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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7467272 No.7467272 [Reply] [Original]

I wonder /jp/, for me liking irl lolis seems obvious and browsing 4chan all day long doesn't help. Are we really sick pedomonsters that are barely humans or is almost every healthy man fapping furiously to lolis while saying it's a bad thing in front of everyone?

>> No.7467280

It's only natural.

>> No.7467278

How is this /jp related?

>> No.7467285

>How is this /jp related?

/jp/ is a pedoparty-van.

>> No.7467291

We can't be the only ones. Surely every man must dream about sweet consensual sex with a cute loli, we are the only ones who dare say it though.

>> No.7467292


Nope. Your depth is a disgusting addition to the true dimensions, length and width.

>> No.7467298

I'm sorry, but you're wrong. /jp/ has always enjoyed all loli.

>> No.7467301

But why would fapping to real little girls be a bad thing? I can understand how raping them would be bad, but I really don't see why fapping to them is.
Other than the fact that real little girls are disgusting, that is.

>> No.7467302

It only seems obvious if you have it.

It's obvious to gays and lesbians to fuck with their own sex, why aren't everyone doing it?

>> No.7467303

Not at all. More people than you think are attracted to lolis but because of society pretend they aren't.

>> No.7467304

look at those supple little thighs.
is that that Chloe girl everyone's raving about?

>> No.7467310
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>sex with a cute loli
Fuck no, that's sick.
I dream about being dominated by lolis. While tied up on a bed one loli sits on my face and orders me to lick her anus clean while a group of them surrounhd my crotch and start torturing my cock and balls.

>> No.7467315

Have they done studies on the prevalence of pedophilia?

>> No.7467328

I don't think many people would be willing to participate in such a study.

>> No.7467330

I honestly don't see anything in 3D lolis. The rare ones that I don't find disgusting, I want to hug more than do lewd things.
Now 2d is another matter entirely.

>> No.7467340

Agreed, my mind simply doesn't associate 2D lolis with real little girls. There's a world of difference.

>> No.7467357

Secongreed, they can be cute, but the reaction I usually feel is to give them a hug, not stick it in.
Either way however people would most likely take the worst possible meaning from it. Being as paranoid as they are.

>> No.7467370


Get out normalfags.

>> No.7467374

I want to love them, incluing having sex.

>> No.7467378

Out of completely abstract curiosity, who is that?

>> No.7467391

Consensual sex.

>> No.7467400

Seems like a meeting of some school's theater club.

>> No.7467402

Facebook account, anything?

>> No.7467406

No anonymous, you are the normal.
You should sever all ties with the real world as we did.

>> No.7467411

Liking 2D loli is one thing but wanting to rape little girls?

Fuck off and die pedos you make me sick

>> No.7467430

Why is it when adults court kids they call it grooming?

>> No.7467434

>Fuck off and die pedos you make me sick
It makes me laugh when people like this still think they have the right to call anyone normal.

>> No.7467442

So you're suggesting that wanting to rape little girls actually IS normal?

>> No.7467450

You might feel more comfortable in /a/.

>> No.7467456

I get kind of sad that /jp/ can't accept every member labeled as "sick" by society. I personally love guro, it is pretty much the only thing that actually turns me on these days, but I still see a lot of hate towards guro. Someone who enjoys watching lolis get raped shouldn't be calling someone who enjoys guro sick, it's as if darkness would suddenly start hating shade. They're in exactly the same boat in society's eyes.

Everyone should just learn to accept each other. We're all "sick" according to the rest, so why not be happy and do the best of our situation together?

>> No.7467457

Lolis are peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

While everyone can agree both are nice, a majority thinks mixing them is bad. In other words, most people like sex and children, they just can't grasp the concept of mixing them.

>> No.7467460

Back to >>>/g/, please.

>> No.7467461

What, but nowhere in their posts they mentioned raping little girls. Having sex and raping are different things, even though they're linked.

>> No.7467463
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>> No.7467466

So are you going to post more of that OP?

>> No.7467467

You're not hurting anyone by liking guro. You're not hurting anyone by reading manga depicting lolis being raped. You ARE hurting people if you rape little girls in real life. Understand?

>> No.7467469

And what's wrong with WANTING exactly? Thought crime? You want to kill me, you must be prosecuted.

>> No.7467470

You've got the wrong impression of us I think.

No one here strives to be better then the rest of society, we're just a small group of outcasts who act exactly like the rest of society towards the things we don't approve of. Minor difference is that some of us don't give a damn.

Hope that cleared things up.

>> No.7467478

You'd be surprised how that would appeal to some people.
Stop giving them ideas and reason, you want to daydream about it? Fine, but keep it to yourself and stop looking for justification. You're not gonna find it.

>> No.7467480

Yep, I rape them everyday on my screen. Too bad they don't know about it.

>> No.7467487

More like his views. No one even mentioned rape.
I highly doubt those are his own views, they have been drilled into him, into us since we were young. He should take some time to think about "Why it's so bad" instead of just agreeing with the masses.
I'm willing to step down if he actually comes to his own conclusion. If he doesn't, it's him (and anyone who tries to pull of the same thing) who is the normal.

