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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7544143 No.7544143 [Reply] [Original]

So, why so racist? Why is cultural homogeneity so important?

>> No.7544148


>> No.7544157

потому что иностранные граждане гандоны и пидорасы и должны пездовать обратно в своё зажопье

>> No.7544164

Just because the Japanese would rather kill themselves and each other doesn't mean their culture relating to the obliteration of self is valid on a planetary scale.

>> No.7544175

"Gaijins are a bother. They don't understand Japan's glorious culture."
That's why.

>> No.7544183

baka gai(ry
go home www

>> No.7544184

Why don't you ask the United States and and Canada 50 years ago?

>> No.7544186

Is that why Japan continues to suffer one of the longest recessions known to mankind? Is that why birth rates are declining and suicide rates are skyrocketing?

Heck, if Japan was so great I'd presume the aforementioned metrics would be inverted.

>> No.7544188

To be honest, pretty much all 1st world countries are racist against immigrants and such. Japanese are just more open about it.

>> No.7544189

Multiculturalism is fail. Look at the san‎d‎nig‎gers shitting up Europe aka Eurabia.

Look at how fucked up the Balkans are.
When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, National Guardsmen raised their rifles to threaten looters.
In Japan, old people volunteer to sacrifice themselves for their society, their neighbors, their race.

Racial harmony strongly contributes to a healthy and mutually supportive society. Most Americunts and Eurabians wouldn't understand.

>> No.7544199

>Is that why birth rates are declining and suicide rates are skyrocketing?
Birth rates are declining because of 2D love and suicide rates are skyrocketing because Gensokyo.
nihonjin = ubermensch

>> No.7544203

How does this make them any different than the dimwitted rednecks who are members of a white nationalist group or the KKK?

>> No.7544211
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>> No.7544215

You've never had the blessing of living in a racially harmonious society because greedy slave-traders brought ni‎g‎ge‎rs to shit up the U.S. so long ago.

That you fail see the myriad benefits of a society that sees one another as family is inevitable.

>> No.7544219

That's not racist, isolation is part of their culture. You're the racist one OP, I bet you're american.

>> No.7544221

Not OP but I always find it funny to see /jp/ resort to racism. You'd think that people who were ostracized for their tastes or thoughts wouldn't choose to unite behind the lowest common denominator.

>> No.7544222

No, Finland here and I have a black wife. She's American.

>> No.7544223

Because if a load of people from Europe or such poured in without assimilating, it would no longer be Japan, it would be Europe.

Well not all Nationalists are racial nationalists, and skinheads and the KKK are just white supremacy hicks.

>> No.7544233

Most of /jp/ isn't racist, it's just that guy.
And what's wrong with wanting to preserve cultures and whatnot, most of /jp/ is pretty morally conservative.

>> No.7544241

A ni‎g‎g‎er lover. Figures. And a race traitor at that. When the snowy fields of the Finnish winter are filled with muddy blobs of brown shit trudging against the pristine pure white landscape, you'll know the criminals who caused such a perversion included yourself.

>> No.7544248

Because unlike white people, japs do not allow themselves to be tricked by pipe dreams of "multiculturalism" and "diversity."

>> No.7544249

Ну дык и пездуй отсюдова.

>> No.7544258


>> No.7544265
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>> No.7544268

Enjoy going extinct rather than contributing to humanity at large.

>> No.7544269

You don't need to bump this shit to post a kool picture, уебан.

>> No.7544290
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>contributing to humanity

>> No.7544297
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You Sir, have a nigger wife.

>> No.7544302

Ah, the slave mindset, always aiming to contribute and appease others rather than enjoying themselves.

If what I consider fun becomes "immoral" to society and consequently banned, then this modern absurd society can disappear for all I care

>> No.7544310
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>contributing to humanity

Do you boys realize where you are? /jp/sies are basically white niggers

>> No.7544311

It's picture from here.


In fact:Russian sailors have been making a mess and decides to ban their entry.

then shout BAKA-GAIJIN.
So. He is a funny BAKA-GAIJIN,isn't it?

>> No.7544322

Multiculturalism drives peoples to extinction, not homogeneity.

>> No.7544340

Not really.

They are not racists, they just don't want strangers in their homeland.

