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File: 240 KB, 600x900, tumblr_lm60405rhC1qfztz3o1_1280..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7440610 No.7440610 [Reply] [Original]

Official thread for figures, Demon's Souls, and MGS HD collection discussion. Look at those bandaids.

>> No.7440623

Wait, who is that, and why does she carry the Shimazu crest?

>> No.7440640

what the fuck is wrong with her nipples?

>> No.7440643

I think there's bandaids under there

>> No.7440644

Looks like Nadeko(?) from Bakemonogatari.

>> No.7440676

Oh my GOD that thing is epic. Source please.

>> No.7440743
File: 240 KB, 600x900, tumblr_lm601dFLo01qfztz3o1_1280..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7440758

another unattainable GK to drool over

>> No.7440766
File: 138 KB, 800x800, (via ちょっぴりセクシーな寝そべりポーズ「化物語 八九寺 真宵」サンプルレビュー 【画像】)%0ASo cute ahhhhhhhhhh..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get this then. Bandaid tier.

>> No.7440777

Why the fuck do they keep deleting these threads?

>> No.7440789
File: 71 KB, 999x614, 10140429a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inspired by the last thread I have purchased my first (four) figures. This miku, figma madoka, nendoroid madoka, and the azusa with the cat.

It cost me $240, shipping and all included. They don't arrive until September. Am I going to regret this?

>> No.7440794

nope, you won't regret it. Good choices.
Autosage perhaps or image limit reached?

>> No.7440795
File: 44 KB, 600x435, FIG-MOE-2911_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

way ahead of you

also that shoe

>> No.7440814
File: 124 KB, 467x700, (via 東方プロジェクト フィギュア開発日記)%0AGriffon Nue prototype..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The previous one was my accident, I didn't know the other before that was deleted, though.

Apologies that you've been coerced into spending money, but hopefully you enjoy.


>> No.7440816

>>7440789 here

I also really wanted >>7440794 but that would have pushed it up to $300, which was a barrier I really didn't want to cross. Oh well. This shit is addicting, even just looking at the pictures makes me happy. I'm gonna be fucking ecstatic when the package finally arrives.

>> No.7440818
File: 96 KB, 640x519, 1307283921935..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7440820

And by "7440794" I meant the Hachukuji.

>> No.7440823
File: 332 KB, 1278x900, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you decide you don't like them you can always sell them. A lot of figures hold their value or at least most of it.

>> No.7440826
File: 39 KB, 550x365, 03-550x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the one and only purchase i will do.

>> No.7440828
File: 55 KB, 516x600, FIG-MOE-2501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't like tony figure, i preordered the gsc version, pic related, also i preordered miku append figma and miku nendo support version, i'm still thinking about azusa figure, it's too damn cute and i'd really want a figure under my monitor.

>> No.7440830

Gah. I don't like Mayoi but this figure looks great! Not that we can always trust GSC's prototype, but their Nadeko turned out nice.

>> No.7440833

the cast off makes it look like she's wearing diapers

>> No.7440835

I wonder when they're gonna show the pics for the okuu and orin griffon figs?

>> No.7440846

I was about to comment on that.

>> No.7440847

I need a Maiden in Black figure badly.

>> No.7440852
File: 661 KB, 1800x600, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Yukari should I get?

L to R: Kotobukiya, Griffon, Phat Company

>> No.7440855

griffon or phat. Phat looks a little better

>> No.7440863
File: 700 KB, 1280x960, 3ess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What sort of display cabinets do you all normally use?

>> No.7440865


I like the dress details and color of Griffon's, but I ESPECIALLY like Yukarin's mischievous face

>> No.7440867


Griffon has too many unwanted phenomenons

>> No.7440870


A lot of people use deltolf


>> No.7440876


That Griffon one has a lot of problems from what I heard. She can barely hold her umbrella, some people had paint issues with dark spots all over her body and in the most extreme cases her finger wasn't pointing to her mouth like shown.

I'd go with the one in the right. It's not only safe from all those problems but I personally I just find the pose better. I really like the fact that she is sitting on a gap. But yeah it's a question of personal preference, just be aware that Griffon figs have issues and that Yukari one is particularly notorious for it.

>> No.7440878

I was wondering about this too. Does anyone actually have the Koto one (since it's already released)? If so can you comment on the quality?

>> No.7440887
File: 89 KB, 550x800, chen..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the advice. I did hear that Griffon had some problems. Although I'm not sure about Phat Company since I don't have any figures by them. Anyone knows about them in terms of quality?

I wanted to get this Chen but it turns out it's an exclusive.

