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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 138 KB, 550x667, 1308514295001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7506494 No.7506494 [Reply] [Original]

Deep down all japanese wants to kill Americans because you nuked them for no reason. Knowing this must be getting in the way of being a true otaku

>> No.7506496

I'm not an otaku

>> No.7506498
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, CHILL_OUT_BRO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's bad as HELL to hold a grudge

>> No.7506500

I'm not American.

>> No.7506502

Well I'm not an American.

>> No.7506504

Kind of like in America we all want to kill Japanese because of Pearl Harbor and the Bataan Death March. I know I do!

>> No.7506507

omg!!!! same time post!!!!!!

>> No.7506509
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>> No.7506510

Not American, bro.

Like 80% of /jp/.

>> No.7506517

It wouldn't matter to japs anyway you're all the same. If you don't cut your arm and make your son drink your blood so he could be blessed with pure ninja blood, you're not one of them.

>> No.7506518

Like omigosh!!

>> No.7506519
File: 51 KB, 508x219, ピクチャ 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a pic

>> No.7506520

Grow up kid.

>> No.7506525
File: 389 KB, 1048x1510, eastern_and_little_nature_deity_ch03_12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But even the fairies love America...

>> No.7506527

>Pearl harbor

was an inside job. Also your government provoked the japanese so they could find a reason to attack them.

>> No.7506529
File: 144 KB, 800x600, blown_away.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh HELL my mind is blown O__O

>> No.7506530

I'm amazed every time I see the picture on the left (middle left). That's an award winning picture right there.

>> No.7506534


>> No.7506536

You do know that not all of Japan was "nuked" right and that most people affect are either old or dead.

Most people now (in the new generation) do not care because it has nothing to do with them.(Anyone who does is retarded.)

Also what that have to do with being obessed with a paticular subject?

>> No.7506541


implying that shit wasn't drawn buy some weaboo american who made his way into japan to become an underpaid mangaka

>> No.7506546

Because /jp/ is the only board where Japanese people post?

>> No.7506554

It doesn't get in the way of fapping to loli, nope.

>> No.7506563

But a lot of people who aren't American want to kill Americans

>> No.7506564
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>> No.7506569
File: 196 KB, 554x1200, 130582958659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only reason why the Japs would possibly dislike us Germans would be due to paying heed to the American/Jewish propaganda they've been surrounded with 24/7 ever since the US invaded them.

>> No.7506576
File: 94 KB, 141x300, 1289597185026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I called Japan earlier and they said we are cool.

>> No.7506588

Yes, America provoked Japan by telling them to stop killing Chinese people and to leave China. How dare America uphold League of Nations treaties!

>> No.7506589
File: 189 KB, 787x563, 1260965826037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck;n /jp/s! Take This!

>> No.7506590

I think japan likes scotland, they certainly wear a lot of tartan.

>> No.7506592
File: 38 KB, 450x295, 1307302274745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relevant material

>> No.7506594

Does it help that I'm Chinese?

>> No.7506602

Who doesn't want to mercilessly destroy the entirety of the US population? I can tell you that everyone in Europe does at the very least, and I'm pretty sure that everyone else in the world does as well. That's just a fact of the world.

>> No.7506606

Yeah, Canada doesn't exactly like them either

>> No.7506609

No, China hates the US too. When do you plan on kill them and becoming the hero of the world?

>> No.7506613

Why do all American heroes look like gaylords?

Not even joking.

>> No.7506615


Nah probably not entirely but it has some truth to it

>> No.7506616

Well no shit, when have any real Canadians NOT hated the US, except for the cocksucking pretend Canadians of course.

>> No.7506619

>China hates the US too.
Why did you answer no then?

>> No.7506624

>America provoked Japan by telling them to stop killing Chinese people

Let's stop there capt'n. Your country didn't care fuck all for China at all. If they interfered for some reason, there must've been something in for them.

>> No.7506626

No, all of them, there are no amerishits worthy of living, anyone no from the US can tell you that.

>> No.7506627


You're not Chinese, you're Chinese-American.

Learn the difference, 'cause it's a huge one.

>> No.7506628

nah, more by freezing all Japanese assets and enforcing an embargo against Japan. Here's an article written on it from the perspective of patriotic Americans:

>> No.7506631

I'm not even American ┐('~`;)┌

>> No.7506635


>> No.7506638

Because you think so, gay.

Go back to reading your faggy manga with faggy men.

>> No.7506643

> freezing all Japanese assets and enforcing an embargo against Japan

Yes, that was done to help stop Japanese warmongering in China.

>> No.7506646

quality european thread

>> No.7506647
File: 13 KB, 400x266, Durão barroso's face after destroying Portugal's economy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it's really hard for you to embrace the truth.

Yeah, go masturbate to some manly drawn muscles and shorts. I bet that really makes your day a better gay day.

