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File: 513 KB, 1006x757, crimzonheart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7537687 No.7537687 [Reply] [Original]

How do I dodge this shit? If Touhou is like going through the rain without getting wet, this is like going through a gale without getting hit by air.

>> No.7537689

spam your breaks and bombs

>> No.7537688

Bomb spam.

>> No.7537692

>If Touhou is like going through the rain without getting wet
You gotta be particle man.

>> No.7537698
File: 656 KB, 480x638, 1309022358307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It could be worse.

>> No.7537702

move out of the way before the bullet hits you

>> No.7537703

wtf man

>> No.7537704

keep trying watch some videos and practice modo

>> No.7537707

Oh what, I can't even look directly at that.

It looks like a bullshit version of that koishi card.

>> No.7537709

Welcome to real shmups, OP.

>> No.7537719

Is there fix for getting an SF4 TE stick to work properly with this game? I played it when it came out, but I could never figure out how to get it working right. When I would press a button to shoot the laser or something, my ship would stop moving.

Also the game wouldn't run in full screen for me.

>> No.7537735

I do, but they don't charge very quickly against the TLB because it's hard to lock on to it. I could have done a lot better on this run if not for the stupid death after the stage 2 boss from beneath part in stage 5, but I'm proud that I managed to beat the stage 5 midboss no-miss for the first time.

>> No.7537758

I just use xpadder for games like that typically instead of actually hoping they're programmed well enough for joystick support.

>> No.7537777

That's daifukkatsu, you're supposed to reflect those bullets.

>> No.7537790

....Are the rectangles the hitboxes for the bullets? Even knowing that much, that shit is like looking into infinity.

>> No.7537813

what game is this from?

>> No.7537821

Jesus christ.

>> No.7537876
File: 48 KB, 329x262, 1298263823494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't actually hyper away those bullets, at least not consistently. Note the massive laser circlespam going on? Yeah.

DoDonPachi Daifukkatsu Black Label.

Of course. They're exactly like the Touhou bullets of the same shape.
It does, however, make it extremely difficult to tell where the openings are...

>> No.7537878

Babby's first shmup trolls annoy me so much, these days people play touhou for the lore and characters (and possibly the music), the solid gameplay is like a nice otaku bonus.

Even Zun himself realized that by making the next game more accessible to a different audience, he's just a geek who happened to be a talented hobby composer and character designer.
Touhou haters probably don't even play shmups and are just jealous from the man's success, trying to tell us what we should or should not enjoy.
Crimzom clover is obviously a better game than touhou, so was a lot of stuff back in 2004, but that never stopped the series from being fun.

>> No.7537905

>can't hyper those bullets

>> No.7537930

Who was hating on Touhou?

>> No.7537936

Well, you can't really do that against Zatsuza at any rate...

>> No.7537942

I think I want to play this game.

I'm yet to play any non touhou schmups, which touhou game would you say it has difficulty most comparable to?

>> No.7537966

2-ALL'ing, especially with Zatsuza, is rather considerably harder than any Touhou game. Even UFO Lunatic.

However, DFK 1.5 is kinda easy, what with the autobombing and all.

>> No.7537975

Guess I'm in for a tough ride then, thanks.

I don't care about actually doing well or anything, I just need to play something that isn't touhou for a while so I can get rid of my bad habits.

>> No.7538083

Zatusza final attack strategy is even easier honestly. All you do is turn Hyper on and off a bunch so the bullets are constantly being cancelled

Sure, reaching him is a challenge, but that final attack is basically "Did you reach me with enough hypers/lives to win?"

>> No.7538091

Ah, I see. Oh DFK, you and your always fun hypers...

In similar news, apparently you can actually time out Hibachi in Resurrection. So my plans of getting an arbitrary number of points by chaining hypers on his final attack are ruined...

>> No.7538113

Also realize that nearly every arcade shooter makes you extract blood from a stone for extends. That significantly ups the difficulty alone.

>> No.7538132
File: 221 KB, 800x719, 3447630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not always true, especially with Cave games. I am not even a very good player and I can hit the first, and sometimes second score extends on many Cave games.

The first extend is usually pretty easy to get once you have a general idea of what is going on with the scoring system. Second extend usually comes pretty easily once your skill improves enough to get to like stage 4 and 5.

Also, Cave games usually have hidden 1-up items. Sometimes they are lol easy (Espgaluda) and then sometimes they are "who the fuck came up with this BS" (Espgaluda 2, coincidentally)

But yeah if we're talking older arcade games, like Toaplan and Psikyo stuff...

>> No.7538165

Daifukkatsu is pretty much Cave's worst game. It's like they were trying to make a euroshmup.

>> No.7538177

How do you get that stage 3 1up in Espgaluda? I've never been able to make it appear based on the descriptions.

>> No.7538194


This is a genius idea and you know it. There are a few games like this too, lives are in form of your character losing clothes.

>> No.7538205
File: 470 KB, 584x700, Shoot1UP_BoxArt_girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this euroshmup looks like an eroshmup at first glance

>> No.7538253

Their games are pretty friendly. The lack of BS was striking the first time I played DDP.

>> No.7539353

Oh god.

Gotta love dem Euroshmups...

>> No.7540076

Giga Wang Generations got hacked, and so did some other games no one cares about.

>> No.7540087

When he's underwater does he get wet
or does the water get him, instead?

Nobody knows; Particle Man.

>> No.7540106
File: 170 KB, 444x278, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White Ren !YLuFFdRcFQ

>> No.7540118

Play simple mode.

>> No.7540127

Particle Man is a jerk, even Triangle Man hates him.

They both fight, Triangle wins. Triangle Man.

>> No.7540327

I liked it better when he was called Doctor Worm.

>> No.7541133

is this the current shump thread
