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File: 502 KB, 1151x1652, sakuya loves....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7513741 No.7513741 [Reply] [Original]

So if Sakuya can stop time...

Why didnt she just stop time and cut Reimu's throat when she attacked the mansion?

>> No.7513747

1. Because she didn't want to be a murderer.
2. Even if she did it wouldn't work, Reimu cheats.

>> No.7513775

Rules of Danmaku prohibit killing.

>> No.7513844
File: 580 KB, 960x1280, 98c607071f2379f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not ladylike to murder your opponents with an unfair advantage. Sakuya is a perfect maid and upholds her honor, so I sure she respects the grace and elegance of a fair fight and would not battle her opponent any other way.

>> No.7513855
File: 92 KB, 431x272, 1284492934603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if Yuyuko can make people die...

Why didn't she make Reimu die?

Other than the techical Kenshiro answer of course.

>> No.7513865

Screw the rules!

>> No.7513889

Spell Card system

>> No.7513896

Yukari gaps you into the poisonous outside.

>> No.7513902

I think Yuyuko can't death note people in the Netherworld, because their being technically counts classifies them as deceased.

>> No.7513906

The entire point of the spellcard rules is to prevent people form going godmode.

>> No.7513926

*because their being there technically classifies them as already dead.

>> No.7513930

There are so many flat out broken powers in Gensokyo it's impossible to debate about.

>> No.7513975

I always interpreted each touhou's powers to be dependent upon danmaku.

Sakuya can stop time and fire danmaku

Yuyucow's butterfly danmaku can kill you

Kogasa's danmaku can suprise you

Nue's danmaku can be made visually ambiguous

Cap'n Mursasa's danmaku can sink ships


>> No.7513994

Other way around, danmaku is the expression and application of the powers.
See: the fighting games, side materials.

>> No.7514037

source, source, source!

>> No.7514095

Whats the point of playing by the rules if your life is on the line?

>> No.7514099

The point of the rules is so your life isn't on the line.

>> No.7514105

I was under the impression that the rules were in place so your life WOULDN'T be on the line, but what do I know, I'm just a bloated floating corpse.

>> No.7514111


bump, same question

>> No.7514117

Da rules make it so losing doesn't end in death.

>> No.7514120

Girls understand that death is something you can't undo, even in Gensokyo.

>> No.7514130
File: 118 KB, 708x568, 1307108710376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but it's not that much of an inconvenience.

>> No.7514140
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>> No.7514143
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>> No.7514147
File: 208 KB, 832x1190, koumakyou_former_part_039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the flood control limit actually shorter if you're not saging?

>> No.7514149

Yes. It is 30 seconds without sage, 1 minute with sageru.

>> No.7514150

So the first one to break the rules wins?

>> No.7514153

As much as that's true for boxing, yes.

>> No.7514154
File: 165 KB, 825x1192, koumakyou_former_part_066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How annoying.

>> No.7514156
File: 251 KB, 707x1000, 17128296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck nailing the exact circumstances to avoid turning into an anonymous blob to be herded around by Youmu forever.

>> No.7514157
File: 168 KB, 810x1190, koumakyou_former_part_067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7514164
File: 248 KB, 822x1191, koumakyou_former_part_068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7514174
File: 227 KB, 812x1182, koumakyou_former_part_069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's where it actually starts becoming thread relevant.

>> No.7514178
File: 234 KB, 825x1195, koumakyou_former_part_070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Sakuya's lost it.

>> No.7514179

Reimu was a little too Mary Sue in this one tbh.

>> No.7514188

You reminded me of this. Most of you have probably seen it before already but whatever.


>> No.7514186

Before EoSD the battles had nothing from going over the life-death edge, however, no death was specified, and even the classic ragged clothes portrait would show afterwards.

The spellcard rules were applied after the youkai complained that they were scared to fight Reimu since A. She could whoop them badly and B. If a really powerful being suddenly appeared and killed Reimu, Gensokyo would go poof.

Now a touhou's ability can only be applied as danmaku in battle, hence Yuyuko's death-symbolizing butterflies, Okuu's danmaku suns, Cirno's ice, etc.