They know they can trust in themselves, but they also know that if other people start coming to their land, it may affect negatively to the society (robbery, violations, etc).

I know it because my country is too liberal in that aspect, and now we're having troubles (no jobs, they have privileges and we don't, higher criminality...).

>> No.7544356

Multiculturalism is an excuse for certain kinds of humans to out breed another type of humans into nonexistence, while the humans being bred out pay for it. Then, when the humans paying for it disappear, the ones doing nothing but breeding will dissolve into violence, criminality, rape, and retarded theological/ideological dogmatism, just as it is where they came from.

The only justice is that they will all starve to death as the technology they have no idea how to run fails, or kill themselves using the weapons of their betters.

>> No.7544372
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>White Ren !YLuFFdRcFQ

>> No.7544380

Wikipedia claims that 1,6% of the resident japanese population are foreigners.
1,6%! And most of these are other asian people!
So when a japanese man sees a black man its actually more rare than a white man seeing a bengali tiger in iceland!

Compare that to my country, Sweden, which houses 15% foreigners! That's quite a big difference, isn't it!?

It's pretty amazing, to have a first world country stay so genetically unmixed, very fascinating.

>> No.7544402

I read somewhere that japan will change some citizens (Chinese and Koreans) races to japanese (on paper) If they have lived there all there life and are willing to change there name to something japanese.(I'm not sure if this true)

>> No.7544407

I wonder what kind of benefits that would give you? Basically swearing off your ancestry to become japanese seems like something not alot of people would want to do.

>> No.7544412

>>7544380 Sweden
Stopped reading there. We all know you are racist fucks up there in the north.

>> No.7544421

Well I come from the very north, it's not like we get alot of foreigners up here. I think there's a whole bunch of racism going on in the south though since they get the blunt of the immigration, on most days I don't see people of other ethnicity (but then again I don't see people most days).

>> No.7544424


Fuck you. I have nearly 55% muslims in my own capital. I'm mad with the force of a billion suns.

>> No.7544434

Swede from the south here. I hate muslims and niggers.

>> No.7544435

Living proof then.

>> No.7544449
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>It's pretty amazing, to have a first world country stay so genetically unmixed, very fascinating.
Cool story.
They claim to have bigger penises because of the Ainu blood.
Japan has an extremely low crime rate because the prosecutors rarely, if ever, press charges without a written confession.
That can't be true since the Japanese are mongrels.
Haha that's funny, since Japan is a multicultural country.

>> No.7544456

>nig‎ge‎rs and san‎dnig‎ge‎rs

>> No.7544458


Fuck off you sub-human scum. Sandniggers are genetically ruining europe but YOU, yes, YOU are ethically ruining europe. Stupid children protection laws, stupid women equality laws, stupid immigration laws. And you are turning everyone into a copy of you. You know what? Sandniggers will overrun us and we deserve it. We'll get extinct because of YOUR faggotry and I'll be happy when it will happen because with such stupid culture we dont worth living.

>> No.7544463

>Cool story.
>They claim to have bigger penises because of the Ainu blood.
I'm not saying japanese genes are in any way fantastic, it's basically a race of very short people (with proportional wangs).

>> No.7544465

Let in foreigners, they wreck up the place,

Don't let in foreigners, your country stagnates.

You're fucked no matter what you do.

>> No.7544472

nig‎ge‎rs want to bring humans down to their simian level with baseless delusions and delusions, but the fact of the matter is, actual humans operate at an entirely different level of existence.

For example: having a civilization, or literature.

Apefrica: neither.

Multiculturalism is bestiality.

>> No.7544478 [DELETED] 
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>Occident says multiculturalism is a good thing.
>Every example ever says otherwise.
>Nobody gives a fucking fuck.

>> No.7544484

>Still caring about the outside world

>> No.7544486

Hahaha that's funny.
Do you have any other argument?

>> No.7544492

You sound like a butt hurt sandnigger, so I probably hate you too.
Of course we'll hate sandniggers when they defile our country.

>> No.7544508

Its because the Japanese are afraid of the american femanazis,the liberals, the religious, fucking with there shit and life style. They are afraid the outside world will force them to "westernize".I like how there closing their borders because once japan is fully westernized, the world will be fully boring. their the only country that is able to really do or make what ever they want without shitty society morals or religion stopping them or bringing them down.

