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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 76 KB, 512x512, 1275549925593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7532349 No.7532349 [Reply] [Original]

is using emotes is not permitted in /jp/ >.<?
is it against some kind of norm?

if so can you tell my why you enforce this norms on others? :3

pic tangentially related

>> No.7532351

Just get out.

>> No.7532354

It's distracting and annoying.

>> No.7532357
File: 141 KB, 1275x718, ah_oheh_hoohey_hah_he_hoh_hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it sure as HELL is xD
it doesn't matter once everyones filtered you tho

>> No.7532359

Japanese emoticons only.

>> No.7532361

y u do this OP.

Their autistic minds wont take it, it will just explode. So goes the saying - don't add fuel to the fire.

>> No.7532372

We have ONE recognized emoticon, and if you don't know it, you should just get out now.

>> No.7532378

Well fuck you sir. ( ´_ゝ`)

>> No.7532379

/jp/ believes every post should be written like an application letter...

>> No.7532384

◕ ◡ ◕ < OP is a faggot

Faggier than ME

>> No.7532388

More like an essay. Grats /jp/, you so pro! xD

>> No.7532389

/jp/ is full of autism, if you want to post here using emoticons there's no point

>> No.7532399

Whats going on in this thread? ( ^_^)/

>> No.7532402

Probably highly influenced by daily dose of playing VNs.

>> No.7532409

>( ^_^)/

Nice try, that's an asian emote, not 2ch/japanese.

Kindly get the fuck out.

>> No.7532410
File: 189 KB, 370x370, I hate you so much.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called reaction images. Use them.

>> No.7532418

=) hey guise what's goin on in this thread? :x

>> No.7532414

( ´_ゝ`) ・・・

>> No.7532430

Ironic shitposting isn't so ironic during summer. ;_;

>> No.7532435
File: 149 KB, 486x280, toilet_PART_HARD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels like HELL =__=

>> No.7532436

yes i agree anyway japanese emoticons is MUCH more cuter (≧ロ≦)

um ok i think i get my questions answered alraedy

sorry for the problem I had cause you m(_ _)m

Cheers! ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ )

>> No.7532453

Because no matter what you're saying, adding an emotion in anywhere ( : ))) ) makes you look childish xD, unconvincing and irritating. :PPP

>> No.7532475

But typing as if you were writing an application letter to boost further your ego image will just make you look pretentious and irritating also.

>> No.7532502

/jp/ is just irrational and likes to be elitist, anything they can do to single out others such as not using caps, emotes, reaction pics, etc. They can use these kind of things to justify being better than others.

/jp/ is just human.

>> No.7532505

Point made.

>> No.7532506

Okay, I laughed.

>> No.7532509

( ・∀・) Gramps, how was the internet before emoticons?
( ´ω`) A lot less annoying and I didn't have a face.
( ・∀・) What? There was no >mfw? That's the best kind of threads!

>> No.7532513

if you're chatting with someone and smile then why can't you add the smiley? you're trying to make it look worse than it is by repeating parts of the emote. if your argument is so refined why over exaggerate. :3

>> No.7532514


You can just type normally though...Don't add the ego or the emoticons, I mean it's not that hard.

>> No.7532523
File: 57 KB, 481x349, 2011-06-26_031654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come at me bro.

>> No.7532536

/jp/ uses a ton of reaction images, avatars, emoticons, and memes. sadly some of the residents are so autistic they use them without realizing as they're complaining about them.

>marisa image macro
>popular /jp/ meme
>complain about greentext
>are you mad yet >:3

>> No.7532583

>/jp/ believes every post should be written like an application letter...

Yes, and this makes /jp/ better than the other boards. Take your lazy, disgraceful attitude elsewhere you stupid piece of shit.

/jp/ memes and reaction images are only used ironically xD

>> No.7532606

The majority of /jp/ likes to think themselves as pro closet I-know-everything-about-nippon.

Some even go further into tricking their own self by pretending to be a NEET because it makes them so kakkoii - just like in Japan! ^_^
