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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 175 KB, 768x1024, IMG_0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7534068 No.7534068 [Reply] [Original]

Do female otaku/hikkis get ostracized as much as male ones?

>> No.7534071


>> No.7534073

Yes, because they're fay and deformed. Otherwise, men would be throwing cash at them.

>> No.7534075

not pictured: kuso looking face

>> No.7534078

Fucking Fay bitches. Always getting me lost on my way to my room.

>> No.7534082

Do they exist?

>> No.7534085
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>fem /jp/

>> No.7534086
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This looks kind of shoped

Yes, come around /cgl/, /a/ or /y/. That's their territory.

>> No.7534087

>toilet paper on the floor
she really does shit on the floor

>> No.7534089

How does one ostracize a hikki?

>> No.7534090

/u/ too

>> No.7534091

Shun them from the message board they visit?

>> No.7534093

Nice black shimapan, OP. Where can I buy some?

>> No.7534095

Someone had to take that picture.
She's just a slut pretending to be one of us.

>> No.7534097

That position is also incredibly unnatural, no way she sits with the chair like that and it was probably just to show her back

>> No.7534104
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It's a man with a shopped waistline.
But a nice one.

>> No.7534105

i dunno, sometimes i sit in retarded ways for no good reason. wouldn't be surprised if other people did it too.

>> No.7534117

Belonging to the hivemind is more important to females than to males, so they should have it at least as bad.

>> No.7534132


>toilet paper on the floor

Means she has a boyfriend, you use it to wipe off the cum.

>> No.7534144

you'd know that, wouldnt you

>> No.7534159

>you use it to wipe off the cum
Except, you know, males are plenty capable of producing cum that has to be wiped off all by themselves.

>> No.7534160

I cum on the floor and never wipe it off.

>> No.7534162

except, you know, she's a girl

>> No.7534166
File: 105 KB, 576x800, Kirino schlick 02..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I call /cgl/ over again for some education?

>> No.7534170

Except you don't have to be a girl to know that toilet paper is used to wipe off cum.

>> No.7534172

except that's not what toiletpaper is for

>> No.7534208

Girls use toilet paper to wipe up when they masturbate without underwear on, thus not getting them wet so they can continue wearing them.

>> No.7534221


>> No.7534232


>Flared nostrils
>Sniffing her fingers
>Turns me off man

>> No.7534237
File: 485 KB, 1000x1000, schlickschlickschlickschlick .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this then?

>> No.7534248


Thats better, I don't know why they tried to avoid the subject of whether Kirino faps or not.

>> No.7534293

>Kirino faps
this is about as retarded as women calling each other "bro"

>> No.7534299

>female otaku/hikkis

No such thing. Just ugly fatties.

>> No.7534307


Considering that she's into lolicon and incest and openly loves eroges and H-manga, I would say she faps.

>> No.7534315

When girls do it, it's called "schlicking"

>> No.7534321
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>ostracized for sitting at home and doing nothing

>> No.7534323

That's called being a housewife

>> No.7534324



No one likes that forced shit terminology, it sounds terrible when said casually and you can't even use it sexually, so it eliminates both possible uses of it.

>> No.7534330

I agree, terrible word. Everyone faps.

>> No.7534336
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>> No.7534341

"fapping" is a "forced shit terminology" that comes from the sound of beating one's meat, women can't. So if you're against retarded slang, you shouldn't use that either.

>> No.7534345

>>7534324 No one likes that forced shit terminology
>I don't know where any of those words come from

>> No.7534350


Actually fapping caught on because it fit, it rolled off the tongue well and it could be used casually. Some chick decided "WE NEED A NAME FOR FEMALE MASTURBATION" and thought of schlick which didn't catch on, which doesn't roll well, sounds awkward as fuck when said casually and is all around, a shitty word.

>> No.7534351
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oooo honto ne?

>> No.7534356

Thanks for the cool history lesson, but it doesn't change the fact that it's retarded saying a woman does it.

>> No.7534359


What would you prefer I said? "I wonder if Kirino buffs her muffin?"

>> No.7534361

>>7534350 rolled off the tongue

>> No.7534367
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>> No.7534368

I don't really care what you use as long as you don't make yourself look ignorant because of using it.
Next thing I know you'll be defending women who use bro because "it fits and rolls off the tongue"

>> No.7534372

I once saw a girl saying "girl-fap".

