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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 182 KB, 1470x610, whymeido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7491983 No.7491983 [Reply] [Original]

Why is our meido being so mean? ;_;.

>> No.7491989

I miss people saying No U.

>> No.7491987

Why are you so new?

>> No.7491991

Only 2 days? I wish you got permab& for that shit.

Also, reported.

>> No.7491993

That's what you get for making that 5:00 FF thread.
Leave it to the real flanfly guy/guys.

>> No.7492010

Fuck I never remember if it's Chilly or chilly.

>> No.7492013

Who gives a shit.

>> No.7492018

Cry about it and stop fucking spamming your shit.


>> No.7492019

God that ban makes me so fucking wet.

That mod can pound my ass any day.

>> No.7492428

holy fuck the mod knows what her name is TOUHOU IS MAINSTREAM, INSTANTLY HATE

>> No.7492439
File: 223 KB, 400x600, 20100922-A_Mothers_Courage_Talking_Back_To_Autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meido is simply being strict with her autistic children shitting up /jp/.

>> No.7492446

How much courage can it possibly take to beat an autistic child into submission?

Fucking women.

>> No.7492551

Because you posted something else than shitty korean video games.

>> No.7492578

A faggot like you needs to be smacked with another ban if you're qq-ing this much.
Reported, I hope they get you again.

>> No.7492581

If you posted flanfly outside of 02:00, then you deserved it. If not, then meido is being a bitch.

>> No.7492590

That came about 300 Flanfly too late.

>> No.7492601
File: 49 KB, 853x480, 1303685935990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mvq babby /b/ spammer is butthurt and MAD that his 2hu spam for delted by MOD=GODS

>> No.7492623

I hope Op get's banned for making a metathread