>> No.7440893

Quality from them is above and beyond Griffin. If you haven't already decided on the right and the others being obsolete.
Then o well.

>> No.7440894

Detolfs are great if you want some inexpensive display cases. I have three, but I'm thinking perhaps I should've ordered one big display case instead of three detolf.

>> No.7440895
File: 130 KB, 853x1280, (via MouseUnit)-1..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious Yoshi sculpt.

>> No.7440898

Figures are the worst waste of money.
It's even worse than spending money on sports tickets.

>> No.7440901
File: 85 KB, 600x600, FIG-MOE-2469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd get that Chen, the only other one I've seen is the Griffon one unfortunately I really dislike her pose.

>> No.7440906
File: 38 KB, 367x552, yakumo..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Phat's Yakumo isn't an exclusive too.

>> No.7440924

Yeah I don't care for Griffon's Chen. Pose is a bit weird.

>> No.7440936

Chen taking a dump.

>> No.7440938
File: 100 KB, 600x323, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7440949

after you pick her up there will be a surprise waiting for you

>> No.7440965

What exactly is wrong with her?

>> No.7440973
File: 1.93 MB, 300x225, 1296099722209.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's so shiny you need sunglasses

>> No.7440979

Buy a spraycan of matte topcoat and spray her down, solves the glossy problem.

>> No.7440983
File: 91 KB, 800x534, t028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people seem to be upset at her hair color and glossy socks and the jewels in her hand

personally I don't think she's that bad, but I expected more from GSC

>> No.7440990

Remind me the source on that one, would you kindly.

>> No.7440993


>> No.7440996

My Phantasy Star Racaseal arrived yesterday, built her up. Been a while since I actually put together a kit, feels good.
As does the model, she's really damn nice, with a lot more articulation than I would have thought.

>> No.7441005

I wish they would make figures of the characters from Phantasy Star Portable 2.

>> No.7441027

Ah, thank you. Man, it's been a while since I last saw houkago play mentioned.

>> No.7441036

there was a picture posted in the previous thread of a figure with red/blue gradient hair and athletic looking legs. does anyone know what it was?

>> No.7441066

I kind of like the glossy look.

>> No.7441107

Hey, I got silly question. exists somewhere a bkub Chen figure?

>> No.7441111

Yes, but I don't think it's available for purchase.

>> No.7441119


>> No.7441122
File: 442 KB, 497x1626, QC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get Griffon of course if you want to deal with e-support, ship it back to Japan, probably get a refund with notification that you will be banned if something like this will happen again.

>> No.7441147
File: 106 KB, 397x600, suwako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figurines are the worst waste of money.
Anyone person who blows precious money on crap like this is a dumbass.

Savings should be invested in something that doesn't depreciate.
When gold drops, if it ever does, buy lots of it.

Draw pictures of your fucking "waifus".

5% max, the rest of the French have brown or black hair. My mother lived in France in the 1980s. She knows what they look like. I don't trust statistics produced by the French government anyway.

>> No.7441149

What be banned for their mistake? I never understood this.

>> No.7441154

What the fuck are you going on about?

>> No.7441163

amiami said if they guy who got the defective one got another defective product, they said that they would be not worthy of his business and have to cut business ties.

>> No.7441164

>6little squares
4little squares
4little squares
3little squares[all caps]

>> No.7441168

>What be banned for their mistake? I never understood this.

That's how they care about their customers.

>> No.7441169

I don't get the deal at all. First he copies an unsuccessful troll from earlier in the thread and adds some bullshit to it (>>7440898, note that first sentence is identical), and then he replies to a completely unrelated post in a completely different thread (>>7440968).

Weird guy.

>> No.7441172

So instead of improving quality control they make it so you cant order with them anymore?
That's stupid but them again, i don't order from griffon so i can expect my figures to be good and not fucked up.
So i never have to deal with shit like that.

>> No.7441177

Hey, I didn't noticed that this guy is following a twisted and uninteresting logic in his post...
I just mentally labeled this stuff as shitposting and my eyes totally skipped it...

>> No.7441181
File: 272 KB, 1200x900, 1306938024041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amiami said if they guy who got the defective one got another defective product, they said that they would be not worthy of his business and have to cut business ties.

I've never seen that amiami was mentioned.

>> No.7441215


It happened a while back but the guy who got the defective yukari said he got it from amiami.

>> No.7441222

It's AmiAmi which said "we are not worth to do business with you anymore" but the real blame should be on Griffon and their QC.

>> No.7441714
File: 377 KB, 1200x900, DSC01630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean that one? Its Risty/Listy from QB.

