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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7487455 No.7487455 [Reply] [Original]

2ch: Do you realize you're a Niwaka Otaku (the worst type otaku, who wants to be an Otaku, but fails.)?

thinks K-ON! and Angel Beats are fun anime

Recommend to people Bakemonogatari and K-ON!

try to hind your powerlevel

SHAFT fanboy

take anime seriously

Love Madoka and K-on!

Care about BD sales

>エヴァの新劇場版だけ見て TVアニメ版は見てない
Have only seen Eva Rebuild, never finished the TV series

>1年前はけいおんにハマってて, 今はまどかマギカにハマってるような奴
The people who love K-ON last year, and now into Madoka

KyoAni fanbase niwaka 100%
SHAFT fanbase niwaka 70%

fav VN studio : key, AKABEi and Nitro+


>> No.7487457

op is a fag

>> No.7487459

>fav VN studio : key, AKABEi and Nitro+
But those are the only good VN studios, save for key, they suck

>> No.7487460

I don't even watch anime.

>> No.7487466

How can one try and fail at being an otaku? You don't really need anything to enjoy this kind of stuff.

>> No.7487470

Dirty nips will never be true otaku

>> No.7487485

I only watch obscure anime for obscure hipsters such as myself.

>> No.7487503

no (they're both awful)
no (awful)
meh, try to hide it
no (madoka was ok)
>エヴァの新劇場版だけ見て TVアニメ版は見てない
have only seen アニメ, 劇場版 sucks (both of them)
>1年前はけいおんにハマってて, 今はまどかマギカにハマってるような奴
didn't like kon, like i said madoka was ok
fuck yes, except key

>> No.7487517
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Marisa can't be wrong

>> No.7487526

>except key


>> No.7487539

>Recommend to people
>try to hind
your japanese is still as great as ever, madoka/shaft hater bro

>> No.7487566

Get your insults together, /v/ friend. You missed him by a mile.
I recommend improving your 4chan vocab.

>> No.7487607

/jp/ - Animu/General

>thinks K-ON! and Angel Beats are fun anime
K-ON is decent. Angel Beats is crap

>Recommend to people Bakemonogatari and K-ON!
I won't recommend them cause it's the front cover of hipsters. And even if they didn't i won't

>try to hind your powerlevel
Among ria-ke, yes. Among fellow brethren, no

>SHAFT fanboy
Shaft got like 2-3 good stuff. So no.

>take anime seriously
It's serious business if it's regarding the show's quality. But not on the impact to me.

>Love Madoka and K-on!
Both are decent. No love or hate towards the show

>Care about BD sales
Who cares about statistics

>Have only seen Eva Rebuild, never finished the TV series
I've seen both. Got problem with that?

>The people who love K-ON last year, and now into Madoka
I'm into madoka before i watched K-ON

>KyoAni fanbase niwaka 100%
>SHAFT fanbase niwaka 70%
Mentioned SHAFT, And i care less about KyoAni unless they consider a new FMP

>fav VN studio : key, AKABEi and Nitro+
I don't play VN

>> No.7487629

>But those are the only good VN studios, save for key, they suck
>fuck yes, except key
>Got me there. Key can go die in a ditch.
M-my people...

>> No.7487635

They are just fags from /a/

>> No.7487637

>the only good VN studios
ahahah oh motherfucking wow

>> No.7487764

I see gorespammer is still active as ever.

>> No.7487792

How does hiding your powerlevel make you a bad ota-