>> No.7544509
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Then stop voting in worthless fucking politicians who are letting those animals in.

This is what your streets will look like soon. Filthy animals slobbering all over human women. An absolute atrocity. It's simply genocide.

>> No.7544510

As I thought, he's just a child.

>> No.7544512
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shitskin ni‎g‎ger

>> No.7544514

Where are you from anyway?

>> No.7544516
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>this thread

I'm proud of all of you.

>> No.7544518


me in the middle getting my swag on

>> No.7544521

As you wish my child.

>> No.7544528

Well, honestly, he's right. It was the white man fault in the first place to allow the rampant immigration. They ended up being seduced by the meaningless concept of equality and so they opened their borders, gave rights to immigrants (even though they don't deserve them) and now, they try to appease them in every way they can. If politicians ever wake up and realize the harmfulness of equality, maybe, we'll be able to revert the whole situation. Unfortunately, the only way I ever see this happening is with a huge military thread and/or an all-out war, both of which seem improbable.

Oh well, I hope the human race wakes up before they go extinct. Right now, they humans are below animals, because animals at least follow their instincts (which advise against equality and other silly ideas) while the most humans have lost them after years of propaganda.

>> No.7544532

>military threat*

>> No.7544538

In my home country, this is Nara of Japan, american student

1. steal stuff everything

2. lying to policeman

3. spit to face when talking, mouth smell bad

4. don't have money, many american student, hole in cloths and dirty pants, old shoes

5. raping? jap girl because jap girl say american boy no thanks, very ugly and fat

6. very smell of food eating by american

7. very smell of body, no bath long time, sometime 10 days?

american=monkey same

>> No.7544547
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I'm posting from NYC, where some Wall Street perverts just bribed enough republicunt sell-outs to change their votes so faggotry is now more legal and encouraged than ever.

But, behind the scenes, it was really about a Republican Party reckoning with a profoundly changing power dynamic, where Wall Street donors and gay-rights advocates demonstrated more might and muscle than a Roman Catholic hierarchy and an ineffective opposition.

Thank God for gated communities and the 2nd Amendment, if things get too bad the humans can always regroup and fortify themselves.

Anyway, Japan is to be admired for their racial harmony when so much of the rest of the world is swimming in mud.

>> No.7544548
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I love that copypasta.

>> No.7544554
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Enjoy your blanda-upp, multikult fags.

>> No.7544559

I'm not your "child" you worthless ape, you should look up at the trees for that. Why should words ever be wasted on a n‎ig‎ge‎r or a n‎ig‎ge‎r-lover? They are incapable of intelligence. I'm posting to other humans, not your species.

>> No.7544570
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>> No.7544580

I'm telling moot on all of you!

>> No.7544584

>Japs suck they are racist xenophobic fags.
>My country is being overrun by brown fuckers!

Don't deny you're the same person.

>> No.7544587

The worst he can do is delete us in the same fashion as /new/ then we go back to /a/ spamming Touhou

>> No.7544590

Hahaha. Oh. Wow.

>> No.7544597
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>> No.7544602

I remember when I was a kid I wanted to change my skin color so the kids wouldn't beat my ass every day.

>> No.7544608

quoted for truth, it's the same reason why he orders the mods not to clean up /b/, like girlwhale that tried to delete ED, it's all about $$, not about lulz

>> No.7544609

Oh yeah, because I'm sure everyone will expect me to be white... This was in Washington state. And it was by hicks.

>> No.7544616

I'm sorry to hear that.
What skin color/country where you?

>> No.7544619

Rednecks in Washington don't play. I remember when those Russian rednecks killed that gay teenager some years back now...

>> No.7544621

You're welcome.

>> No.7544630

Russians also does a good job of protecting their people and their heritage, certainly when compared to the shitty job the rest of Eurabia is doing.

>> No.7544641

>protecting their people and their heritage
Don't fight it. We'll all be light-brown mudbloods eventually.
I don't even see the point in protecting Russian heritage...

