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7532048 No.7532048 [Reply] [Original]

did you always get picked last at gym /jp/?

>> No.7532053

I went to an all black school and they thought i couldn't play basketball. I was in the best, though, since i had something to prove. So yes in the beginning no when people knew me.

>> No.7532056
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Always third to the last one picked

>> No.7532066

That feel when having to dance in gym class and you are picked last every time.

>> No.7532064 [DELETED] 
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>implying I went to school

>> No.7532069

I didn't participate in gym because of social anxiety issues.
This thread has been reported.

>> No.7532073

>stretches that require a partner
Oh Japan, you're so good at alienating your loners and pariahs.

>> No.7532074

>that feel when your entire school life you have the same gyme teacher and he's a lazy alcoholic who doesn't care what you do so i would go to sleep during gym and get A+ but then i dropped out of high school so it really didn't matter

>> No.7532077

>reporting threads you don't like
i seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.7532079

who gives a shit reported

>> No.7532086

no 1 cares

>> No.7532092

that feel when others who might get picked last also feel your anxiety so you all feel at the same time

>> No.7532093

I was 2nd to last one time because I never talked at all but damn did I outrun every person on that field whenever we played touch football so that I was always picked high the other times we did anything

>> No.7532101


Take your greentext back to /a/

>> No.7532106

Japan has piranhas?

>> No.7532111

oh fuck i read that wrong

>> No.7532116

The worst thing was forming groups of five when you only have two friends. This usually ended in having each of us join another group of four people, seeing as we could never find two people to join OUR group.

>> No.7532120

>that feel when no 1 cares about your rant

>> No.7532125

teaming up with the gym teacher

>> No.7532126

That feel when you blocked out and/or forgot all memory of your youth and can't even answer the OP's question.

>> No.7532129

oh my god ahahahaha

you have my sympathy anon.

>> No.7532134


Get the fuck out.

>> No.7532150

That was the worst thing ever.

>> No.7532154

My gym teacher didn't do any of those stuff you guys mentioned, he was sensitive and cool so he would form teams himself.

You guys had a shitty gym teacher.

>> No.7532155

I sat out most of the time. The teacher didn't seem to give a shit.

>> No.7532157

I was always good at sport things so I was never picked last. That doesn't mean I wasn't the quiet guy who talked weird, though.

>> No.7532158

But then, as you lay in bed one night, a memory of doing something stupid in your youth enters your head

>> No.7532178

i don't know that feel

>> No.7532179

Damn it OK now I remember being in like 5th grade and the girls would tease me all the time. Like they would open and close their legs and lift up their skirts (Catholic gradeschool so it was uniforms) and then giggle and laugh and stuff when I got all embarassed.

Stupid girls; I just wanted to be left alone. Stupid Anon making me remember stuff.

>> No.7532181

I am black and I got to sit out a lot due to asthma. I've been told I'm a fast runner.

>> No.7532183

Why didn't anyone just leave us alone? I'd think not talking to anyone and listening to music in class would give out the message, but NoOoOoOoOoOOOooO

>> No.7532184

what are you doing on //jp/

>> No.7532185

no. top 3 depending on who the person picking was better friends with.

>> No.7532186


Same here. I actually had fun in gym in high school. When everyone's working up a sweat on the field, no one gives a shit about what someone's hobbies are or what kind of personality they have.

>> No.7532193
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How cute.

>> No.7532196

Is there a reason I wouldn't or shouldn't be here?

>> No.7532200

They probably found the tone you use to emphasize words to be obnoxious.

>> No.7532208

That was actually a first. I don't even know why I did that.
I was trying to impress ZUN!bar

>> No.7532229
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cuz im skinny as HELL
>picking the black guys first
you win this round...PUNK =__=

>> No.7532625

Shouldn't you be rapping, playing basketball, or collecting welfare?

>> No.7532652

lol kuso-neggro got picked last cuz of her ugly as HELL hairy mole xD

>> No.7532702

I dreaded the locker rooms more OP. The boys came up with a stupid game where they would randomly pick a guy and then all beat him with several punches and kicks, as well as many other kinds of annoying bullshit like suddenly pulling down someone's underwear.

>> No.7532703

I was somehow more fit than the other kids, even though all I did was bike around. I pulled off some moves and power plays in my time.

>> No.7532707

Sounds pretty homoerotic

>> No.7532711

I didn't show up until the day I dropped out and had to get the teacher's signature.

>> No.7532712

No. I got my ass grabbed a couple of times though. I was scared.

>> No.7532727

After it appeared I got hit in the balls several times when in fact I wasn't and was completely unphased, yes.

>> No.7532732

Only with soccer because I was the only guy not playing that outside of school.

I was good at the other sports.

>> No.7532763

I really don't enjoy much American music, I still have a hard time breathing when I do anything physical, and I think my family is pretty well off so I won't be collecting wellfare any time soon.
