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7525791 No.7525791 [Reply] [Original]

Dear god...

>> No.7525805

You forgot >/jp/

>> No.7525813

The next page obviously reveals that he's kidding around. Everybody has at least a couple friends.

>> No.7525818

I have 64 friends on facebook.

>> No.7525817

No, that's not what happens. If that was real life he would have just kept playing. No one would have talked to him in the first place. Fucking bullshit unrealistic story.

>> No.7525820


I don't.

>> No.7525821


Not even the most pathetic of losers lack friends.
And they're all creepy and pathetic just like the one.

>> No.7525825

He has literally one, his little sister/partner.
The rest are cock-craving sluts and Tsukiyo.

>> No.7525827

TWGOK is an absolutely perfect deconstruction of the harem genre with no flaws whatsoever that will never be topped

>> No.7525830


>> No.7525837

Sadly, I agree with your sarcastic post. It has been getting kind of stale, as of late, but I blame Shiori.

Two. Hakua isn't a conquest, and therefore cannot be grouped in with the harem. Forever in limbo.

>> No.7525841

That sounds like a run of the mill troll post except it's actually true.

I just wish it was released faster.

>> No.7525844

There are way too many posts in this thread.

>> No.7525852

Haqua end means they aren't friends, and it's the only possible end since the sister is firmly in the friend zone and the other girls are just bitches on the side he had to conquer.

>> No.7525855

>but I blame Shiori.
Shirori should have never been a goddess. She's tenri 0.5, two hajideres is one too much.

>> No.7525860

I wish it was released faster and more happened in each go. The difference between early and later chapters is that early chapters were dynamic, whereas lately, everything has slowed to a crawl. I do like that Hakua has shown up more often as his buddy, though. Always liked her better than Elsie.

>> No.7525862

So what would be the acceptable number of posts for a thread like this according to the /jp/ handbook?

>> No.7525865

Everybody does, Elsie is mascot garbage to lure in the normalfag little Japanese girls.

>> No.7525867

Early chapters had always the risk of the manga being cancelled, some of them felt even rushed, especially what would be the most important arcs.
6-7 chapters as the standard per capture would have been better.

>> No.7525881

Elsie is at least funny sometimes, Hakua is generic tsundere trash.

>> No.7525883

Also, anime >>> manga.

>> No.7525894

Yeah, earlier chapters felt rushed. And Keima felt less awesome when he was ordered around by Elsie.

>> No.7525899

I like varying opinions, really. I think it's good that people feel differently about different things. Some of the early chapters were a bit rushed, but they also avoided what we have seen in the latest Shiori experience: a whole bunch of pages of nothing really happening. We've already been through Shiori's head, once. She's not very interesting.

I don't think Elsie is bad, like you do, but I don't think she's been explored enough to be viable this late in the comic. He could've expanded her personality, but obviously chose not to.

Hakua hater, you are just wrong. Sorry. Even if she doesn't get to do that much, Hakua works as a partner for Keima better, because tension between the two of them and embarrassing repercussions for aiding in Keima's tasks beats Elsie being dumb. Most of the time, at least.

My biggest disappointment is that Keima hasn't had to face a girl that doesn't fit within a measurable archetype, or in his prior experience. Seeing as we're at the goddess arc, there probably won't be any new girls, though. The manga will probably wrap up with this.

>> No.7525920
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>> No.7525926

Elsie is a good partner for Keima because she always does what she was told to do. Haqua has the gall to question him which can lead to some very bad mistakes on her part (like her and booby-devil getting captured by Vintage).

I still like Haqua more. Guess tsunderes are my weak point.

>> No.7525929
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I dropped this shit for being too boring. The first few arcs are okay, but later they are just shit. I skipped ahead to the goddess stuff and that sucks aswell. Haqua is an awful generic tsundere crap character, Elsie is stuck as a mascot and while more likable than Haqua, she's still pretty meh. She's no Puck.

plus I hate amnesia

>> No.7525937

This, the first few chapters were gold, but then they had to try to "keep the reader in" I would of stayed in just fine if they wouldn't have added all that goddess bullcrap and making the idol girl so prevalent. Oh well though.

>> No.7525946
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>> No.7525945

The thing is, that, too, is part of Keima's plan, in a roundabout way. It let him find out the scope of Vintage's efforts. Plus, it shows that Hakua is not just a stuck up bitch. She actually sort of cared about Useless Moe.

