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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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747940 No.747940 [Reply] [Original]

Popularity contest.

ITT lets find out which weeaboo franchise has the most fanart. In b4 touhou.

>> No.747944

in after inb4 touhou

>> No.747943

There's more Naruto fanart then Touhou.

>> No.747945

>>weeaboo franchise

What... so something like MegaTokyo?

>> No.747964
File: 20 KB, 410x285, 1212449855880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.747968

Naruto vs Touhou

Deviantart search results for Naruto: 679,091
Deviantart search results for Touhou: 2,322

Touhou is only popular on places where Anonymous hangs out. (e.g. 4chan, 2chan, and Danbooru).

>> No.748004
File: 291 KB, 640x480, 1212450283986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youtube search results for Naruto: 908,000
Youtube search results for Touhou: 8,770

Google search results for Naruto: 138,000,000
Google search results for Touhou: 1,030,000

>> No.748018

Naruto's power level is maximum.

Naruto > Yukari > ORT >>>> Shiki

>> No.748023

OP means weeaboos with a power level greater than 0.2.

>> No.748024


To be fair most of the Touhou fanart can be interpreted as /l/. I don't think Deviantart allows /l/.

But even still, Naruto beats it by a landslide.

>> No.748043

Google search result for Bleach: 62,000,000
Google search result for One Piece: 78,900,000

>> No.748059

Nayruto is almost bigger than Bleach and One Piece combined.

>> No.748065


>One Piece

Fuck, I have to go listen to that theme song now.


>> No.748067

>One Piece
One Piece is two words so it's cheating.

>> No.748082

Obvious problems with this; Bleach is also the name of a cleaning product, and One Piece needs quotes around it for even slightly accurate results.

>> No.748088


You're missing the point, even considering that, Naruto search results are way higher

>> No.748093


it's called quotation marks dumbass >.>

google: one piece = everything with "one" and "piece"

google: "one piece" = mostly One Piece related things showing up

>> No.748094


Go back to gaia.

>> No.748095


>> No.748111

Wow, I'm really disappointed in Touhou. What happened to your 30GB folder of Touhou pictures?

>> No.748128

If I didn't get rid of duplicates and weed out some of the low quality original content that people post on 4Chan for a larf, I'd probably be at 30Gb right now. I only have 4Gb as it is (27,095) excluding doujinshi (about 5Gb more).

>> No.748182
File: 24 KB, 225x342, 1212452548909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the winner is Naruto.

>> No.748773
File: 188 KB, 149x212, 1212458408239.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More leik GARuto. Amirite?

>> No.748795

ナルト on pixiv = 586
東方 on pixiv = 43037

>> No.748822

Only in the 5 digits. I always thought pixiv was bigger than that.

>> No.748827

on that note, Naruto is also the name of a food, a city and a university. It's also the name of a strait which contains the Naruto Whirlpool.

>> No.748832

Total images are around 90K now though. Pretty funny that more than half of it is touhou.

>> No.748850

Impressive. How many of those images are doujin pages or manga-like pages?

>> No.748856
File: 244 KB, 1024x768, 1212459448143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then lets use the word Gaara.

Google search results for Gaara: 9,850,000
Google search results for Touhou: 1,030,000

>> No.748857

Akibakko: touhou 23415

Touhou has the most non-shitty fanart.

>> No.748867

Not really. Most of the Touhou fanart I've seen is bad? Are we looking at the same stuff?

>> No.748863



>> No.748864

tl;dr Google is shit when it comes to measuring something's popularity.

Not sure about fanart, Danbooru probably gives you a better idea about what the lunar fanart machine cranks out.

But I dare anyone to find a fanmusic community larger than the touhou one. In before that hueg 120 gig torrent of lossless music.

>> No.748869

No idea, the system doesn't make difference. Even doodles with a 東方 tag are considered, and for some reason a few JoJo images show up too; most of the time its touhou though.

>> No.748878

have you seen naruto fan"art"?

