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7462385 No.7462385 [Reply] [Original]

I know you joke about Ange getting turned into mincemeat a lot, but does /jp/ really hate Ange? I find her unbelievably charming, personally.

>> No.7462395
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Not really.

>> No.7462394

EP8 so far shows Ange as extremely close-minded and bitter.

She was nice when she was aloof and distant in EP4 and so, but every EP thenceforth she's gotten angrier and pettier.

I don't like her hating Eva so much, either.

>> No.7462396

I'm not speaking collectively for everyone else, but I fucking hate her. Worst character. Even Gohda is better.

>> No.7462402
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Yeah, but I still fap to images of her.

>> No.7462404

Good for fap material, but I don't really care about her otherwise.

>> No.7462413

>Good for fap material
In what? All I've found is Naku Colony 2.

>> No.7462419
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I love her.

>> No.7462424

I don't find the hamburger jokes that funny since they're way overdone, but I do hate Ange. Extremely boring, uncharming and bitchy Mary Sue character, and all the scenes involving her are a pain to read through.

>> No.7462474

I love her, she is like Komachi but even better.

>> No.7462506
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the problem is not with Ange's character but with the fact that R07 has no idea how to tell a story. he could not have picked a worse way to introduce the character. out of nowhere the story just abruptly stops and you are forced to sit through what is possibly the least relevant and most tedious section of the game for an ABSURD amount of time. There is absolutely ZERO justifcation for the entire shee you again section showing up so early in the story and taking up so much time.

Honestly R07 is practically my inspiration to study Japanese because if a hack like him can get rich then there is nothing stopping me from doing it too.

>> No.7462507
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>I don't find the hamburger jokes that funny since they're way overdone

>> No.7462534
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I used to just dislike her, but then in EP8 I came to hate her.

>See truth

If only she'd actually died after that.
And she's a retard for trusting Bern over her ONII-CHAN, whom she supposedly loves, even after she's been trolled by Bern a 1000 times.

At least she's hot though.

>> No.7462544

If she would of just let her brocon side take over she wouldn't be such shit.

>> No.7462562


Holy fuck, how did I miss the pun there?

>> No.7462601

What are you talking about? Gohda is amazing. He's probably the only human on that island who isn't fucked up in one way or another.

>> No.7462606

are we talking about the same person who is told to be a asskisser who doesn't lose a chance to fuck with the other servants' shit?
I mean I guess the Ushiromiyas do make him seem a nice guy by comparison, but normally he's as shitty a person as they come

>> No.7462614


He cares about appearances and has some pride, that's it.

>> No.7462617

Most of our protagonists are retards. Battler herps up all the fucking time.

>> No.7462622

What the hell are you talking about, Gohda is a moe klutz

>> No.7462626

Since this is a Umineko thread, let me just bring up this one thing that has really been bothering me lately.

Why do some people seem to think that Yasu looks like Shannon or is Shannon originally? Are they retarded or something? Did they forget that Shannon was just another one of Yasu's delusions at first?

>> No.7462645


Yasuda "originally" looked like a young Lion, probably.
She changed into Shannon later, at least around 13 years of age.

>> No.7462723

Can't say i hate her but she barely made an impact on me. I think Umineko would have been better off with the time spent on fleshing out other existing characters or polishing it's overall story.

>> No.7462763

Pretty much. Umineko already had way too many characters, introducing yet another one and then spending a whole fucking episode on that character alone while ignoring all others was pretty stupid.

And reviving her 3 times is pretty shitty too.

>> No.7462788

>Mary Sue character

Oh wow

>> No.7462807

>mary sue
In what way? She was pretty fucking flawed if you ask me.

>> No.7462858

>Main character's sister
>Super hot
>Tragic past
>Special powers
>Summoning all stakes at once and shit, even though she shouldn't supposedly be able to
>Has potential to be a greater witch than any of the others in the series
>Is revived from death time after time
>Is loved by everyone in EP8
>Is instantly forgiven by everyone even though she fucked up big time

>> No.7462900


>Main character's sister


>Super hot

Not really.

>Tragic past

Same with every Ushiromiya.

>Special powers

Nope. Or, same as every witch.

>Summoning all stakes at once and shit, even though she shouldn't supposedly be able to

She doesn't.

>Has potential to be a greater witch than any of the others in the series

MARIA does, not ANGE-Beatrice. However, the Truth of the Future will always defeat the Truth of the Past.

>Is revived from death time after time

EVERY game piece.

>Is loved by everyone in EP8

Trying to make her happy.

>Is instantly forgiven by everyone even though she fucked up big time

Only if she accepts to stop going for the truth.