>> No.7534373
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Yes because that totally makes sense.

>> No.7534382
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e zettaini

>> No.7534384

Autists with no self control general.

>> No.7534385
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>> No.7534390

>I use it ironically XD
just get out

>> No.7534395

Irony hurts so much. Maybe you should follow your own advice.

>> No.7534396


I'd prefer if you called it "I wonder if she caress her frontal pocket of love".

>> No.7534398

>Trying to seriously argue about Internet nomenclature.

>> No.7534401


That's fairly hot actually.

>> No.7534405

You can reply ironically as much as you want, but you are defending women using a term originated from a male-only sound effect, which is literally the same as using bro for females. I'm just waiting till you start coming up with sexist accuses and the sort.

>> No.7534406

Females use it for similar purposes. Sometimes when you masturbate you might get some juices on your chair or mouse or so, and of course you want to wipe your hands afterwards.

>> No.7534418

Males got everything harder, but I'm OK with this. We can handle it.

So glad I wasn't born female.

>> No.7534424

I'm not that guy.
But it doesn't really matter where it originates from. Half of the words in modern language meant something different in the past and nobody gives a fuck.

'Fap' now is just an internet/4chan synonym to 'masturbate'.

>> No.7534436


That's not me, don't be surprised when i'm not the only one who thinks you're too butthurt about me using "fap".

>> No.7534443

>>7534424 Half of the words
Are you even trying?

>> No.7534450

I love it when people use "butthurt" as retort because they've run out of arguments.

>> No.7534454

Are you?

>> No.7534456
File: 244 KB, 1280x720, 1308408802190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Use fap to refer to a woman
>Person becomes insanely offended for some reason
>Not butthurt

I've already destroyed your argument, now all that's left is to rub salt in your wounds.

>> No.7534458
File: 57 KB, 424x248, 1308822460056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learned in this thread more about women then in my whole life.

>> No.7534461

I'm glad we agree you have the intellect of a twelve years-old

>> No.7534468


Should try to repost that with a response tag, and better grammar so I can piss you off properly.

>> No.7534473

Fuck off, prescriptivist scum.

>> No.7534474

I'm not the one making up shit on the spot.

>> No.7534475


>> No.7534487

Says the one so anxious to win an internet argument he resorts to butthurt macros
I'm not the one who started using words because their friends were using it and then trying to justify it with "lol popular usage makes me not a retarded sheep you butthurt u mad", maybe you should think about who's really offended here.

>> No.7534492

It's called hyperbole, but autists can't understand this.

>> No.7534493

I hope that one day, all of you look back on this argument and feel very silly about it.

>> No.7534496

>I'm not the one who started using words because their friends were using it
You're retarded. That's how memes and neologisms are created and "fap" is one of such words.

>> No.7534517

One you (or that guy if you're another guy) used wrongly, and are incredibly sore when called out about it. I don't really care if there are many retards who use it wrongly, it still doesn't make it any less stupid.
But of course not, popular usage makes everything right! Macs are awesome computers, everyone's using them.

>> No.7534523


True, but you forgot "That's how words are created" period. Life is all about imitating and refining what others have done.

>> No.7534526


More like amused you took it on as an issue. Who's the sore one?

>> No.7534530

Here we go again.
>popular usage makes everything right
Yes it does, over time. That's how human language worketh. But It's only the words we are talking about, not the objective things\events.

>Macs are awesome computers, everyone's using them
But everyone's using PC.

>> No.7534533

>Macs are awesome computers
>Macs are computers
But macs are _not_ computers.

>> No.7534534
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Not the guy you were talking to.

Unfortunately words are not Macs. If it's convenient to use and a lot of people use it, it becomes legit, no matter how retarded from a linguistic point of view.

>> No.7534537

I keep replying because of your hilariously desperate defense after my first casual reply, if just replying is synonymous with butthurt for you I have no trouble seeing how you'd resort to image macros to self-declare victory in an argument.

>> No.7534541

So much autism. And yes "female otaku" get ostracized more, because they are usually either yaoi obsessed hambeasts who try to molest and kidnap people at conventions, or they come here and try to make themselves feel special by pointing out their vagina. I'm sure there are some okay ones, but they're still 3DPD, and they probably don't know how pure being otaku can be. maybe someone does ;_;

>> No.7534547

You guys are telling me that schlick never caught on? Since when? I've always liked that word, though I admit my pronunciation sort of ignores the c so it just sounds like shlick. As such, I've always thought it rolled off the tongue rather nicely.