>> No.748881

Final Fantasy music > Touhou music

>> No.748882


Oh no you didn't.

>> No.748919


Google search results for Final Fantasy ost: 597,000
Google search results for Touhou Ost: 48,400

Google search results for Final Fantasy music: 1,200,000
Google search results for Touhou music: 257,000

>> No.748932


>> No.748933

google search results for alice margarine: 124000
google search results for alice margatroid: 12400
Roughly 10%. Isn't it sad, Alice?

>> No.748938


Google search results for Final Fantasy mp3: 1,060,000
Google search results for Touhou mp3: 80,100

>> No.748960

Google does a pretty good job of filtering things. For example, if you were to tell it to search for the words "final fantasy mp3" it would filter out every site that didn't have those 3 words. Somebody said earlier that Touhou has the biggest music following. This obviously isn't the case. Limewire and every other p2p torrent site seems to say Final Fantasy dominates the world of weeaboo music.

>> No.748967

Google search results for final fantasy flac: 206,000
Google search results for touhou flac: 16,500

>> No.748979

why don't you do your searches on google.co.jp in japanese?

>> No.748982

Naruto vs. One Piece isn't fair because it's dub didn't get bastardized to the point where nobody considered watching it.

>> No.749019


That would be true if One Piece wasn't a shonen jump show. Kids and teens don't care about the quality of dubs. I know when I was a teen I didn't care at all about the voice actors or dialog.

>> No.749052

Touhou is less likely to have 500 identical copies of the same song only with a sightly different file size and not to mention misattributed songs due to some fuckhead thinking a song from one series would TOTALLY be a good choice for their Cloud/Sephiroth fanfiction and decided to title it "Ode to Final Fantasy" or something like that.

Yeah that is something that gets me worked up but it doesn't just apply to /jp/ related music. Every time I see a "Invader Zim does _________" I cringe.

>> No.749073

It would be more fair to use 東方 instead of just touhou, but still it can't compare to a big franchise as Final Fantasy. Both have great music, granted.

>> No.749078


>> No.749104
File: 107 KB, 700x540, 1212462258922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google search results for Naruto: 138,000,000
Google search results for Halo: 112,000,000

Wow, Naruto even beats Halo. The casual weeaboos out number the casual video gamers. Damn, we need more shows like Naruto. Naruto has the ability to attract more otakus. In before "Bawwww I don't want animu to become mainstream."

>> No.749119

No, there are more Halo fags than Naruto fags; it is just that Naruto fags have things like deviant art, while Halo fags do all their trash talking in game so little to nothing of their presence is recorded by Google.

>> No.749137

More otaku, ok.
More Narutard weeaboos, no.

>> No.749131

PROTIP: Search the Japanese name.

>> No.749146


You are a stupid faggot.

>> No.749149


Results 1 - 10 of about 32,900,000 for 東方. (0.05 seconds)

Results 1 - 10 of about 4,970,000 for ナルト. (0.04 seconds)

>> No.749165
File: 58 KB, 500x551, 1212463024505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alice is just 10% of margarine.

>> No.749179

You're probably doing it wrong.

>> No.749180


Really? I totally did. I mean, don't get me wrong, I cared way more about the fighting, but even as a little kid I recognized the voices as FUCKING HORRIBLE. Well, not when I was that little, I guess... Voltron didn't bother me. But when I was a little older and we're talking DBZ and shit, yeah, I raged at the dub. But I had been exposed to bootleg VHS DBZ movies by the time it was airing on Saturday mornings with the original dub, so yeah.

>> No.749186
File: 145 KB, 1006x1314, 1212463263633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deviantart search results for Naruto: 679,091
>Deviantart search results for Touhou: 2,322


That's just proof that /jp/ers and 4channers (in general) are stuck in our own little worlds. Whatever we think is good we talk about and post. So I guess it could create the illusion that the stuff we are talking about is popular. I probably only have 4 Naruto pictures in my /a/ folder, yet I have 2GB of Touhou pictures. /a/ and /jp/ only post what they like. Which makes me wonder about sites like Danbooru that have 10,000+ Touhou pictures. Maybe the only reason why that number is so big is because that's the only pictures that Anons care about.