>> No.7544642

>protect it's people
>Russia's homicide rate
>lose every war even to Japan only saved by barbaric weather

>> No.7544646

I'm Muslim and French. Rage about your Eurabia shit which only exist in your head, you attention whore. To kick us will be way, way more difficult than trolling on the Internet's asshole aka 4chan


>> No.7544663


>> No.7544666

>I'm a mohammedan and a san‎dn‎ig‎ger

>> No.7544671

You're Islamic, and living in France. Big fucking surprise.

Enjoy the end times, when nobody works, everything gets set on fire, and nobody listens to your screams.

>> No.7544681

considering this is the /jp/ board, the argument can only be for this kind of discrimination. femenazis and foreign media will have their way with 2D culture and give them a lot of shit by judgements based on their respective cultures. rapelay anyone?

>> No.7544682

Even in this twisted day and age, many parents in the Southern U.S. are still conscientious and wise enough to have segregated proms. There is still hope, so long as humans can band together, and protect our families from the filthy animals that want only to leech our wealth and pollute our blood.

>> No.7544692

And people wonder why America isn't great anymore.

>> No.7544705

The West is already doomed.

Case in point:

tldr: Jewish congressman and Mexican congressman are "teaming up", basically the deal is the Mexicans will vote pro-Israel on everything and in return the Jews will vote pro-immigration. A bunch of non-Americans promoting non-American interests. This is the true face of multiculturalism.

I would say Russia is probably white people's only hope. Of course, their nationalists don't like anyone who isn't a Slav, so good luck with that.

>> No.7544706
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Because virutally the entire nation has embraced race-mixing and faggotry.

>> No.7544713

If you are a nationalist, you are a racial nationalist. The ENTIRE CONCEPT of nation's is built upon RACE.
A ITALIAN citizen has ITALIAN BLOOD in them with italian ancestry.
Same with the Jap's and so on.

No. Things getting "bad enough" will be the end of the white race and of civilization on this planet.

>> No.7544715

>Rage about your Eurabia shit which only exist in your head.

>600.000 muslims in Brussels.
>In my head.

Ta gueule enfoiré de sous-homme.

>> No.7544720

People are quite like dogs-- the purebreds are fucking retarded and the mongrels are the clever ones.
Have fun slowly draining your gene-pool while us mixed breed are running everything.

>> No.7544739

Gangs of non-whites fighting over the carcasses of america. That is the liberal goal.

Are you fucking stupid? Every single country and civilization ever to exist was built on "racist" and "nationalist" principles. It is ESSENTIAL to do so, that is basic reality and human nature. Further every single civilization that has fallen died due to DECADENCE and "tolerance" and all these leftist concepts which are so popular nowadays.

It is crazy that the filthy leftist trash will on one hand tell us that china is doing great because they are homogenous and patriotic and look to promote the han race first. And then at the same time ramble about "kkk white trash redneck ignorant hicks" who would dare to suggest that in a nation founded by whites for whites, we should remain white?

>> No.7544740

>I would say Russia is probably white people's only
They had half a century to be the saviors of mankind. Now they sit around in a shithole of a country propped up by mineral wealth dying of alcoholism a third of whom thinks the sun goes around the earth.

>> No.7544741

Enjoy your daughter getting gang-raped by monkeys, dumbass.

>> No.7544745



Race is not a national identity. It's actually quite well defined. There's no such thing as an American race, after all. Or English race. Or French race. Even homogeneous populations in countries like Japan aren't racially Japanese. They have unique identifiers.

Citizenship is national. Race is blood-lines.

>> No.7544747
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You can wait long. It'll never happen and you know it. What's next? I'll be killed by some nationalist heroes? Ho, ho ho ho.

>> No.7544748

>your daughter
I think it's about time for you to leave /jp/ now.

>> No.7544749


You nigger sure have skipped your biology class. Oh, but in fact you're just a troll.

Go eat a roasted banana. I'm not even mad.

>> No.7544751

Ah, a filthy mongrel.

No point ever discussing anything rational with a mongrel, do you think any of them would ever condemn themselves? Hardly.

But sometimes you can get them to admit that they lack any identity, any group to associate with, that their parents hate each other and they hate their parents. That they wish they weren't a filthy goddamn mongrel.

