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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7489305 No.7489305 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7489309

At least now she has all the pork fried rice and chicken wings she can eat! I FUCKING LOVE JAPANESE FOOD! ^_^

>> No.7489310


Also lol, rpgs

>> No.7489313
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Every thread must be posted in.

>> No.7489318

Always wondered, was this a real (if exaggerated) story?

Also, not enough toehoes.

>> No.7489324

What an ugly whore.

Earthbound is vastly overrated anyway.

>> No.7489327

Yet there is plenty of (on-topic) threads that never get a single reply, you shitty poster.

>> No.7489329

>got her drunk
Hahaha, oh wow.
What, he tied her up with some rope and then poured sake in her mouth with a funnel?
No you dumb cunt, he didn't get you drunk, YOU got drunk.
Retarded blame-shifting slutmonkeys like that make me understand /jp/'s irrational misogyny a bit more.

>> No.7489330

I really enjoyed watching this girl. It feels like Japan NTR'd me. She's probably just a trophy her husband shows off to his friends, "おい見て見て、外人だよ!!"

And then he forces her to fuck all of them, while her western audience is wondering how she is doing and when she is going to make her next video.

>> No.7489337


She did go to Japan, and she did have a kid with some Japanese dude that she probably didn't know very well. The Yakuza stuff is assuredly bullshit.

>> No.7489343

Who the fuck is this ugly bitch and why should I give a shit about i. her ii. this shitty MS Paint job with her in it iii. OP's shitty /v/-tier thread iv. the ants in my kitchen v. global warming

>> No.7489347

I ceased being her audience the moment I learned she had a child.
Bitches go fucking crazy when they have kids.

>> No.7489348

so whats the problem, her future in Amerikkka would be even worse, non-married and mother, drunk everytime, poor and shitty life.
Guys there are people who born to be losers no matter what, like most /jp/ and this bitch no matter what country you are

>> No.7489350

Global warming will kill us all if left unchecked.

Even Glorious Nihon will sink under the seas.

>> No.7489354

LOL Samtron

>> No.7489355

Tell me more gaijin goes to Japan horror stories, /jp/.

>> No.7489366
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>i will fucking save u samtron. ive saved up 3 thousand dollars and will buy 2 plane tickets for me and you to return to america. i will take my katana sword and behead your bastard yakuza husband and son and we will go back to america. i will also get you pregnant so you can raise a proper baby.

That is so cute

>> No.7489367

Who the fuck is she? Sorry, I don't watch Access Hollywood or anything, but now I'm curious.

>> No.7489374

Wow, I didn't know who she was, I looked up her video and she reminds me of Emmiry. By the way, what happened to her? I remember something about her getting AIDS or something from her Japanese boyfriend and he left her after fucking 1 night.

>> No.7489377

She's some youtuber, used to be into SNES games, now she's into raising her child and walking around japan pretending she's in some shitty VN.

>> No.7489385


She also did some smutty gravure video that failed to give me an erection.

>> No.7489402

Living the dream.

>> No.7489417

watching her channel convinced me to watch this again

>> No.7489451

This is a textbook example of a woman's life-cycle. Implying this has anything to do with Japan is like implying it had anything to do with Earthbound.

>> No.7489526

Link to her channel?

>> No.7489559

I just found out about chulip because of her.

>> No.7489762
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mfw reading the top rated comment:
>you dont seem happy anymore..

>> No.7489766

You will never marry a yakuza ;_;

>> No.7489786
File: 61 KB, 695x377, idonteven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you know what I'm playing?
>Fable 3, the chinese version...because it is in english.
>I played as a girl and became a queen.

Trololo, holy shit, this surpasses /jp/'s level.

Don't know who this yakuza bitch is, but she is badass.


>> No.7489805

>woman's life-cycle

Be party whore
Get drunk alot
Be lazy
Get fucked and impregnated whilst drunk
Have kid she does not want
Married to man she does not love
Go fucking batshit insane.

>> No.7489804

sorry for the samefaggotry, but holy shit:
>9:00 (it's about white persons sweating in summer)
>I don't even know what all the english teachers do.
>In schools they don't have air conditioners
>god...they must STINK...*takes a sip out of her ocha bottle*.

holy shit, what the fuck am I watching?