>> No.7441763

Please update your browser, you're wasting a lot of space there.

>> No.7441767

What's that caption gallery with the futanari symbol icon? Sounds intriguing.

>> No.7442384

Which Bundesland are you from?

>> No.7442453

the one on the right looks the best

>> No.7442743

sup alejandro

>> No.7443011

wave + overpriced polystone = 15k + shipping... not sure if worth it

>> No.7443057
File: 270 KB, 600x902, tumblr_lm7r4b7Rs91qfztz3o1_1280..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7443075

it looks kinda shitty.

>> No.7443076



>> No.7443086

I agree. The face looks weird (doesn't even look like Youmu, actually,) but I guess everything else is okay.

>> No.7443105

It's not "okay"!

Where's the spermatozoid?

>> No.7443119

>overpriced polystone
Someone care to explain what's the difference between polystone and pvc that justifies ~50% greater price?

>> No.7443128


>> No.7443144

that's probably it. seeing the whole thing I don't want it anymore.

polystone is plastic with powdered rock mixed in it which makes it more durable or something. does anyone know what material the figures with squishy tits are made out of?

>> No.7443155

>squishy tits

this is news to me and I am interested

>> No.7443443


>> No.7443529
File: 94 KB, 600x600, FIG-MOE-2326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally released at Amiami.

>> No.7444581
File: 457 KB, 863x1117, 1307347055457..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7444617

What a filthy whore. She really wants to buy new jewels, eh?

>> No.7444644
File: 77 KB, 800x533, stay night 遠坂 凛 -UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS-」レビュー 【画像】)..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7444671
File: 485 KB, 1500x1000, Yukari-Review-0726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely not the Griffon version. Need I bring up THIS again?


>> No.7444683

Oh god. That's nothing short of incredible.

>> No.7444701

Hoping I'll manage to get a Rin. I was late to the party so I had to pick less popular stores like Kidnemo.

Since they seem to be US based, I guess they need to get their shipments over there before I'll know if I'll get any. Hope it doesn't take too long.

>> No.7445078
File: 99 KB, 533x800, stay night 遠坂 凛 -UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS-」レビュー 【画像】)..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nice.

>> No.7445103
File: 1.96 MB, 1936x2592, 033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7445186

I have the Kotobukiya one. I think it's highly underrated. I like how her pose looks playful and elegant. And it also comes with a jigsaw puzzle, which I've already assembled and stuck it in my wall now.

Can't provide any pictures now. I don't have any camera with me.

>> No.7445279

Considering this solely because of DAT GRIN. However I haven't been able to find it on amiami, HLJ, or 1999.co.jp.


>> No.7445291

HLJ still has her up, ordered mine over the weekend.

>> No.7445365

Received a payment request for Rin. Damn Americans will get her faster as always.

>> No.7446016
File: 150 KB, 1000x665, 7 中野 梓」デコマスレビュー - シマゾウ・レポート)..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7446092

You fucking pedo, reported in CIA.

>> No.7446121
File: 121 KB, 600x800, (via KYOSHOアリスモータース「レースクイーン アリス」サンプルレビュー 【画像】)..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7446125


>Your item has been shipped out via SAL.
>You should receive the item within 2~3 weeks.


どきどき わくわく

>> No.7446719

Im so tempted to get that but my wallet is already hating me.

>> No.7446741

It's ok, it's not out until September. Who knows, you may have become a millionaire by then.

preoder it

>> No.7446792

Gah. Why is she so glossy?!

>> No.7446979

I got to her first.

>> No.7446997
File: 154 KB, 1417x728, tt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with you, GSC?

>> No.7447297

don't forget how the hair bows are diferent colours, the nendoroid one is a dark green vs the ubw Tohsaka is a dark brown (black?)

>> No.7447304

>display cases
That's not what I need. What's a good hiding case?

>> No.7447508

Mikatan said on her blog that UBW version is based on DEEN character design, while Nendo obviously is based on original TM coloring.
So, blame DEEN for wrong colors.

>> No.7447698
File: 980 KB, 1280x720, 1f5a4e0e27864df82a4785610c901f1a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about...

>> No.7447704
File: 867 KB, 1280x720, 1306212451_1-400x225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7447723

Slut obviously isn't earning enough from her part time job

>> No.7447746

I'm not sure if I should pay for Rin.

I mean I only hit the preorder button for dat ass. Anyone else do this with figures?

>> No.7447820

Unlike you I PAY for dat ass, Zunbro.

>nteery her

>> No.7447824

Amiami may refuse to cancel it for you.

>> No.7447829

cool, 20% off everything at e2046 until the 10th.

