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7497607 No.7497607 [Reply] [Original]

>UCtoRt nothing really changes
>King of Night Highway Registration starts on the 20th
>Mission Challenge Campaign starts on the 23rd
>Elf bot flatter than ever

Previous Thread

Florette is dead

>> No.7497613

So Florette is a SUP robot right..? How do you kill a robot?

>> No.7497817

I love you Florette.

>> No.7498026

Please stop making these threads. Nothing of value comes from them.

>> No.7498072

So just like your posts.

>> No.7498440
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>> No.7498566

For how many people say hotglue sucks, it sure took a lot of autism and money to barely beat them.

>> No.7498739
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I'm so bored.

Also, what exactly is the mission challenge campaign?

>> No.7498744

Gimme the chocolate!

>> No.7498770

Is there more of this? Also I would like a vomit version as well.

>> No.7498874

Lurk for a bit, /commu/fag.

>> No.7498965


even with that faggots keep complaining

>> No.7499978

happy fathers day hotglue

>> No.7501740

>Florette is dead

Rest in peace man.

>> No.7501751


>> No.7501814
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>> No.7502078

Until he's resurrected once again.

>> No.7502219

lol stupid fan forum faggot

>> No.7502784

Trying too hard now. I'm glad these threads are dying.

>> No.7502832

i can see why some would want these threads to die but i like to have these around so i can at least stay in the loop of things. i never really new much before i found these threads.

>> No.7502949
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same here

>> No.7503071

I'd prefer more game discussion instead of so much clan drama.

>> No.7503238

There is nothing to discuss aside from the same shit of always: Weapon X does Y damage. What should I do with my Z bot? I just lost 200$ in garapon. W is so OP.

Etc. This thread has no place in this board at all.

>> No.7503295

Hey EFB stop abusing stat boost

>> No.7503299

>There is nothing to discuss aside from the same shit as always.
Sounds like every thread ever.

>> No.7503325

I would pick up Cosmic Break if I knew there was a way to still get the dozens of limited edition bots in the past. I have missed out on too much to care now.

>> No.7503353
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sup /jp/?

>> No.7503352
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DOS is dead.
If you look at the monthly ranking there's only 5 DOS players on it.
It's not uncommon for shuffle to be BRD/WIZ only.

>> No.7503359
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I'd rather see this

>> No.7503418

I just started playing this game. Any general advice or things to be careful of?

>> No.7503535

For the love of god, don't be a hopper or a fat ART. Find the style that fits you the most and have fun with it.

Be prepared to get your ass kicked a lot when you get out of the newbie arenas, since virtually everyone has fully leveled and tuned bots (a lot of them are garapon bots that are OP as hell to begin with also), along with garapon weapons that might make you look like a dwarf. Don't sweat it, however, you'll eventually catch up to them in terms of gears and skills. A lot of UC bots can compete on the same level even better than garapon bots, just explore your options and build your bots with love!

Some good UC bots:
AIR: Crimrose (and later form Seraph), Izuna
LND: Lazflamme (high capacity for customization), AccelSaber (high stats)
ART: Destructor (sadly, fat)

>> No.7503547

I have seen the term fat ARTs a lot does that mean and actual artillery type bot in which its shots are powerful but it is slow?

>> No.7503566
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How does Walk and Fly affect Short Boost and Quick Land?

>> No.7503574

Quick land allows you to land quickly so you are not hanging in the air for so long and be open to an attack. walk and fly do not necessarily affect them. Walk is just how fast you run on the ground and fly is how fast you can fly

>> No.7503585

I got 40rt with my remaining uc but since I bought an auto beam rife now I don't have enough to roll. I hope pattylop is still available next month so I can get more rt for her.

>> No.7503599
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Thanks alot.

>> No.7503613

Fat art is usually a L size art with grandum booster which makes him huge. They carry big bazookas that have a high movement penalty, so they become slow as hell.
They are so slow even airs can kill them just circling.

