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7465031 No.7465031 [Reply] [Original]

does anyone here play Eden Eternal? I want to play it, but I don't want to go in alone.

>> No.7465038

Nope. Nobody here plays that.

>> No.7465040

there's an eden thread somewhere around here. just look for it

>> No.7465043

searched all 15 pages, couldn't find it.

>> No.7465045

It got deleted.

>> No.7465102

Everyone already got to the lvl cap and stopped playing.

>> No.7465127

As a pure healer would I still get good EXP? What's the need and greed mean? Last time I didn't get any items...

>> No.7465158

I think crafted gear are better so it doesnt really matter if you get anything

>> No.7465169

You have a higher chance of getting an item with Need.

>> No.7465198

Need/Greed is what group you're in for the dice rolls that determine who gets the item.
It goes off an honour system.
You're supposed to roll Greed if you don't need the item but wouldn't mind having it.
You're supposed to roll Need if you need the item due to it being an item you can use or an upgrade.

If NO ONE rolls Need then the person with the highest Greed roll gets the item.
If ANYONE rolls Need then the person with the highest Need roll gets the item.

Being a free game you'd think people would be douches and all roll need, but even in random parties people have been rolling fairly which is surprising.

>> No.7465621


Personally, I find myself skipping rolls fairly often. Most of the stuff isn't worth auctioning, and it will only sell at an NPC shop for a small amount. I don't think it's worth taking up the bag space.

>> No.7465679

People have too much trash in their inventory as it is and nobody wants a +20 INT and g-healing sword.

>> No.7465832

What is MMO about? does it have loli characters? Or silly hats? Or any reason why we should care?

>> No.7465836

>What is MMO about?
Typical fantasy RPG
>does it have loli characters? Or silly hats?
Yes and yes.

>> No.7465842

Playable loli characters? Then I'm downloading right now.

>> No.7465843


There are loli characters. The designs are pretty cute. However, the hats are pretty shit with the exception of one or two.

>> No.7465873

Crafted Gear is a myth. Don't listen to >>7465158, he just wants you to lose a lot of money.

>> No.7465881
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Hey sensible anon, look at what I crafted.

>> No.7465889
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That's a nice inventory full of lies you have there. Did you get one of your buddy GMs to hand that over to you?

>> No.7465971

Ok. I've downladed the game and finiisged the first kill em all quest. Anyone wants to join noob loli party at 1st server, 1st channel?

>> No.7465982

First server in your case might just mean Emerald, /jp/ plays on Aquamarine. Either way, the beta is nearly over, everyone quit and it's not highly likely a lot of people will play in Open Beta since it's a pretty terrible game.

>> No.7465999

Actually no, 1st server in list is Aquamarine

>> No.7466027

If you're on the aquamarine server, I'll play for a while if you post your in game name.

>> No.7466036


>> No.7466040
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>> No.7466061


Oh, the memories....

I think I hit the 1,400 mark before I decided fuck it, and uninstalled.

>> No.7466063
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>> No.7466078
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Only 1400? You don't know the meaning of pain.

>> No.7466083

It's shit mate, don't bother.

>> No.7466080

tried whispering, didn't get a reply.

>> No.7466088
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Oh ECO I miss your frilly dresses.

>> No.7466092

Strange. Maybe I didn't notice. What's your nick ?

>> No.7466094

I actually like the game.
I roll a lv 40 mage but I think mages are kind of underpowered since some Knight wich is supposed to be a tanking profession did five times my damage in an ulta hall run.
How is that even possible to do that much damage (defense heroic trait) and still be able to tank bosses when switching to warrior?
This guy was so rediculous that he even the most damaging monsters could not even put a dent in his armor.

>> No.7466110
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Maids and swimsuits are still the best.

>> No.7466112

The ability to switch classes was fun while it lasted. I quite surprised how warrior/knight out performs most of the classes. Rather it makes Theif and MA look bad.

For those that actively play MMOs, Nexon's Dragon Nest CB starts on the 15. For those that didn't sign up early, well too bad.

>> No.7466120
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Those were great too.

>> No.7466127

play Mabinogi again. you can have all of those ther--

is that a guy?

>> No.7466140
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Why don't you try playing a real class?

>> No.7466143
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>> No.7466155
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Backpackers are not considered real classes.

