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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 308 KB, 984x752, wakabagivesupondrawingbreasts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7475258 No.7475258 [Reply] [Original]

-A mysterious new face appears on the CBJP site, could she have something to do with the new winberrl?
-Players and GMs slapdown for UC-RT rates tomorrow.
-CBJP is getting a new feature that appears to be
some kind of craft system.

Previous thread: >>7459334

>> No.7475278


He fucked up her legs pretty bad though. She's like anorectic.

>> No.7475286
File: 36 KB, 200x200, okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kanbara asks for these threads to die, again
>meido actually deletes the thread
>new one posted anyway

>> No.7475316

>implying you own this board
>implying the thread was deleted
Also get the fuck out with your greentest.

>> No.7475343


I can't even argue anymore, just go. Have your shitty threads along with people that aren't from /jp/. Or supposedly are "from" /jp/, but are "too cool" to be in hotglue, and too cool to even be in the anti-hotglue clan in CB, yet somehow still play this game.

Just keep this shit saged so I don't have to see it, and you can be another group of outsiders on /jp/.

>> No.7475397
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>> No.7475399

Get out of /jp/.

Trying too hard to fit in. Get out too.

>> No.7475419

>>7475399 Trying too hard to fit in. Get out too.
I've been here since the board's creation, so try again, faggot.
How about you get out instead.

>> No.7475437

>>7475343 "too cool" to be in hotglue
Oh wow, you are retarded.
And I already told you once to hide the thread.

Why don't you make a /hotglue/ and fuck off there so you can have your super sekrit club, and so I don't have to watch your whining here.

>> No.7475474
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>> No.7475512
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>> No.7475534

I'm gonna need popcorn for this one.

>> No.7475547


Same reason why you faggots haven't moved to /cb/ or just gone back to /commu/.

>> No.7475555

who the fuck is she?

>> No.7475597

She looks to be another Sip or Air type bot. Looks interesting. I probably wont roll for this one and thank goodness too. Me and my wallet just want that royal gara to be done with.

>> No.7475695

Are you ready to fail tomorrow's uc->rt event because of wizergs and other noobs?

>> No.7475824
File: 143 KB, 640x480, 1305836069288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the new Winberrl comes out, everyone whines about rates and realize she's crap, and when the new girl in OP's image comes out, everyone will whine about rates and how bad she is even more.


>> No.7475964
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Leave reni alone you sick bastard.

>> No.7475984
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>> No.7475995


>> No.7475996


My prayers have been answered.

>> No.7476001

>Delicious flatness mind

Was thinking the same thing. Can't wait for the fanarts.

>> No.7476011

tbh I didn't think the thread was deleted, I think the thread just got saged off page 15.

Don't know if want to spend on tthis new character, already too much new bots coming out. and I'm expecting shitty rates just like usual.

>> No.7476031 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.7476142
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oh wow

>> No.7476153
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>11,000 rt

>> No.7476156
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>11k Rt

>> No.7476177

I don't get why people hate Charlotte so much and treat Hotglue as some kind of honorable underdog in Cosmic Break.

Sure, kaikai used to altf4, but he stopped doing that(and no longer even plays so whatev). And health bar distortion? It's only used by a few of charlotte's players now. Not to mention, while Luvia and whatever account Florette is playing doesn't have bots with it, Kanbara does it now too.

In the end though, that kind of stuff pales in comparison to the kind of underhanded things that hotglue does. They have account sharing on a completely ridiculous scale. I've seen Florette playing on something like 13 different accounts! Furthermore, they all proxyabuse the shit out of offers to pay for their cashbots. Combine that with the account sharing above and who the hell needs to pay actual money to compete?

Oh, tuning you say? Well how about back in february when half of hotglue was logged in macroraping frau with chocolates and then tuning right before the emergency maintenance(I heard florette got some kind of advance warning from Tempura, so not only are they a bunch of bug-abusing faggots, but they've got GM favoritism).

On the subject of GM favoritism, I heard they discovered some kind of duping glitch and abused it for months and then when Tempura found out he let them keep their duped items.

Meanwhile, all Charlotte does is ACTUALLY PAY MONEY to keep this game afloat unlike you ungrateful faggots.

>> No.7476179
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>11,000 rt

>> No.7476184

You are a thread late. No one is talking about that anymore.

>> No.7476186

>11k rt

So, how many surveys did you grind?
I need to know if it is possible with my level of autism.

>> No.7476189
File: 70 KB, 153x114, patchy 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how many surveys did you grind
Good one

>> No.7476208

look carefully at the title bar

>> No.7476210
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>11k Rt
>Almost confused it for $110 worth of moon money thanks to Getamped 2

>> No.7476217

Charlotte is exETF.
Getting a bad reputation in a game with community this small was a really stupid idea.