>> No.7514184
File: 186 KB, 830x1189, koumakyou_former_part_071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A common side effect of being absolutely invincible.

>> No.7514190
File: 174 KB, 831x1192, koumakyou_former_part_072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7514199
File: 209 KB, 826x1192, koumakyou_former_part_073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you: cheating.

>> No.7514201

Whaddaya mean ''too'' Mary Sue?

She could be as Mary Sue as she could want to, all she has to do is break her pact of never using Fantasy Heaven in a real battle.

>> No.7514203
File: 186 KB, 830x1187, koumakyou_former_part_076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7514209

Reimu you bitch

>> No.7514211
File: 228 KB, 830x1192, koumakyou_former_part_077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7514217
File: 139 KB, 1638x1182, koumakyou_former_part_078-079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7514228
File: 546 KB, 900x900, cc2eabca1d3106c90bc31adc31042581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes me wonder what exactly happens when a boss touches you and you die..

>> No.7514232

how can anyone enjoy shit like this?

>> No.7514233
File: 651 KB, 849x1200, koumakyou_former_part_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If rules govern Gensokyo, she pushes through all logic.

The earth's gravity, any sort of pressure, threats by power, hits which should be fatal, don't exist at all.

Nothing can move her.

Or, that is to say, a complete, absolute, invincible order.

And I'm done.

>> No.7514237

Some people like to read comics.

>> No.7514239

basically the main Hero never loses

>> No.7514244
File: 182 KB, 825x1191, koumakyou_former_part_082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture related.

>> No.7514249



>> No.7514260
File: 218 KB, 1000x600, 18365546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'know, out of all the things that could happen after you die, I'm mostly okay with that.

>> No.7514270

Yeah, stage six would like to have a word with you.

>> No.7514265

I don't see why people complain about being too ''invincible''.

Not only is it a trait of every main character ever, she's also one of the Touhous that has been defeated the most (if you count SWR's timeline), second only to Marisa.

>> No.7514281

While it is quite possibly canonically true, it just doesn't make for an entertaining story.

>> No.7514286

oh because vampires = blood everywhere rite? xddd

>> No.7514288
File: 236 KB, 700x800, undefined-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your pic reminds me of this one for some reason.

>> No.7514291

Yes. Half of Remilia's danmaku is blood-related.

>rite? xddd
Get the fuck out of /jp/.

>> No.7514293

The fact that the main character gets so beaten up? I don't get what you're saying.

Also, you're complaining about story in TOUHOU? Come on, don't go so low like that.

>> No.7514298

What? No, I'm talking about the story in this doujin. She's too Mary Sue in this doujin. It's silly.

>> No.7514299

I meant real blood, not blood danmaku, silly.

>> No.7514305

That's even worse.

Why are you complaining about FANON?

>> No.7514312

Tohonifun's stories are pretty hit or miss.

I liked it, though. I like most stories I read.

Yes, you did, but I didn't. You don't have to act like a fucking retard XDDDDD over it. Blood is everywhere in stage six.

Because stories aren't immune to criticism even if they are fanworks.

>> No.7514325

If you were talking about something else, then don't reply to my post as if it were a contradiction, bub.

I just noticed that your way of thinking is used a hell of a lot in these situations by most people, so unlogical.

>> No.7514329

The fuck is up with you?
He's just saying it as it is.
It sucks.
Why is this a problem?

>> No.7514342

Blood danmaku involves blood. Remilia literally throws blood at the heroine. Bloody knives, danmaku dripping blood, danmaku made entirely out of blood. You are the one who decided that none of this counts for some reason because it's danmaku related, which is good for you, but don't expect me to share in your arbitrary distinctions.

And none of that is a good excuse for you to act like a retard.

>> No.7514343

That's not ''criticism'', that's bashing the artist's point of view, and it's something that has no significant base (fanon). Criticism is based on the faults, not on what you think shouldn't happen story-wise.

>> No.7514350

>Criticism is based on the faults, not on what you think shouldn't happen story-wise.
Yeah, um, people can and do criticize plot.

>> No.7514356

i hate the good guys
also source on OP's pic

>> No.7514376 [DELETED] 

both of them were me

>> No.7514434

>bashing the artist's point of view