I like Elsie and Hakua. I think Hakua just works better for Keima and makes his encounters more dynamic. They're both good, just different tastes.

ADHD reaction-face /a/-kun, you should try reading it instead of just skipping to the parts with lots of action.

>> No.7525957

>ADHD reaction-face /a/-kun, you should try reading it instead of just skipping to the parts with lots of action.
No need to get angry because you like a shit manga. Every character is straight out of every pure love eroge so it's not like they are interesting or anything you haven't seen a hundred times before.

>> No.7525959

Why does White Ren have such shitty taste?

>> No.7525960

The latest chapters lack... Keima's trademark stoicism and superiority. Too much wavering. I think that's what's missing about his own self.

Goddess arc only happened in earnest about 80 chapters in. Probably more. If you weren't hooked in 80 chapters, then how the hell can you call them "early chapters?"

>> No.7525961


>> No.7525969

They're not straight out of, they're a mockery of. That's sort of the point of the series. If you don't like that, then it's perfectly understandable. No need to pretend that I'm angry so that you can avoid being called what you are~


>> No.7525995
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>White Ren !YLuFFdRcFQ

>> No.7526006

>They're not straight out of, they're a mockery of.
The girls are not the parody, the act of pursuing them using eroge pick up tactics is. They are all boring cliches, a handful were well executed like Chihiro and the martial arts girl, still nothing new.
>If you don't like that, then it's perfectly understandable.
and this couldn't have been your first response because?
>No need to pretend that I'm angry
oh, because you were angry

>> No.7526011
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>> No.7526014
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>> No.7526024

She's not even my favorite Sky Bitch! Silly.

>I like varying opinions, really. I think it's good that people feel differently about different things.

It was my first response~ I'm obviously so angry that I preempted your diatribe by several posts~

>The girls are not the parody, the act of pursuing them using eroge pick up tactics is.

As are the girls themselves. They've been a parody since the beginning. It didn't just start at some later point.

>> No.7526030

Perhaps you should look up the definition for "mockery" before you spout nonsense.

>> No.7526053

Dictionaries are for FAGS.

>> No.7526097
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anime version

>> No.7527976

That picture reminds me of this one time I was sitting in class, in the back corner, alone as usual, and some guy walked up to me and said, "Hey, I've seen you around, you look pretty cool. What's your name?"

I just stared. What was I supposed to say? When someone does something like that what is there to do? Ten seconds passed. "Hello?" he said. I kept staring. Then he walked away.

What a fucking wacko.

>> No.7527994

That's the point where you introduce yourself.
Granted, that's a fucked up conversation starter.

>> No.7527996
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... i seriously hope you weren't that lame.

>> No.7528016

whats the name of that anime again?

>> No.7528020

>What was I supposed to say?
Your name, probably.

>> No.7528024

Not that guy but, who was lamer? What kind of guy starts a conversation with a loner with the line "you look pretty cool"?

>> No.7528045

The only way you could possibly think Hakua end would be good is because too much shounen anime and manga brainwashed you into considering a generic tsundere a natural romantic interest.
But then again, the reason I don't like it is because it's so goddamn cliche - it's not like ANY of the characters so far is particularly interesting. The anime makes them less dull, but still the only one I actually liked was Ayumi(well, I guess Elsie too, but I like Elsie because she's funny and puppy-cute, not moe).

>> No.7528088

Do you have a better suggestion?
"You look like you have no friends?"?

>> No.7528099

Try the simpler approach of "I'd like to get to know you".

>> No.7528104

Even that sounds odd, why the hell would someone want to get to know the described anon? At least kindguy attempted to give some reasoning to his bizzare behavior.

That said, it was probably dripping with sarcasm that autism afflicted /jp/er was unable to detect.

>> No.7528123

Yes, now that you mention it; sarcasm was central in "You look pretty cool". I'd hate to be the victim of that remark.

>> No.7528238


I just hate when that happens, but for some reason people keep talking to me, probalby because I'm usually smiling like an idiot. People always ask me why I'm so happy. I don't really realize when I'm doing it so it takes me off guard. If I don't have a good reason I'll just say something like "Oh, jesus, fucking sorry?" or "Oh, ok, I won't smile again" or something, just to tease them for asking something so weird

When I am DEEP in fucking thought though, I kinda stare out into space and lose myself. No clue what I even look like when I'm doing that. My girlfriend hates it.

>> No.7528311

I know that feel bro