>> No.7447863

Does anyone here actually have this? I desperately need some shelving or a case, and this looks like exactly what I was looking for. I'm just curious as to how many figures it'll hold.

>> No.7447870

>Does anyone here actually have this? I desperately need some shelving or a case, and this looks like exactly what I was looking for. I'm just curious as to how many figures it'll hold.

One figure per shelf, faggot. That's the rule of good taste.

>> No.7447872

They haven't done this before for me, but i did get warned for having too many unpaid cancellations. I think i've only had 5 compared to almost 80k yen I've spent with them. Feels bad.

>> No.7447874

>four shelves


>> No.7447880
File: 261 KB, 972x648, yakumo1299089086..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7447888

Well shit, that looks pretty damn good. Thanks.

>> No.7447904
File: 260 KB, 2397x1604, cvn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They haven't done this before for me, but i did get warned for having too many unpaid cancellations. I think i've only had 5 compared to almost 80k yen I've spent with them. Feels bad.

Well, they aren't happy to cancel pre-orders, I've seen some comments about this.

>> No.7447915

I just asked them to cancel meruru... But then again its not exactly in the same league as a figure. Not like I'm making others miss out since it was the regular edition, and games have better post launch/preorder sales numbers

>> No.7447935
File: 41 KB, 300x600, BLAZBLUE Makoto Nanaya Complete Figure..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7447948

>Two people are needed to assembly this furniture.

I see a problem.

>> No.7447957

it really means

>Two idiots who can't read or 2 weak women or one man is required to assemble this furniture.

>> No.7447958

Looks pretty meh. I wanted it too, but it looks pretty pricey for what you get.

>> No.7447962

Luckily, the the instruction manual is a picture book.

>> No.7447991

I think you missed his point.

>> No.7447998
File: 178 KB, 560x417, Ikea-Beddinge-Sofa-Beds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assembled this sofa alone, Detolf should be even easier.

>> No.7448024


So is there anywhere I have a chance of getting this? Didn't preorders close a while ago?

>> No.7448342

what the hell. isnt she just a DLC char?

>> No.7448505

Griffon Chen and Ran are up.
Not sure if want.

>> No.7448529

Japanese play the arcade so it doesn't really matter.

>> No.7448625
File: 1.48 MB, 2667x4000, hacky1307244986..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This huge faggot have Canon 7D and his photos are on the same level with my phone camera or even worse.

Also this Klon is flooding mfc with his Rei again. I guess he's trying really hard to be like Status but failing.

>> No.7448634

I know nothing about this guy but what's the problem with not taking great pictures? I'm no good at taking pictures, but I still enjoy taking my own photos of my figures.

>> No.7448641

>This huge faggot have Canon 7D


>> No.7448642

Holy shit, got a link to this?

>> No.7448666

Well, if you want to get technical on why they look like shit, it's the fact that he's using a high ISO and posting such large files so people can pixel peep and see the noise. He's also getting a shutter speed like which suggests he could definitely lower the ISO and still get usable shots handheld with better quality. He might take the pictures straight from his camera, resize them and then upload them, which could also explain the noise and weird colors.

>> No.7448678

I know shit-all about photography in general, much less for taking photos of figures. Do you know of any guides for basic settings or how to make close-up photos look less shit? And would any of that stuff be worth it for a shitty point-and-shoot?

>> No.7448682

Actually, looking at the EXIF it was a raw file, so I'm guessing he either doesn't care or doesn't know but his profile says he's a film student. I've got no idea what film student normally means, but I'm guessing he really should know better since these things are pretty universal with cameras. It's now bothering me too. In the EXIF the photographer's name is entered as Ricardo Miyada so I'm going to assume that's him.

God damn you Ricardo what the fuck man.

>> No.7448687

If it's a point and shoot like I'm imagining with no/very limited controls I'd look into composition more than anything. I'd also use natural lighting over flash.

>> No.7448709
File: 27 KB, 477x131, dfhdfhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know shit-all about photography in general, much less for taking photos of figures. Do you know of any guides for basic settings or how to make close-up photos look less shit? And would any of that stuff be worth it for a shitty point-and-shoot?

Basically you'll need only:
1. Resize picture
2. Try Auto color / Auto Tone - if it looks like shit, skip it
3. Use this shit (picrelated) to do hurr durr photo correction
4. Use Noiseware Professional to remove all noise
5. ?????????

God damn it's still shitty ISO high or not. I mean look at something like this: http://myfigurecollection.net/image/glockenpop1306981226.jpeg
It's a photo, not photoshop.

>> No.7448725

Thanks for the advice.

