaction with modern stuff. Also you know Arcueid is extremely inteligent, and she never makes a big mistake. She always knows when to do the right thing, and is pretty mature sometimes. Cheerful =/= stupid.

>CM doesnt care much for Shiki

The original CM? Sure. Considering the original CM never knew about Shiki. But it's a fact that this "her" loves Shiki. Did you read her conversation with Ryougi in MBAA? See

AE: But even that is of little meaning, for you, you came simply to bring death to that which does not die, did you not? Your actions are ones drenched with emotion, but I will not mock that.
AE: Because, I am the same. Gazing at the severed limbs scattered about there, I cannot help but make a terrible smile. Thus, I will answer your provocation.
RS: Heh, so you want revenge for that weirdo huh? All of this is going to be a dream anyway and everything will be back just the way it was when we wake up, but my, aren't you the faithful one.

>> No.7553759

>Still bullshit, considering how different the arc in the dream is compared to the usual arc

And? You can say the same for say, Dark Sakura and Sakura, or Void Shiki and Shiki. Nasu is the one who wrote it anyway. You can't argue with him.

>The usual arc is a goofy klutz whom doesnt know much about the world.

So what? CM Arc has the same knowledge as Arc (their minds are the same), so she is just as ignorant about modern stuff, she just doesn't show it because she hasn't had any interaction with modern stuff. Also you know Arcueid is extremely inteligent, and she never makes a big mistake. She always knows when to do the right thing, and is pretty mature sometimes. Cheerful =/= stupid.

>CM doesnt care much for Shiki

The original CM? Sure. Considering the original CM doesn't know about Shiki. But it's a fact that this "her" cares about Shiki. Did you read her conversation with Ryougi in MBAA? See

AE: But even that is of little meaning, for you, you came simply to bring death to that which does not die, did you not? Your actions are ones drenched with emotion, but I will not mock that.
AE: Because, I am the same. Gazing at the severed limbs scattered about there, I cannot help but make a terrible smile. Thus, I will answer your provocation.
RS: Heh, so you want revenge for that weirdo huh? All of this is going to be a dream anyway and everything will be back just the way it was when we wake up, but my, aren't you the faithful one.

>> No.7554405

nothing in kt is canon besides len existing.

>> No.7554414

So whats it like to memorize all the retarded facts about a fantasy universe that you can't even larp with?

>> No.7554431

Lol what? All the Ten Nights of Dream stories are canon except the non-serious ones like the Tohno Con Family Game, and maybe a few ones that weren't written by Nasu (like Dawn). Red Demon God, Crimson Moon, etc, are all completely canon.

>> No.7554436

>The usual arc is a goofy klutz whom doesnt know much about the world.
No, Arc knows a lot about the world. But all of it is book knowledge Gaia uploaded in her brain. Knowing =/= experienced.

>> No.7554448

>AE: Because, I am the same. Gazing at the severed limbs scattered about there, I cannot help but make a terrible smile. Thus, I will answer your provocation.
>RS: Heh, so you want revenge for that weirdo huh? All of this is going to be a dream anyway and everything will be back just the way it was when we wake up, but my, aren't you the faithful one.
My Heart

>> No.7554466

I think I might have just experienced the phenomenon known as moe, also known as HNNNGH on 4chan.

>> No.7555290

Didn't know this. Arcueid just keeps getting more and more adorable.

>> No.7556185

Dark sakura and sakura are completely different.

>> No.7556229

>Implying arc has much experience with the world

>> No.7556271


What he said was literally "Arcueid has intelligence and knowledge, but no experience".

>> No.7556283

Of course, they are different. This doesn't change the fact they are the same person, and Dark Sakura isn't a different personality.

>> No.7556349

They are not the same person.

Unless you are trying to nitpick and say that they share the same body or some shit.

>> No.7556374


If he means what I think he means, it's like..
"They are the same body, CM!Arc is not a "separate existence" from Arc". So it's not Brunestud possessing her body from somewhere else or something, it's just Arcueid thinking and behaving differently.

>> No.7556386

I thought brunestud exists in the blood of all DAs in some form. Or something.

>> No.7556394


All True Ancestors ARE Brunestud, basically. Reaching that transcendent level is just being who they were made to be.

>> No.7556450

So where do the DAs and people like Altrouge fit in?