>> No.7489815

It's hardly that bad, considering how women get treated in divorce court.

If you're a man who has someone let a woman convince you to marry her, however...

>> No.7489816

As a female I have always thought it would be pretty awesome to marry into the Yakuza honestly. Then it would be acceptable for me to get all those tattoos I want, that without being in Yakuza I could never get.

>> No.7489844

What kind of women are hanging out on /jp/!? The /jp/ gender dichotomy has left me in despair.

>> No.7489896

Who knows? We're not all alike you know. I'm too shy and I'm scared of socializing. I stay home all day and leech off my parents, but they've been trying to get me to work. They think it's unhealthy that I don't socialize but they thinking me getting a job and forcing socialization will be what helps me.

In the end, I'm not that different from your typical /jp/ anon. I'm malnourished because I'm too lazy to get up, and I dislike 3D.

>> No.7489902
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>> No.7489909


You're disgusting. Go back to the hole you crawled out of.

>> No.7489916

You're not alone, sis (´・ω・`)

The hardest part is when even /jp/ rejects you...

>> No.7489918

I don't care if /jp/ rejects me though.

>> No.7489949

That's a silly thing to say, since you're at any point free to leave this place and find one of the many communities that will worship you just for being a female with the same hobby as them. You can't expect every fucking community you visit to welcome you with open hands, no one are that lucky. You'd see that if you weren't already used to being treated favorably because you're female.

>> No.7490060

>It's hardly that bad, considering how women get treated in divorce court.

Wait what? I thought men were on the shit end of the stick in divorce court.

>> No.7490073

That's what I meant. If you're a woman stuck in a lousy marriage, just get a divorce, you'll usually be better off. If you're a man in the same situation, not as easy.

>> No.7490081

Women get the short stick in divorce court.
Men get the short stick once they leave.

Generally, the problem is the burden of proof that the marriage needs a divorce generally goes to the women. If the woman is vindictive, she has already laid the groundwork. If she's just in a bad relationship, well, she better have good reasons, or she's going home to a husband who's pissed off he had to go to divorce court.

>> No.7490082

My bad. I misread due to tired eyes and disheveled mind.

>> No.7490094

The only way to combat is to......never get married.

>> No.7490099


>> No.7490109

I'm pretty sure most places these days you can get a divorce just by wanting one.

>> No.7490125

But marriage is very convenient, for monetary proposes. Insurance, tax breaks, and all that. One day, you too, will want a marriage of convenience.

>> No.7490131

It's hardly convenient if your partner can stab you in the back at any time.

>> No.7490156

Convenience isn't a permanent thing. All good things must end eventually, you know. It's about finding someone who likes you more than they like the bonuses they can get for stabbing you in the back.

Or finding someone rich enough that it isn't worth stabbing them in the back in the long term. But that's my cynical side talking, please ignore it.

>> No.7490160

Everyone deserves the results of their decisions.

>> No.7490170

>It's about finding someone who likes you more than they like the bonuses they can get for stabbing you in the back.
But they're just going to stop liking you eventually. When she finds a new manlier man with a bigger penis than you, it's a win-win situation for her to just abandon you, even if she previously thought you were a good catch..

>> No.7490174

This isn't fucking /r9k/. Go have your retarded marriage bickering elsewhere.

>> No.7490193

the richer they are the more money you take when you divorce and leave them. no matter how the relationship ends it always favors the woman if you get married, and in some places even if you're dating they can sue you for living expenses for a while.

your options are staying with the billionaire until he dies in 20-70 years, or divorcing him and taking 500+ million dollars in assists and using those 19-50 years having a good time by having sex with strangers in public places.

>> No.7490198

is now

>> No.7490200

i meant assets not assists.

>> No.7490206

It would be nice to have a marriage of convenience with a woman so rich that she'd lose out if she divorced you.

>> No.7490241

doesnt understand difference between having a life and not having one. The roof she was under over here was a really easy one

>> No.7490260

Picture is an old pic posted on /v/ over a year ago.