>> No.7476219

So I was thinking of trying this game out while waiting for EE OB, since it was fun with Hotglue there. This thread... makes not want to.

>> No.7476221
File: 71 KB, 184x277, ivischaaan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy "invested" over $800 just to get Ivis...

he failed

>> No.7476222

Thats cool.

>> No.7476236

any info about EE open beta?

i miss my loli

>> No.7476241
File: 90 KB, 225x350, frustrah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Because Hotglue doesn't make a big deal about winning or losing. If they win, that's great; they just carry on and play like usual. If they lose, well, it's not really losing since they had fun. Charlotte, on the other hand, is a bunch of immature brats who boast all about every little wins. "Oh look, we beat Hotglue, Hotglue must sucks XDDDDDD!" etc. If they lost, they'd go mad devastated and ragequit/ragepost.
2. Survey offer = money reward. It's the same to Cyberstep; there's no difference between four quarters and a dollar bill.
3.Tempura actually warned all players about the emergency maintenance ahead of time... it also wasn't fixed immediately either; plenty of people, not only Hotglue, exploited that bug.
4. Get out of jp

>> No.7476251

No info. Checking the forums is sort of fun just for their chatbox. At least for awhile it was.

>> No.7476306
File: 1.48 MB, 999x800, bg_image_110613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better image of the new frontpage bot.

>> No.7476368

An elf robot. Genius.

What else is CB missing in terms of character archetypes/potential fetishes, anyhow? I can only think of a ghost robot. There's an elementary schooler robot (Toybox Girl), gunslinger robots (Skeagaunt, Connie), sorceress robots (Nicole, Koko), demon robots (Ura Daimon, Shuten Daimon, Gaap), a princess robot (Elisalotte), directional guardian robots (Suzeku, Genbura, Byakko, Seiron), bunnygirl entertainer robots (Renny and Patty), ninja robots (Kagetama, Shadow Hunter), gothloli robots (Ivis, Misty), robots in swimsuits, robots in school swimsuits, robots with glasses (the accessory series, plus Eiru), robots with drill hair (Misty), robots with obscenely large breasts (too many to count), robots with flat chests (but still not enough of them), sadistic elder sister archetype robots (Adone) and so on.

>> No.7476431

The elf ears AC was in the UC gara for ages so your bitching just looks dumb.

What's missing is a catgirl-bot. Just about one of the oldest tropes there is.

>> No.7476465

Legendary monsters, like Cerberus, Hydra, Chimera.
We also need pirates. Pirate hat alone isn't enough. Operators (like Packet), teachers, firemen, police officers, lawyers, prisoner, thief/bandit/robber, snowman/yuki onna... I'll stop here, it's gonna go into a long list of japanese mythology youkai at this rate.

>> No.7476491

>Charlotte, on the other hand, is a bunch of immature brats who boast all about every little wins.

I like how Hikaru represents Charlotte

>> No.7476502

I'm actually pleased, Cyberstep knows its fanbase well and acts accordingly. That's more than what you can say about many companies.

Also, there is a cat ears accessory and Amamiya Kotone qualifies as a catgirl, though is very rare on JPCB and not available on ENCB to my knowledge. She's also a shrine maiden, so maybe the next will be a nun robot.

>> No.7476662

Troll Hikaru is actually KaiKai using his account.

The real Hikaru rarely talks.

>> No.7476769


pirate = bloomeria/astromeria

>> No.7476799

I like using Bloom Mariah she was my first Bot that I customized and she is fairly decent to me.

I dont think I have seen an Astro Mariah though. was she a gara exclusive or what? It would be nice If I could get her.

>> No.7476836

Alstroemeria is JPCB promotional event only and did not so far appear in ENCB. Bloomeria was apparently in JPCB garapon though, but I haven't seen her for the ~9 months I've been playing over there. This makes her either one-off or rarer than Ivis (who was in the Renny garapon and Megagarapon, if I recall.)

That, or it was vice-versa.

>> No.7476922

any advice for tomorrow event? i main S air bots mostly

>> No.7476960

Sounds kinda believable.

>> No.7477005

a ps breaker/boss quest bot, something with good dps 1vs1 (gatlings, etc) and... dunno, an aoe melee maybe

>> No.7477057

Bring blasters instead of shotguns because the piercing will help a lot if it's really crowded. Ammo chibis with burst fire bit would be very helpful too.

>> No.7477125

Wow you are right. How they let that pass?

>> No.7477165

There are already a /hotglue/ and it is obvious this thread is invaded by /commu/fags. No need to pretend that you are a native.

>> No.7477245

you guys are fucking stupid.
after the clan war Kai gave his account to Mazinger not Hikaru.

>> No.7477277
File: 263 KB, 500x375, 1301657799195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't get why people hate Charlotte so much and treat Hotglue as some kind of honorable underdog in Cosmic Break.