>> No.7467499
File: 10 KB, 476x338, paedofinder-general.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think most men are attracted to more developed girls at least. They're just afraid to admit it because it's witchcraft.

>> No.7467502

It is possible for someone to have personal views that match up with the opinions of others you know.
What you're implying is that you HAVE to be different in order to have any thoughts of your own. Which is just silly.

I personally agree that rape is not a good thing, I have that in common with the majority of society. Does that make me normal?

>> No.7467516

Most of society seems to place rape somewhere between murder and apartheid. Do you agree with that?

>> No.7467523

who is the slut?

>> No.7467531

Imagining it is fine, this isn't fucking George Orwell's 1984 and we should be free to think our own thoughts. Just don't do it to 3D girls for real.

>> No.7467544

Murder? Sure, it can be just as crippling psychologically if you ask me. Like a poison that eventually leads to death if not treated.

I have no clue what apartheid is however, so no comment on that.

>> No.7467549


>> No.7467583

I'm not that guy, but I don't understand how you could put rape and murder on the same scale. The ultimate finality of death places murder far above any other crime, in my opinion.
I guess it's just a difference in beliefs.

>> No.7467609

The way I see it is that there are far worse things that you could do to a person then kill them.
Also the punishment for murder is hardly for the victim's sake, but for the sake of those left behind. Why would the victims care about what happens, they're dead, there is no way to bring them back.

Raping someone on the other hand, you mess up their mentality. Some people can recover from it, others never full do, and some just spiral downwards. It's hard to say which path a rape victim will take of course, but in the worse case scenario, death would be a kindness if you ask me.

>> No.7467642

I disagree.
>Some people can recover from it
That simple possibility is why I think rape is not as grave as murder. Death is so -- final. I think there are very few things worse than the end of one's life, and rape is not part of them.
>Also the punishment for murder is hardly for the victim's sake, but for the sake of those left behind. Why would the victims care about what happens, they're dead, there is no way to bring them back.
I also disagree with you here. Punishment is but a means to an end; Prevention by dissuasion, keeping the criminal away from society, rehabilitation, or if it is a monetary punishment, compensation. Justice as I conceive it is different from the primal desire for vengeance and should not be thought of in terms of "an eye for an eye".

>> No.7467645

>Does that make me normal?
No necessarily and I commend you for bringing your point forward, but bare in mind we're not talking about rape. It was only the post I linked to who brought up rape.
Incoming dangerous assumption:
Most people who say shit like "Fuck off and die. End of discussion." when discussing intercourse with minors are not thinking for them selves. There were times when it was not seen as an abomination, but this gets completely disregarded every single time. Is it because they had a tighter leash casual sex? Who knows.
tl;dr Bring your views forward and don't just disregard everything that goes against what you've been told.
Just so you know, I'm not saying rape is cool.
I'm guessing >>7467516 was talking about this:

>> No.7467646
File: 109 KB, 506x700, backbeardtan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out of /jp/

>> No.7467675
File: 16 KB, 500x500, 1307576609900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that was only my fetish..

>> No.7467680
File: 693 KB, 1200x877, 1291065002133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that's because it's natural for people to feel empathy for anything that symbolizes a human being, so they feel disgusted by seeing drawings of people in pain. Whereas happy loli sex should put a warm feeling in anyone who can get over the social taboo.

As for the less common cruelty and rape that get posted, we probably turn a blind eye to it/ have come to appreciate it over the years of liking loli, so we accept that whilst rejecting guro.
That said, I don't mind a little light guro myself so long as there isn't too much blood and guts (That Cutting Show doujin is probably my limit), and am pretty fond of the lighter parts of the Cruelty High series, so it's not like I find guro-fans completely alien.

>> No.7467686

That is the ideal, but the reality is somewhat different. The judicial system relies on punishment to dissuade a person. The reason being that there is absolutely nothing that prevents a person from doing whatever the hell they want to do, only the fear that there will be repercussions to their actions.
For someone who does not care about that repercussion, they could pretty much do whatever they wanted. It relies on fear to dissuade a person, hence punishment.

Rehabilitation, is an attempt to change a person's opinions and outlook, it works sometimes, it doesn't work other times. There is no surefire method outside of a literal brainwashing.
Justice is a human concept, a means of justifying many things. Vengeance is one of them, fair play another. The whole idea that we are more then animals, that we have a system, that we know right from wrong. We don't, we have opinions on the matter, many opinions.
That is justice.

>> No.7467688

To me I don't see death as being a bad thing, you may see it as an end, but I don't know what happens once you die. All I know is that the living are the ones that suffer, and rape, rape is not the same as a stab to the gut, or a broken limb. It is something that has a very high potential to utterly destroy a person's life, it is like a lethal poison. The chance that they make a full recovery is not something that comes easily, you might as well try to make a full recovery from cancer. The ideal says it happens, the reality is not quite so comforting.
Reading about it won't help, you'd need to see for yourself what it's like for the people who have been raped. The before, the after and the possible futures, it is not pretty, you would not wish it on anyone, and it is really no better then an attempted murder.

