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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 74 KB, 477x358, business_people_looking_96fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7507122 No.7507122 [Reply] [Original]

what's the best paid job you guys have ever landed with? we try to top each other and see how high we can get
Hiki is not a job
>posting age and other relevancy if you like
ok op start,
minimum wage cook but with good benefit. around 1k after 3 weeks

saging thread is not a job either

>> No.7507129

That feel when you've never worked a day in your life.

>> No.7507128

Mcjob for $7.25 an hour

>> No.7507130

I get paid one million dollars for every faggot I report.

Looks like I'm in luck today.

>> No.7507132

Having sex with your mom for money.

>> No.7507135

I once worked for £2 an hour, 25 hours a week

Haven't worked since. too much work!

>> No.7507141

Feels good, man.

>> No.7507142

90 Euro for a sunday nightshift working as a production helper in a plastic film factory

tax free money as long as I didn't make more than 450 Euro/mo which was good enough for a high schooler

>> No.7507143

$9.61/hr leeching from tax payers by pretending to clean a school.

>> No.7507144

Isn't this a place where being bottom of the rung is better? So shouldn't we be competing for the lowest we've ever worked for?

In any case, I'm the security guard for my house. I work for food.

>> No.7507145
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>> No.7507149

>Being fat and autistic
I hope you don't do this.

>> No.7507153

That's pitiable.

>> No.7507154
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The highest paying job I ever worked was around 1 year ago. I was doing tech support for Sprint phone's and managing customer account issues, this position brought in $12.00/hour. Quit however because of my inability to cope with social situations. In the past year I've left three jobs because of this very reason.

>> No.7507159

I don't.

>> No.7507165
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26 and never had a job

>> No.7507168

20 dollars an hour. I flung clay pidgeons so that old men could shoot at them with shotguns. The event was mainly for rich old men, only the staff drove to the gun club. Most of the rich old men came in limos or helicopters.

>> No.7507175

Had a Mc job when I was 16 to buy a gaming PC and some audiophile headphones

>> No.7507194

i'm not really working right now but i worked twice in a hotels for professionnal experience as a technical employee
, it means you fix and replace stuff (lamp, chair, table, door, faucet, shower etc) and it's actually easy once you know how to do,
this job generally offer around 1300-1500 euro
the only problem is that you must be social but it depend in which hotel you are.
you can eat for free in the hotel and everyone are likable.
3 stars hotel is fine, 4 stars is awesome.

sorry for my bad english.

>> No.7507199


If only being a fatass was a paid job

Sudo would be a millionaire

>> No.7507202

Shitposter on /jp/


>> No.7507204
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wait a minute...

>> No.7507205

24, never had a job.

>> No.7507207
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Boosting arena ratings in WoW for $150-$300 each, depending on what they wanted.

>> No.7507212

22, $44/hr


>> No.7507229

This thread has been reported to the authorities.

>> No.7507225
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I already get enough money for doing nothing to buy whatever I want.

>> No.7507230
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So do I, but I'm not fat.

>> No.7507237
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Neither am I.

>> No.7507289

i charged $60/hour for freelance design but there's so much you can't really bill for (like my inexperience/incompetence) it really worked out to about $20/hour.

but i got tired of the gaps between new work and having to play bill collector so i got a job at an agency earning $50k/year.

i'd be fucking rich if the cost of living here wasn't so high, but you can't get much design work outside major urban areas.

>> No.7507291

>I weigh 300 pounds

>> No.7507293

Sudo is so fat he shows up on Radar.

>> No.7507299

I make like a million dollars selling ground-up baby bones to rock stars.

>> No.7507302

Really? You should lose weight.

>> No.7507303

2.5k zł per month. A pretty decent job for 3rd year university student.

Also: Being on a wage rocks!
It does not help with depression but crying yourself to sleep when you can afford 3 meals a day by yourself feels so much better than when you are on your parents support.

>> No.7507313

3rd year uni student, finance intern, close to $4k a month

>> No.7507317


shit i picked the wrong career path. do you ever have to deal with the public or leave your computer?

>> No.7507320
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Masonry, work like hell most of the summer but stop working during winter and get paid by the work insurance.

>> No.7507333

No it's just calculations and programming.

Have to talk to nerdy coworkers but that's about it.

>> No.7507338

Around $14-$15 because I was getting pay more for working on New Years Eve. Worked as I a coat check.

>> No.7507339

28 years old.
Never worked a day in my life.

>> No.7507346

£140 a week in benefits, plus I get my rent paid for me.
Won't be working until they cut my benefits.
Livin' the dream

>> No.7507352

How are you getting benefits? Aren't they cracking down on things like that?