Charlotte = ETF. ETF players are douchebags when they lose (pic related) and they are douchebags when they win (see last thread and thread on /commu/) and they are douchebags the rest of the time too. It's a shame Snowflake or Hotglue didn't crush them like they deserve.

>> No.7477312

My apologies, I thought you were being sarcastic.

I don't count Amamiya Kotone because she's essentially unavilable.

>> No.7477315
File: 141 KB, 500x500, 1306728032094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETF = Charlotte are elitist swines. They only invite the (rt bots reliance) best players and act like doucher to newbies. They decline Rynex's request to join their clan.

Hotglue will welcome everyone no matter how shitty they are at the game and actually help the newbie out.

CBfags, get out of /jp/!

>> No.7477361


In my experience, I've seen other clans being more assholes or vocal than them (Snowflake, EFB). I'm not saying the rest are saints, but that's just my opinion.

>> No.7477372


We wouldn't accept Rynex either. I don't know why other Hotglue members are so negative honestly. The only people we don't like, or so I thought, were the iHop guys. Rest of ETF are fine. Even Hakua's brilliantly named BRD account got into Charlotte, and it took endless bitching from asukuu to get him off when no one else had a problem with him.

>> No.7477396

But Rynex-W or whatever was in it while I was kicked off to make room for people that still play.
Your point is invalid.

>> No.7477413

My point is no one likes Rynex.

>> No.7477426

And yet he is still posting here and linking all the /commu/fags to come here.
The irony.

>> No.7477443

What irony? That's the exact reason why he is disliked.

>> No.7477463

I dislike him for other reasons.

>> No.7477470

What I expected: Mostly Hotglue posting in /jp/ thread

What I got: Mostly DOS and some Hotglue posting in /jp/ thread



>> No.7477492

Isn't the clan tournament already over? Why are you people still talking about clans?

I would think instead of arguing about what's happening in the past, we should be getting ready for the showdown with the GMs soon.

>> No.7477500

You dont find this funny?
Commufag A: I hate him but I will still go to the place that he linked :>.
Commufag B: Yeah he is a faggot but did you see that cool blue background site he link,so much epic win XD
Commufag C: Yeah even those Hotglue elitists are there, lets go troll them there XD

>> No.7477515

don't mind asukuu and tae.
kaikai said they are immature

>> No.7477627

Chill, dood. No details have been posted yet about the event or how Rt conversion is going to work anyway. For all we know, it might be completely different than CB JP.

>> No.7477711

asukuu is really cute, has a nice superiority complex considering most of our fellow BRD players shit all over him.

>> No.7477717

I like how Charlotte represents BRD's buyfaggorty.

>> No.7477722

You people simply don't understand the greater concept of Hotglue's loss. They needed to lose if the game is to survive. Otherwise, Charlotte kids would ragequit to the point where CS won't get any funding anymore, and we all know Tempura needs his paycheck.

It was a necessary evil.

>> No.7477728

I guess Charlotte is the reason why BOOF is rich as fuck now eh? Them stocks and whatnot.

>> No.7477745

That's surprising considering he moves cardboard boxes for a living.

>> No.7477748

But these threads are an unnecessary evil. Why are they still here?

>> No.7477762

/commu/ and charlotte ahue

>> No.7477786

asukuu is such a dick, Hakua was mad cool ;_;

>> No.7477820
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>> No.7477825


Can someone fucking delete this thread already?

>> No.7477861

Report it and find out.

>> No.7477991
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>> No.7478000

That's not the end of it


he was rolling for ivis, and DIDNT GET IT

>> No.7478025 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 240x240, 1307868520337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7478021

oh wow, i got Ivis in like 6 rolls. i think this gara was more lenient. Royal gara on the other hand...

>> No.7478062


>> No.7478269

No one in Hotglue has ever done the "health bar distortion" at least not any that matter. Especially the names you listed.

>account sharing
Since when is account sharing so bad? A better player taking advantage of RT bots. I guess if you payed money for the same bot but still get beat by someone who didn't pay anything, it would be frustrating.
As said before, CS doesn't care where the money comes, direct pay or from a third party (offers) it's all the same to them. And you're stupid if you think all of hotglue gets thousands of rt from surveys and offers. If it was that easy everyone would abuse it.

>Frau "bug" abuse
It was CS's fault for overlooking it and it wasn't just hotglue abusing it. It was 90% of the population.

>GM favoritism
Is there really such a thing? I guess those bug abuses you mentioned above count as favoritism. I'm pretty nobody got banned for those.

Charlotte=ETF=ihop. The ihop people merged with a already strong clan (who barely speaks english) just to win. The ETF chinks brought over there lag and bug abuses (garage stacking anyone?)

