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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7524551 No.7524551 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, where 50% of the posts are saged and 99% percent of replies to threads are 'YOU STUPID SHITHEAD MY FAVORITE VN IS BETTER THAN THIS I HATE YOU'

/v/ is better than you. You should be ashamed

>> No.7524555

You forgot to post that in >>7524520

>> No.7524557

No argumens here, amen.

>> No.7524558

So go back to /v/.

>> No.7524559

Misato > Shit > Rei > Asuka

Stealth sage.

>> No.7524560

Enjoy your 500 million League of Legends threads then.

>> No.7524561


No, I meant to post it in a new thread. I think you misunderstand my intentions.

>> No.7524572

Pay no heed to this thread /jp/, just another /v/irgin buttmad that Cirno was the get. I don't care about that shit, but you people really are pathetic.

Business as usual.

>> No.7524574

If /v/ is so great maybe you should go there instead.

>> No.7524580


>> No.7524581

I think /v/ is better too. Especially the trap threads and off-topics. There is certain people posting on /jp/ that make it a worthwhile board to read. Sadly there is less and less of these people.

>> No.7524583

It's more like 25%, with another 25% being nokosages.

>> No.7524600

This is coming from /v/, where 50% of replies are not even board related, 25% of replies are console wars/pc trolls and the last 25% is reposts e.g "xxxx general", Morrowind etc.

/v/ is the perfect example of unrestrained 15 year olds running around shitting on each other. The only boards /v/ is better than are /b/ and /soc/.

>> No.7524609


"/jp/ is the perfect example of unrestrained nolifes running around shitting on each other. The only boards /jp/ is better than are /b/ and /soc/.

Fixed. Also, saged for piss poor trolling.

>> No.7524617
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>> No.7524640

Oh, that explains it. /jp/ hate from /v/ is so 2010, they had finally calmed down and realized our superiority.

>> No.7524653

I think I got mad mostly because he still doesn't understand how sage works.

>> No.7524674

You're naive if you think that anywhere even close to 99% of /jp/ replies are even nominally board-related.
