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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7472068 No.7472068 [Reply] [Original]

Nihongo thread. Talk about Japanese. Are you learning? If so, how good are you, how long have you been studying, and what method are you using to study?

I'm learning currently. I'm not too bad at Japanese, however I'm having a lot of trouble remembering some things, writing kanji and shit like that. I've been studying for a little over a year and a half, and I'm using my iPhone (kotoba dictionary app), talking with Japanese friends, textbook, and Japanese class.

Pic:Maggiesensei (gimmeaflakman on youtube)

>> No.7472074


>> No.7472076
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>> No.7472081

Back to fucking /lang/ or /int/. Jesus christ.

>> No.7472089


>> No.7472091

haters gonna hate. This IS a Jap board, fuckos.

>> No.7472099

10/10 because I'm not even convinced right now that you're not really this stupid.

>> No.7472104

We make the rules around here. If you don't like it then you can just see yourself the fuck out.

>> No.7472110

Are absolute beginners allowed to join discussion?
Just learned Kana 2 week ago and have gone through a few chapters of Tae Kim so far
As someone who has studied for over a year, do you have any good tips/ learning materials you recommend? Or any good tips for Kanji or anything?

>> No.7472115

私はDirty Sexy Girlです。

>> No.7472116


>As someone who has studied for over a year, do you have any good tips/ learning materials you recommend?

Yeah, it's called a board that actually specializes in languages /int/ /lang/

>> No.7472119


>> No.7472137

Anyone is allowed to join the discussion.
But apparently we aren't supposed to be here, which is ridiculous.
As for tips...I'd say you should really watch Gimmeaflakeman on youtube, and if you have an iDevice download kotoba. or if you have Japanese friends you should try to talk with them.

>> No.7472143


>> No.7472155

LOL! nice google translate bro. "fakkufeisu"! That's classic. Me and my bros are gonna laugh about that for days.

>> No.7472156


>> No.7472159



>> No.7472160


>> No.7472168


Do you see a Japan General anywhere?

>> No.7472170

You get the idea though, right?

>> No.7472172

Just finished my first semester of japanese on college. So good so far. Pronunciation isn't a problem, since my native language is spanish.
As for methods, just going to class, doing my homework (mastered kana already), don't have any japanese friends to practice, but I do follow a lot of japanese people on twitter, so that helps a bit.
>kotoba dictionary app
Best goddamn app on the itunes store, brofist.

>> No.7472173

I'd like to learn, but being in the middle of nowhere kind of doesn't help. The only Japanese class around here is in the overpriced college and I kinda suck at teaching myself.

>> No.7472178


>> No.7472185

You know who really loves discussing learning Japanese? /bun/

You should really check them out!

>> No.7472189


>> No.7472196

Ahh, nice. I'll be taking Asian studies next year, although, I'm not sure how much it covers in language. I'm still waiting to see if I'll be accepted into Nagoya University of Foreign Studies.
And FUCK yeah, kotoba is by far the best Japanese app on the app store.

>> No.7472203

ex-japanese tutor, soon to be ALT

im around JLPT3
ask me anything

>> No.7472206


I know right? And it's free ffs.
>Asian studies
What are you studying, btw? We don't have those kind of classes in engineering.

>> No.7472210


Pro-tips on the language overall. Also, kanji. How.

>> No.7472214

Let's talk. I need to get better *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

>> No.7472222

Japanese tutor at JLPT3? No offense but that's embarrassing.

>> No.7472230

>This IS a Jap board
Where do you see the word Japan in Otaku Culture?

>> No.7472242

The board is called /jp/

>> No.7472249

kanji tips:
- learn the radicals and their names
- break each kanji into chunks and radicals for easy writing
- learn how to guess at kanji readings and meanings from the parts its made of. ex: if it has 言 on the left, it almost always has to do with speaking. if it has  寺 on the right, its probably read as じ, etc.

after that its strait up repetition. get an SRS like anki and a pad of graph paper. writing them as you say their on/kun readings outloud will help you remember it all as a package

>> No.7472252

/jp/ = jypsies.

>> No.7472258

>ex: if it has 言 on the left, it almost always has to do with speaking. if it has  寺 on the right, its probably read as じ

I understand what your'e getting at but you know that's a terrible example, right?

>> No.7472262

/cm/ doesn't mean Cameroon, so why should /jp/ be Japan?

>> No.7472266

it was more than enough to live in japan and deal with people on a daily basis. I can read any menu, make phone calls for reservations, watch tv and understand 90% of whats going on.
I can play my japanese games and watch my japanese animus all day erry day, so I dont really care :)
JLPT was the last level I took and passed, so its all that I will claim, but that was some time ago.

>> No.7472277

Look I'm going to be really nice and just give you the best advice before you waste your time. This really isn't the best board for discussing Japanese and it is not for Japanese. That is why people are being so negative.

>> No.7472284

that's all nice, but do you really think you are qualified to teach the language unless you are at least fluent in it? I'm not even saying this to belittle you, but imagine you are a student and you're paying someone to teach you Japanese and you found out that they're only intermediate level? I myself am about that level, lived in Japan for a year, yet I would never even think of teaching Japanese.

>> No.7472293

I was an airline pilot in Japan for two years and I can tell you right now that I sure met a lot of fucks like you thought they knew something about teaching Japanese and ended up only knowing what they learn't in 20 year old learning guides.

>> No.7472301

Right. Keep saging bro. I don't just learn textbook Japanese. I do learn slang and other shit, y'know

>> No.7472305


1. This board is for the discussion of foreign culture and language. Please be respectful.

2. Posting in languages other than English is allowed—and encouraged!


1. This board is for the discussion of foreign culture and language. Please be respectful.

2. Posting in languages other than English is allowed—and encouraged!

>> No.7472308

my Japanese teachers thought I was good enough to tutor and teach their beginner classes and assist on their advanced classes.
I can read big boy novels and speak bigboy words. considering most foreigners cant even handle babbys first kenjougo lesson, its never been an issue that I wasn't fluent-fluent. near-fluent was enough. - which isnt to say That I stopped studying, just that its less studying and more just picking up vocab at this point. japanese grammar is retardedly easy once you get the X particle Y. thing down :3

>> No.7472310

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

All things otaku welcome!

>> No.7472316

Oh man, I must not be an observant person because I can't seem to find the word "Japan" anywhere in the name of this board.

>> No.7472318

are useful, I'll dig up some more useful links. assuming everyones read ajatt (meh), kanjidamage(shit), and can easily look up kanji frequency and grade level lists.

>> No.7472320

Does sage infuriate you? Have another one, 'bro.'

I find it funny how you started a "Nihongo thread" yet you didn't post a coherent sentence in Japanese yourself.

>> No.7472327

gaijin should invade japanese ventrilo/teamspeak servers they find on public server lists

just sayin'

>> No.7472333


Shut the fuck up and go back to /b/.

Also, a lot of people on here not only live in Japan, have been doing for years but actually speak it. We are not interested in teaching or learning Japanese. This is a board for discussing Otaku-related topics. Not so fucking hard to understand.

>> No.7472341
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>> No.7472432
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antatachi wa shitposting bitches desu.
saitei no board desu.

>> No.7472463
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>> No.7472472

Because language threads go in /int/. How many more times do you need that repeated?

>> No.7473033

And yet these threads are rarely, if ever, deleted.