>> No.7462918

>has a greater potential to be a witch blahblahblah

I thought that was MARIA.

>> No.7462966

In Episode 4, when Ange said that she was the witch of resurrection after resurrecting Sakutarou, wasn't Maria all like "Wow that's amazing! I've heard that is the most difficult witch to become, I bet you'll become a witch even more powerful than even me!"?

>> No.7462984


Ange was flat-out lying, she's not a witch of resurrection and she never revived Sakutarou. She just gave him a new form so MARIA, the Witch of Origins, could restore him.
She got his new form because he wasn't actually unique.

>> No.7462992

Why do people keep writing MARIA in caps. Stop that.

>> No.7463005


To differentiate Maria Ushiromiya, the nine year old little girl, and MARIA, the Witch of Origins.

It's spelled in katakana in Japanese instead of Maria's usual kanji, so it seems just as strange to them.

Same with Dlanor's tendency to give an odd stress at the end of every SENTENCE.

>> No.7463007

Never liked her. Fucking hated having to read her parts in EP 4

>> No.7463028

Oh I see, I've never played the translated verisions so I didn't know.

Except it didn't feel that unnatural in Japanese, since their names were all foreign anyway. The Dlanor thing makes sense though.

>> No.7463038


Still, it notifies that it's out-of-place and it's impossible to do that easily in ONScripter.

In another engine, perhaps, Witch Hunt could've just made the text italic or bold, but ONScripter doesn't support that.

>> No.7463082

Why does Dlanor stress her last word anyway? Doesn't make sense.

>> No.7463095

I like her because Ange is the prettiest Umineko.

>> No.7463098

I think you're mistaken, that's Bernkastel.

>> No.7463115


Verbal TIC.

Also, it's for a japanese-english wordplay that Ryukishi is so very fond of.
With her polite manner of speech, Dlanor's sentences tend to end in "です", becoming "デス". "デス" can be translated as "death", and her nickname is "Death Sentence Dlanor".

Also during her insane breakdown before giving her titular death sentence, she says "Check finished finished finished" etc., and in Japanese the sentence ends in デス, so it also gets to sound like she's screaming "DEATH DEATH DEATH" over and over.

>> No.7463133
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>mary sue
Now how the heck is she even a Mary Sue ? Bad grade, shitty life, can't do anything and suffer from delusions.

>uncharming and bitchy
No shit considering she has no ally, no friend and even her guardian wishes her dead. I'd be more disturbed if she were acting all fluffy and amiable towards people who are only hostile towards her. And Trollkastel was the reason for her falling out with Eva anyway.
Growing up without anyone being nice to you has some downsides.

>> No.7463143
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Thing is, not a lot of people like Ange simply because she was the focus of one episode despite being a new character, and nobody found it strange that she was doing this. Of course, he was setting this up so that at the end of the series Ange was the TRUE protagonist (in an incredibly contrived way), but it still doesn't excuse this.

The only other time he introduced a contrived character as a focal point in this series was Erika. Thing is, people in-universe acknowledged her status as this and pretty much told her to get the fuck out. She was so unlikeable that she was likeable. Ange was just unlikeable.

Erika's unlikeable, but Ange is just boring. I don't like either one, but I'm more keen on the idea of raping Erika.

Bern's still better than both, though.

>> No.7463152


>new character

Ange was mentioned in EP1, nobody was paying attention.

>> No.7463198

It's a verbal tic to make her seem robotic.

>> No.7463204

I don't like her because she's the main character in the two worst Umineko episodes.

>> No.7463219


Characters were mentioned several times that nobody paid attention to because they weren't important. They mention several of the other servants but we never see them, and when we do they're throwaway characters. Ange should have been like that or stayed a reference.

>> No.7463222

>She was so unlikeable that she was likeable. Ange was just unlikeable.

Yeah. Erika was so fucking annoying, but at least she was entertainingly annoying you know. And she got made into a butt-monkey and made fun of by everyone all the time. With Ange it was just "Okay...".

And the whole "Look at my tragic life" got kind of tedious.

>> No.7463254
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The "perfect maid Shannon" may have been Yasu's delusion, but the shyness and clumsiness that we see in the actual Shannon comes straight from the original Yasu.

>> No.7463263

Holy shit. You don't understand shit about Umineko.

>> No.7463266
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But that doesn't mean Yasu looks like Shannon.

Also, Shannon was a horrible character. Kanon too.

>> No.7463280

Maybe because it's Shannon that works on the island as a servant and the other people know and recognize only Shannon (and later Kanon), but not Yasu, Beatrice, Gaap and whatever else she created for herself.
She's been working there for 10 years, so unless she was cosplaying nearly from birth, she should look very much like Shannon.

