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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7448564 No.7448564 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw wathcing The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim E3 footage


jRPG, are you even trying?

>> No.7448567

>making games in 2011 for 2006 hardware
I seriously hope you guys dont do this.

>> No.7448570

Why would you comparre The Elder Scrolls and JRPGs ?

>> No.7448571

ugh, i hate 4chan around E3 time

>> No.7448581

WRPGs: Battle systems? Whack it with a sword. FETCH QUESTS FUCK YEAH!

Whatever epic looking crap they cram into the trailer is not how the game will play. The game will be hours of traveling punctuated by boring conversations that really only tell you where to go next. There will be no interesting puzzles and all enemies will go down by hitting them until they die.

>> No.7448583

>Ohana !Saten

>> No.7448584

As much as I want to like Skyrim I have to remember how much I hated Oblivion's combat

>> No.7448586

Or at least not knowing why these imps on the like second story quest in the castle kill me in 3 hits and it takes me like 30

>> No.7448587
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That feel when Japan still does first-person RPGs the best.

I love you Wizardry series.

>> No.7448588

Remember the disconnect between how amazing Oblivion looked and how shitty it was to play

This is every Bethesda game

>> No.7448590

/jp/ - Video Games

>> No.7448602

>console peasant shit that's called skyrim
>good game
never mind, you weren't talking about good games you're already a console peasant who plays jrpgs... you'll love it.

>> No.7448611

No matter how much next Bethesda trainwreck will undoubtedly suck, it will still be a video game, much more than most jrpg menu clicking and boredom simulators will ever reach.

>> No.7448614

sup /v/

>> No.7448754

The better question is Bethesda, are you even trying?

Grafics are such a minor improvement from Oblivion, especially comparing the difference of Oblivion to Morrowind. I mean, yeah, he's demoing it on the 360, but that's part of the problem in the first place.
The running animation is so awkward, he's wiggling his shoulders all over the place.
I know if I were a guard standing around in a dark cave with a companion, if he fell down gurgling with an arrow sticking out of him, I'd draw my sword and stand there slightly crouched. Not find cover or anything, that's just silly.
Dual Wielding looks shockingly uninteresting, and this is coming from someone who almost literally has a fetish for that sort of thing (lmbo).
>this is entirely unscripted Oh, certainly, certainly. How 'bout that Radiant AI, Toddy?
I think the only good parts was how the dragon burns, and how the other crashes to the ground, those looked pretty cool I guess. Rather convenient how he starts flying away, then is like "oooh, no wait, I should crash down RIGHT IN FRONT of the guy who's trying to kill me! Not away, not even on top of, naw" though.

Anyways, sage for not vidya.

>> No.7448761

Oh yeah, forgot to mention how incredibly derpy the AI is in the second segment where he's fighting a group of them face to face. Let's face away from him and run towards walls!

>> No.7448980

And who are you to make that determination? Who are you to decide which is better? Who are you that we need to bow down and worship your opinion?

>> No.7448995

No one. Enjoy your 200 hour
>itens plz
magical adventures with 5 minute story intermissions between 10 hours of grinding.

>> No.7448998

story is shit and non-existent in every game
system is archaic and unbalanced for the most part
not to mention that shit tier graphics

the last good wizardry was 8 and it somehow managed to look better than all the other japanese wiz derivatives later

>> No.7449008

>single player game
>200 hours
what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.7449012
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>not liking both JRPGs and WRPGs

>> No.7449017

I'm pretty sure fully completing Morrowind could take 200 hours, with expansions, not even counting mods.

>> No.7449016

inb4 Touhou stat screens

>> No.7449015

>liking jrpgs

>> No.7449020

I loved how the characters in Oblivion would eat, sleep and travel in real time. I followed people for hours to see what they'd do next.
I thought it was a great use of technology and was excited about the future of devs making a living and breathing world that could actually function and it not being SimCity or something.

>> No.7449021

>not liking JRPGs
Everyone else subbing it is either worse than CR or rips their subs.
>not using png

>> No.7449023

I spent more that that on Morrowind, 150 - 200 hours in GTA3, Vice City, SA each and 100+ in all Deus Ex playthroughs.

You just don't like games or something.

>> No.7449027


You should have seen what the AI was like before the game was released.

>> No.7449036

You should have seen A MUDCRAB THE OTHER DAY

Disgusting creatures.

>> No.7449060

you listed games released like 10 years ago. back when those were released most us should've been in our teens and it would be reasonable to put those hours in. now, even if you're a true NEET playing those single player game for 200 hours is an utter waste of time. you should've at least moved onto mmo games if you want to spend long hours on shit.

>> No.7449071
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Fail to troll /jp/ is the new summerfag sport or what?

>> No.7449074

>you listed games released like 10 years ago.
Well, yeah, are you going to spend those hours on call of duty brown shit, genius? A sequel and bunch of clone games are released every few months.
>mmo games
Mmo shit more meaningless and wasteful than single played games. Try to guess why.
I have already spelt it in my previous reply

>> No.7449089

what i'm getting from your post is you're a casual player who enjoys them like 12 years, women, and old people. wasting time on an mmo is much more fun and interesting for someone who is past their babbby's first stage in video games.

breezing through games to read their stories and see interesting mechanics/art is the only thing currently possible for single player. i made the assumption you weren't awful at the games still, my mistake.

try multiplayer games if you want to spend more than 20 hours for a reason other than being slow or autistic.

>> No.7449102

Skyrim, Gensokyo mods.
they will be all over the place.
also, it's just a combination that those dragons walks like a Narga, amirite?
inb4 monster hunter mods

>> No.7449118
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Death to Todd Howard.

The only thing Skyrim will be good for is loli mods.

>> No.7449129
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>Todd Howard, with love.

>> No.7449134

People saying it barely looks better than Oblivion graphically really have not played oblivion recently, at least not without hundreds of texture mods that make even modern video cards bleed. Elder scrolls has never had a problem graphics wise. Oblivion was very good graphically, for its time.

>> No.7449141

Fallout 3 was so fucking barren. Pretty sure Oblivion had much more.

You're forgetting that Obsidian already had a half-complete game to work with, though.

>> No.7449148

Pig disgusting muscular loli.

>> No.7449159


You will never know the joy of life till you've ran your tounge up some girls' abs Anon.

>> No.7449160

I'd welcome yet another waifu simulator. Not.

>> No.7449181

...well, maybe this time we can have a convincing chubby waifu.
also, I'm not much into lolis, but abs lolis are the best brown lolis.
...only vampire lolis are superior

>> No.7449186

I disliked Oblivion but Skyrim seems a bit more polished, i might pirate it. Also apples and oranges, why are you guys getting up in arms over this shit?

>> No.7449189
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