When ETF lost they first tournament, they started a new clan and recruited all of brd's big spenders. For what? Just to win.

When they finally won the tournament they gloated and acted obnoxious. If that isn't faggotry, I don't know what is.

>> No.7478300
File: 33 KB, 500x389, How fascinating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bug abuses (garage stacking

>> No.7478345

Thread reeks of charlotte faggots.

>> No.7478469
File: 144 KB, 380x1200, 18692752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

charlotte faggots must defend charrlotte faggots if no one else will.

>> No.7478496

when will the graphics improve?

>> No.7478507


When you can afford a gaming pc.

>> No.7478678

hey charlotte fags,
how about you go back to your shitty fanforum.
where everyone talks about full retardedness
and but cries about this shitty game.

you already have your tourney win,
your not contended yet?
Charlotte your so fucking Sugoi gayshit

>> No.7479105
File: 99 KB, 800x480, whatisthisidonteven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well guys, I am now the proud owner of a "SoReal Trojan" waterproof vibrating penis, complete with lube, extra batteries, and a signature. He was even kind enough to remove two of the batteries and install them in the dong for me...

>> No.7479162


So did you use it?

>> No.7479182

You have to admit, AnalProbe is really dedicated to his schtick.

>> No.7479198


I was about to go to bed right before this was posted. This is why I can never get to sleep. That one last refresh is always the best one.

And it's been 3 full days of the worst internet I've ever had. Disconnecting every 30 seconds still. The storm passed, but this annoying problem didn't. At least I can catch up on other non-online games now.

>> No.7479203

>He was even kind enough to remove two of the batteries and install them in the dong for me

Someone had to test it

>> No.7479246
File: 318 KB, 450x530, 1253786660757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually, I do use those boxes. I originally just named a bunch of bots BOXBOXBOXBOXBOXBOXBO and Rina renamed them to the actual autism boxes, I thought it was funny and left it as is. I was trying to think of another name for my dog, but I got lazy.


Actually, I think I've gotten like .. 40.. maybe 50 free rt from offers. Every time I try I get mad and charge $50, so I stopped trying. Also those chocolates? I think only one or two people managed to tune before they got nerfed. I got lazy and ended up with like 15 4% chocolates.

Just to tell you, the thing I disliked the most about them was the leaving rooms and rejoining counter-picking individuals. I thought that was pretty lame.

>> No.7479296
File: 46 KB, 700x542, tea hijack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying we didn't get duplicating glitch from jpCB
>implying BOOF wasn't already rich
This thread needs to research better.

I can't say I miss you guys because I couldn't understand what you guys were saying 90% of the time, but most of you left for NFA.

>> No.7479355

Get the fuck out.
Stop making this thread. Create your own cb imageboard.

>> No.7479428

What was that again?... Oh yeah I remember...

Get Out KS Devs!... Guess I too should get out of this thread... since I obviously don't belong here...

>> No.7479434

That's certainly a, um, unique form of customer feedback. Guess you won't be displaying it on your desk. lol

>> No.7479474

people still complaining about the chocolates?

i have 400+ in my garage

>> No.7479499


Hakua doesn't make these threads and neither does anyone else in hotglue. Kanbara's asked people to stop making these threads after each tournament.

Instead you get shit like
>implying hotglue owns /jp/
>Im part of some other /jp/ guild in hotglue, even though all three of the big /jp/ guilds denies any part in this and I'm always posting screenshots with an outsider clan logo

If you want these threads to stop, just report them like I do. Those faggots will be here to stay otherwise

>> No.7479502

This is something I dont understand.
The janitor clearly delete EE thread but not his.
Why the double standard?

>> No.7479504

You don't belong anywhere, faggot. Please kill yourself.
It's useless to report. It's not going to be deleted because the mods are all people that don't even know what is going on with the board. Someone should make a board already and convince all those retards to move there.

>> No.7479560

Not really sure why you're asking to chill with everyone else not chilling, but okay.

I am pretty sure it's on Miso's desk now because that's actually reasonable.

ahaha what

>> No.7479565

Hello CosmicBreak players!

As mentioned on the June Event Schedule, we will be holding a special Heroes vs. CyberStep event soon! The event begins at 6:00 PM Server Time, June 14th, and runs for 1 hour. If you would like to participate, please enter the special event Quest Area, which will be accessible from the Quest Menu once the event starts.

There will be 5 GMs lurking in the Event Quest Area! Defeating them will activate a limited time UC to Rt conversion system, which will be added to the game during this week's maintenance! For each GM taken down, 10 Rt will be added to the total amount of Rt purchasable via UC, for a total of 50 Rt if all 5 GMs are defeated within the 1 hour time limit. The UC to Rt conversion system will only be active for one month, so make sure to buy your Rt quickly! Rt will increase in price with each 10 Rt you buy, as shown on the chart below:

1 - 10 Rt: 1000 UC per Rt
11 - 20 Rt: 2000 UC per Rt
21 - 30 Rt: 3000 UC per Rt
31 - 40 Rt: 4000 UC per Rt
41 - 50 Rt: 5000 UC per Rt

Additionally, if all 5 GMs are defeated, we will reset the limits on the Limited Stock Items in the Star Coin Shop!