>> No.7463285
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Well, yeah, the breasts obviously aren't real, but I'd say she looks pretty similar other than that. Also, at least they're better than this tsundere drama whore.

>> No.7463292
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I like Ange in all her incarnations.

>> No.7463296
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I find it interesting that in the VN, they never find out what this magic circle is supposed to be but in the Anime Battler decides to look it up in the books of Kinzo's study. Anime Battler confirmed for being more intelligent than VN Battler?

>> No.7463300
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I still like to believe Yasu looks like this

>> No.7463306

Except they did.

>> No.7463312


Didn't Maria explain every single one that came up?

She even mentioned that one was the symbol of Gaap in EP1, way before Gaap herself shows up in EP4.

>> No.7463315
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Beatrice was pretty okay up until around EP4, then Ryukishi messed up big time.

>> No.7463324

my weenie became all stiff...sorry...

>> No.7463329
File: 175 KB, 1920x1080, [Elysium]To.Aru.Kagaku.no.Railgun.EP24(BD.1080p.FLAC)[45FF82BF].mkv_snapshot_17.12_[2011.06.10_23.00.53].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last episodes were hilarious. I almost expected her to say 'furniture' in her speech.

I wish there was a cross-over with Ange shooting gold ingots from the railgun into Beatrice in a mech.

>> No.7463339
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why so much hate ? ;_;

>> No.7463411

Dear god that must be drawn. Brb hours of tedious drawing.

>> No.7463438

Because there are not enough images depicting the glory of Ange's ass.

>> No.7466029


>> No.7466526

>Main character's sister

does that make her mary sue?

>Super hot
>Tragic past

see above

>Special powers

going to astral plane, maintaining a group of familiars and talking with spirits is something that anyone can do with a bit of practice

>Summoning all stakes at once and shit, even though she shouldn't supposedly be able to

but she couldn't, she was able to handle only one at first

>Has potential to be a greater witch than any of the others in the series

don't remember anything like that

>Is revived from death time after time

isn't everyone though?

>Is loved by everyone in EP8

6 year old ange is adorable

>Is instantly forgiven by everyone even though she fucked up big time

that's the evidence of her not being flawless, don't you think?

i think you should reread what "mary sue" is supposed to mean.
Really, people just throw this term everywhere recently...

>> No.7469784
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>> No.7470229
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>> No.7470378
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I think Ange's a'ight. Not the best character ever,but not the worse.

>> No.7470407

> recently
you mean in the past three years?

>> No.7470447

> Death Sentence Dlanor
> Death Sentence
> Desu
> Sentence


>> No.7470462
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>> No.7470651
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She made really EP4 boring. It was almost like she was Erika-lite in how she kept trying to steal Battler's spot as the main character. I'd like her, if she hadn't been bogging down EP4 so much. Heard that she gave the anime serious pacing problems too.

>> No.7470663

Except that she really steals Battler's spot as main character in episode 8.

>> No.7470667


I skipped through most of the Ange parts of Episode 4. It was so fucking boring and stupid.

>> No.7470674

i don't hate her, i think i would even like her if i gave a fuck about Umineko. i only don't like how she jumps out of fuckin nowhere and steals the whole series.

>> No.7470707
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I'm rather disappointed by the lack of doujins/CG sets/artwork depicting her being raped. They had one or two scenarios that provided a good set up for it too.

>> No.7470772

Oh yeah, didn't Beato say something like "I'll make you regret being born a woman" to Ange in EP3? I bet she was going to have her raped by goat butlers. And then she would look on while raping Battler herself.

>> No.7471177
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What a slut.

>> No.7471419
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>> No.7472164
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>> No.7475224
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>> No.7475448
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>> No.7475553

I hope in Umineko Rei we get an actual design for Yasu - or, at least, confirm one of the many "personalities" she impersonated as her official design.

A confirmation on her gender - even if it's not important - would be nice.

I'd still find it nice if Ikuko is Yasu, but well, I'm not really betting on that.

>> No.7476722
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>> No.7476782

>I hope in Umineko Rei we get an actual design for Yasu - or, at least, confirm one of the many "personalities" she impersonated as her official design.

>A confirmation on her gender - even if it's not important - would be nice.
Because of the whole catbox theme I think those are very unrealistic hopes.

It's stupid, but I don't think he will ever, ever confirm gender. There's nothing to confirm - there is no gender decided on.

>> No.7478677
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>> No.7478681
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>> No.7478687
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>> No.7480938
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>> No.7480956
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>> No.7480961
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>> No.7480977
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>> No.7484200
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>> No.7484202
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>> No.7484205
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>> No.7484207
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