>> No.7503647

Walk affects short boost's distance. Quick land removes a delay in landing in short boost so you can hop more.

>> No.7503667

>A lot of UC bots can compete on the same level even better than garapon bots


>> No.7503684

Almost all of my bots are UC only, and they can compete well.

>> No.7503732

Yeah but I don't think you in participated in the tourney at all.

>> No.7503816

>Elf bot flatter than ever

This better be true...

>> No.7504075

just get in the game and wait for a while, those bots will be there again in some months

>> No.7504150 [DELETED] 

and before that happens more OP bots will appear, so you haven't really missed anything

>> No.7504218 [DELETED] 
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BRD Spies Conspiracy Theory Confirmed

>> No.7504284 [DELETED] 
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Union factions, serious business.

>> No.7504288 [DELETED] 


please bring more cannon fodder to the game

i need more targets to shoot at

>> No.7504319 [DELETED] 

I dont want them for OP-ness, I want them because they look the best.

>> No.7504828 [DELETED] 

the game can't even be considered pay2win at this point. it's more like pay for anything decent looking or interesting now. sword wing and lazflamme can't even hold a candle to psychocluster or elisa as far as appearance or cool abilities go.

>> No.7504864 [DELETED] 

Lazflamme can. Lazflamme, unlike other bots, specialize on her large usable capacity. She's by far one of the most customizable bot there is. The only problem with her is that you need to invest heavily, and have decent stockpile of parts and weapons.

>> No.7504879 [DELETED] 

Honestly they are not all that cracked up to be. I wish I could tell me self to be content with the UC stuff and/or get rt the free way. It was not until I spent money that I realized that they are still fun to use. Despite having rt bots i still like using uc bots (even the ones that are not accel saber or laz) Now I feel that I am indebted to CB with the amount of money i put into this game. is till find it fun to play mind you its just now i have to pay it off so to speak

>> No.7504884 [DELETED] 

having high capacity is only notable from a autist perspective. her actual characteristic is her horsey bs which sucks ass.

>> No.7504893 [DELETED] 

can you really say that normal lily is as cool looking or as interesting as eve?

>> No.7504903 [DELETED] 

I dont have an eve so I cant really say. I dont feel the need to have her though especially after my realization of UC and RT stuff. If you are thinking of buying RT all I can say is think careful before you do it and pace yourself. It is so easy to throw down money for this game that you will be spending hundreds guaranteed if you are not careful.

>> No.7505000 [DELETED] 

I play without spending in rt ever and i had a terrible experience after rank5.

I was always the top few players each round ,mostly 2nd cos the first is usually Ah-chan and the score is impossible to beat.

When i reached rank5, every match i was the worst and getting booted every time.

I cant even dish out 200 damage without getting my unit destroyed at any range or with any weapon.
Every enemy i encounter can run faster, more damage, hits longer range than all my units.

Vanguards does like 80 damage per hit with sword guard on and i don last through his 3 hit combo.

Ah-chan's internal homing blaster has a 90% hit even on a chibi unit 25 run with run boost.

Air units that carries 4 arms with 4 dual beam gun or arrows deals 300 damage in a flash.

Art that bring rail guns that hit for 99% of the time that non of my unit can dodge it at any range.

At high lvl, its all about muscle bot matches.

I feel terrible every match im the worst and it got sour to rotten.

Skills no matter anymore and im never gonna play another pay to win game.

>> No.7505048 [DELETED] 

It's not so bad with UC to RT and offers, really. Once you build and tune a single good robot you're set forever, so while it might take you some time to get that robot, you start having fun consistently after a while, when you're relatively well off. Paying just removes the "after a while" part.

>> No.7505100 [DELETED] 
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Skill does matter, but so does your bot.

You said it yourself, you are barely rank 5 or so, and you expect to beat players who are rank 24s or higher with your untuned basic bots? I really don't know where you got the idea that being a rookie + a rookie bot can beat an experienced player + fully tuned bot, but I hope you think it over.