Good luck everyone!

defeat all five so BOOF can spend riches of star coins

>> No.7479617

Those rates are absolutely outrageous compared to jpcb.

>> No.7479638

Those rates are normal on jpCB if you don't defeat all five GMs during the Heroes vs CyberStep event.

>> No.7479674 [DELETED] 

>150,000 uc for 50 rt

i'm ok with this

>> No.7479681

>You don't belong anywhere, faggot. Please kill yourself.

Not gonna happen Mr. Nobody... enjoy your eternal butt-rage (Lol!... I said butt-rage!... That was funny!)

>> No.7479683

Get the fuck out.

>> No.7479686

mugen please join us at #hotglue

>> No.7479690

Well played.

>> No.7479692

Please go away.

>> No.7479699

Well... since you asked nicely... guess I'll be heading out now...

Have a free bump...

>> No.7479711

>150,000 uc for 50 rt

i'm ok with this

>> No.7479732


I have 250k UC, dunno if i want to spend it all on 50 RT when I buy 100-200 bucks pretty much fortnightly :/

>> No.7479968

so tempura is already assuming we won't defeat all the gm's

>> No.7479981


>> No.7480112

sup Butthurtglue

>> No.7480328

Get the fuck out Hikaru.

>> No.7480592
File: 3 KB, 128x128, img_cache_t_182581_1_1304470834_png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't made any CB threads since December

I quit pruning and deleting this shit, because /commu/fags keep creating them, and mods refuse to ban them

>> No.7481044
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A huge improvement.

>> No.7481122
File: 15 KB, 188x229, 1273781879743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what have you done?

>> No.7481132

Fuck that gay dildo.

>> No.7481179
File: 194 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20110614_1932_31_501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My Squidol>>>>>>>your Squidol

>> No.7481220

fuck I only have 100k left. I was going to convert all my money to roll a few times and decide if I want to play again based on what I got but now I'd have to play just to get enough money.

>> No.7481234

no one likes charlotte ;__:

>> No.7481258

delicious brown squidol

>> No.7481259

Still trying pretty hard eh troll?

>> No.7481378
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>> No.7481675

what's so troll about a true statement?

>> No.7481801

I like Charlotte. The statement is invalid.

>> No.7481827

It might be true, but that guy is clearly trying to fire up some shitstorm. He has been doing that for a while already.

>> No.7481846

Versus GMs event in less than five minutes. Anybody remember this event in beta where the last GM survived with less than a hundred health? Which GM was that?

>> No.7481866

a japanese gm? i don't remember

good luck comrades

>> No.7481874

still playing?

>> No.7481882

was it wedge? I think it was someone in a flying robot.

>> No.7481901

This is like lumberjack events all over again.

Also, Ch1 Ground maxed out at 324 players.

>> No.7481959


Squidog Girl.

>> No.7481966

jesus, was it down to 1 gm already?

>> No.7482005

We're losing.

>> No.7482016


We don't care.

>> No.7482023
File: 204 KB, 400x609, 1298842740864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We won.

>> No.7482047


And not a fuck was given that day.

>> No.7482078


>> No.7482090

Anyone have any pictures of my Elisalotte? She's my favorite robot

>> No.7482205
File: 187 KB, 804x683, ivis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accidentally clicked Cosmic Break instead of another icon. Too little, too late fuckwads. Anyone still play this shit?

>> No.7482206



>> No.7482219

Goddammit, seraph with [d]bmg are fucking bullshit. Just one killed my art from full hp without a chance to fight back.
Trying to alphashoot her? Stun, stun, stun.
Trying to fight back? Out of your sight because she's circling you.
Trying to get away? Only if you have 60 fly.

>> No.7482235

Too bad he's a massive faggot.
Rynex is a mouth-breathing faggot.

>> No.7482252

art is for faggots

>> No.7482503

Extended boost gauge is a broken mechanic. Airs are balanced around having to stop and land but seraph wings/shaden bs/full boost takes away this flaw and not only makes airs capable of heavy, sustained damage but also takes away any skill involved in boost management. Add in anti-homing/ridiculous speed/homing blaster and you have stupidly powerful builds that are stupidly easy to play.

>> No.7482594

I don't know how shit like homing blasters has changed things but complaining about booster effects with regular weapons is retarded. the advantage of shaden booster is that it allows you to maintain high altitude and spam shit at people way below you. with beam machineguns you have to be so close that landing isn't really a big deal, especially with boost and jump carts. plus if you're a payfag and have air loop using crimrose's wing is only going to make you more vulnerable.