>> No.7544758


Un Belge me traite de sous-homme. Ta gueule :hap:

>> No.7544759

Yes, let's keep replying to this thread!

>> No.7544762

>But sometimes you can get them to admit that they lack any identity, any group to associate with, that their parents hate each other and they hate their parents.
What the fuck are you all doing in /jp/?

>> No.7544768

I agree, there's been far too many flashmobs of youths lately. I think more diversity would help with this quite a bit. A while back I went to a school that wasn't very diverse, it was very offensive. They didn't even make me go through a metal detector or search my backpack before I went inside!

>> No.7544771

Actually, independent/asian-white.

>> No.7544776
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Race-mixing = Africanization of Human civilizations

>> No.7544781

I go to a public school that's less than a fifth white and it's one of the best in the country.

Deal with it.

>> No.7544784

Jewish communist bolsheviks were "saviors of humankind" ?

Citizenship is by BLOOD you fucking retard.

RACIAL and ETHNIC identity trumps civic identity any day of the week. It's not "culture" which makes you english or german, it's blood. It's race, it's ancestry and heritage.

You'll die filthy invader.

>> No.7544787

At least they know how to live without relying on buttons.

>> No.7544789

You're still a ni‎g‎ge‎r.

>> No.7544795

Beaver dens are better constructed than these monkey huts.

>> No.7544799

If you like misusing terms, then feel free to.

>> No.7544800

Why must you all be shitposters?
Why can't all of you get out of /jp/?

>> No.7544803

Because east asians are intensely butthurt with each another... this is shown by their various 'national races' (when they are just one big han colony)

>> No.7544809

>RACIAL and ETHNIC identity trumps civic identity any day of the week. It's not "culture" which makes you english or german, it's blood. It's race, it's ancestry and heritage.
It's hilarious because Germany didn't even exist until the nineteenth century and the modern German people are a huge clusterfuck of mixed early European tribes.

>Jewish communist bolsheviks were "saviors of humankind" ?
Your reading comprehension blows chunks.

>> No.7544811

That's not very nice of you to say. If you were more educated and open minded, you'd see how diverse they are, and how such diversity leads to a stable and peaceful lifestyle. I wish America could be that diverse.

>> No.7544814

Oh, but I'm not.

You're really obsessed over this whole nigger thing.

You're probably a nigger yourself.

>> No.7544817

Liberals believe the savage is wonderful because he lives in touch with nature.

>public school
>best in country
Must have been 80% gook, huh?

>> No.7544822

>Must have been 80% gook, huh?
Close. Not quite there, though.

>> No.7544826

>germany didn't exist
the NATION germany didn't exist, but the PEOPLE of german blood who spoke german language have existed for thousands of years.

All those english classes teaching you psycho-analysis have really paid off, you are SPOT ON!

>> No.7544829

Have people not seen countries like india. There are people who instead of working just stand around and form flash mobs. This happens in African countries too. They complain how their country is shit but they don't even work.

>> No.7544839

Oh i forgot, 60% jewish, 30% gook, and 10 % leftist whites from leftist states?

India is a intensely racial stratified country. That's what the whole caste thing is all about. It is different peoples living amongst each other. And natural, it's a fucking disaster.

There is a reason why china is so far ahead of india even though 50 years ago they were about "even"

>> No.7544840

Being an ecofag =/= Despising assisted basement-dwellers

>> No.7544843

Ni‎g‎ge‎r-lover, mohammedan, sandni‎g‎ge‎r, it's all the same pernicious trash dragging all civilizations down the toilet.

In fact ni‎g‎ge‎r-lovers/race-mixers are even more harmful than regular ni‎g‎ge‎rs, they are the bearers of the taint and the advocates of ruin. They would the first ones to get rope+tree/lamppost.

>> No.7544844

/jp/ - Stormfront General

>> No.7544851
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>Mesopotamia - Multicultural
>Egyptian Empire - Multicultural
>Roman Empire - Multicultural
>American EmpireYou know it. - Multicultural
Also, the Medieval Europeans were the poorest at the time while Islamic and Chinese territories thrived and preserved Roman ideals that developing Europeans nations took advantage of after the crusades. Before they disregarded most of it as trash.