As of right now, most players are not that skilled, and destroying their expensive garapon bots feeds my ego. You just need to be aware of the map situation. Flanking and picking your battles are usually the best tactic you have. Pay attention to your radar often, do some hit and runs, and repair before you get destroyed.

Picture related, it's me destroying my newbie clanmate with a Lazflamme.

>> No.7505140 [DELETED] 
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For sake of accuracy, I just readded my Azu to my commando and played an arena against tbg and ahoge-chans. Weapon is scouter rifle and kamui staff, both are obtainable easily in game without the use of RT.

>> No.7505203 [DELETED] 

having fun isn't just about winning. variety and customization is a big part of the game so limiting yourself to 3 robots removes a lot of enjoyment.

>> No.7505228 [DELETED] 
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so you're using 2 of the most boring weapons in the game with one of the most vanilla moebots

>> No.7505233 [DELETED] 

This game is so painfully reliant on cashshop. They're trying to fix it I guess by bringing monthly UC>RT conversion like the JP version of the game.

Unless you don't mind investing cash into this game, or you have 8 hours a day to burn on it I'd avoid it like the plague.

>> No.7505497 [DELETED] 

Cash vs Skill discussion?

Oh please, I thought that it was proved in the previous tournament for good that you have to pay money to play the high-level games, and don't give me that offer bullshit or conversion because every single member of the big clans spent money on this or use an account from other people that spent money on the game. Conversion or offers is just not enough.

>Just keep waiting for the right moment, hit and run, durr durr durr
We all know that shit. It's not easy to do it when you go to hit someone but you face your doom instead. Not to mention that it will depend heavily on your team: if they have enough RT to 'tank' the other team while you eat some crumbs you might score well, but you still need people with RT bots, weapons, tune-ups, etc to do it, otherwise your team will be simply stomped.

That's just how CS works, maintaining a game with low population by releasing new stuff in order to keep milking the community.

>> No.7505525 [DELETED] 

Anyone with any sense knows that cash bots are better than free bots. The fact that there are a lot of shitty cash bot users who can be beaten by competent UC bot users doesn't change the fact that at the top level of play, even skilled UC users will lose to skilled cash users.

Then again, one could argue that since the majority of cash users are really shitty players, anyone with an above mediocre amount of gaming skill could play CB for free and have fun pounding on cash bot users.

>> No.7505785 [DELETED] 

Sorry, i was rank 17 not rank 5.
Got mixed up with the rank icon.
Anyway whatever strategy fails because everyone is faster than me and if they start to chase me , its inescapable.
Fastest i got my Lazflamme is 30wlk with boost run, but even that, im inescapable to anyone attacking

>> No.7505950 [DELETED] 
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wiz I am disappoint

>> No.7506039 [DELETED] 
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Copy-paste builds from JP server everywhere, fucking pay2gamewarriors.

And the overall skill level is so low here, I'm struggling to get my Br below 6. It's like, I can't play that bad even with builds that are just for fun, I'd have to just die constantly.
And due to the way this works, you lose less Br against good players if your Br is already much lower than theirs, but you also gain a lot for the same reason.

>> No.7506163 [DELETED] 
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no froglander hd for you

>> No.7506172 [DELETED] 

Rynex is still a traitor and a faggot

>> No.7506245 [DELETED] 

indeed he is, but lets not talk about drama

lets talk about builds and strategies

>> No.7506286 [DELETED] 

No. Take your shit back to /commu/.

>> No.7506299 [DELETED] 
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>Read about the horrid Ivis rates.
>roll anyhow

>> No.7506307 [DELETED] 
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That was all I wanted from that gara too I might add, Aesthetically speaking, I hate the way Ivis looks so I can live without her.

>> No.7507061 [DELETED] 
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>30 run
You shouldn't need to "escape" ever. You only need to move behind the frontline. If you find yourself the need to "escape", that means you're overextending too much (either by yourself or with a portion of your team), and you deserve to die.