>> No.7466165
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Such creepy dead Rumia eyes

>> No.7466298

Yea, we knights are kinda imba. I didn't see anyone killing monsters faster then me. Its because attack speed doesn't mean anything when you use skills. They should fix this I guess.

>> No.7466358

Knights are so overpowered its ridiculous sometimes.
I rolled knight to tank, but now its like I'm carrying the whole party through anything but the hardest dungeons. Other people must notice too because at the end of a run everyone always thanks me for helping even if I need roll every item and kill dumb DPS on purpose.

>> No.7466362

Two things contribute heavily to the knight's DPS.

One, they have two AoEs. One of them is a DoT. Spam them and you're hitting all enemies in a group simultaneously for damage slightly better than a regular attack plus a DoT that drains their health every second.

Two, Maelstrom, it's basically a critical hit's worth of damage. It's three simultaneous hits, the first does normal damage, the second does half damage, and the third does quarter damage resulting in total damage of 1.75 times a normal hit. On top of that it can critical making it even more damaging. You can oneshot trash mobs in the Valley of Kings with a good weapon and a Maelstrom crit.

Due to this knights can outDPS most other classes fairly easily.

The primary thing to nerf I guess would be to get rid of Judgement Storm's damage on initial hit reducing its damage to its DoT effect or remove the DoT effect and make it a basic AoE similar to Combat Cyclone except gives malice.

Either that or you could buff the DPS classes a bit.

>> No.7466382

If you take the talents that improve Maelstrom and Judgement storm you can two man any dungeon comfortably with a single healer

>> No.7466391
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I want to be a loli but I can't stand cel shaded shit.

I'm conflicted.

>> No.7466396

Well yeah. My knight has a purple 5.5k +PATK hammer which has been enchanted to +8. She literally has over 10k PATK. There's another knight in Hotglue who also has a purple hammer, but to +9. He also wears DPS specced crafted heavy armor.

He did in fact two-man Malice.

The damage you can do with over 10k PATK is enough so that you can oneshot monsters in Goss with any attack. Like provoke. That shit's hilarious especially when you crit. The enemy's body is sent flying because you insulted them which is just darn comical when you do it to the dinosaur type mobs.

>> No.7466414

Knights also have extra attack chance on everything, which is effectively a separate, even more powerful chance to crit which can crit.

Also I could have sworn it was triggering off of my electric damage ring. When I was first using maelstrom it would sometimes hit 6-8 times

>> No.7466450

It looks cool and I really want to play a ganguro loli but is it worth the download?

>> No.7466452

You can't be a loli in that game ;_;

>> No.7466453

Reminds me of the vanilla wow days.
Enhancement shaman , big 2 hander.
Hope for the lucky windfury proc streak because internal cooldown wasn't in game yet.

>> No.7466468

Good times were had when windfury proc windfury

>> No.7466549

Go back to bed Hourai.

>> No.7466911


I don't really get whats so overpowered with knights.
Hunters and Thieves have an identical skill too.

If anything, I found hunters to be quite powerfull. They can stun enemies for 6 seconds from afar, add another skill which slowdowns your enemies movements, add the triple hit or any other offensive skill and you can kill pretty much any monster without them even touching you once.

>> No.7466917

There are other skills that makes a Knight handy, and you don't really want to put a 5k attack 2h Sword/Hammer on a Thief or Hunter, you can't activate most of their skills.

>> No.7466922

Are you saying that the whole Knights being imba thing is just a result of 2-handed Axes and Hammers being overpowered?

>> No.7466927

That's a huge part, really. Read the rest of the thread like >>7466362 or >>7466396
to get an idea.

>> No.7466980

Closed Beta Still?

>> No.7467225

Engineer has an AoE DoT too, except it doesn't have a cooldown like Judgement Storm, does more than a regular attack, and stacks 3 times doing over 300 damage per second just from the DoT alone.

Knight is good, yes, but you guys are really stretching it.

>> No.7467479


Later on they also get a skill that doubles Oil Bomb damage, because they weren't powerful enough.

>> No.7467579

Are thief any good? Thinking of maining one.

>> No.7467629

Because guns don't give decent matk, probably.

>> No.7467677


Oil Bomb isn't Matk based.