I don't really think ethnicity has much to do with culture. I think it's more about environment.

>> No.7544856

Stormfront is for pussies, they ban you for saying ni‎g‎ge‎r because the owner is selling out to the hebs. Real racially conscientious people browse Va‎ngua‎rd Ne‎w‎s N‎etwo‎rk For‎um‎s.

>> No.7544857

The people from who the modern Germans are descended also count modern French, British, Danish, Swedish, and Czech among their descendants. A ethnic map of the year 200 AD corresponds fuck-all badly with modern nation-states.

>who spoke german language
Well that's a CIVIC identification, you moron.

>> No.7544859

It is my opinion that, the nigger lovers are not the worst. In fact most of them are just victims of being raised with no identity, no pride, no honor and no spirituality.

But the liberal, the liberal who knowingly advocates their nation wrecking ideology, who knowingly associates with the marxist jew.

Every single one of them deserve death.

>> No.7544863

>marxist jew
So.... jews are both marxist AND shamelessly money-hungry?

>> No.7544866

How will society continue to function once you've executed half the population? Historically, such precipitous drops in population have almost inevitably led to collapse and barbarian invasion.

>> No.7544875
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Nobody likes americans.

Also, which zionist jew would you fuck?

>> No.7544877

Half of the population are not liberals. Naturally women who are still fertile will be excluded, they are women and know not what they do.

It will take some blood to fertilize the soil of our nation so that we can continue to prosper and grow. This whole lowest common denominator approach to society and schooling and economics is an obvious failure.

>> No.7544878

>Also, the Medieval Europeans were the poorest at the time while Islamic

well you see the illiterate arab camel fuckers conquered most of the roman empire, persia and parts of india... next they islamize it and call it ''islamic civilization''

>> No.7544880

And they continue to use the "Eurabia" term which was invented by a Jew. Don't be offended, those 'racists' are not dangerous. Let them bark.

>> No.7544886

Yes, they should all be part of the greater german Reich.

The idea anywhere was "multi-cultural" before say 60 years ago is pure fantasy.

Further arguing in terms of "culture" misses the point. It's RACE which is important, it's race which leads to culture.

>> No.7544888

Your cute Roman Empire itself stole most of its knowledge from Etruscans and Middle East countries, retard.

>> No.7544892

Arent you asian?

>> No.7544898

Your cute little Caliphate stole most of its knowledge from Greeks, Romans, Persians and Hindus, retard

>> No.7544904


>> No.7544907

So when you said
>It's not "culture" which makes you english or german, it's blood.

You actually meant they were the same thing, yes? Normally when people refer to Germany they refer to it as we know it today. Very few people actually use the word "German" to denote all of western, northern, and central Europe.

>The idea anywhere was "multi-cultural" before say 60 years ago is pure fantasy.
The idea that anywhere was monocultural before 1600 is significantly more idiotic.

>> No.7544911

>Implying this knowledge belonged to anyone before
>Implying you're Greek, Roman, Persian or Hindu

>> No.7544912

Japan is garbage

>> No.7544916

We all love TEPCO.

>> No.7544917

Buttmad minority

>> No.7544918


now the trolling is getting too obvious, sage and goodnight

>> No.7544921
File: 143 KB, 777x800, 1308782810055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Germanic hoards from the North toppled it. Why didn't they take advantage of the intact system that could support their development?
Because that's not what hoards do.
When you think hard enough about it, Europe didn't have anything close to a true civilization while imperial nations were formed South. That's why The Renaissance is so important. It's the time period when the collective information from the rest of world came to the White Lands.

>> No.7544957

>Mesopotamia - Multicultural
>Egyptian Empire - Multicultural
>Roman Empire - Multicultural
>American Empire - Multicultural

What is (was, for the usa) the common denominator of all those countries? You do NOT fuck with autority, which is held by a specific ethnic group. Now when your niggerish tribes are making a huge mess you blame yourself for not taking theIr cocks deep enough in your ass. Back there you just send the army and crucify them all until they shut up.

PS: USA and roman empire were racist as fuck you filthy liberal marxist jew nigger.

>> No.7544963

The word you are looking for is "horde." A hoard does not invade. It just sort of sits there.

Unless it's on a train.
