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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7475539 No.7475539 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit I'm learning Japanese and customs on NHK live stream

>also Japanese eat sushi with fingers ohlolol

>> No.7475552 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 398x434, patchy_knife_fork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what why the HELL doesn't she not using the shop stick's or nife and fork like patchy in pic related

>> No.7475576

>he doesn't have any other streams so he can watch his nerd animes

>> No.7475583
File: 70 KB, 371x354, chair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7475635

Path of sushido is not so easily mastered.

>> No.7478477

SUSHI is a old time first food.
Are you eat hamburger with nife and fork?

>> No.7478483

Dude, sushi IS finger food.

>> No.7478490

>SUSHI is a old time first food.
>Are you eat hamburger with nife and fork?

I want to beat you with an English textbook.

>> No.7478498

I wanna watch normal NHK not the shitty World

>> No.7478500

>implying i don't eat burgers with knife and fork

>> No.7478513

I want NHK and sushi

>> No.7478520

>I want to beat you with an English textbook.
Ah! thanks english man.
I am learn it from American.

>> No.7478551
File: 10 KB, 290x174, images-1..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at all.

>> No.7478595

I love how they portray Andy, the American guy learning Japanese customs as the biggest fucking mentally handicapped retarded ever. Its hilarious! This is what Japan actually thinks of Americans?

>> No.7478662


That is what the world thinks about Americans.

>> No.7478738


>> No.7478751

Japan tends to think of everyone as being completely fucking ignorant. You can hold a fluent conversation with them, yet they will be surprised when you can write something like 勉強. You can tell them you've lived in Japan for two years, and they will ask you if you have ever heard of お正月. It's like they think you have holes in your brain or something where certain information just never takes hold.

Possibly this as well, but Japan does it for just about anyone who isn't asian (and then only to a lesser degree)

>> No.7478760


I think that guy used to work in Takeshi's Castle.

>> No.7478773


It's hard to blame them when you look at typical american tourists.

>> No.7478774


The Andy guy, or the teacher? Oh christ, I haven't seen that show in years. What did he do in it?

>> No.7478785


Sumo in diapers and other crap like that.

>> No.7478786

Well, tourists are one thing, but just for once I'd like to be given the benefit of the doubt. So tired of people trying to mumble out strange English sentences (one person even wrote some stuff on a napkin before talking to me) before realizing I can speak Japanese and breathing a sigh of relief. Why didn't they at least TRY Japanese first?

You do have a point though. I went to the library nearby at an international school where there are English teachers from America or England or wherever, and I was working on a paper. Some fat 40something bitch walks up to the desk, and starts complaining about how her computer doesn't work and she's "Not a liar, it wasn't working before, now I know you think I'm a liar". And she just went on and on about how she needed a new computer, blah blah blah. The librarians didn't seem to speak hardly any English and someone had to come out of the back to calm this lady down. Didn't speak a single word of Japanese during the entire exchange. I mean, she has to know SOME, right? How the fuck can you live in a country long enough to hold a steady job and not learn at least a little bit of the language? Fuck. Kind of losing my original train of thought but these people just piss me off so much.

>> No.7481143

>(first paragraph)
Because learning all the idioms, grammar, and other shit in all the main varieties of English would take so much of a person's mind and effort, that they couldn't possibly fit another language in there, much less a language with 4000 plus "symbols" in it. So there's no way a proper Anglophone can be expected to know Japanese.

>> No.7481174

That's kind of funny. I learned myself all the high school kanji in like 1,5 months (yes via Heisig hurr durr I don't know them) and I can pretty much work my way through eroge after 4 months without too much of a hassle. I have no idea why the Japs don't use Heisig's method to study kanji, instead they repeat them like a mindless drones for hours on end so it takes them 18 years to get it down. Then again their language is hardly as difficult for foreigners as they would like to think, I imagine it's much harder for them to learn a foreign language because theirs has such a simple syntax.

>> No.7481189

>How the fuck can you live in a country long enough to hold a steady job and not learn at least a little bit of the language?
Latent to overt sense of cultural superiority.

>> No.7481203

>I have no idea why the Japs don't use Heisig's method to study kanji

Because it's a placebo and you haven't learned anything. Also, you obviously didn't understand the point of Heisig because it's goal is not to teach you to understand any Japanese words, or something, and anyone who expects otherwise is just ignorant. Clearly you've done something wrong.

Why did you even bring that up?

>> No.7481242


Such good bait. I hope this thoroughly derails the thread.

>> No.7481319

Does NHK have a Japanese stream somewhere. I'm sure they do, but their site is a labyrinth.

>> No.7481345

You can watch it with KeyholeTv. The quality is shit though.

>> No.7481374


Agh, never mind then. Tried that a while ago, not impressed.

>> No.7481450

I just knew *this* guy would show up again. And no Heisig is not a placebo, the fact that memories are easily retrieved if associated with images and/sound has been established by science. After Heisig I grinded readings via contextual vocabulary, which was easy as shit to remember because I already knew the chinese meaning of the kanji. I understand that the fact that it probably took you much longer to get to a same level because you're too stubborn to try anything non-orthodox must be frustrating, but that doesn't mean you have to take it out on people that have.

What bait? I actually did acquire an acceptable level of reading fluency in that time by spending atleast 3 hours everyday on vocab grinding in addition to immersing myself with only Japanese. Also academics and learning in general have always been my forté so it's no surprise I would progress that fast.

>> No.7481467


So basically you pissed away a month and a half on stupid shit, then memorized Japanese vocabulary the correct way. Congratulations on coming to your senses; you're a model to everyone.

>> No.7481864

hmm... I checked official web sight. "NHK ON DEMAND" is here. but that blocking foreign about reason "copyright".

Some program can watch NHK official youtube channel.
NHK bangumi collection

and NHK world is here. maybe you knew.

>> No.7481872

Well, regardless of "correct/incorrect" methods, I do believe that Japanese students as well learn some degree of kanji disection by radicals. It's not heisig exactly, but I think the biggest thing one can take from heisig is the ability to think in terms of radicals and the relations therein.

>> No.7481877

Ah I remember when the gundam.eu streams were up showing 10+ japanese channels at your liesure in high quality.

Seems like such a thing is member club only, haven't found a new one since then.

>> No.7481881

Even when grinding Chinese in elementary school we used radicals. The word for forest is made of five woods.

>> No.7481908

Show me these wild china characters. I desire to view them.

>> No.7481940

isn't it three?

>> No.7481945

It makes me chuckle to see trolls go at it over Heisig. As someone who used it effectively to make learning vocabulary easier, I have to say you're all idiots.

>> No.7482004

Wood: 木
Forest: 森林

>> No.7482054


Eh, everything on their Youtube channel gives me similar messages:


As for NHK World, I was aiming more for Japanese-language programming.

Thanks anyhow, though.

>> No.7482167

密林:Jungle. Sometimes otaku net slang AMAZON

>> No.7482190
File: 36 KB, 270x280, koumei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sorry I have done you wrong.

>> No.7482194

That's too bad, I would pay for that sort of thing. Too bad I can't find it any where. I guess I could always use a VPN and try to watch the Japanese stream of NHK if there is one, but I'd probably get shitty speeds.