>> No.7448730
File: 862 KB, 2319x1536, IMGP0811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't speak to the P&S, once I started learning how to use a SLR I couldn't stand them.

For that though, you'll want a macro prime lens, with a focal length of around 35-50mm. You'll also want a flash (preferably 2) and radio flash triggers for them (I use Cactus V5 triggers, they've worked well for me so far and are dirt cheap compared to something like a pocketwizard). A tripod might be nice if you have issues handholding.

The key is really the flash kit, as that gets you the light that lets you reduce your ISO and thus all the nasty picture noise. If your camera has one of the standard ways of triggering external flashes (PC terminal, hot shoe), you could use the off camera triggers.

In terms of cost, a low end SLR + decent macro lens would probably be $800-$1000, a pair of manual flashes and the cactus triggers would be about $350.

>> No.7449033
File: 22 KB, 600x450, aow40073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy this!

>> No.7449219 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 813x820, amiamiwuut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of figures and amiami... anyone got any weird shipping calculation?

See pic: basically, bought Kuroneko Nendoroid (lucky as it was the last one), and 6 cards sleeves (yeh, TCG fag here) and few other light crap.
Then, got a whooping 5560 yens shipping fee for Europe (so basically a 2.5kg package).

Not being a braindead guy, I've sent a mail, asking inquiry regarding what's up with the weight, and they updated it into 3700 yens (1.5kg, which is actually true when it arrived).
They say it was a miscalculation, but that's sort of incredible to literally bump the weight of a parcel by 1kg.

Anyone got the same kind of stuff? Not going to go paranoid on this helpful shop, but that was a bit too close for comfort. Thank god I knew the actual average weight of a nendo / sleeve pack.

>> No.7449230
File: 146 KB, 813x820, amiamiwuut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of figures and amiami... anyone got any weird shipping calculation?

See pic: basically, bought Kuroneko Nendoroid (lucky as it was the last one), and 6 cards sleeves (yeh, TCG fag here) and few other light crap.
Then, got a whooping 5560 yens shipping fee for Europe (so basically a 2.5kg package).

Not being a braindead guy, I've sent a mail, asking inquiry regarding what's up with the weight, and they updated it into 3700 yens (1.5kg, which is actually true when it arrived).
They say it was a miscalculation, but that's sort of incredible to literally bump the weight of a parcel by 1kg.

Anyone got the same kind of stuff? Not going to go paranoid on this helpful shop, but that was a bit too close for comfort. Thank god I knew the actual average weight of a nendo / sleeve pack.

>> No.7449258

Someone probably entered one too many zeroes into the database entry for one of your items, I guess. That's something I'll be looking out for in the future, lucky catch there!

>> No.7449268

amiami normally charges abit more for shipping than other places i've noticed, but nothing that major. Seems abit weird.

>> No.7449280

Using other sites was also a good way to determine if I wasn't going nuts or careless about weight in general (HLJ and hobby search are at least helpful regarding this).

Thing is: you can always check out the weight and thus the shipping fee on the package, since the japanese post is responsible of that. But at this point, no idea if you can ask for a refund from amiami after the payment and shipping (I guess making a picture of your package may be an OK evidence, but you never know with that kind of crap).

>> No.7449298

That's more because they seem to only have very few box sizes compared to say HLJ, I think.

>> No.7449350

Well, paper and package box were roughly 700-800g after inspection (and that's what I was more or less expecting), which lead to my WTF reaction.

>> No.7449406

Don't forget that shipping prices don't depend solely on the weight but the size of the package as well.

>> No.7449413

Really? That's news to me, as it is never mentioned on their FAQ or on the japanese post site.

Well, it is obvious a package box would be heavier if it gets larger, but still, I was under the impression that the size is just an issue if you want SAL over EMS.

>> No.7449432

Take for example the Xecty Goddess of Wind figure. Package weight was ~1.4kg which by the EMS chart falls between 2800Y to 3200Y.
Shipping for it was 4000Y because of how large it was.

>> No.7449733

Oh wow, who made this sculpt?

>> No.7449858

Hi /jp/ I don't know anything about figures.
If I'm a disgusting pedo, what figure should I get? I want something kind of erotic, but not necessarily nude/explicit...though I wouldn't complain. Must be a little girl with flat chest.

Also, how risky (if at all) would it be to have something like that imported? I've ordered a Rei figure before from Japan on Ebay, and there were no problems with that.

>> No.7449903

Just browse through the threads, keep an eye on Amiami and Mandarake, and purchase whatever catches your fancy. There's no point in us dictating what you want, at the end of the day it's your tastes the figure must match and if it's on sale, it's on sale. The aforementioned are pretty safe compared to Ebay and such.