>> No.7556462

I want to know more about zelretch, how did he get so powerful enough to fight him? who was his teacher,etc

>> No.7556470


>the DAs

Humans turned vampire, had their blood drank by a True Ancestor or the original Brunestud.
OR a human who discovered some weird magic property such as Fabro Rowan, for some reason this makes them very similar to "normal" Dead Apostles.


An offspring to the union of a True Ancestor and a Dead Apostle, Altrouge is one of the most mysterious people in the Nasuverse.

>> No.7556522

he discovered that you can suck an infinite amount of magic out of other dimensions without actually fucking with your own.

He then used infinite magic to fuck with shit and he still got turned by crimson moon during the fight as crimson moon can shoot planet exploding tornado's, is super duper superhuman and shit.

Even though Zelretch is technically a Dead apostle he survives purely on mana and doesn't eat people from what we know.

He is also like a grandfather to arciud, being one of the few humans she interacted with who wasn't trying to fuck her.

One of the type moon archive autist can correct my canon mistakes and explain the rest to you.

>> No.7556515
File: 320 KB, 893x573, 12530829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would the Crimson Moon fuck like a tiger?
You're thinking of Archy, not Arcueid.

>> No.7556539

They should make a vn for during his time, like from the beginning of the time moon universe all the way to the beginning of tuskhime. it would be very interesting. Zelretch could be the mc oand then maybe akihas father, we could wacth him slowly go insane, would be a very inserting main character i think. theres so much he can do,yet he do anything,why?

>> No.7556542

type moon*

>> No.7558071

Kotomine was pretty clear. Did you forget? You know, you don't call a drunkard a different person.

>> No.7558264

So you are just nitpicking about the whole body thing then. Right.

>> No.7558290

Ah? Re-read what I said. Or rather, read what Kotomine said in HF again.

>> No.7558366

You are just nitpicking on definitions now.

>> No.7558380

>can shoot planet exploding tornado's

Alt Nagel, or "Ancient Nail," described as a pillar of wind that reaches to the heavens. It crushes everything.

>> No.7558409

>You are not another personality
>You are still Matou Sakura
>So you dont need to prepare another personality to excuse yourself

Everything is there. I don't need to explain anything, since it's clear as water.

It's a pillar of wind as large as a skycraper. But it certainly can't destroy planets. And the original CM couldn't use it since he didn't have Marble Phantasm.

>> No.7558418

The Crimson Moon was the one that invented Alt Nagel, so one would presume that he could use it, too.

>> No.7558458

>The Crimson Moon was the one that invented Alt Nagel

No, where did you got that idea? That's wrong. If you're talking about Arai's statement in the Fuyuki wiki, about how Alt Nagel was used by the Crimson Moon, he is referring to CM!Arc, since Alt Nagel only appears in MB.

Alt Nagel is just the name of Arcueid's Last Arc, and the name of one of Warcueid's special moves. The name of Arcueid's special moves are written in German (Alt Nagel means Ancient Nail, etc).

It wouldn't be possible to use that attack without Marble Phantasm, since the user needs to be very proficient at wind manipulation. If anything, the True Ancestors must have taught Arcueid how to use it, since she was created to be the perfect weapon, they definitely must have taught her how to master her power.

>> No.7558867

Then what abilities separate Crimson Moon with ArcheType:Earth?

>> No.7558884

Archtype:Earth has a vagina.

>> No.7558885

Well, besides that.

>> No.7558890

The clitoris is next to it.

>> No.7558982

That Type-Earth doesn't exist? You know, with the whole thing of being unable to create one (maybe because of humanity?), and thus having to ask the moon to create one to represent Gaia.

>> No.7559006

Which Crimson Moon are you talking about? Crimson Moon Arc? the original CM? To make it simple it's like this; Arc = CM Arc = ArcheType Earth =/= original CM = Type Moon.

The original CM wasn't an elemental, he wasn't connected to Gaia. He could summon the Millenium Castle. He also had a Knight Arm and Rainbow Eyes. As for AE, she is pretty much just 100% Arc. So they have completely different abilities.

>> No.7559087

If she's boring in bed, why not just teach her?

>> No.7559113 [DELETED] 

I'd rather a pure girl. Specially an eternal virgin.