>> No.7469201

No kidding, these knights are crazy. The dot portion is also minor: that's like saying Heavy Metal is good DPS skill because it does ~400/s per target.
Based on casual observation of hotglue runs after you guys went knight crazy:
Engineers and Mages both rape their aoe damage.
Hunters and Thieves both rape their ST damage.

They do good damage, but lets not get crazy here. I am a knight/hunter by the way, and with a purple +8 bow my hunter absolutely shits all over maelstrom with chain shot. 2 handed axes and hammers ARE OP though, don't get me wrong.
Comparing your purple +8 to some newb in +0 blues isn't even a fair comparison.
And my hunter has been one shotting mobs with chain shot since I had a level 35 blue bow.

tl;dr: be a knight to tank any damage is a bonus.

>> No.7469249

The last thing we need is another run of AGI knights from RO everywhere. Don't forget that you aren't going to get free infinite safety stones anymore, either.

If everyone plays knight that means I'll get to level up as healer or dps instead, so whatever. Also that means we might get to play as Bard+Cleric groups, which fucking rock over single healing.

>> No.7469379

Valkie, when does CB end?
In order for Open Beta to arrive, Closed Beta must end. That's just how it works. I know this is sad, but trust me in that it really is for the best.

Closed Beta Ends Sunday, June 12th at 6pm PDT.

For those of you that are now saying "omg valk y u no tell us sooner," I understand. How will you reach those milestones now? There was much flailing and gnashing of teeth. But this is not a bad thing! To help make our last day memorable, we have some great things planned. BUT FIRST...

>> No.7469383

New Content Patch for Open Beta
OH YEAH! Think you've seen all there is to see about Eden Eternal? Think again my friends, we are hooking you up in Open Beta with WAY more content.

Increased Level Cap: Take on new challenges! We're bumping up the level cap from 40 to 50!
2 New Classes: Coming with the increased level cap players can unlock 2 new classes, Blade Dancer and Shaman!
New Dungeons: Including the Level 41- 48 dungeons for parties of 5!
Monster Invasions: In zones above 20 monsters will attack nearby towns!
And Much More: Stay tuned for more details!

We just need a few days to prepare for Open Beta, but we promise the wait won't be long!

>> No.7469385

Final Day Blowout Bash
So why would anyone want to play on the final day? I mean, it's gonna be wiped right? What's the point? I GOT NEWS FOR YOU! The GMs are going to be partying hard, and more, more, more. Let me turn on my announcer voice real quick and let you in on the sheer scope of incredible.

Somehow maru broke the class exp command (or so she says). This means we can't turn it off.
GM Parties are pure awesome. BunBun, mama maru, Orly, Venom, and maybe even a few surprise GMs from other games will be hanging around, throwing out goodies, randomly spawning monsters (and for this we will be zone hopping to avoid the MASS LAG OF DOOM.. hopefully)
Photo Ops: Want a screenshot with the GMs? We'll be roving around all day and when we're busy out of game, we'll plop down in Aven!
Spawning bosses is fun. Tread carefully in Aven, we may drop off a beastie or two that likes to smush players. :3
Final Bonanza: For the last 3 hours of CB, we turn everything to 3x - drop, exp, class exp, gold, etc, etc. I'm looking forward to hearing your compelling arguments for increasing the % bonus or starting the bonus earlier. If you give us a good enough argument for it, it might even happen!

>> No.7469470

Their damage output isn't all that great, but they're still pretty good for tanking.
High EVA, high block rate, 2 AoEs with low CD, buff which increases EVA and P-healing, buff which increases block rate and gives a 15% chance to stun when hit, silence and a skill which removes all debuffs.

>> No.7469485

No, I know what they are good for, I had to play one since Hotglue had no knights when I was leveling up (hit 40 on day 3). Knights are better for tanking except in a multi-healer situation. I'm just laughing at these knights hyping it up with their +8 weapons vs people in greens.
Then I realized if all of you guys go knight I can be a healer or dps, so I am encouraging it.

>> No.7469566

can anyone give me some advice via steam? my ID is http://steamcommunity.com/id/kitakitakita

>> No.7469609


>> No.7469644

because we're a little past the years of AIM and MSN

>> No.7469656


>> No.7469665

I still use MSN, and have never installed Steam. I never plan to install that terrible thing.

>> No.7469673

Why use any of that stuff at all?