>> No.7450008

Ok, good point. Thanks.

>> No.7450290


Damn, I think you might of scared them with that huge wall of english

>> No.7450655

I am looking for http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10068325

Any idea where I might find one without needing to pay ridiculous prices? 14000 yen on YJA.

>> No.7450914

Save for a rerelease, the chances of you finding it for a decent price are likely slim to non-existant.

Absolutely gorgeous figure, by the way, I understand how you feel.

>> No.7450927

I'm going to go reinstall Chu x Chu Idol now, aren't I?
Thanks anon, my dick is going to hurt for the next week.

>> No.7450954

Gorgeous indeed.

I'm sorry. Enjoy it though!

>> No.7451073
File: 31 KB, 319x242, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order griffon momiji
>enter thread and hear griffon is a pile of shit
God damn it.

>> No.7451083
File: 434 KB, 709x960, tumblr_lmfzngMddj1qfztz3o1_1280..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7451092
File: 178 KB, 800x800, 1302073268008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be able to tell whether you'd like the fig or not before you get it. I've always thought that Momiji had kind of a weird face. And I like Momiji too, I wanted to like that Griffon statue.

Griffon does occasionally do good figs though (see Suika, Keine, their original Remy), it's just that because they constantly use different sculptors (many of whom suck shit it seems), don't at all expect them to be consistent.

>> No.7451105
File: 76 KB, 550x800, davidsucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'll just keep my fingers crossed then.

On a side note, does anyone know any places that sell pic related for a decent price?

>> No.7451121

The only one that's supposed to be really shitty is Yukari.

>> No.7451163


Yukari is a nice sculpt just a lot of QC issues and a retarded umbrella. I honestly think Marisa is their worst sculpt. It defines bland.

>> No.7451197

Griffon Ran came out today.
Hope there's no issues with it.

>> No.7451445

I have their Yukari fig, the sculpting itself is superb. One of their best fig imho. You just need to wish the QC guy who did your fig wasn't sleeping on the job.

>> No.7451513
File: 132 KB, 768x1024, chuachuram3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chua Churam was my first figure in my collection.
I bought her for 60USD at the time!
Now you can't even get a mediocre 1/8 scale for that price... I blame the economy & the overall inflation in the figure industry.

Even though she's so old, she's still one of my favorites & remains one of the best.

People have begged Alter for a re-release, but rumor has it that Alter isn't planning on re-releasing any of their figures that retailed in 2008. Supposedly they got rid of the molds or something.

Chu x Chu Idol 2 came out before the recent Winter Wonfes. I was hoping Alter would pick up the series again, with new figures or at least a re-release of Chua Churam. The fact that they didn't do anything about it indicates that they've dropped the notion for good.

>> No.7451562

>Supposedly they got rid of the molds or something.
Has to be one of the dumbest things they can ever do.

>> No.7451566

Man, I'm glad I've never played this game, because I would probably be dying inside if I had. That figure looks damn good.

>> No.7451573

Instantly quadruples the value of existing figures, thereby artificially inflating values for collectors.

I mean, you can't have insanely overpriced collectibles if everyone has cheap and fair access to them.

>> No.7451594

Fair point.
But its like after Michelangelo finished painting the Sistine Chapel you instantly kill him off. Actually I don't, whatever man.

>> No.7451596 [DELETED] 
File: 155 KB, 1063x1063, chuchuastram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GSC has an alternative, ChuChu Astram, which can still be spotted on Mandarrake from time to time for a reasonable price.

Spoiler'd for mild lewdness. I kind of want this figure to place her next to Chua Churam, but the fact she lacks any modesty is forestalling me.


FooBarBaz just updated with a review of GSC's Rin:

Wow, perfection.

>> No.7451598

This reminds me; why has no one released a white dress version of Yukari? The purple dress is fine and dandy, but I think the flounced white dress and purple tabbard is a bit more creative.

>> No.7451601 [SPOILER] 
File: 155 KB, 1063x1063, chuchuastram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GSC has an alternative, ChuChu Astram, which can still be spotted on Mandarrake from time to time for a reasonable price.

Spoiler'd for mild lewdness. I kind of want this figure to place her next to Chua Churam, but the fact she lacks any modesty is forestalling me.


FooBarBaz just updated with a review of GSC's Rin:

Wow, perfection.

>> No.7451608

Actually, that's not a correct comparison. Michelangelo could only produce things imperfectly, slowly, and eventually would die. The mold could be recast numerous times, extending the lifespan of the series indefinitely. The process by which they make the figures is also perfect, quick, and only ceases when they choose to.

