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7538624 No.7538624 [Reply] [Original]

So which Ar Tonelico is the best one?
The second?

>> No.7538629


>> No.7538633


>> No.7538636

Qoga was shit worst music worst, characters, worst everything, except graphics...

>> No.7538640
File: 47 KB, 375x523, Funbun T-Shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7538642

Give me a fucking break you joker. Three is the best. It has the best protagonist, it is the best written, the gameplay is the least shitty, it has the best heroines, etc.

It is the epitome of Ar Tonelico.

>> No.7538646
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Well, let's see...

1 has Misha
2 Has Cocona and Jacqli

Haven't played three, so 2 is I guess.

>> No.7538657

3 was pretty bad compared.

>> No.7538661

Well, 1 had the best Reyvateil (Misha) but 2 had the cutest love interest (Cynthia). It's a tough decision, really.

>> No.7538664
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Seems everyone agrees that 1 isn't the best.

Therefore the shittiest.

>> No.7538671

1 just had the worst 3rd Reyvateil. The first time I played through I honestly didn't think it could get worse than Aurica, but then the 3rd one came along.

Also, Lyner was a tremendously ignorant jackass.

>> No.7538673

Reason MIsha exist.
Why bother with Aurica or Shurelia when you have Misha.

>> No.7538683
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But it had Misha, the best heroine in all of the games. Shurelia is nice if you like tacked on character traits and are a lolicon.

Also Aurica>Clohe>Luca

>> No.7538686

Maybe I can't see the greatness of 2 because the shitty "localisation" ruined the experience, but I think 1 is better.

Cynthia is cute though.

>> No.7538693

Cloche at least has more than enough reasons to behave the way she does and is actually a good heroine.

>> No.7538701

Don't get me wrong, out of all the heroines I easily like Misha the most, but still. Aurica and Shurelia were bad, really bad. Also, you have to suffer through Lyner's incredibly dense and dumbass lines.

>> No.7538703

Everyone hates Luca because of that one scene where she admits she has been using you. if not for that she would be more liked than Cloche.

>> No.7538706


Not sure why anybody would care about other heroines.

>> No.7538707

Cloche is a nice and kind girl trapped in a shitty role with one big dream of an utopia.

>> No.7538713

Because we are not all pedophiles.

The Luca haters are so amusing though, they are the poster children for entitled aspies that do nothing but complain. Luca was a realistic person if a little deceptive but she developed into a very good person. Cloche was destroying society and families, no matter how bad she felt for it she was still far more harmful than Luca. Morality is in the results of actions rather than intentions. Cloche had good intentions but horrifying results, Luca never effected anything at all even if she was kinda a bitch.

>> No.7538717

Wait, so making a Persona thread will get you redirected to /v/ and /a/, but when someone makes an Ar Tonelico thead it's a-OK?

>> No.7538721

AT is /jp/-related, there's even a general.
Because it's a VN with really shallow gameplay, even has routes and endings for the girls.

>> No.7538722

I started AT1 with Misha's route (fuck yeah lolis) and was pleased at my ability to discern the best heroine with just one try. After that, I played AT2 and went with Luca, thinking to myself "childhood friend, yeah, this will be good again!". Oh, the rage, I tell you. The rage.

That being said, both Luca and Cloche are shit.

>> No.7538730

I won't argue with you on that, but Persona is pretty much just text, text, text and working on relationships with several characters, with a battle system thrown in.

>> No.7538729
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Cool shit taste

>> No.7538725

AT is a galge and is even on vndb.

>> No.7538724

>Morality is in the results of actions rather than intentions.

Either way, I'm sure there are plenty of people that just plain don't like Luca, I disliked her even before finding out she had been using the protagonist.

>> No.7538728
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>not liking Cocona

Can't someone just like Cocona for her character/long relationship with MC without being a lolicon?

I hate it when people pull the "pedophile" card.

Though, if you were just personally attacking the tripfag (out of general dislike) then carry on.

Have some Luca.

>> No.7538734

Aurica is only good deep within her Cosmosphere. I'll admit, I actually like her there. But at every other moment she is well nigh intolerable.

