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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7463009 No.7463009 [Reply] [Original]

"A car is a tool, a car which does its job well is the ideal car. People who fill the void in their lives with affection for their cars are really pathetic, and people who think cars have some immaterial "character" are retards with buyers remorse. Reliability and popularity in the used market are signs of good engineering, something America's "inventions" lack by default."

Which one of you pillow fucking specimens said this?

If you could sustain masturbating to poorly drawn 12 year old boys with long hair for two seconds and watch this maybe you'd understand a little bit.


>> No.7463025

it's abstain.

>> No.7463029

If it wasn't true, you wouldn't have made this thread.

>> No.7463031

This this really need its own thread?
Do you know how to reply to a thread?

>> No.7463041

When asked "What are the best cars produced by Japan" the only three car responses were Honda civic, Toyota corolla, Toyota Celica.

At first I was shocked, but I now understand.

The Japanese do not care about cars because they have no cars worth caring about, we need to accept this as a cultural difference and not a lack of intelligence/soul/peripheral vision.

>> No.7463043

/o/ here. Can you guys keep him?

>> No.7463046


>> No.7463049

It appears that way, such a underwhelming culture.

>> No.7463053

We already have our fair share of autism without him posting here..

>> No.7463057

At least we can be secure that the entire world is still superior to them in that and many other regards then.

>> No.7463060

TIP: The user is not from /o/.
The board isn't interested in raids.

Keep up the good work /jp/.

>> No.7463061

>The Japanese do not care about cars because cars are not worth caring about
ftfy no need to thank me

>> No.7463072

>The Japanese do not care about cars because theirs are soulless plastic hunks with severely underpowered engines incapable of doing much more than hauling children and two bags of groceries


>> No.7463077

And my point yet remains.

>> No.7463079
File: 24 KB, 273x522, anime-hug-pillow-kanu-uncho-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pillow would get jealous.

>> No.7463078

I don't understand this post.

>> No.7463083

>Implying a car needs to do more than get you from A to B

>> No.7463089

Yeah, search "anime pillow" on google and post the first result.
That will do it. Jesus fuck, you're embarrassing to /o/

>> No.7463091

And yet Americans do care about cars because ours actually happen to be multi-purpose, all around badass cars that regularly break all sorts of records and set worldwide standards for the rest of the industry to follow. For instance, the only reason Nissan is going so buttcrazed over the GT-R is because of how hard they're trying to make it better than the ZR1.
>they're not succeeding

You just mad because you have jack shit to be proud of.

>> No.7463092

You act as if worshipping digital constructs is any worse than worshipping mechanical constructs.

>> No.7463103

>cars are worth caring about because some cars are better than other cars
An irrefutable chain of logic. You have me completely disarmed. I acquiesce wholeheartedly.

>> No.7463102

Don't mind me.


...and now for something completely different.


>> No.7463097

So you think owning a hugging pillow is pathetic, yet you are attempting to troll an anonymous image board with your shitty taste in vehicles. Pot calling the kettle black.

>> No.7463101

A car is something that takes you from one place to another.

The Honda Civic is the best at doing that affordably and reliably.

And if you really want to be a faggot like OP, you can put racing stripes on it throw on one of those wings. Because apparently that gives it "soul."

>> No.7463106

>implying you need to do anything more than eat, drink, piss, shit, and sleep to stay alive
>gtfo off a computer

>> No.7463107

The pillow does nothing.
Cars do damn near everything.

>> No.7463110

>cars do damn near everything
You really are a willfully blind motherfucker, ain't ya?

>> No.7463111

Cars won't do anything unless there's a user.
Same thing for pillows.

Your point?

>> No.7463112

you can hug the pillow

>> No.7463121

>mad I didn't get the correct model fucking pillow
Your an disgrace to mankind.

>> No.7463122

>pillow does nothing

Oh? The comfort from them is nothing?

>cars do damn near everything

Name a car that can do damn near anything. Remember, you said EVERYTHING, so that includes cooking, reviving the dead, playing games with you, etc.

>> No.7463126

Excuse /o/, /jp/.

Summer affects every boards. /o/ as well.

>> No.7463127

But it does nothing productive for you. It doesn't take you anywhere, it can't haul anything, it can't protect you, it doesn't give you a hobby to work on that results in people calling you anything other than a massive faggot, need I go on?

>> No.7463125

Car fanboys. Nothing more pathetic, and this is coming from a /jp/er.


How does it feel to know that those guys will be in their 40s by the time the lockout is over?

>> No.7463131

>Vandweller's Van
Either that or a Volvo 240.

>> No.7463134

By the way to you describe it, I don't think you've ever drove a car.

>> No.7463137

You seem to misunderstand the board demographics. A large majority of posters (and some lurkers I assume) are shut ins by choice. Why the fuck would we need to haul things, go anywhere, impress anyone?

Also, way to ignore half my post. Is it because you can't answer it, perhaps?

>> No.7463138
File: 16 KB, 547x410, staffordglasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gary Numan is in his 50s.

Got you there, didn't I?

>> No.7463146

>It doesn't take you anywhere
Fantasy land, where no car can take me.

>it can't haul anything
Cotton, also you can tape some weed inside.

>it can't protect you
Several inches of padding should save you from a knife, if not a .22 caliber bullet.

>it doesn't give you a hobby to work on that results in people calling you anything other than a massive faggot
You are a massive faggot because you like cars so much. What now?