>> No.7482730
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CS = Galactic Empire

>> No.7482797

Since we won, everyone has to roll ivis gara now.

No exceptions.

>> No.7483040

>>7482235 Too bad he's a massive faggot.
Sounds like your ass is in pain.
He's actually one of the few normal people in this shithole of a community.

>> No.7483812 [SPOILER] 
File: 80 KB, 640x432, WELCOMETOTHISCRAZYTIME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds to me as if you need a bit more

>> No.7484020

Too bad, I'm going for Big HDJ

>> No.7484038

Last night I had a dream where there was some kind of new eve in the gara. She had pink hair and her twin tails were tied up kinda like Bloom Maria. I used up all of my rt trying to get her and then some Destructor CN comes along and punches open the container that she was in and took her. I tried to wait around inside to see if it would spawn another one but instead some crappy looking bot got spawned.

Heed these words I rear this dream is a prediction of the next gara. Dont waste your rt on this next gara.

>> No.7484070

rynex is a traitor and a faggot

fuck rynex

>> No.7484124

I wasn't talking about rynex.

>> No.7484135

>>7479732 I buy 100-200 bucks pretty much fortnightly :/

>> No.7484167

>He's actually one of the few normal people in this shithole of a community.
That's not a good thing at all.

>> No.7484675


>> No.7485086

Hikaru get out. Go back to /a/.

>> No.7485280


suck it poorfags

you guys better hope your in WIZ, and in my clan, I like giving free RT to people. but only if you fulfill those requirements. and you know, are not just compulsive beggars.

>> No.7485369

You are fucking retarded, get out, /commu/fag

>> No.7485551

He's from the fanforum. Shows how far gone these threads are.

>> No.7485795
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>> No.7485821
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>> No.7485826

Oh goddammit.

>> No.7486398

I can't wait to see that running, I'll be going straight to the hospital.

>> No.7486652


>> No.7486776

CB JP announced the their heroes vs. CS event. Interesting factoids:
- It's labeled as the 11th event, which implies that Rt conversion has been out less than a year. CB JP has been out about 2 1/2 years.
-All 15 (that's right, fifteen) GM bots have to be destroyed in one hour in order to get the cheapest RT rate. 7 and 10 bots need to be destroyed to just get limit removers to be sold for UC; it's not automatic.

CB EN is getting off easy. Makes me want to punch the stupid, ungrateful scrubs begging for CB EN to be more like CB JP even more.

>> No.7486810

>health bar distortion
someone has also forgot to mention that flamboyant paint scheme.

>> No.7486824

Stop, Tempura, just stop. We know what you are up to.

>> No.7486826

Scrubs gonna bitch.

When JPCB first got UC > Rt, it was at the same 1000-2000-3000-4000-5000 rate as ENCB is getting now. The reduced rate didn't come until a lot later. I think it's funny how even the people who aren't bitching seem to think that the rate was "increased" from JP in order to make up for the lower Rt prices or something. It's the same exact system as JP, and the price will be brought down over time in the same exact way as it was in JP, to give people something new to look forward to every event.

>> No.7486911

I think it's retarded to imitate cbjp's steps instead of implementing the current state.

-"Hey, let's sell that new cell phone from Japan in our store."
-"But sir! We have to get and sell first the previous model that was released a year ago! Then afterwards we can sell the new model."

Fucking stupid.

>> No.7486921 [DELETED] 

>Stop, Tempura, just stop. We know what you are up to.
Given that I'm not affiliated with CS in any way, I feel perfectly at liberty to say "Eat shit." While I'm at it, let me throw in a "..., you fucktard" for not saging; no extra charge.

>> No.7486922

That's not a good analogy.

>> No.7486939

Exact same way as JP?
Yet I don't see no fucking handy zooks in the shop and other shit.

How about you stop being a dumb fuck apologist, get off your high horse and stop calling people scrubs because you're too afraid for poor fags getting better treatment.

>> No.7486977


Hai Hakua, you too pussy to argue on commu so you bring dis shit up on /jp/?


>> No.7487001

but it's exactly what's happening

>> No.7487129

DOS is almost becoming competent these days. Can you move me to WIZ, tempura? Please?

>> No.7487143

You know what's funny dipshit? Hakua posted in that UC to Rt Conversion shitthread? You know what's funnier nobody has refuted his last post yet?

Why don't you go back to your shitty fanforum?

>> No.7487295

>>7485280 hope your in
Get the fuck out

>> No.7487967

If you are ever planning on buying rt, now is the best time to do it. You get 50% extra when you buy from offer wall. Tested it and got 750rt with 35€.