>> No.7507161 [DELETED] 
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Actually, to be honest, I would field a UC only player for the tournament if they tuned and prepared really good UC only bots. Nobody ever does. I haven't met a single player with the autism to actually grind the mats and materials to create perfect Plasma Seraphs. Those are kind of the only UC only build that would be useful unless it was a cost-limited tournament and we needed meta counters that could be achieved through UC means. The amount of time you need to build great UC bots as a UC only player is pretty ridiculous since it's grind parts, break parts, and repeat until parts are perfectly tuned.

>> No.7507192 [DELETED] 

So, why does Metal think he's good again?

>> No.7507253 [DELETED] 

Metal, how do you 1st Rank with only Accel Tackle melee LG attack?
Misleading image is misleading...

>scouter rifle and kamui staff, both are obtainable easily in game
I will never win a Haku Sword....

>> No.7507264 [DELETED] 

>I haven't met a single player with the autism to actually grind the mats and materials to create perfect Plasma Seraphs.
Don't know if want...

>> No.7507362 [DELETED] 
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...doesn't change the fact that all my averages are below expected result, even for ones that should be biased towards success.

>> No.7507566 [DELETED] 

i got my first seraph yesterday, how should i build her?

>> No.7507586 [DELETED] 

>Plasma Seraphs
i'm new to the game
what are those?

>> No.7507640 [DELETED] 
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7 Capacity Carts, Stun Regain, and 2 Core Upgrades. 3s Plasma Gun tune 6% force and 2 grapid(personal preference whether you want range or ammo loss) and tune for tec and tgh. If you're a UC-only player, it is the best UC-only bot you can build. You need to learn to not suck at Plasma, but after you learn that you're golden. You'll need at least 2, should try for 3 though because they're suicidal bots that run on timers that aim to maximize damage output with little care of personal safety.

I really should get around to writing that guide to UC builds, but I get distracted by shiny or noisy things too much. Damn.

>> No.7507707 [DELETED] 

i will take that in account, thanks.

>> No.7507761 [DELETED] 

What does a core upgrade do on a saraph? Make the duration of that fly ability longer or something?

>> No.7507778 [DELETED] 
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Gives you an extra wing per upgrade and increases duration. 3 wings = 75 seconds. It also improves Seraph Tackle.

>> No.7507836 [DELETED] 

i will try this but with a power shooter

>> No.7507883 [DELETED] 

>Metal trying to improve his self-esteem and hide his analpain

>> No.7507890 [DELETED] 
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>Metal trying to improve his self-esteem and hide his analpain

>> No.7508112 [DELETED] 
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Read the bot name, it's all stats of my Lazflamme. The Accel Saber is just there to show that you can buy a stock bot with UC and it's be very similar or superior stats to what I used.

Oh, I'm not good; I'm only average. In fact, I'm pretty inactive and have extremely low amount of arena/mission/quest completed. I do, however, know the basic of the game quite a bit, and I don't think it's wrong of me to try and teach them to new players and save them some time in this strange game.

Get out Wulfgar. Keep your /a/ reaction back in /a/.

Fun fact: Adhom doesn't hate me, and Wulfgar is dead to me.

>> No.7508126 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7508139 [DELETED] 

what is this?

>> No.7508143 [DELETED] 

true waifu

>> No.7508203 [DELETED] 
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>Alba HD can hit targets 90 degrees to your side

Is there anything this bot can't do?

>> No.7508218 [DELETED] 

How do I convert UC to RT

>> No.7508238 [DELETED] 


In the "items" part of the shop, right at the top of the list you can find the UC>RT thing.

>> No.7508242 [DELETED] 

Thank you.

>> No.7508311 [DELETED] 

Hit yourself.
Hit targets that are over 90 degree left or right of you.
Hit targets that are outside of your range.
Hit your teammates for full damage ;_;

>> No.7508319 [DELETED] 

Also hits from 180. Fuck that thing.

>> No.7508398 [DELETED] 

what that in last weeks gara? i dont remember seeing where or when it was available

>> No.7508503 [DELETED] 

>UC only
We have a problem here.