>> No.7463150
File: 18 KB, 400x331, LM_cat-car-funny[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weeaboo mobile come to save the day

>> No.7463153

Save from what?
What does that have to do with the topic idiot?

>> No.7463159
File: 61 KB, 408x615, Crocodile_Dundee_II_33336_Medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An anime pillow will save me from a knife and bullets

>> No.7463160

Mad because its true.
Reported for shitposting.

>> No.7463165

A car sure wont, I saw that Myth Busters episode.

>> No.7463166

mopar or no car

>> No.7463167 [DELETED] 

I'm illiterate

>> No.7463172


Take out the cotton, put in a bunch of rocks. Your waifu is now a morning star.

>> No.7463173

>I'm illiterate

>> No.7463175

>He doesn't own a Corolla

At 500 thousand kilometers (thats a measure of distance for you illiterate bible thumpers) my car will be running perfectly, yours will have been a pile of scrap for about 10 years.

>> No.7463184

You do realize that a .22 can go through several sheets of 1/4 inch plywood at 100 yards

>> No.7463189


You realize I can make pillow cases out of kevlar.

>> No.7463194

Get out of here Belgrade Phantom.

>> No.7463197

It is better to have once enjoyed the thrilling satisfaction of an exciting car than to keep driving a boring car for half of your life.

Maybe we just have different cultured, and you get the same feelings from pillows that I get from driving.

>> No.7463202

That would be an issue, if you were poor and unskilled enough to be unable to perform basic preventative maintenance. You can make pretty much anything last forever with care.

Food for thought; Of my two cars, the newest one was built in 1975. They both run perfectly, due to a combination of A. Maintenance done properly and B. Not being Japanese.

>> No.7463205

If you want "soft comfort" from your pillows, kevlar isn't what you want to use.

>> No.7463210
File: 184 KB, 300x900, 0b995fe2db5fcf56ea318d5d7b36b0e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Theoretically, you could make a pillow case out of woven spider silk.

>> No.7463214

I actually use my car.

I don't feel that way about anything, I'm not an irrational overemotional idiot with attachment issues.

>> No.7463229

>irrational overemotional idiot with attachment issues.
>on /jp/

Pick 2.

>> No.7463232

You wouldn't be posting here if it hadn't hurt your feelings, which means it carries a weight of truth no amount of fanboyism can rationalize away completely. Thats why you're here, to attack the source of the painful truth.

>> No.7463249
File: 47 KB, 400x400, hell_hath_no_fury_like_an_aspie_scorned_button-p145110216948879555q37f_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so sorry for you.

you dont know what its like to have caring, emotional attachments? I'm genuinely sorry for what you're missing out on.

>> No.7463246

OP and everyone else arguing with him in this thread.

Who are you that we should bow down and worship your opinion?

You are nobody and your opinion is worthless.

>> No.7463247
File: 93 KB, 677x335, 1277187868117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<-- ITT

>> No.7463253

And you are?

>> No.7463256
File: 136 KB, 600x600, 1291869334880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obsessed with automobiles to the point where someone having a different opinion on their best use is a personal affront
>calling others autistic

>> No.7463270

Not obsessed or overemotional. I just enjoy some simple pleasures in life.

Meanwhile you said you don't have any emotional attachments to anything. No sentiments, nothing with any special meaning for you. That truly is a shame, and I am sorry that you are incapable of feeling.

>> No.7463272

Emotional attachments aren't necessary to achieve simple pleasures. I am not emotionally attached to deep-dish pizza but it's still tasty.

>> No.7463284

Not the same person, by the way.

>> No.7463288

I pity idiots who waste their time on money on such meaningless pursuits because they think there's some greater meaning to their expensive hobby.

>> No.7463290
File: 231 KB, 658x2000, 932102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a "fuckpillow" thread?

>> No.7463295



Dakimakura are for cuddling, you heathen dog.

>> No.7463301



You left your license to pity at the door once you came here.

>> No.7463293

Thats because you just eat it in 5 minutes and then you are done.

A car, or a house, or some prized possessions are all yours for a long time. Over this period of time, normal people eventually have some feelings and attachments.

Now a tv, a microwave, an oven, those are all apliances. Most people dont usually get attached to those, because they are just ordinary, everyday items. You put cars in there, and thats okay, I can live with that.

What upsets me is that you dont have any emotional attachments or sentiments to anything at all. That really is a loss.

>> No.7463307

I pity the fool that cannot find a greater meaning or the beauty in everyday items.

Maybe thats why your type of people cuddle with pillows, because you all are emotionally repressed.

>> No.7463308

I don't think the emotionally repressed people here cuddle pillows.

>> No.7463309
File: 42 KB, 375x500, 803_2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read that in his voice...

>> No.7463310


>emotionally repressed.

/jp/ is perhaps one of the most emotionally expressive boards here.

>> No.7463336

My "type of people" don't cuddle anything, its disgusting.

No, when something breaks I either repair it or throw it away and replace it. Its a thing, there's nothing there to love in the first place.

>> No.7463345

No matter how pitiful you are you can still pity someone more pitiful than yourself. Unless you're incapable of empathy or something but thats a whole different shitty non board related story.

>> No.7463430

Fuck it, I am so fucking confused that I cannot even begin to comprehend this board.

I dont understand the japanese culture fascinations, or the anime, or the pillows.

I still dont even know what otaku means.

I shouldnt have even shown up here.

>> No.7463436



>> No.7463442

It might take a few months before you start appreciating it.
