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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7462896 No.7462896 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We name all the good Japanese cars from glorious Nippon!

Theres the....
Nope not that one...
Surely the Nsx... No nevermind, slower than a mustang....

Nevermind Japan has never made a good car, my mistake.

I wouldn't bother replying to this thread, as we've already reached the inevitable conclusion.

>> No.7462912

The Toyota Corolla, the most reliable non Datsun ever produced. I've seen them chugging along at 500,000kms with just the essential maintenance and the parts are plentiful.

>> No.7462909

Not that I really care about your opinion or cars in general, but you just seem a little lost. Let me help you.

Since your post is about cars, my best guess is that this post belong on /o/ - Auto

Lets try our best to keep our topics on the appropriate boards. Have a nice day!

>> No.7462927

Reliability does not a good car make. Corollas are just automotive appliances, cheap rip-offs of American tech remade with no soul or passion.

Similar to most Japanese "inventions" now that I think of it.

>> No.7462928

Honda. Civic.

Also Imprezas

>> No.7462936

/jp/ - Japanese Culture
I am discussing Japanese car culture, or lack thereof.

You're the second person to suggest a couple of grocery getters as "good" cars. Is japans automotive history so terrible that they are considered powerfull vehicles?

>> No.7462941

toyota celica, cresta, you're a fucking faggot, sage, etc.

>> No.7462942

>/jp/ - Japanese Culture
Are you sure you're literate?

>> No.7462953

A car is a tool, a car which does its job well is the ideal car. People who fill the void in their lives with affection for their cars are really pathetic, and people who think cars have some immaterial "character" are retards with buyers remorse. Reliability and popularity in the used market are signs of good engineering, something America's "inventions" lack by default.

>> No.7462962

Again a FWD grocery getter is called a good car.
Is this some /jp/ meme I'm unaware of?

/jp/ - otaku culture
otaku into english - Nippon
Nippon into American - Japan

I was just taking logical steps, something you seem incapable of.

>> No.7462980

But Otaku means autist in english, not japan!

>> No.7462983

>Doesn't know what "Otaku" means

Reported for posting in a mud language outside of /int/.

>> No.7462985

I just LOVE when retarded people from other boards try to tell regular users what this board is/isn't about.

Here is a hint: We don't like Japan, only niche things. Cars aren't apart of that niche.


>> No.7462982
File: 10 KB, 868x266, nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>otaku into english - Nippon

>> No.7462995

for the record, Toyota Corollas are the most common carbombs in Afghanistan.

>> No.7462999

Spoiler: Spoilers don't work on 4chan :spoiler

Well thanks for clarifying that for me, it seems odd that a board dedicated to Japanese culture would have no interest in Japanese cars. But who am I to judge.

>> No.7463008
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>> No.7463019
File: 255 KB, 991x643, 1305369688573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that Itasha isn't niche
>implying that it also isn't shit

>> No.7463035
File: 718 KB, 800x683, 1305412358418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if this car doesn't have a shitload of character.

>> No.7463045
File: 38 KB, 281x432, 1297921738908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its like ur literaly retarded.

>> No.7463047

/jp/ began as a board for things that didn't belong on /a/, and now is a board for things that didn't belong on /v/.

>> No.7463056

Just when I thought /jp/ couldn't get worse, FYS posts.

>> No.7463244

Do you know if he's a dedicated troll, or does he really believe the things he says?