It's more like they made 100 copies of the Gutenberg Bible, and then decided to destroy the plates. Or, they made 100 Honda Civics, and then destroyed all the plans, manufacturing equipment and facilities, and then killed all the assemblers.

It makes sense to value the works of a person who makes something imperfectly and creatively each time. It's another thing to value a piece of mass-manufactured sculpture, made for commercial distribution, and designed to have artificial "rarity" attached to it by destroying the original production capacity for it.

>> No.7451610

Not a FSN fag myself, but damn its an awesome fig.

>> No.7451722

Tell me about it. I wanted this so bad that I caved and bought it from some guy at MFC for $200 unopened. She's still gorgeous like you guys said.

The things you do for plastic crack. At the very least, I have some insurance with her and a couple of rare figs I own.

>> No.7451876
File: 238 KB, 477x640, (via 犠牲イタチ@十羽野高校工作部(過激派)(@ksk_nsd) - Twilog)..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figure of me.

>> No.7451884

Nichijou is just as bad, sluts chasing after that guy with glasses.

>> No.7451909


for 13k on mandarake ;_;

>> No.7451959

It's the all in the dress

>> No.7452023
File: 601 KB, 800x3200, dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7452042

I dont get it.

>> No.7452046

Rin looks great. I hope they give her a re-release.

>> No.7452067
File: 263 KB, 600x896, melissa 078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is a great figure. A little small but otherwise fantastic. I'm glad I was able to order her when she was released. Got her displayed with GSC's Melissa Seraphy, which is another great figure.

>> No.7452084
File: 186 KB, 790x593, unionshift_figures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The two go hand and hand!
GSC sculpted Melissa though, and Alter did Chua Churam.
The scales are slightly off which makes them a little awkward when put next to each other.

Melissa looks great though, shes quite an old figure too. Unionshift characters always translate nicely into figure form.

>> No.7452092

Yeah that's true, which is why I mentioned Alter's Chua is a little small. Wish she was 1/8 but otherwise she's perfect. They still look great together imo.

>> No.7452111
File: 99 KB, 600x600, bonus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the bonus is supposed to be a poster or something?

>> No.7452198
File: 866 KB, 960x1280, 2..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Late night /jp/

>> No.7452201

Don't expose my waifu so lewdly. Is that a gk or conversion?

>> No.7452209

Conversion with other parts I think.

>> No.7452262

too lewd. I hope Morishima gets a school uniform version though

>> No.7452466

I cant even give up 1 month of figures to upgrade a video card ;_;

>> No.7452527
File: 1.23 MB, 1333x1776, 47552_AssassinsCreed2-Ezio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I call a good fucking action figure (lol @ figma).


>> No.7452546

Well yeah, it better be better if it costs 5-6 times as much.

>>They haven't done this before for me, but i did get warned for having too many unpaid cancellations. I think i've only had 5 compared to almost 80k yen I've spent with them. Feels bad.

I just canceled Alter Rin with Amiami, but I got like 2-3 more impulse preorders with them that I don't want anymore. So I guess I'll be getting a warning from them soon too.

>> No.7452571

Only if you don't pay for it and let it lapse. If you email them I *think* you're fine.

>> No.7452683

I've got sakuya battle version, flandre, china, youmu and yuyuko all from griffon and so far there haven't been any problems at all. I'd steer as far clear of yukari as possible however.

>> No.7452723

Oh dear, maybe I shouldn't have done that for the last 3 preorders. Then again, I did pay for my latest one so I could be in the clear. Better not do this again.

>> No.7452731
File: 1.80 MB, 1037x778, P080611_09.390001small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I got my first figurine with movable limbs yesterday.
Did I attach the holding device thingy correctly? There were no instructions and I kinda did it on a whim.

Also, is it always so hard to get them in a good position?

Sorry for cellphone quality, best I had available at the moment.

>> No.7452734
File: 28 KB, 422x322, okreactionimages_0030_Layer 38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alertbox chime for Racing Miku
>Like lightning to the Ami Ami page to add to cart
>"Your order exceeds our available stock"

Jesus, what the fuck? How is that even possible? Are these people jacked into the Net or what? I mean, I was RIGHT THERE. Literally no more than a minute or two.

>> No.7452756

usually you put them behind the figure so they don't impede your field of view as much but i guess the side works too.

>> No.7452758

Yeah, that's how I have it, I just turned it a bit for the picture so you guys could see what I meant.

>> No.7452761
File: 53 KB, 603x896, pfc935gp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is even in figma price range.

