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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 8 KB, 357x319, shit just got real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7480287 No.7480287 [Reply] [Original]

Femanons who are also shut-ins, I've always wondered, do you spend your days the same ways as me? Do you preoccupy yourself with cosplay related activities all the time or is it more about nerding over your favourite things?

>> No.7480293

Reported one thousand times.

>shit just got real.png

One thousand and three times.

>> No.7480296


>> No.7480298

Hmm I never did cosplay because I don't leave my house much and I don't want to end up as a failcosplayer

>> No.7480302

yeah honey that's what i do all day every day, right now i'm trying to stretch out my pussy so I can cosplay as sanae

>> No.7480303

Please get out.

>> No.7480306

look at pictures of dolls
save pictures of dolls
look at websites that sell dolls
wish i had dolls

>> No.7480310


>> No.7480319

Unwritten rule of /jp/ number 1001:
Never imply that there are females on /jp/.

Unwritten role of /jp/ number 1002:
We are all little girls

>> No.7480321

Oh my.

>> No.7480332

/jp/ has no gender and I'm glad we have females who know this and don't act like faggots in here

>> No.7480343

Little girls. Not fat shut-in twenty-somethings.

>> No.7480357

Too introverted to cosplay.

I read slash fics of my favourite characters and draw gay pictures of both male and female pairings.

>> No.7480377

I mostly write fanfics of myself having a grand ol' time and getting into lots of adventures in Gensokyo.

>> No.7480384

Femanon here.
I often write stories about being raped by many futa touhou characters at the same time but never publish them

>> No.7480390

femanons of /jp/ who are your favorite tripfriends?

>> No.7480394


>>7480377 here. We should have a /jp/ meetup and make sweet fanfics together.

>> No.7480435

Femanons of /jp/, are you still virgins?
Or are you all filthy sluts?

>> No.7480446

Virgin, I am saving myself for marriage.

inb4 foreveralone, I know how unlikely it is ;_;

>> No.7480471

>I am saving myself for marriage.
Great, now I got a boner.
Good girls are my fetish.

>> No.7480485

femanons, how many are loli friendly?

>> No.7480486

Not that its any of your business, but being brought up a hardcore catholic has got me fearing the wrath of God for having sex before marriage. Not that I haven't had any fine suitors.

>> No.7480528

>Not that its any of your business
Why so defencive?

>but being brought up a hardcore catholic has got me fearing the wrath of God for having sex before marriage.
And people say religion is bad.

>> No.7480688

fellow Femanons, are you also a fat shit?

>> No.7480722

Any of you females want to go out with me? Please.

>> No.7480728


>> No.7480764

Everyone on /jp/ is a lady.

>> No.7480779
File: 316 KB, 1279x965, The_beginning_of_summer_vacation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7481190
File: 12 KB, 250x242, 1303123496033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spend all my day doing fucking nothing. I don't have any motivation or will to do anything but sit in front of the computer and rot.

That's pretty much it.

>> No.7481211

I yeah pretty much, I'm not as alpha a the guys at /cgl/ ;_;
Tripfags are a no.
Im still a virgin, waiting to get married.
Very loli friendly, part of the reason why I love touhous.
I'm skinny,actually. I try to eat healthy.
Well, if you're not butt-ugly, nice, and live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area sure.

>> No.7481214

>we have females who know this and don't act like faggots in here
You can't prove that.

>> No.7481218

So is this the thread where we pretend to be little girls?

>> No.7481231

I don't think my daily activities are different from those of male jpers, except fapping I guess.
And for god's sake, I don't cosplay.

>> No.7481232


We are all girls here.

>> No.7481247

I would imagine that female /jp/ers make for the best kind of female-bro friends.

>> No.7481248


>> No.7481260

Why would a shut-in cosplay? I think most cosplayers do it for the attention.

Anyway, I play a lot of games, mostly eroge (no yaoi/otome, just normal /jp/ stuff). I also write and draw, though I'm too shy to show most of it to anyone.

Nonvirgin here, but I only gave it to my only ever, first boyfriend after a couple of years of going out. We're still together and essentially married by now.

I'm normal weight (BMI 22).

>> No.7481271

that feel when you realize /jp/ is actually full of girls and and that's why they always insist on that shit meme saying everyone is a girl.

i feel alienated from /jp/ now...

>> No.7481272

You're a spic eh? Don't worry I am too.I know that feel of soul crushing catholic family kind of living.
Strangely enough I live in the same area as you. Sadly, I am only loyal to my waifu.

>> No.7481276

I imagine that their company wouldn't be particularly enjoyable at all.

>> No.7481281

You should schlick more often

>> No.7481287

marrying a 3d and first one you dated? GET OUT

>> No.7481290

You guys are the worst race ever. I wish you wouldn't have invaded my country.

>> No.7481291

Forgot to answer a couple.

I don't like most of them, but mugen's posts amuse me sometimes.

Very loli friendly, it's a fetish of mine. I wish I had a delicious flat chest, but my genes disagreed unfortunately.

>> No.7481302

But they probably share common interests with you and they have an idea of the general /jp/ mentality.

>> No.7481320

I can't take it easy with disgusting non-virgin sluts browsing /jp/.
Please leave.

>> No.7481328

I am not the sort of a person to date someone I don't love. Why should I have dated anyone other than the person I have decided to devote myself to?

>> No.7481339

There's no way they can truly relate to my interests if they are female. Maybe if she was a dyke, but even that would leave a too huge gap.

>> No.7481362

What kind of interests are you talking about? There are females with all kinds of hobbies and interests, I can't imagine yours being so special that no woman could relate to them.

>> No.7481914

Anons who are dedicated to their waifus are best anons.
Well...if you insist.

>> No.7481923

Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