>> No.7506655
File: 248 KB, 642x1435, 62355332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone in the world wants to destroy the US, can't think of anyone who wouldn't want to.

>> No.7506658

I'm an American

>> No.7506668
File: 148 KB, 803x914, 53653546454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you die painfully.
Because "No, it does not make a difference that you are Chinese, you hate the US just as much or more than Japanese", that is why.

>> No.7506670


Let's face the truth here. Manga is a lot better than shitty amerilol comics. For once, a single guy with no one backing him up can come up with a hit manga. Even if he can't, fuck it he'll put it on the internet. Try again . You don't see that happen in US. Everybody is trying to get employed in some big comic company like DC or whatever, only to continue drawing already worn out comics. US comics are truly shit.

>> No.7506680
File: 18 KB, 455x180, 1307301914002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump with relevant images

>> No.7506686

Tai/Jap detected.

How can you be hypocrital?
We gave you culture, we gave you music, we gave you education and this is your form of acknowledgment?

Killyourself, asian scum.

>> No.7506693

I wouldn't go that far. Manga is certainly better than cape comics though.

>> No.7506700

Nope lol, Russian you little bitch. I think it is very obvious that all China hates the US, but so does the rest of the world lol. I think Taiwan and Japan also hate the US very much so I do not understand why you think they are bad. Why don't you stop being a bitch and kill amerishits? The world will love you if you kill all the amerishts.

>> No.7506704

slavs out of the world.

>> No.7506705

What if the American consents to being entered?

>> No.7506714

>not pretending to be japanese

>> No.7506717


>> No.7506726
File: 818 KB, 1407x1000, Konachan.com - 96837 alice_margatroid cirno dress konpaku_youmu lily_white petals saigyouji_yuyuko sleeping touhou yakumo_ran yakumo_yukari ysrandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much vitriol and hatred ITT
can't we all just take it easy and get along?

>> No.7506727

No, the US must die.

>> No.7506729

Of course we can, after Japan nukes US and we call it even.

>> No.7506732

just wait for the eurotrash to fall asleep

>> No.7506733

It has more culture than the United States.

>> No.7506744

I love how all Europeans think that they are relevant in the world, despite the fact that the only countries anyone gives a damn about anymore and that actually have backbone are Germany and Russia.

>Mfw Britain and France start the whole Libyan Intervention, but are too cowardly to go all of the way. Suez 2.0 anyone? Pathetic.

Look at the UK. All they have left is Doctor Who and a few good novelists, but even that will be gone in a few years since the younger generation is comprised entirely of drunken wastrels. They even allowed China to bully them into giving Hong Kong back.

>> No.7506756

Japanese turned English into something only they can understand. That's I guess, works as a mechanism so their language wouldn't get too influenced by foreign words.

>> No.7506763


lol. Just gtfo of here you retard.

>> No.7506772

Butthurt American detected

>> No.7506795
File: 35 KB, 317x423, 1305429749361.Isralies in Tailand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More anti-american stuff.

Pic semi-related.

>> No.7506802

i hate america to fit in with the kool kids of /jap/

>> No.7506818


I'm not mad, but clearly you fellows are.

I know that the truth hurts, but if you would just learn to accept it and reform, maybe people would listen to Europe instead of just laugh at it and its crippling inability to maintain its budget and even keep a stable population.

>> No.7506820
File: 26 KB, 492x364, 129041202520401456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7506823

american ok until they talk. all the accent are horrible! atleast european sound fun speaking english but american sound like shit all time.

that only problem with american. stop the talking!!!!!

>> No.7506828
File: 56 KB, 490x524, 1287452449663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deep down all /jp/ers want to start shitty Japan/general threads. Knowing this must be getting in the way of staying on this board all day.

>> No.7506836
File: 151 KB, 800x533, 15_px250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to The culture

>> No.7506847

But I am not European and I still think you're retarded

>> No.7506882

Who cares what piece of rock you were born on? I fucking hate the culture and actions of this country but, it can't be helped just yet.

The modern world is far too international to give a shit about someone's birthplace. Unless you're a Slav, Slavs are scum.

>> No.7506885

This troll doesn't know anything about anything~♥

>> No.7506887

Slav detected.

>> No.7506920 [DELETED] 

This image gets my goat. There are fucking morons like this everywhere, cherrypicking can make anyone look awful. I'm sure there were Chinese saying'' PAYBACK FOR NANKING, FUCKERS!''

Anyway, Reported and Hidden

>> No.7506941

Awesome! A /b/ thread!

>> No.7506962
File: 313 KB, 1002x769, HL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The american became paranoia.
Is this academy award? huh!

>> No.7507006

This place needs Americans removed. Look at all the comments coming from half brained neckbeards. I bet their asshole is still sore after Obama got elected.

