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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7448260 No.7448260 [Reply] [Original]

I wonder why I even come here everyday.

>> No.7448271

full autism

>> No.7448280

so does everyone else. it's so slow too. everyone is like "summer is invading" but it's 10 times slower than winter time. it would be nice if moot deleted the board.

>> No.7448283


>> No.7448281
File: 46 KB, 704x400, 1306906994368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7448285
File: 268 KB, 400x500, jp just got awesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7448286
File: 123 KB, 512x512, 1306906762272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7448294

I wouldn't mind /jp/ being deleted if /new/ was brought back.

It sucks when shit like this Weiner scandal break and there's nowhere to talk about it. /newpol/ is utter shit and slow as fuck.

>> No.7448297

shit, i'd take moot just deleting /jp/ and be happy. i'd probably do a back flip if he deleted /jp/ and added /new/ in its place.

>> No.7448300


Take your pick.

>> No.7448302
File: 56 KB, 838x983, 1300188695256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/new/ is never coming back. Justified racism is apparently too edgy for moot.

>> No.7448305

Because you love it hear, you love those good threads tht pop up from time to time and you stick around in hopes to encounter one.

>> No.7448314

I hope you're not implying any of those boards are any less shitty than /newpol/.

>> No.7448315

pretty sure those external websites are honey pots for jidf.

>> No.7448324

Okay gonna be a newfag and ask what this is from, I've seen it numerous times but never cared until now.

>> No.7448330

sketchbook full color's

>> No.7448334

Why don't you ask /a/? Fuck off.

>> No.7448341


Thanks an actual answer right away with no trolling.

>> No.7448343

Thanks for pointing that out you fucking idiot.

>> No.7448364

if you say anything racist apparently you're apart of the kkk according to the moderation. i got banned for racism and the mod called me subhuman, i can't imagine how 4chan managed to turn into that from the original state /b/ was 6 years ago.

i called out a mod in /a/ when they were posting and i talked about how moot is a hypocritical faggot since he's banning for racist comments, even though he goes on public record talking about how 4chan is all about "freedom, and free speech". the faggot mod deleted the post, and only that post from the entire thread, but didn't ban me. i love racist jokes it's such a shame /new/ was deleted

i'm not white

>> No.7448363


>> No.7448374

It's because 4chan is not /b/. There are rules you need to follow while posting on the rest of 4chan.

How are some people so dense?

>> No.7448378

>8. Complaining about 4chan (its policies, moderation, etc.) on the imageboards can result in post deletion and banishment. The administrator will address your questions, comments, complaints, and concerns via e-mail.

>> No.7448389

So if people break the rules you axe the entire board? Genius.

People weren't even breaking the rules, they simply posted news stories on /new/ and when people pointed out in nearly every thread that the criminal was black moot decided that everyone on the board was just racist. Stereotypes exist for a reason.

>> No.7448395

you're so smart, you've got everything figured out. too bad when staff post the entire thread is filled with complaints about moderation and they're usually never deleted.

because posting an image macro with a racial slur would net you a ban on boards for the first 5 years of 4chan? oh wait, no it didn't. why do you act like you even understand what's going on?

>> No.7448396

Sure sounds like Nazi Germany around here.

We all know moot doesn't read those e-mails.

>> No.7448400

>8. Complaining about 4chan (its policies, moderation, etc.) on the imageboards can result in post deletion and banishment. The administrator will address your questions, comments, complaints, and concerns via e-mail.


>> No.7448401

If a board is constantly breaking rules, then yes. There is no point in keeping it around.

>> No.7448409

I would understand if /new/ wasn't deleted and replaced with the abomination known as /soc/.

He's clearly just trying to turn this place into Facebook, as made painfully obvious by his pathetic canv.as project. /new/ wasn't normalfag-friendly so he axed it.

>> No.7448414

i guess /b/ should've been deleted about 7 years ago according to your awful judgement. /b/ has been orchestrating illegal raids for the past 5 years and they're even responsible for cyber terrorism now too.

>> No.7448419

Was /soc/ and the previous users of /int/ told to go there? Or was one deleted and the other created right after?

>> No.7448420

/b/ is basically a large containment facility. If you deleted /b/ the torrents of shit contained within would spill over into other boards.

>> No.7448424

The latter, he told everyone on /new/ to fuck off and then turned around and make /soc/ and a couple others iirc.

>> No.7448426

Yep, because deleting /new/ didn't do the exact same fucking thing. Mods even ban people for just mentioning /new/ on other boards.

>> No.7448428

It spilled out a long time ago.

>> No.7448434

cool theory there, pal. you may be semi-correct, but your awful argument is still shit. ignoring practically irrelevant details such as site "rules" /b/ is breaking international law, yet he's sheltering it.

anyway it's obvious why moot deleted and you're wrong about the reason. he deleted it because he wanted /new/r9k/ racism, stories, and randum back in /b/ and he wanted the webcam,meetup, and social shit from out of /b/r9k/ out of those boards so he created /soc/

>> No.7448438 [DELETED] 

Better hurry up and call Interpol and have them put moot in prison forever.

>> No.7448442


You're really interpreting the /soc/ title too literally. If you actually go in the board instead of just being self-righteous about it, /soc/ isn't about people being "social," it's about people posting naked pictures of themselves. That sort of thing has always been frowned upon by Facebook, and camwhores have always been a very big part of 4chan.

Also, racism has been officially against the global rules since forever. And closing /new/ isn't exactly some shocking new act, since moot closed the old /n/ for precisely the same reason years ago.

>> No.7448443

Wonder how long it'll take a mod to find this thread and ban everyone mentioning /new/ and delete the thread.
