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7457037 No.7457037 [Reply] [Original]

If you could choose between a week with your Toho or an infinite amount of food for the rest of your life, what would you choose?

>> No.7457043
File: 18 KB, 477x409, TohoJ_KB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just googled Toho and found this.
I had one of these as a child but I always thought it's kinda creepy.
So I'd prefer the food

>> No.7457042
File: 106 KB, 1000x1200, d173f767e44d2d4acd9ae8e6262428e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that is a hard choice
I love my toho with all my heart

>> No.7457044

food. one week can pass like an hour if you're having fun.

>> No.7457049

>infinite food
>become rich, solve world hunger
i choose touhou

>> No.7457052

Do you remember everything you ate yesterday?
food is forgotten easily, but the memories of your time with your Touhou will last the rest of your life.

>> No.7457058

>world hunger eliminated
>world population triples in a week
>massive wars break out causing human suffering on an unimaginable scale

>> No.7457061

But I already have as much food as I want...

>> No.7457062

>world population triples in a week
humans do not work that way

>> No.7457067
File: 233 KB, 600x600, Th11_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh we are talking about Touhous here?
Well I can spend as much time as I want playing my favourite Touhou already so why would I limit it to just 1 week?

>> No.7457075

They reproduce at the same rate (obviously) but they are no longer starving to death. One week is a little extreme but the net effect will be that the rate at which populations will grow will be significantly increased. Countries will high populations, especially those with rampant poverty, will sharply rise in population and quickly exceed the limits of the other available resources.

In any case solving world hunger will not make the world a better place. People will still be miserable, just about other things then food.

>> No.7457078

His point still stands-solving world hunger isn't a good thing.

What needs to be solved is the fucking ridiculous population explosion that is occurring and will continue to occur.

I suggest we eliminate all blacks, the mentally retarded, the cripples and non-useful elderly people.

>> No.7457081
File: 230 KB, 625x575, d246f745e558a8a95123459c7c959cfb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my toho IS food

>> No.7457088

i already said i'd choose the touhou

>> No.7457089

>I suggest we eliminate the mentally retarded
Do I even need to say it?

>> No.7457090
File: 84 KB, 900x500, 1829d7e4d97fa736e3d31bf10ddbadb04140fbf5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn food, I love food so much.

>> No.7457097

only a week?

I'd probably kill myself because I'll never be able to relive the happiness of those days again

>> No.7457100

And what would you do if you were presented with this choice in public?
The whole world would know you had the chance to solve world hunger but chose not to.
Can you imagine the backlash?

>> No.7457119

My touhou is crazy overpowered, like all touhous. She will protect me! Admittedly, she can only be there for a week, but the rest of the world will be too dead to retaliate after that.

>serious answer
As long as they wait a week to retaliate I wouldn't really care. The truth is that it would kind of sour the most precious week of my life. That doesn't make the food any more appealing though.

>> No.7457135

But what if someone wants to be Touhou and doesn't have "waifu"?

Only option with infinite food remains. But that's good thing as well - you can send that food to Africa or America and give it to poor people.

>> No.7457139

Is it just me or are we really having lots of weird posts like this today?

>> No.7457145
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

image represents possible explanation

>> No.7457151

I made only 2 or 3 posts today.

But look - if you had infinite food what would you do with it?
Give it to poor people. Where do poor people live? South America and Africa.

>> No.7457154

Not just you.

>> No.7457160

Did you not read the rest of the thread? You would cause more problems then you would solve in both the short term and long term.

>> No.7457188


But world isn't overpopulating and won't over populate even if you would start to feed people in all poor countries.
It's even opposite - North America, Europe and richer countries of Asia are depopulating - just like Japan. (but in Japan it's more visible, just because they don't have immigrants to fill vacant spots).

>> No.7457198
File: 280 KB, 638x638, ufu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the worlds population is currently increasing
>the rate at which the population is increasing is also increasing
>space on earth in which people could live is limited
>other resources are finite as well
>not overpopulating and will never overpopulate

>> No.7457203

It's theoretically possible to construct layers on the earths surface to grow crops and live on. As technology advances there will never be more people than space to live on.

>> No.7457219

>As technology advances there will never be more people than space to live on.

>technology advances
>space to live on

Shit doesn't work that way. I mean I understand what you're trying to say, but even then, you're overlooking way too many factors. I hope you understand that if anything, it would only provide temporary solutions to the problem. You also cannot simply try to stack up infinite temporary solutions to solve the problem either.

>> No.7457233

when it comes down to it there is a limited amount of potential energy (food, fuel, heat) available in the earth though, and much of it is difficult to get to. If you are building structures on that scale it will have a serious impact on oceans and wind patterns. The amount of incoming energy from the sun is finite as well. Humanity is already doomed if it continues to live as it has for the past few tens of thousands of years, eliminating starvation will send us hurdling toward the end faster then ever.

In addition can you imagine the infrastructure, time and resources it would take to build that kind of structure? Even if a few rich and powerful governments started on such a structure right now due to the technology and capital (especially land, but money is a big deal too) needed to complete it I doubt they would finish in the lifetime of anyone currently alive.

>> No.7457246

I just stated facts.

Richer countries have very quick population decline. (USA has population decline too, unless you count immigrants as "rising population", but it's not PC to talk about this).

>the rate at which the population is increasing is also increasing
No. It's actually falling (and it begins to be faster and faster as time passes) for developed countries, and countries with huge population growth are expected to slow down soon.

>space on earth in which people could live is limited
It's enough to not worry about this for next few centuries, until it will be solved.

>other resources are finite as well
Some are finite and some are not. But let's not start /new/ level discussion. OK?