>> No.7507055
File: 5 KB, 251x251, 88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm not American

>> No.7507064

>nuked them for no reason

Oh there was a reason, to let all you beta country's know
who the boss is at any and all times

>> No.7507453
File: 93 KB, 571x570, 1308077298237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me importa una mierda america, por cierto OP es /b/aka degeso!

translation: GTFO summerfaggot

>> No.7507527

Lots of truth in these.
I'm a Slav btw.

>> No.7507553

Because the Japanese totally didn't deserve to be nuked, we'll pretend they weren't total assholes to the entire Pacific during WWII

>> No.7507589

ww2 was big biznezz as usual
wouldn't have been an imperial japanese fleet if american corporations hadn't been selling them their metal scrap for years beforehand
japanese somehow got blueprints for mitsubishi zero from the design proffered by hughes aircraft to the u s navy, which turned it down
all the aircraft carriers were out delivering mail and toothpaste the day of pearl harbor attack...and the japanese codes had been broken already, but scores of 55 gallon drums full of american bodyparts were filled so that corporations could get their war on

>> No.7507901

Yeah a lot of people dont realize everything Japan did in WWII was rooted in economics. Creating an east asian trading sphere etc. The reason they bombed perl harbor is because America put embargoes against them. America essentially provoked Japan into war.

>> No.7507918

Well, it wasn't just America that provoked it. China needed help because Japan was invading it. As someone mentioned earlier, war is pretty much a heartless, deadly business no matter which country is concerned.

>> No.7507922

Wouldn't have been a modern industrialized, and IMPERIAL (Let us not forget how the West wanted Japan to become a small imperial power) power without America and the West.

>> No.7507923

Germany was already helping China fight the Japanese.

>> No.7507927

I don't hate Americans, and neither does anyone I know. Politics aside, nobody here has any ill will towards Americans. If anything, right wingers suck American penis.

>> No.7507932

We're talking about what prompted the pearl harbor attacks, sir. At that point, Germany, Italy, and Japan were in conjunction with one another. Derp.

>> No.7507935

lolwut, it's the left wing that's alienating america from it's allies.

>> No.7507955

Actually both sides are doing it.

>> No.7508058

>Germany was already helping China fight the Japanese.
You mean withdrawing the German advisers from China, recognizing puppets states like Manchukuo and the Nanking Regime of Republic of China among other "helpful" actions? Sure it's a great help Herr Adolf.

>> No.7510277

That's why I'm going to get surgery to look more Japanese OP.

>> No.7510302

Are you going to cut down your penis?

>> No.7510305

I don't have one.

>> No.7510326

This, and

Seriously. Who gives a damn about where someone was born? The actions of others (i.e., your nation's government and leaders) have no bearing on you as a person. I guess it does make a good excuse to start calling each other faggots though.

>> No.7510368
File: 58 KB, 332x499, 1308391188280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are better than everyone else. Just accepting it would free up a lot of your time and you'd feel better supporting the winning team instead of crawling around like a wounded dog snarling at everyone.

Eventually we will unify all of earth. You can either get on board or curse fate and be miserable.

Or go on barking at our heels. It doesn't anger us. The offer to join us remains open. As long as you are afforded the choice, anyways.

>> No.7510370

Often, in our quieter moments of contemplation and reflection, we Americans puzzle over why there remain countries that disobey us, when they know what we can do.

The world, to us, is thus rife with petty small-minded criminals who simply will try to get away with whatever they can and must be constantly watched and punished, like children. They view our border as though it were that of any other country, where the reach of the government ends, while to American, the border only demarcates our the part of the planet that is our primary concern, the home, the rest of Earth being ours de facto of our reach. In the fundamental sense, America has no borders to an American. America is a way of life, a principle which is our ultimate goal to complete the entire Earth for our liking and the benefit of all who support us in it.

And there it is. You would do well to support us, and I say that that with sincere compassion for the well-being of all. Ultimately, we are everyone's potential best friend.

>> No.7510372

hahaha how is this thread even still alive

>> No.7510373

For the United States of America is the right hand of God. If God's will opposed Us, We would fail. But We do not fail. The conclusion is obvious. And if there were no God, that would leave Us as the greatest power on Earth to pronounce what is right and wrong, rewarding the loyal and punishing the defiant. Either way, We are the divine defenders of Our planet.

So when you disappoint Us, you're disappointing God.

>> No.7510404

This is, amusingly enough, what some USians actually believe.

>> No.7510517

Well, I know that lots of americans are faggots, but I don't hate them. It would be kinda weird if I did. I mean, it's rare for me to be reminded of them and they don't concern me as don't, say, some habitans of Zimbabwe. They sure seem to be arrogant and believe that they are big and great (it's not like they have no basis at all for this), but that's okay with me, let them think whatever they want since it doesn't influence me in any way.