>> No.7538735

Persona is just a mainstream RPG though. It is not a galge. You do not have endings with heroines. The girls have very very shallow interaction with you.

>> No.7538738

Mainstream? Seriously?
Sure, it's not a galge or eroge or even a VN, but it's no Final Fantasy.

>> No.7538740

Persona 4 sold over 300,000 copies in the US alone. I would consider that a pretty mainstream JRPG. Especially compared to the sales of Ar Tonelico.

>> No.7538742
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>> No.7538746

I don't associate selling figures with mainstream status. Sure, a lot of people have played it, but that doesn't mean it was a generic JRPG like FF. I wasn't saying it's not well-known, I was saying it's inventive, for a JRPG that is.

>> No.7538747


>it's no Final Fantasy

IIRC there's another Persona animu coming out soon. This time it's actually based on one of the games.

>> No.7538758

>I don't associate selling figures with mainstream status. Sure, a lot of people have played it
>I wasn't saying it's not well-known, I was saying it's inventive
but being mainstream is about popularity, not originality or lack thereof

>> No.7538771

I meant mainstream in the sense of how it compares to other JRPG's. Not in the sense of how well they are known.
I agree I kind of messed up there.

>IIRC there's another Persona animu coming out soon. This time it's actually based on one of the games.
Yes, I think it airs somewhere after summer. The Persona franchise is getting more and more popular in Japan.

>> No.7538773
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2 is best cuz it has delicious Mir end...

>> No.7538776

Every mir-related romance event is forced and feels unnatural as fuck.

>> No.7538787

I bet you enjoy forced homosexual intercourse via the rear entry.

>> No.7538790

you just jelly of mai waifu's strong character and appealing exterior...

>> No.7538792
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I'm not supposed to laugh.

>> No.7538801

But it's true, the romantic aspect is NEVER developed and the jump it makes from acquaintances tolovers is too big to be believable.

>> No.7538803

I have never played these games, but after researching them, I'd like to give them a try.

Problem is, I'm European, and the first game was only released in France and Italy for some reason. I can hunt the other two down, but is it a bad idea to not play the first game and just start with the second? What kind of a sequels are they?

>> No.7538805
File: 74 KB, 800x560, Mir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mir, so good.

>> No.7538813

IF you have a half-decent pc you can emulate the first.
Also the stories are all set in the same universe, but on different zones, while the individual plot is not that linked between 1 and 2 you should kinda play it for the overall developments. The first game also introduces a lot of the concepts unique to the setting, so it might be good as an introduction.

>> No.7538814

You can skip 1 is you can't find it 2 has only minor ties to the first in form of two characters but you can read their story on a wiki. Basically 2 is set in a way that you can jump straight into it without knowledge of the first.

>> No.7538817

You may miss a few in references but I don't think AT1 is all that necessary as long as you read up what a reyvateil is. Also why not just use the torrents posted in the general thread and emulate it on your PC?

>> No.7538827

I'm not sure my PC can handle that. I can hardly play gamecube on it. But I suppose I'll give it a try. If it doesn't work I'll just read up on the first game and start playing from 2 on.

Also, could you give me the link to the general thread?

>> No.7538840

The general thread is >>7521217
Filled with spoilers so don't read pass the info posts.

What are your specs? Any core2duo and a GPU made after 2005 should work.

>> No.7538852

2 > 1 = 3

Also, Jakuri is best girl.

>> No.7538888

2 > 1 = 3

Shitframe tier: Shitframe
God tier: Ar_Ru = Cocona = Jakkuri > Tilia = Shurelia = Frelia
High tier: * >

>> No.7538902

I liked 2 the most because the whole setting of Metalfass was(to me) better then the other two. I liked the whole religion based on building and achieving a paradise theme. Also Jakuri...

>> No.7538924

My, my. Don't you sound like a typical normalfag. And to believe one has to be a pedo to simply like loli? Let's just ignore inherent quality, and all the goodness the loli character in question has because of morality over 2D, right?
