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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 665 KB, 1024x768, CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7535015 No.7535015 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone Remember Loyalty From back in Beta?
Well, Apparently they have been hard at work constructing themselves a private server. Skeptical i asked some questions and what i found out is.

The guy making it
Who he works for: CCP (EVE Online Owners)
Completion: 80%
What its being called: Loy/a/lty Break

I do believe my body is ready.

>> No.7535030

I can already see everyone moving to it and CS going bankrupt.

>> No.7535033

Someone give this man a cookie.

Cookies aside, i wonder if there will be custom made bots?

>> No.7535042

I'll never stop reporting.

>> No.7535046

Your arbitrary capitalization really bothers me.

That aside,

>> No.7535049

Never say /a/ never do good things.

>> No.7535052


Chances are it will make the game just like the beta, no RT.

>> No.7535058

Fuck, close this thread. They must not know.

>> No.7535060

Enjoy your van.

>> No.7535061

It would be a lot of fun if there was a 1UC - 1RT conversion for the sake of laughing at the garapon.

>> No.7535073

>Who he works for: CCP (EVE Online Owners)
This will look really funny, losing a job over something so stupid.

>> No.7535074

And then Jewstep forces the private server closure.

>> No.7535087

>Who he works for: CCP (EVE Online Owners)

I hope you enjoy your $50 accessories.

>> No.7535092

>Completion: 80%
>tell everyone anyways
What is even the point then?

>> No.7535099
File: 37 KB, 150x150, 6f68e1af-s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7535141

I can guarantee that this is 100% bullshit. I used to be in Loyalty and hang in their vent daily. Such a thing doesn't exist(unfortunately).

>> No.7535164

Loyalty member here. CB private server? Soma never told me anything about this


>> No.7535175

Well, the obvious reaction would be to deny it based on the severity of the situation. One one hand op probably just cost the guy his job, and the other Jewstep will probably get wind of this now.

>> No.7535180

Get the english patched version, soma bringer is one of your favorite ds games, and it was never released here.

>> No.7535186

>implying they could get anything 80% done

>> No.7535220

I suppose the quickest way to check the credibility of this would to ask the person in question.

>> No.7535246

Some people are not smart enough to realize that this is a joke and the quickest way to make them shut up and go away.

>> No.7535251

Welcome to the botnet.

In more ways than one.

>> No.7535264

There's always room for one more at the top.

>> No.7535293
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>> No.7535319

git repo fucking where
I won't believe it until I see some code

>> No.7535344
File: 170 KB, 800x600, 12193440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anal buttmad

>> No.7535435

Well, judging by the quick denial and CCP's reputation within the past week... I would say we could see it sometime soon.

>> No.7535460
File: 61 KB, 665x481, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so butthurt right now, someone post a lot of butthurt.jpg images.

>> No.7535477

sup hellcat

>> No.7535543

I don't understand any of the things you people are talking about.

>> No.7535885
File: 54 KB, 400x565, HEEERES CS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Server? What's this about a server?

Are you guys being silly?

>> No.7535919

Oh man, thanks a bunch.

>> No.7536064

sage for shit

>> No.7536078


>> No.7536284
File: 112 KB, 1102x801, everythingisbroken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7536339

Trolling is trolltastic.

(CCP recently fucked u really hardcore, got caught lying their asses off to their playerbase, this is probably related to that.)