>> No.7488008

>Offer +50% Bonus Campaign

It seems to work with buying rt option in SR wall.

>> No.7488043

Too bad I am banned from SR for whatever reason.

>> No.7488106
File: 90 KB, 962x705, thankyoubasedSR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get the items too.

>> No.7488111

Me too

>> No.7488118

I'm banned too. My alts isn't banned, but my main is. I guess it's because of survey/insurance frauds? Then again, I don't intend on charging any money.

>> No.7488168
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>50% bonus for charging via super rewards
... wat do?

>> No.7488202
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>New account

>> No.7488898

What the fuck am I gonna do with money on new account?

>> No.7489065
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Explain this bullshit

>> No.7489079
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>> No.7489148
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but Saten isn't flat

>> No.7489207

So, following Winberyl's rose theme, this new elf girl makes her breasts grow by watering them.

There will be porn of this, I feel it in my bones. Brace yourselves for Winberyl with huge tits.

Just as Tempura planned.

>> No.7489394

>We will be holding a Night Highway only tournament on June 26th! The winning team will get to choose a new image to be displayed on the Night Highway billboard! Registration for the tournament will be open next Monday (June 20th), starting from 18:00 Server Time. Matches will be 15 vs 15, and rosters may contain up to 20 players (15 regulars + 5 alternates) assembled from any clan/union. 16 teams will be able to participate.

Looking forward to a hotglue+NFA/hotglue+EFB joint entry

>> No.7489567

>ABR in shop

So every crim in the game is going to have one now? Why even have LNDs and ARTs anymore?

>> No.7489628

because ABR is only useful if you can aim. which most CB players can't.

>> No.7489930

How do you attack that PS in epoch? That one winter map where the PS is on a mountain. Everyone yells to attack the PS and thats exactly what I do and I get the whole team in my ass instantly. Someone said that everyone hates WIZ is that true? I have never made any duplicate accounts so I dont know how the other factions are like. It seems like after that last tourney we have gotten in to 3rd place now and we cant get out of it.

To anyone playing on BRD how did that faction become 1rst place all the time? What are you guys doing that you seem to be just be just getting good at magically?

>> No.7490104
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blue route is the best

>> No.7490255
File: 8 KB, 183x191, tempurasface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"WTF, JPCB has the ABR in the Shop! ENCB is so much worse than JPCB!"
>put ABR in Shop
"WTF, how are LNDs and ARTs going to stand up against all these ABR spamming AIRs?!"

>> No.7490305

The people who were clamoring for the ABR are not the ones complaining about its addition (at least, this is what I tell myself to keep my sanity).

>> No.7490520
File: 203 KB, 480x270, wahaha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


On that subject, will play for whoever if I can put wahaha.gif as the image if we win. PM me on irc or something.


ABR is nice, but there are better weapons available for UC and RT. Although I guess you could just say it's a stylistic thing.

>> No.7490550

to those who play on the CBJP what is the average player count there?

>> No.7490616

During peak hours it's above 700 with lots of rooms. It goes down to 100-150 past 4 or so Japan time and stays at that level until 14-15.

To give some perspective it's at just below 150 at 11:45 and there are three rooms hovering around 8v8.

>> No.7491020

2 hours straight of people begging like bratty 6 year olds. Wtf is this shit?

>> No.7491111

A small sampling of the pubs you get to kill constantly in arena.

>> No.7492268

Converted UC to RT, then rolled Ivis gara once.

Got a liquid snail bomb.

Such is life in Cosmic Break.

>> No.7492486

Should've rolled weekly.

>> No.7492811
File: 184 KB, 693x571, penguard-axer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's bazaar day in CB JP again.

>> No.7492817
File: 585 KB, 1232x700, nekomimi-hood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some chibis chillin' in da 'hood.

>> No.7492826
File: 376 KB, 857x872, izuna-haku-tail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A new Haku tail accessory or joint? Saw several of these.

>> No.7492865



>> No.7492932

Does that fit on a normal bot?

>> No.7492957

I can never play Cosmic Break now. I have missed out on too many limited edition characters I will never obtain, not to mention I tend to have a weakness towards cash shops.

>> No.7493001

Unless you planned spending 5000 bucks or more you wouldn't have gotten them all anyway.

>> No.7493003

Oh hey Hash, can you learn to turn your mic off during the radio show? It gets real annoying hearing you typing repeatedly after being told to fix your mic.

Jesus Christ, just go back to /v/.

>> No.7493034

If I heard correctly at the radio show dint they say over at CBJP that their lands are built like airs as well? I am getting more and more curious as to how CB is played over there.

>> No.7493079

Yeah, if you're playing JPCB you better get used to flying Vanguard and Ivis. But squishy melee isn't very popular since everyone knows to get out of their way and they die quickly under concentrated fire, they need to flank well and retreat when things turn sour in order to succeed. High TGH L LND with the sword arms of Red Squealer and Daedalian, the Daimon mace, Beetlander HD or a Jet Hammer seem to be much more popular.