Generally - stop watching SCI-FI, faux news or base your world views from pop-media and get some proper facts.

>> No.7457252

When the technological singularity occurs we populate the moon with now unknown methods and create pocket planes in quantum space for living in.


>> No.7457262

>developed countries = ALL OF HUMANITY

>> No.7457271 [DELETED] 

unlimited food

not only would I use it personally but to replace the mass-produced, harmful refined grains that the US government pushes on all parts of the world as a solution to slavery, and onto their own population because of the money they get from the agricultural industry, causing the obesity epidemic and terrorism

lots of fruit, vegetables, non-processed meat for all

>> No.7457270

Obviously I'd choose the answer that means never having to work again and finally being able to cut off contact with other humans.

>> No.7457273

Using the singularity as a solution is not a good argument. It's a theoretical deus ex machina. Instead, point out how with current technologies, we are perfectly able to provide for our current population, and show that as technology has increased, so has our food production capabilities.
Then point out how the only constraints to feeding the world are social and political, not technological. THEN point out how countries which are technologically advanced and well fed have negative birth rates.
Then simply comment on globalization being an inevitable process, and make the connection between globalized economies and cultures being stable, safe, and having a higher standard of living (and a negative birth rate).
It's more difficult to argue that as our standard of living increases, we won't go extinct. It's because of the tendancy of contented peoples to not reproduce that effective immortalioty will become a necessity in the future, especially as we begin colonizing space.
Also, asteroids.

>> No.7457276

unlimited food

not only would I use it personally but to replace the mass-produced, harmful refined grains that the US government pushes on all parts of the world as a solution to starvation, and onto their own population because of the money they get from the agricultural industry, causing the obesity epidemic and terrorism

lots of fruit, vegetables, non-processed meat for all

>> No.7457283

USA combined with Europe doesn't have population of Africa alone. Latin America is close to surpassing "developed countries" too. Obviously Asia beats everyone else.

Developed countries are small % of world population.

>> No.7457284

If you had an infinite amount of food, as in literally infinite, you could theoretically create an infinite amount of energy in some manner.

By harnessing that massive amount of energy, you could bring your toohoo to life forever. You could bring everyone's waifu to life forever.

Why wouldn't you choose the finite food, anons?

>> No.7457287

Just fucking wipe of Africa already. Breeding every fucking second with their aids and starvation. Fuck, they might do it so much because they get no pleasure from eating food and so they turn to sexual pleasure.

>> No.7457292

where would you store your infinite food?

>> No.7457297

Infinite food will make yuyuko pass the hakurei barrier to come find you, so it's a good deal if she's your favorite.

>> No.7457300

Ok. Then we still have Asia and Latin America.. Both beating "developed countries" in terms of population.

>> No.7457345

It's rude of you to group all of asia together like that. Japan must have a declining population, right? And if we wiped them out, how would the original question be asked?

>> No.7457348

with touhou cuz im not fat [as HELL]

>> No.7457364

So you are pretty fat, then?

>> No.7457369
File: 571 KB, 1583x1392, 1260689743162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but what if I don't want just one touhou? What if I love them all too much to pick? Can't I just spend a week in Gensokyo instead?!

Gaaah! It's Sophie's Choice all over again ;_;

>> No.7457374

Everyone that wants to spend a week with a loli as opposed to having delicious steak everyday for the next 40 years or whatever is a huge fucking woman.

>> No.7457395

You're looking for a needle in a haystack.

But - you want to wipe all regions and then tell "so if developed countries are so small % then it means that population drop isn't so drastic" to prove in strange way your point about population rising instead declining.

But then comes fact that even if all those places have high population, still even in area of one continent there are growing and collapsing countries - you told it yourself. Developed part of Asia has dropping numbers, the same about Africa and Latin America and rich population of these continents is dying faster than other growing countries can counter.

On global scale it means that in future native people of developed countries will be "replaced" while current high population countries will start to drop their population numbers too. So it will be "slight" population drop but still it won't be growth.

TL;DR - there are still more people dying than being born even if we would feed all poor regions.

>> No.7457401 [SPOILER] 
File: 159 KB, 1024x1024, Facepalm_Collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with touhou cuz im not fat [as HELL]
>cuz im not fat
>[as HELL]

>> No.7457403

I would want infinite food so I could save money and focus on getting a real woman.

>> No.7457406


See now, I can see where you're coming from, but you need to weigh the value of the choices here a bit more carefully. Obviously, value will come from how difficult it is to gain one of the options were it not for the magic of our hypothetical wish

Spending a week with an imaginary character given life: You will never be able to accomplish this save perhaps for virtual reality, and even then this technology may not come to fruition for many many years, let alone accessible to the general public. Other options include pioneering this technology yourself or becoming rich and powerful enough to gain access to it within your life time

Eating really fucking delicious food every day for the rest of your life: Entirely doable if you can get yourself some decent income

Now, realistically speaking, isn't it more likely that you can accomplish the latter than the former? Sure, not having to worry about food bills for the rest of your life would be pretty goddamn awesome, but can you put a price on such memorable experiences as hanging with a touhou?

The joke's on ZUN, I already did and the food definitely outweighs the loli. I sort of wanted to play devil's advocate, though

>> No.7457411

My favorite touhou is Suika.
I wouldn't remember shit bro.

>> No.7457413

If I get to go to Gensokyo for that one week, I'll take that. If I'm not with her at all times during the visit to Gensokyo, I can potentially be there until the day I die.

>> No.7457426
File: 316 KB, 838x600, suika smashed_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Point taken

>> No.7457429


Mine is Sakuya. I wonder how much that time manipulation can help to extend how long that week feels.

>> No.7457522

all touhou is my waifu and specially Reisen.