One question, who posted all those Touhou pictures on Danbooru. If you were to combine /a/ and /jp/'s population it would probably only be around 400 hundred people. And out of that 400 hundred people only 30 of them are Touhoufags. Who the hell posted all those pics?

>> No.749189

He is doing it right. Maybe Naruto is not as big as touhou in Japan from what I can see on japanese websites.

>> No.749192


Oh look, it's the Robotech guy again. Please stop linking RAGETUBE emo AMVs. Please, please, PLEASE.

>> No.749191

Google Images:

Results 1 - 18 of about 8,390,000 for 東方.
Results 1 - 18 of about 204,000 for ナルト.

>> No.749203

yes 400 people made 12million posts.

>> No.749210

東方 - 22,681件中
ナルト - 650件中


>> No.749212

>Who the hell posted all those pics?


>> No.749213

same person

>> No.749215


Google is incapable of distinguishing between those two characters. Meaning it's going to pop up every instance of those characters regardless if they're related or not. The Japanese language is a lot different from ours.

>> No.749229

same person

>> No.749225

same person

>> No.749230

>pop up

Google is incapable of distinguishing between those two words. Meaning it's going to pop up every instance of those characters regardless if they're related or not. The English language is a lot different from Japan's.

>> No.749237


same person

>> No.749240

different people

>> No.749252


filthy liar

>> No.749255

Ok, to explain what I meant.

1.Search google for 東方
2.Then click on google images.
3.Notice how much non-touhou related things pop up.

Google's filter fails with those two characters.

>> No.749257


Touhou is extremely popular in Japan. Remember, Japan has a fucking huge population of NEETs/etc that serve as a market for everything from eroge to those shitty pillows; they ALL know about Touhou in some sense or another; even if they don't play the games or read the doujins, its the source of some major Japanese internet memes, too.

4chan is unique from a Western standpoint; its one of the few places that you will find people playing the same games that the aforementioned market in Japan plays; F/SN, Ever17, Tsukihime, Touhou, etc.

>> No.749266

ZUN wouldn't be so skinny if Touhou was selling more.

No money = depression. Depression = beer.

>> No.749268

>F/SN, Ever17, Tsukihime, Touhou

With those titles, looks like we are years behind, except for touhou. I mean, tsukihime fanbase is pretty much dead now in Japan.

>> No.749273

does anyone else think this character looks like a headless running stick man?

>> No.749282

Cant unsee it.

>> No.749295


Japan is not the only country that uses 東方.

Preference > Japan Only

Results 1 - 10 of about 868,000 Japanese pages for 東方 .
Personalized Results 1 - 10 of about 7,760,000 Japanese pages for ナルト.

Results 1 - 18 of about 450,000 for 東方 .
Results 1 - 18 of about 761 for ナルト.

>> No.749315


This is true. Everything is delayed in reaching the West, but its speeding up every year; a classic example of this is the Nice Boat incident.

>> No.749307


>> No.749344

I know about those releases, but still most artists that were doing tsukihime fanart have moved into other projects a long time ago, that's my point. While here people still talk about it like it's the latest. Can't blame them, since the game was translated more than a year ago. Probably tsukihime remake might reanimate the interest...

>> No.749356


perhaps the continued popularity is due to Melty Blood matchups rather than Tsukihime

>> No.749384


It's not as if we have no idea what's going on in the moon, as would have been the case years ago for most of us, or even now in more "mainstream" shitholes. It's just that we don't all know moon, so it doesn't do much good to talk about, say, that G-Senjou thing. I mean, you can, but there's not nearly as many people who've played it as say Tsukihime, and a lot of the people who have did it via machine translation. I mean, we get most anime pretty much as soon as the elevens do, it's hardly fair to say we're years behind. Only eroge translations and such are years behind. It only makes sense that with such a limited selection of translated shit the same stuff still gets discussed.