>> No.7507355

i can't get a job

they don't want me in the army because i got 6/10 in middle school exams...
and i have a driving licence...

and can't get a job at mc too

>> No.7507356


I only get £50 a week, I struggle to spend that much though.

>> No.7507368

Which area do you reside in?

>> No.7507370

Works out at about £7.50/hr.

>> No.7507376

I haven't had an official job, but I've done a lot of odd things here and there for $50 ~ $150 each time.

>> No.7507380

Assistant manager of a restaurant.

Now I'm older, have a degree, and work a more important job but it's in mental health so my pay is shit.

>> No.7507385


My job is low stress. Even though i'm salary and 'technically' work 40 hours a week I may spend as little as 15 hours of doing actual work. By 3:00 P.M. i'm done my day and probably deep in one of several naps that will occur until work starts the next day.

I work from my home, which I own. That means i'm not renting from someone, i'm not splitting with someone, i'm not living with family, and everything under my roof is MINE AND NOONE ELSE'S)

My car is paid off. It was bought new and I decided that paying it off in full after one year saved me a few thousand in interest. I'm thinking of getting a second car just so my garage won't always be empty.

My credit card purchases are always paid off monthly. My credit limit and credit score are AWESOME!

There are people that buy more gas in a week than I do in three months. On my days off I go way out of town and look for golf courses I haven't played. I buy premium grade gas just for the hell of it.

Aspie Government leeches can only dream of this level of financial independence without lifting a finger. I bet it sucks waiting for the next check.

>> No.7507384

sometimes this board scares me

>> No.7507387

In fact, they're privatising the Job Centres in the next few years, we all know they'll only care about numbers so it'll just get worse.
Aye, when you're 24+ you get £65 p/w

>> No.7507394

I hate you, Kyle. So much, so ... very very much.

>> No.7507390

Do you live on your own or with parents?
If parents, you're lucky they don't make you pay rent.

>> No.7507396

Hey, is this question for people out of college? Because I'm still studying, but I'm working with burger flipping for 7.25 an hour part time.

>> No.7507400

I've only seen this copypasta like 400 times before.

>> No.7507401

21. I receive a bit less than the minimun wage for a 20h/week job, but usually it's just 15h/week since there isn't that much to do.

>> No.7507407

fuck your shit. show me the easymodo post OH THAT'S RIGHT YOU CANT'T BECAUSE I JST WROTE IT! YOU MAD SON?

>> No.7507411

U R buttmad
butt mad butt mad
U R butt mad
spelled b u t t m a d

>> No.7507414

Library job, government employee, overpaid. Still nowhere near the $90k or whatever some of you are making.

>> No.7507417

Highest paying job was 11.68 an hour. Worked 45~ hours a week till I switched to part time. I was doing tech support.

My most fulfilling job is at Walmart, where I currently am. I never knew that work could pay the bills and fill your heart.

>> No.7507421

How hard is it to find a job that pays under the table? I don't want to be taxed or want people to know my info.

>> No.7507429
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<-This is you

protip: under the table jobs is still dirt pay.

>> No.7507431

Friend paid me $50 to come hang out with him at some sporting event. So it was about $15/hr. Plus he paid for my food.

>> No.7507439 [DELETED] 

Do all customers refer to their customers as friends and sex as a sporting event?

>> No.7507442


Baseball game. He wanted sex but I told him no. I don't think we're friends anymore but whatever.

>> No.7507448

About to start my first "regular" job in 9 days. $15 an hour.
It's at a data forensics firm. They basically bust down people's hard drives for court cases.
I was warned I might be subjected to graphic images, but I have to visually confirm and label all evidence.
I'm going to become part of the party van.
Going to feel really guilty if I bust someone who has /jp/ in their history.
The turnover rate for the position is supposedly really high as people can't handle the mental stress.

>> No.7507458

If you've ever had you a job you need to get out.

>> No.7507471

Repaired avionic and other military grade electronics for the FDF.

Paid 6000 and some euros per month for 3 months.

>> No.7507473

>The turnover rate for the position is supposedly really high as people can't handle the mental stress.
I figure it's gonna be a piece of cake for anyone who's been on the *chans since before 2007, though.

>> No.7507478


But I had to do it, I had to get some money.


>> No.7507484

You wouldn't do that to a fellow /jp/edo, right? You wouldn't do that to your only friends, the people you spend so much time with?

>> No.7507491

The mental stress of what? The pictures on the HDDs?

>> No.7507494

Well, you'd think that. But the killer is supposedly malpractice cases. You end up with thousands of images and videos of things like open knee surgery done by a doctor over 5-10 years.
It's not like it is going to be memes, reaction images and cp. It is mostly medical gore.