>> No.7534555
File: 354 KB, 352x288, 1306307877752.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with the second part of your statement. They get ostracized because of their gender. Mind you, though, not because they're female, but because they project their gender to others. To me it's the same as a male "otaku" who brags about fucking bitches and going out with his homeboys while still watching animu. I can only guess the females (that is, the ones who don't project their gender) in this board are annoyed by those people as well.

>> No.7534561


>Get extremely offended about being told he was "butthurt"
>Use butthurt after complaining about it the whole thread.

Stay classy, kid.

>> No.7534562

It doesn't matter if 'schlick' and 'fap' roll off the tongue or not, because they are not words that should be said in real life by any of us.

>> No.7534565

>they come here and try to make themselves feel special by pointing out their vagina

How often do male anons talk about their dicks or make their maleness known? Though the "hey /board/, femanon here" posts are usually blatant trolls so that isn't helping any.

>> No.7534576

This thread hasn't devolved into any "I'm a girl teehee worship me" horseshit yet it's still just as shitty.

>> No.7534578

You missed the part where I was talking about what the other guy said. You know, indirect quotes? You seem to be big on linguistics, that shouldn't have been that hard.
I'm not the one constantly saying the other party is offended and butthurt at every occasion. Because, you know, that's what you've been saying.

>> No.7534584

Why don't we all just call is masturbating?

>> No.7534590
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Oh you guys are so damned sad. Is you self esteem that low as to argue over what sounds a woman makes when she masturbates? Calling each other names and egging one another on like it's kindergarten?

>> No.7534595

Get out female, we are busy being manchildren here.

>> No.7534600

Too bad bitch. This is a predominately male site. Get the fuck out if you don't like it. Yeah, we point out our male appendage quite a lot here but you......you just jump into any ol' thread and begin blasting, "I'm a girl!!!! Look my boobs!! Look I have a vagina!! Look at me!!!!! Hey, hey, hey!!!! Look!!!!"

You are not special. Shut up.

>> No.7534603


Well, when something is blatantly attention whoring, that's when people have an issue. When femanons on here mention their gender as an afterthought, specifically to have a story make sense than it's a bit more acceptable. Men don't have to go "Don't hit on me silly girls!~" because it's just assumed that we're all men. Women are also like 40% of the population, but most of the female no-lifers are just way better at hiding it then we are.

>> No.7534604

>that feel when you suddenly recognize female anon's by the way they are writing

>> No.7534609

Not a woman. There are none on the internet but I will say this...

I think the reason we argue over such mundane, trivial things is because.....we've all been here for so long that we've run out of things to say or talk about. We now just stir shit up for the sake of it. Just to get some feedback and know......know that this all means something.

>> No.7534612

That's deep man.

>> No.7534614

That word it terrible, it sounds german.

>> No.7534615
File: 306 KB, 600x600, 34bce37a10919a85a3c3994fd6b4b31a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks I'm a girl
Jokes on you bub. No girls on the internet, summer friend.

>> No.7534619

Seagull here. Of course OP; it is more or less the same with females as it is with males. Where is the difference, fags?

>> No.7534620


>You are no imagining a giant hairy germanic woman, screaming schlick at you along with other violent german words, while she sodomizes herself with a spiked horse dildo.

>> No.7534623

Stop insulting my language, retard.

>> No.7534626


You imagined it, didn't you?

>> No.7534628
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>that feel when someone posts about their feel when their feel that they're feeling is unfounded and based on shallow, quick ignorant thinking.

>> No.7534630

Stupid idiots. Everyone knows.

There's no such thing as girls.

>> No.7534633

Still, stop insulting my language.

>> No.7534634

It's impossible for women to have genuine interests. Any woman claiming they have an interest in anything is faking it for attention. Therefore, female otaku/hikkis don't exist.

>> No.7534644

But then aren't they genuinely interested in getting attention?

>> No.7534645
File: 33 KB, 450x636, yawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if one day... there will be a 4chan without 4chan sexism.

I am not telling anyone here to worship females and/or pity them and/or treat them better than males. But they are here, everywhere, and you probably already discussed bondage fetishes and games with them, without knowing about their gender. Just don't give a fuck about it and deal with the fact that there are women on the internet. I don't mean you, 90% trolls, I mean you, 10% that really believe there aren't women here.