ART is also a lot more competent and hold their positions well, so you don't get AIR ruling the entire game.

>> No.7493099

Aw, I am actually starting to like this turtlebacker I created too. I guess I would get raped if I try to use him over in CB JP. I dont see a lot of people using that mace here, I actually have a red squealer arm/ and mace combo kinda like how you say. I like using my toy box that I revamped recently so he hits harder than before but I would like to see how they are able to hold their positions as you say. I try to lead my shots but some still manage to out fly my rockets.

>> No.7493145

>I guess I would get raped if I try to use him over in CB JP

Depends on the rank of the room you're in. Below 4.0 and 3.0 - 5.0 rooms are quite mild, only on above 5.0 does it get fierce. You see some really creative builds on the latter though, I loved the 40FLY S ART with two shields and a speed-tuned Albatreos HD. It could fly faster than you while constantly nailing you with homing wisps that are nigh-impossible to dodge and you couldn't hit it back because it's a small, shielded target flying around randomly since it doesn't need to aim in order to hit. Couple that with the fact that Albatreos wisps can hit like a brick and you have a major pest.

>I would like to see how they are able to hold their positions as you say.

Instead of moving on their own, JPCB ART seems to focus on making it a really bad idea to advance on their turf. Say in Glacier Night, if you put a good ART on the ledge right beside the powerspot and another one with Broad Radar on the opposing, higher-up ledge, AIR has no way of flying into enemy territory without a faceful of missiles. They also like to wait until LND units distract the opposition before moving closer and supporting with heavy damage while no one can hit them back. ART can certainly afford to miss and I find that they slowly rack up damage over the course of the game instead of hunting down and destroying specific targets. Build Arm BS is rather popular for that reason, as it's a reliable way to discourage AIR and has a very nice range.

>I try to lead my shots but some still manage to out fly my rockets.

Are they propertly speed tuned?

>> No.7493178

speed tuned as in make the rockets them self move faster or do you mean to shoot faster? Either way at the moment I cant tune him just yet. I will have a look into that now though.

I kinda figure CBJP is like a whole other world over there. It is nice reading about things like that.

>> No.7493209

CBjp 5+ br rooms aren't really any different than the usual shuffle match that's filled with autists like etherlight, kanbara, and vyolets. The only real difference is that they're like that nearly all day rather than when cbus's superstars all happen to be in it at the same time, and that there's a greater explosives density due to the fact that any scrub in cbjp can get a 2/3slot speedtuned zook and put it on an accelsaber while multislotted zooks simply don't exist in cbus.

cbjp's lands aren't any different from cbus's lands other than being competent enough to jump combo, of which no one in cbus seems to know how to do besides kanbara.

cbjp's arts aren't any different than competent art players in cbus(to be fair, this consists of pretty much just vyolets and adhominem)

I'd remark that cbjp plays more aggressively and doesn't rely on medics as much as cbus, but after seeing the finals from the last tournament there's really no difference anymore.

cbjp and cbus aren't really all that different anymore. I'd give it another year for cbus's retarded players to give up dumb builds and for cbus to get completely caught up and then they'll both play roughly the same.

>> No.7493253

I'd say the main difference is that the proper stratification that occured in JPCB isn't in ENCB, so you always have a mix of good and bad players instead of good players competing against each other and the worse off doing the same between themselves. But I haven't been playing the latter for a while and this might've happened already.

Otherwise I agree, but the aggressiveness depends on the map and rank. Top tier play favors direct and full assault, to be sure, but I find that middling players tend to turtle very well.

>> No.7493302

>I'd give it another year for cbus's retarded players to give up dumb builds

>> No.7493418

I've had enough of this tourney faggotry.

Let's be friends Florette.

>> No.7493493


>> No.7493621
File: 21 KB, 240x239, himeji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's be friends Florette.

I am okay with this.

>> No.7493677

You shouldn't let KaiKai/whoever it is to use your account.

>> No.7493800

Go kill yourself.

>> No.7493846

Diamond get out.

>> No.7493890

Try again champ.

>> No.7493919

Stop being tsundere Florette. Be friends with him already.

>> No.7493921

hikaru x florette otp

>> No.7494042

No, I am Florette.

>> No.7494154

No, I am Florette.

>> No.7494262

Real florette here, I am a tsundere whore who can't stop sucking this game's dick.

I-It's not like I care about this shit or anything.

Please rape my face

>> No.7494358

Wrong again.

>> No.7494653

>Please rape my face
is your face cute?

>> No.7495070
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Because the legendary Servbot with a red scarf will always live in our hearts.

>> No.7495135
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Hikaru is cuter.