>> No.7507502

I worked at a social media startup as an intern, only made 700 monthly though.
Then it went under.

>> No.7507525

amazing. i'm rich compared to you sad fucks.

>> No.7507541

yet you are still poor

>> No.7507556

Dirt pay is still pay

>> No.7507657

How do you get a job like that? It sounds reasonably easy to me as I've seen a lot of gore. Would you think I'm overestimating myself? What was your interview like?

>> No.7507780

I got the job through connections. Relatives work there.
The interview was fairly harmless. Well, I've only been to the pre-screening. The real interview is coming up, but the job is basically mine.
You need to be able to work with a number of database frontends and be computer literate, but other than that it is 9-5 of watching computers automate things some days and 9-5 rummaging other days. You have to investigate everything though. Every txt file, every image, everything.
The requirements aren't very high, but you have to have an office that does it near you. Look for legal document processing.

>> No.7507796


>> No.7507976

>they don't want me in the army because i got 6/10 in middle school exams

Are you the guy from Italy? I remember a similar person from a previous thread.

>> No.7507984


>> No.7507990

Loading trucks, warehouse stocks, was 19
Made $16.00 an hour.

>> No.7508007

I keep this church on top of a mountain. I'm the only priest there, so I get all the offerings, but it's so far out of the way that there isn't much of a congregation. In all honesty, I can barely even afford to feed myself. Of course this means that I have no car, so I have to carry all my supplies up the mountain on foot (and let me tell you, 10 lbs of flour feels like a lot more than that when you've had it on your back for two hours). I'd say the worst part of the job is the attire though. I just don't have the money to get some new robes, so I'm stuck with my predecessor's. They're this gaudy red and white with detached sleeves. I don't know what that guy was thinking when he bought them.

>> No.7508008

Summer job organizing folders and cleaning up a bunch of files on a network for the company that my mother worked at when I was 16 & 17.

They paid me $10/hr, so I was certainly not complaining. I did get a cubicle to work in, though.

>> No.7508023

thats terribly cruel. School points are the worst thing first world countries have.

>> No.7508026

If you can't pass fucking middle school I hope to hell that you don't get issued a gun.
This is common sense, you third world piece of shit.

>> No.7508033

Since when do you need to be highly intelligent to be cannon fodder?

>> No.7508039

I'm 27 and make 65k.

>> No.7508040

chill out my racist little friend.
If you cant pass a year, you repeat it until you do.
To can an individual only because of a mediocre score it had in his early teen years, thats not common sense for me. People can get better when they grow up. Some people perform well in university when sucking in high school etc etc.

>> No.7508067

Software Test Engineer for Windows Media Center. 24$/hr plus all the overtime I could handle and free soft drinks.

Software Test Engineer, Realnetworks
14$/hr plus free beer every day of the week.

>> No.7508074

Well one summer I delivered leaflets, I got paid about £150 a week.
Fuck work though, can't take it easy at work.

>> No.7508075

not this copy and paste shit again.

>> No.7508081

I pulled in ~130k last year, though my base is only about 75k. I work in intelligence for the gov. Pretty sweet deal. They must never know my terrible secret though.

>> No.7508092

$130,000 usd as a software developer

>> No.7508094

Making $300k-$400k USD flipping burgers in Uganda. Living the dream, enjoy being losers forever!

>> No.7508167

seriously??? wow i always thought that type of job was horrible

>> No.7508236

Being a full time businessman... OK here are the figures...

For my cash cow company that deals with printers and printer inks, as the CEO and General Operations Manager, I pay myself Php65,000.00 monthly + Php10,000.00 bonus whenever we reach our target quota for the month and that figure does not include my dividend which usually goes for as much as Php450,000.00...

For my light gauge steel manufacturing business, I pay myself Php50,000.00 monthly as the company's Marketing Director and Public Relations Chief + 15% stocks.

I also own/co-own several restaurant franchises which bring in additional Php200,000.00 to Php350,000.00 monthly.

Then there's this "PET" company of mine which is small scale in comparison that deals with even organizing ranging from conferences to concerts... as it's General Manager, I pay myself Php20,000.00 monthly. The reason why the figure is so low is because it's a seasonal work so the company doesn't operate year round...

Last, I own an advertising agency that deals with roving ad trucks, bus ads placement and LED boards... which brings me Php300,000.00 monthly...

Now in case someone is wondering... how is it possible for a rather busy and successful individual to keep in touch and waste his time in /jp/... well, I got a dedicated smartphone for browsing 4chan... so all I have to do is pop it up or find a WiFi hotspot and I have /jp/ right in my pocket...

>> No.7508251

That's WAY WAY better than what McDo pays here in the Philippines... US$10 - 12... a day...