>> No.7534649

Or the ones that genuinely believe stuff like >>7534634.

>> No.7534651

When people don't make threads like this one, when we aren't even aware of the subject, that's when there isn't any sexism.

>> No.7534653

Yeah those too, thanks.

>> No.7534656
File: 19 KB, 200x200, 1305864914825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feel when you fapped to OP's pic because of her wide delicious hips and panties.

>> No.7534658

I can live with that......just stop that thinking that having a vagina makes you special and makes you endowed with special privileges and rights. It's not THAT great. Most vaginae are, in fact, disgusting. That's why I love 2D and not 3DPD. 2D vaginae are so inviting and pleasant to behold whereas a 3D vagina (a real one. Not some airbrushed, photoshopped Playboy junk) is riddled with unpleasantness.

Like stated earlier, you are not special.

>> No.7534659


>> No.7534662
File: 70 KB, 489x480, bawww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>113 posts and 20 image replies omitted

>> No.7534666


Man with all the on-topic threads getting saged or dumped on, I wonder why people flock to safe threads.

>> No.7534667

I never said that I found myself special in any way. I said
>don't treat them better than males
because I don't think the gender is something that defines a person.
That said, I find 3D vaginas disgusting, too.

>> No.7534679 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7534681

Why would you clean up with toilet paper or anything at all? You're disgusting anyway and nobody's going to see or smell you. Cleaning up is way too much of a bother.

>> No.7534686

More comfortable that way.

>> No.7534690


Typical weekend /jp/er.

>> No.7534695

I take it that you've never seen a real loli vagina. Get out of /jp/.

>> No.7534696

>Do female otaku/hikkis get ostracized as much as male ones?


>> No.7534871

"look at me i'm such a nerd xD"

>> No.7535611
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>> No.7535727

I'm female, and I don't really get ostracized for what I like (nobody knows i like hentai and eroge). and I'm not fat, my bmi is 22.

>> No.7535738

I'd fuck her. I don't care if she's a NEET or not. I'm beyond that sort of thing. The Fuck Singularity.

>> No.7535764

You know I belive you, what I can't believe is that all otakus are fat and such, most of us probably are not /fit/ but that doesn't mean that we are all lazy fatties. My bmi is 23 and it never went further than that, also I'm well groomed and shower every freakin day. Fuck those stereotypes

>> No.7535768

In other words, you're a normal.

>> No.7535771
File: 43 KB, 339x326, 1307715846150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stop coming to /jp/ for just a few days and I see this.
>Do female otaku/hikkis
>126 posts and 22 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
I'm done with you retards, bye.

>> No.7535774

But being underweight is a stereotype for otakus and hikkis

>> No.7535776

girls are sluts who only deserved to be enslaved and raped until their minds break

it's that simple

>> No.7535778

Good riddance.

>> No.7535780

We don't need people who can't take it easy.
Report/hide and move on.

>> No.7535782

Shit like this is on most boards go fuck yourself. Its no /jp/ related but what the fuck are we supposed to do?

>> No.7535783
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>> No.7535784


>> No.7535788

those stereotypes are dumb, but are very old and seem to be believed by the nerd/otaku community itself... it's weird, because if you go to a convention, you see plenty of handsome and pretty otaku all over the place. and not all otaku are NEET, plenty of them have regular and even kinda cool jobs.

>> No.7535791


>Report/hide and move on.

>> No.7535795

This shit thread has gone on for way too long.

And your penis doesn't look or smell like a rose either.

>> No.7535796


Point taken, but the BMI is not a good example of weight. According to it, Brad Pitt is overweight.

My opinion is that girls are way more ostracized because it's more unacceptable for girl's to be otaku. I've seen alot of young women cosplay and it's not that awkward, so I wonder what the line is.

>> No.7535798

I haven't even held hands with a girl my entire life.

>> No.7535800

I sleep with my junk coated in fresh rose petals every night to give it a one of a kind aroma.

>> No.7535806


those are normals

if you think they are attractive and they have a normal life, then they are normals who are trying to be hipster by liking something that is ridiculed by mainstream society

the people who dedicate themselves completely to otaku culture ultimately have no time or desire to work out or acquire skills and jobs, so they are not attractive and blah blah blah

good try though

>> No.7535827

you don't need to be that extreme to actually love something.
I can manage my everyday life (college, work, gym) and still enjoy my animes, magas, japanese classes. I think its all about balancing stuff.

