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7463445 No.7463445 [Reply] [Original]

So /jp/, I just realized I want an Asian girlfriend. White is too 3DPD for me.
Now obviously, a japanese girlfriend is out of my range, so I want to settle on a cheaper alternative like a Corean or Chinese girl. (I'm not interested in those Thai/Viet monkeys.)
Any tips or experience? How do they compare to japs and occidentals? Are they vain, superficial bitches, just bitches or maybe even bros?

>> No.7463448


Personally, Asians are the worst and ugliest of females, second only to blacks.

>> No.7463450
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This is a troll thread.

>> No.7463455

Not really what I expected to hear from /jp/.

>> No.7463459

Why do they act like women are models of cars, you fucking sexist?


>> No.7463461

We don't like real women here, sorry.

>> No.7463462

>implying niggers are human

>> No.7463464

Jesus christ I need that ushijima set

>> No.7463466

Everyone on /jp/ is different.

I myself think asian girls are cute.

my list
Asians>East Euroupean Women>>>>Rest of the races

>> No.7463469

They only want big gaijin cock. so i hope you have a big cock.

>> No.7463468
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No offense, but you sound pretty beta, bro.

>> No.7463474

>a japanese girlfriend is out of my range

Why? They're easy as fuck to get.

>> No.7463479

I can't figure out whether this thread is intentionally or inadvertently shitty.

>> No.7463480

Korean girls are manufactured in warehouses. I saw it on the science channel.

>> No.7463481

No problem, Russki/Scandinavian hybrid here, with blond hair and a big cock.

Really? Never really met any where I live and also assumed they had an insane superiority complex.

>> No.7463482

>implying 'fuck is easy to get' for people who lurk here

Oh you

>> No.7463484

Asian girls are not a hivemind.

Besides most girls do not care about what penis looks like as long as you can use it and keep it hard.

>> No.7463487
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>real women

Reported with the power of a thousand vomits.

>> No.7463488


small penis detected

>> No.7463494

Hey fag, this isn't /a/.

>> No.7463491

No, they all have inferiority complexes. They think their own race is ugly and love white people.

Just learn Japanese, a plane ticket and find a penpal to make into a GF if you can't find any in your home country.

>> No.7463497 [DELETED] 

I hope you are sodomized to death by a large Serbian serial rapist.

>> No.7463496

Yeah, it's far worse. Summer /jp/.

Reported with 50 proxies.

>> No.7463501
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What would happen if I post my photo on /jp/?

>> No.7463505


But I don't have one at all.

I have slept with only a few men but I find that it hurts when they are "bigger".

>> No.7463512



But I don't have one at all.

penis-less detected

no wonder you're mad girls won't sleep with you

>> No.7463526

I don't like girls.......

>> No.7463539


>I don't like girls.......

Then why were you even thinking about whether they'd be okay with your small penis in the first place?

Reported for wasting my time

>> No.7463544

Do it.

>> No.7463545

I'd report you again.

>> No.7463550

>/jp/ being mad at girls sleeping with them

How's your first day going there, chap?

>> No.7463554
File: 145 KB, 1200x1800, 7_Leotard010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP you will be disappoint. Very few REAL japanese women are as hot as ushijima.

>> No.7463566

Japanese girls are awesome, I've dated a few.
I'm black though, so I guess they just wanted my big black penis.
Pimpin' ain't easy.

>> No.7463573
File: 77 KB, 480x640, x2_59c63cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top 10 Korean girls > top 10 Japanese girls > top 10 Chinese girls

Chinese has the highest percentage of ugly girls, followed by Korean, then Japan having the least.

More concise or general...

Korea>Japan>Taiwan>Singapore>HK>Malaysia>Shanghai>Rest of China.

>> No.7463585

Yet another troll thread, nothing to see here.

>> No.7463609

Not OP, but the set is

>(C79)(コスプレ)[うしじま]Abalone soup with assemblyman and sea urchin

I saw a torrent on deadfrog with it.
