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7484050 No.7484050 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /jp/

I was wondering if anyone had played this eroge, Spiral Staircase 2 (螺旋階段2) by Soft Circle Courreges? I'm kinda stumped and have been trying to find a walkthrough, but no luck.

The basic plot of the game is that you're a guy that ends up at some random Shinto Shrine, and end up helping a miko along with 2 other guys in hope of preparing her for the ritual at the end of the week.

The ritual is a huge gangbang (image related), and you help her prepare by fucking her along with the 2 other guys every night. She will pay you for her training, and you can buy shit from her to get more control over the scenes, get more scenes, etc.

Anyway, after helping her out, she will die after the ceremony since she has carried out her duty.

However, I don't want this to happen. How do I save her and get the good ending?

>> No.7484057
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Wow, even Kaguya wasn't immune to the recession...

>> No.7484059
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This is what the completion charts look like. You fill them out depending on which of the characters cum during the scene, i.e. MC alone, MC + Guy 1, etc..

There's 7 possible combinations and the blue bar which I don't know how to get. Here's to hoping someone has played this and can help me out.

>> No.7484082

I played it but I don't remember most of the details. Just keep building up her stats and at certain days you should see flashbacks or story segments or whatever. See all of them for true end.

>> No.7484084

>I'm kinda stumped and have been trying to find a walkthrough, but no luck.

There's one on the official website in the support section.

>> No.7484097

Why are there so many dark nukige with Rasen in the title?
-Rasen Kaidan
-Rasen Kairou
-Mugen Kairou 2 ~Rasen~

All of them involve rape and seem really depressing.

>> No.7484154


Shit, are you serious?

I actually thought of reading up on the official website, and upon reaching (NSFW) http://www.sc-crg.com/katalog/rasen2/index.html I was disappointed when there was no walkthrough.

I feel like a retard now... would you mind pointing me towards the support section? If it isn't much trouble... of course...

>> No.7484172
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Do you remember what this item is used for by any chance? The tooltip reads something along the lines of "something good will happen", but I never get a chance to use it and have noticed no difference in my playthroughs when I buy it or not.

>> No.7484201


» 【螺旋階段 scenarioII】

>> No.7484214

I fucking love the bukkake in soft-circle courreges game

R24/7 being one of the best

>> No.7484383


Thank you very much, this is exactly wait I was looking for.


I might check this one out later.

>> No.7484393


Sorry, didn't mean to bump. Captcha ate my sage.

I'll delete this thread in a few minutes.

>> No.7484400

Leave it.
It reminded me I wanted to check more Courreges games after playing one from Courreges Ace, and it's more related that 99% of threads that are up anyway.