>> No.7535829
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Holy shit BMI 19.4

I still feel ugly on the inside though.

>> No.7535834

I'd like to rape that lying slut on OPs picture, impregnate her while punching her liar face, as i cum i deliver a big uppercut to her jaw, breaking her teeth and some molars. then rip little pieces of skin of her ass until she says ''thank you for impregnating me''. i proceed to kill off her family in front of her, lastly i knock her out, bring the little slut to my basement and fuck her brains out for 7 days, at day 8 i execute the cumdumpster and smear her guts all over my wall smelling the smell of victory.

don't mind me i'm just giving this thread a better purpose (as a blogthread which is a little less shitty).

>> No.7535840


yeah, being able to enjoy your hobbies and still having a life is called BEING NORMAL

otakus are not normal, they are obsessed with things and are not able to prioritize which ultimately excludes them from the rest of functioning society, that is why they are looked down upon

that's the entire point

you cannot look normal, act normal, and still be an otaku, it defies the very definition of "otaku"

>> No.7535842

ugly on the inside? like you are not getting enough nutrients?

>> No.7535863

Attractive-looking people who hang around with ugly looking nerds are usually either nice people (really?) or (more believably) just have a need to feel superior.

In the regular everyday world, they are just the norm, but when they stand next to some fat smelly loser, they feel like a star.

You should be careful of the good-looking folk in anime conventions, they have deep psychological problems of wanting to be a big fish in a small pond.

>> No.7535866

This. Unfortunately, people seem to think "otaku" means "I like japanese stuff" instead of "I obsess over my hobbies"

>> No.7535870
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You just jelly that you can't do all of this at the same time, while other people can.

>> No.7535871

Know what? You are right, it's just that I had a different definition for otaku in my mind. But according to your definition (and of many others) Kirino from ore no imouto isn't an otaku, because you know she has a normal life and stuff, am I right?

>> No.7535875

faster than me>>7535871
also I forgot to mention most of the folks on Genshiken

>> No.7535878 [SPOILER] 
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Thread Faggotized

>> No.7535881


Not true, how do you pay for the obsession, the figs? the body pillows. Otaku work to fund their obsession, an Otaku just implies a certain obsession that goes beyond normal. The Japanese don't even use Otaku the way you used it.

>> No.7535882



>> No.7535888

They are leeches live off their parents you dick-faggot

>> No.7535891

Every western calling himself "Otaku" seriously is a fucking retard.

>> No.7535897



>> No.7535898

/r/ chubby fujoshis schlicking

>> No.7535900

are you a weeaboo or something?

>> No.7535901
File: 1.08 MB, 300x255, 1303268115880.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You never occasionally think that eating is horrible? You've tasted a lot of different things and if you try hard enough you can just recall the flavors and aromas.

Putting stuff in your mouth and chewing it up until it becomes paste, then swallowing it and letting your stomach grind it up and slosh it around, mixing it with hydrochloric acid to help it become ... something disgusting.

No thanks. I wish I could live off of sunlight.

>> No.7535907



>> No.7535917

I would argue even more so.

>> No.7535918

Ahh now I understand, you know I can relate to that specially when it comes to food that was cooked, you know it doesn't really feel natural, it is somewhat disgusting, but I can't help it I need to eat =/
I'd love to be able to feed on sunlight, let's work on that

>> No.7535926

I hate when I repeat the same expression on the same sentence.... "you know"

>> No.7535930

I go to sleep and wake up twice and this thread is still on page 1. TAKE IT TO FUCKING /B/, /V/, OR /A/.

>> No.7535945

Go back to sleep.

>> No.7535946



Because you're a fag.

>> No.7535947

Living on sunlight sounds pretty good to me. At least it'd spare me my IBS

>> No.7535950


this is now my fetish

>> No.7536363

Girls. Are. Rapesluts.

All they want to do is "fest it up" all the time.

What the hell does that even mean?

>> No.7536365

>Old things get replaced and new ones enter, it is the way of the world.

>> No.7536368

>tell her real girls are bitches and whores.

>> No.7536383

Anyone else just wear panties when on their computer?