Either way, our disagreement is proof in itself that the concept of justice is nothing more then a means to justify our beliefs, and either way, I could care less. My beliefs won't change without strong cause.
Now I am off to bed, night.

>> No.7467698

Dear people with fetishes, it's a fetish because not everyone will like it, some would even be disgusted even.

Deal with it.

>> No.7467705

Dear anon, a paraphilia is only classified as so when it harms society or the person's ability to function as part of society.

>> No.7467714

Who's talking about paraphilia?

>> No.7467731

Same idea.

>> No.7467747

im not into loli,or into little girls for that matter,but What i don't get is, is not being gay the same as being a pedo? why do they throw pedos in jail or kill them without helping them? Is it really the pedos fault for being that way or born that way? Should he suffer for his fate of being different,for the rest of his life? Or is justice just bind and ignorant like always?

>> No.7467750

Nope, irrelevant, there would always be people who have sexual fetishes, whether they consider it's harmful or not is not my point.

I'm talking about OP's tendency of thinking people who don't hold his fetish as closet fetishists. It's paranoid thinking. Just because people despise guro or furry doesn't mean everyone are hypocrites who fap to them in secret.

>> No.7467759

It probably doesn't help actual rape victims with people like >>7467688 around to tell them that they might as well be dead.

>> No.7467789

He said "I could care less" so he's obviously an idiot.

>> No.7467812


>> No.7467829

"Everything is subjective, anyone's opinion is just as good as anyone else's! Let me finish trying to shove my opinion down your throat though."
Even if rape really is a terrible thing that most people can't even imagine, people like him come across like someone who irresponsibly gives advice and works someone up over a problem without actually considering whether it's necessary or the best response.

>> No.7467856

>not riding around in a 1977 GMC cargo van, kidnapping a hitch-hiking girl, driving down a fire access road, raping her at knifepoint, then strangling her by tightening a metal coat hanger around her neck with a pair of vice-grip pliers

>> No.7467869

You sick inhuman pedomonster!

>> No.7467880

Summerfriends don't understand the concept of 3DPD.

>> No.7467883

You try to argue advanced concepts yet you can't even speak basic English correctly.

>> No.7467890

So killing a man, is the same as being born with mental differences that you cannot control. Im fucking done with this worlds justice. yes the child should be more important, but you have to draw a line as to where you also treat the pedo, because its not his fucking fault, its like yelling at a autistic child to stop being autistic, and if they dont, throw them in jail or kill them.

>> No.7467903

If pedophilia wasn't almost a completely reliant behavior I'd be all about agreeing with you but it usually stems from something.

>> No.7467906

Of course it stems from something, point is it's something beyond their control.

>> No.7467908

Why do people consider children more important than adults, though? Personally, I think adults are more important. Children are just annoying little pests that suck away people's lifeblood. On top of that they annoy the shit out of everybody around them.

Living in a neighborhood with lots of little kids made me realize how I never fucking want to have children.

>> No.7467911


You are wrong fake-kun, 3DPD is a silly /a/ meme and and has no place in /jp/

>> No.7467919

So you really are a shitposter.

>> No.7467923
File: 124 KB, 448x408, no-words.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3DPD is a silly /a/ meme

>> No.7467936

It's always fun trying figure out who the real Alabama is. It usually isn't hard.

>> No.7467938

/jp/ - Ethics/Morality General

>> No.7467942

But actually he is right for one time.

Why should we care about something that we won't meet in our life at all? And most of /jp/ have too many mental health problems to care about social relations at all.

>> No.7467958

That means you still agree that 3D is PD, you just want to feel better about it by not making it known.

>> No.7467965


>trying to figure

That's fun, unlike these dumb mistakes.

>> No.7467980

If people didn't make such a big deal about sex, then their minds wouldn't break when they had it. It's society's fault as well for getting people so used to certain things that they shut down when things go against it. Not that rape is good or anything, but you wouldn't be so fucked up if you weren't told sex was bad/special all your life.

>> No.7467999


Come on, it's not our fault if your mother is a whore that sold you to bikers.

>> No.7468004

Finally someone with sense.

Rape is bad, but let's not get overly dramatic about it, people. It's really just surprise sex.

>> No.7468008


Everyone dies eventually, and murder is just surprise death.

>> No.7468019

By the way what would you guys do if you found out your girlfriend was raped/abused?

I'd dump that shit like the plague.

>> No.7468045 [SPOILER] 
File: 98 KB, 512x512, 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure I've read this before...

>> No.7468072
File: 42 KB, 184x212, autism66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your girlfriend

>> No.7468091



>> No.7468216

Depends on the circumstances.
She doesn't care/is over it? Drop that shit.
Mindbreak/mental problems? thatismyfetish.jpg
