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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7532550 No.7532550 [Reply] [Original]

why does /jp/ play korean mmos when they hate koreans

>> No.7532565

/jp/ is tsundere

>> No.7532562


>> No.7532619
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i always tell them they should be playing games made by americans.

>> No.7532633

I don't know what to play. I am bored.

>> No.7532637

I've seen japanese people playing korean MMOs so why not?

>> No.7532649

did huk really win dreamhack

how did idra react to this, i thought he couldn't beat him in a real game

>> No.7532655

1- There is no such thing, /jp/ doesn't hate korea

2- look at step 3

3- ops I lied theres no step 3

4- whalecum to summer /jp/

>> No.7532669

/jp/ doesn't hate Koreans. Nationalist Japanese do and /jp/ mocks that because they're pretty much the same thing.

>> No.7532680
File: 9 KB, 319x211, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idra got eliminated by mc during a match to go to the quarter finals. he beat fox.moon 3-2 and took out july. idra isn't even relevant anymore.

>> No.7532687

Newfriends or Koreans? You decide.

>> No.7532686


>> No.7532694
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so how did huk managed his way into finals and who did he beat?


>> No.7532699

This. Also, Korea hates Japan but most of Japan is completely indifferent to Korea.

>> No.7532701

>most of Japan is completely indifferent to Korea.
I like your double standards.

>> No.7532704

>using the term newfriends

Go back here >>>/b/ with your kind.

>> No.7532705


forgot to add the links, but in the previous post. huk even beat idra in this homestory cup today too. afterwards he got eliminated by someone named tarson in the losers bracket.

>> No.7532709

>/jp/ siding with the japanese
>/jp/ taking the korean vs japanese conflict seriously

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.7532718
File: 21 KB, 290x290, distractionkimchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7532730

so this means we wont play RO together?

>> No.7532728

kimchi is actually very addicting once you get used to it.

>> No.7532735


>> No.7532762

Can the koreans kindly fuck off?

>> No.7532769
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LOOOOOl nub lern2 play a REAL challenging MMO that takes pro skillz to beat someone like TERA and AION. pfft

>> No.7532776

Why do Koreans play an American game like Starcraft?

>> No.7532781

Doesn't really matter. A single korean can beat all the white boys in 1 tournament.

>> No.7532789

anyone else feel sc2 should be allowed on /jp/? sion and hotglue get to spam whatever shit game they're playing. why can't people talking about a good game? blizzard is basically otaku related.

>> No.7532807

no, get out corean scum

>> No.7532815

please stop with the hate and name calling.

>> No.7532817

I don't think it's gonna work out since it has nothing to do with japan though. (not sure *citation needed*)

>> No.7532825

then every korean mmos should be banned

>> No.7532831

japanese play sc2, but they're very shitty at games which require skill so they've got no international presence in sc2 competition. what does korean, american, and russian mmos have to do with japan? japs are awful are mmos too.

>> No.7532833

Oh shit Emotion Eric, I've forgotten about him.

>> No.7532837

Each with his own I guess since not being able to discuss it here don't stop me from enjoying those MMOs.

>> No.7532848

The japanese loves games with heavy grindfest. It's a mysterious way to find any satisfaction in their pathetic lives.

>> No.7532878

You mean Korean MMOs?

>> No.7533002

why do koreans imitate japan if they hate it so much?

>> No.7533025

>why do japan imitate america if they hate it so much?
>why do x country imitate y country if they hate it so much?
it's not like you're even trying

>> No.7533041


>enjoying certain american fads = copying them in the same manner as korea imitates japan

it's like you are not even trying

>> No.7533374

copying = imitating

hur derp