>> No.7469681

Talk to flatmates without having to move from my own room. It combines "talking only to people I live with" and "stay in own room" quite neatly.

>> No.7469701

>Using Steam
>Not using Skype

>> No.7469703

Who are you quoting?

>> No.7469739

>implying I want to verbally talk with the hambeasts that lurk this board
>implying true gamers don't own at least one Steam game

>> No.7469746

I'm quoting the actions of >>7469566
Forgot to add that in my post.

>Not using Skype
refers to everyone though. Why aren't you using Skype, /jp/?

>> No.7469753

Since when does /jp/ talk on voice chat?

>> No.7469754

i don't have any steam game, i'm a true gamers in my heart, it's 12 today, is eden eternal is still CB ?

>> No.7469765

It is until 6pm tomorrow, and the last hour will have triple exp.

>> No.7469783

I have several 'Steam games'. Like Recettear and Terraria for eaxmple.

I still don't have Steam though. Fuck that. I'd rather not have some kind of central games control system looking over me, telling me to be online or GTFO, and that updates are more important than being able to play the damn game.

>> No.7469791

What do you use steam for if not for the chat?

>> No.7469846

For all this Knight hype, I found warriors to be even more overpowered. 10% axe damage makes 2H axes even more devastating, they have a skill that functions exactly like Maelstrom, a charge-stun that will hit people instantly, at any realistic range, a defense increasing buff, a health/damage reduction buff and yet another damage reduction buff. Plus the taunt which acts as a very effective ranged nuke. Start with the luck/crit damage passive, equip 2 parts of the 20 set and 2-3 parts of the 33 set, get yourself some decent crit accessories and 2H axe. Congratulations, you are death incarnate and duels will consist of you charging people, stunning them and obliterating them with 2k+ criticals while they can do naught but cry and ponder rerolling.

>> No.7470291

I still don't have a guild and it's the last day.

This procrastination is getting out of hand.

>> No.7470704

I know. Most of the hype seems to come from the fact that people focused their money on being a knight.
Do they have a lv40 orange +8 weapon for MA? Hunter? Mage? etc. Of course you seem bad ass if you are comparing yourself to +0 weapons. You used ~$20 and 400+ gold in scrolls to get there.
They were talking pve dps though. I just kind of laughed at the "My Maelstrom crits one shot level 37 solo mobs". Hunters do that with chain shot with +0 blues, and I'm pretty sure mages do too, but I'm cool with the hype because dmg specced knights are going to need 2 healer parties, so I'd get to level up bard by buffing instead of 1 healing so have at it.

>> No.7471113

It did feel similar to the first RO2, but I just reached Tranquill hill, and the Bandits area map is an exact copy of the bandits map in RO2.
I spent a lot of time in that game so I can easily recognize it.
Still love the game though, hope some of you stay after CB.

>> No.7471840

I'm desperately trying to grind to level 40, but my internet cuts out every 45 seconds. This is impossible. Do I even get anything for getting to 40?

>> No.7471859

A tophat.

>> No.7471977


I'm at 34, so I won't make it. Is there anything that I can manage to get?

>> No.7473527


You already have the 'Warden of Destiny' title.

I got to 40 but didn't bother to grind out the 35,000 class score for the next title.

>> No.7473574

I've been wanting to play this, I've been playing Luna online for a year and have high hopes for this.

>> No.7473602

Does /jp/ play other MMORPG? I'd like to join NEET fleet.

>> No.7473638

If you mean that in the literal sense, I'll be resubbing my EVE Online account next week for the new expansion, and I'd love to have others to fly with.

>> No.7473683
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> If you mean that in the literal sense,

> Cost/Month € 10.95 -14.95.

Sorry, but fuck everything about this. I probably wouldn't mind paying around 10$ if I really had to, but 15 euro is just bizzare.

>> No.7473697

Just wait until Dust 514 comes out. (a game connected to EvE for the PS3) Buy that and kick ass for isk, and then play EvE when you have enough isk to buy free time.

>> No.7473735

How do I get involved with /jp/ players? I really enjoyed this game but I knew through the hundreds of pickup groups and hours grinding alone to 40 that it was missing your dry wit and knowledge of my niche and perverted hobbies.

>> No.7473915

Just post in our threads, or join the IRC #hotglue @ Rizon.
