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7481457 No.7481457 [Reply] [Original]

What would you do if you were born in the time Before The Internet

>> No.7481465
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i'd be sad as HELL and not for the obvious reasons

>> No.7481463

I would probably die within 5 days of my birth.

>> No.7481469

...Create statues and fap to them.
I would also fall in love with one and marry it.

And hope a goddess would take pity on me aswell.

>> No.7481466

probably live as a hermit or work in a smithy where i will be a kissless virgin

>> No.7481486

Be a warrior and die really fast

>> No.7481491

I'd probably have died within a handful of days.

>> No.7481497

i'll be the artist to bring the erotic art of females of less-believable proportions and grand bubbly eyes to the men and women of old. i'll change history as we know it.

>> No.7481499

I'd die on a stake burned for heresy.

>> No.7481540

>Pygmalion was a Cypriot sculptor who carved a woman out of ivory. According to Ovid, after seeing the Propoetides prostituting themselves (more accurately, they denied the divinity of Venus and she thus ‘reduced’ them to prostitution), he was 'not interested in women', but his statue was so fair and realistic that he fell in love with it.

>In time, Venus (Aphrodite)'s festival day came, and Pygmalion made offerings at the altar of Venus. There he quietly wished that his ivory sculpture would be changed to a real woman. When he returned home, he kissed his ivory statue and found that its lips felt warm. He kissed it again and touched her breasts with his hand and found that the ivory lost its hardness. Venus had granted Pygmalion's wish.

>Pygmalion married the ivory sculpture changed to a woman under Venus’ blessing. Together, they had a son.

One of us.

>> No.7481893
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Being his bro.

>> No.7481903

Hahaha. I never thought of it that way.

>> No.7483012
File: 190 KB, 500x500, 1282086927974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was bore before the Internet...dumb ass

>> No.7483038

What did people like me do before the internet?

>> No.7483185

me doing the heretic burning

>> No.7483203

Some sort of unholy atheist monk, I guess.

>> No.7483208

I would be happy. Society back then was more normal and retards and middle class was kept in discipline. Great times. And internet isn't really that fun.

>> No.7483223

It depends on what time I was born in.

>> No.7483227

I would be a Japanese ninja samurai and honor my ancestors.

>> No.7483275

Who knows, if you mean like ancient times I really can't answer. What I am now is very much a product of our time, so I would've been very different back then.

>> No.7483289

Be a warrior and train for all my life just to die in a battle really fast.
But at least I would have something to fight and die for.
This has always been my dream

>> No.7483328

I was born in the time before the internet(was as mainstream). I played vidya.

>> No.7483378
File: 270 KB, 1173x1389, 89b143885f8916283fac33c1c52cbced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be viking.
>Rape christian lolis for Odin.

>Be roman.
>Rape barbarian lolis for emperor.

>Be hun/mongol.
>Rape everyFUCKINGthing.

>Be german.
>Rape french lolis. (INB4: Louise)

Man, this sounds like pure awesome. I don't mind being dirty, fugly, teethless and dead at 30 if I spend all my life raping delishious lolis.

>> No.7483385

I would build machines. I liked tinkering with everything before I became an Internet addict.

>> No.7483404

Go ahead, join some army, go to war and rape the lolis there. Oh wait, you're too pussy for that.

>> No.7483419
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Or you just rape the local lolis. It's not like Horacio Caine and his ability to read DNA and finger prints with his bare eyes was born at this time.

Or you become an inquisitor and rape the protestant lolis.

>> No.7483436

I'd go the full Gilles de Rais.

>> No.7483453

I know it's /jp/ and that i'll surely get stupid or wrong answers but, In the past, armies usually rape every woman in sight when they took a city/village/castle etc but did they also rape the lolis? It is mentionned nowhere. Were the children to "sacred" for that?

>> No.7483463

If you were born in any sort of decent family, you'd be sent to church. That's where all well off good for nothings went.
We would be discussing Bible powerlevels all day long.

>> No.7483466
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Kill myself.

Go to Gensokyo.

>> No.7483481


Old gensokyo was tougher. The ancient miko used to break bones and smash organs to restore order. She was even more nazi than Reimu. Looking at her armpits=instant death.

>> No.7483492

>stupid or wrong answers
Like your question.
Of course they were sacred. Because any man with absolute power over another man always abides his internal honor code, didn't you know?

>> No.7483494

Seconding this. In those days you had quite a lot of excuses to get away with your deviant behavior if you are aware of it.

>> No.7483498



Just as he said.

>> No.7483505

Write on the walls of public buildings.
It's pretty much how the 4chan of Rome worked.

>> No.7483509

Nerds existed before the internet, you know.

Not that I know what they did. I probably wouldn't have had the motivation for eroge/anime if it involved actual physical IRL effort in the form of VHS raws and shit. I'd probably have ended up as a wannabe-normalfag, failed and killed myself.

>> No.7483510
File: 226 KB, 500x704, 4e329db871d60f084c8bcfccb8147154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I miss the good ol' time. Now we, at best, can rape irakian lolis... It's even worse than black hookers. Those sure are dark times we're living in...

Pic related: could we rape the shota in the past?

>> No.7483523

Weren't the Romans pretty good at keeping their legionaries on a leash, making them build roads and forts all the time so they didn't have enough free time to drink, gamble and rape lolis?

>> No.7483542

Spending all day dreaming of a fantasy world, arguing over busted ass canon, never ever having sex.

>> No.7483581

Do you really think that it's the warriors who built everything and not the local slaves?

>> No.7483590

I'm not saying they built everything, just enough to keep them busy.

>> No.7483601

I'd probably be a Barbarian carving figs with wooden blocks.

>> No.7483702

We're modern day Thomas Aquinases

>> No.7483819

Be a wandering philosopher never staying in one town for too long and teaching local children reading and writing in exchange for food and shelter. Keep going that way till I meet a nice girl and settle down or die at the ripe old age of 42

>> No.7483834

>Be roman.
>Rape barbarian shotas for emperor.


>> No.7483849

>Be Roman.
>Go to the colosseum to watch lolis get raped by bulls and a million angry monkeys.
Oh god i wish i lived in them days sometimes..

>> No.7483876

>be a woman
>get raped by everyone


>> No.7483936

Julius caesar (?) looks damn sexy in OP

>> No.7484019

Work in the military, overthrow a king, become emperor, leave my mark on the world.

Or fuck random people all the time. Either path works.

>> No.7484025

I was born in a time before the internet.

>> No.7484045

You can do that right now!