>> No.7452764

You panic so hard because of little Jap shop and their possible reaction.
There's still HLJ with the same prices (shipping from AmiAmi is more expensive), also 1999.

>> No.7452765
File: 163 KB, 600x900, BBK001_AfMujahideen_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy crap, you should get this figure!

>> No.7452769

hlj is also cool enough to not give a fuck for up to two weeks if you have "payment problems" after requesting payment
i think amiami is 5 days, don't know how long hobbysearch (1999) is

>> No.7452777

I don't know about anyone else, but I had payment problems once with Amiami (Paypal was refusing to let me do instant transfers because of some undefined security concern) and they were happy to give me extra time to pay them.

>> No.7452782
File: 90 KB, 400x596, SEAL11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not hoorah enough

>> No.7452802
File: 67 KB, 600x494, figma_madoka0..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7452803


Speaking of Rin, does anyone want my payment order for her?
I don't want her anymore. She's sold out most places. Though it'd be worth asking.

>> No.7452809
File: 145 KB, 665x1000, OhnoRaptors1306998926..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7452813
File: 155 KB, 665x1000, OhnoRaptors1306998934..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7452831

I like how they adapted that "crayon-y" look of the eyes.

>> No.7452876

Agreed. They did a fantastic job translating the show's art style to a figure.

>> No.7452880
File: 56 KB, 533x800, enel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, they actually gave Enel that face.

>> No.7452890

Well shit.
It seems like I might be going to Japan from july onward for at least 3months.
I have tons of shit preordered that is coming around august/september. Mikus, holo, hobby japan reimu and other miscellanous orders like touhou nendos and suika figma.
I think I can probably ask them to ship it to my japan address but how the fuck am I gonna carry a bunch of huge boxes through the airplane/custom? Anyone have any experience in bringing them back?
I wonder if it is possible to ask amiami to hold my items and ask them to ship it later?

>> No.7452916


Could always just post them back. Will cost a shitload but eh.

>> No.7452956

Just rent a P.O box back home and get amiami to ship it to that instead of your home address.

>> No.7452999

You can always contact with your near post service and ask them about it. I'm sure they can hold your package for about a month.

>> No.7453061

What country are you from, What airline are you taking? I think the standard is between 20 - 30kgs of luggage, but your more immediate problem is space, not luggage.

Preferable to get it sent to a PO box imo. Also Ico and SOTC up on ami ami, no collectors edition yet I don't think

>> No.7453255

I'm interested in taking your ord. Where did you order from?

>> No.7453265
File: 185 KB, 397x600, o0397060011278150561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1/8 Append Miku pre-order up on June 10th.

Release in October.

>> No.7453278

Shit Im going to have to be camping Ami Ami, when this comes on pre-order. Shits going to get sold out in hours.

>> No.7453307
File: 196 KB, 397x600, o0397060011278150565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7453315
File: 212 KB, 397x600, o0397060011278150566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7453316
File: 146 KB, 397x600, o0397060011278151185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7453318
File: 192 KB, 397x600, o0397060011278151192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7453319

>Using her serious face

Damn. I like my Mikus happy.

>> No.7453320

Thank god I'm not a Miku/BRSfag

>> No.7453390
File: 831 KB, 1546x2334, VNmiku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think I'll pass, she'd probably end up like my VN02 Miku. Awesome fig but she stays in the box because I can't stand the PVC stink she gives off. At least it looks like there won't be similar issues with the base.

>> No.7453394

It looks extremely shitty.

>> No.7453409

Its not. It looks badass in person.

>> No.7453468
File: 129 KB, 1024x768, CHEEEEN%2520(1)..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7453477


>> No.7453563


>> No.7453611


>> No.7453694

I tried to buy a figure at Mandarake, but I didn't read that I could only use an e-mail that was used for a paypal account. I haven't gotten a confirmation mail, so I guess they will just ignore the order? How long will it take before it will restock?

And can I change my email address or do I have to make a new account (as I can't find any kind of profile panel)?

>> No.7453697
File: 333 KB, 1500x995, 1307522010078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7454062
File: 108 KB, 896x819, gdsgdsg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Ezio can't be this badass.

>> No.7454071

I wish they'd make figures.

>> No.7454082

Ops, I wanted to shitpostan on /jp/ but clicked on my bookmark.

>> No.7454111


Personally I'm still waiting on getting an email saying I got mine, or sorry they took more orders than they could fill. It is very exciting waiting on that email.

In the future I think I'll order from Japan first hand, instead of having to wait extra for it to reach another country I don't live in.

>> No.7454112

>I wish they'd make figures.

>> No.7454140

There are people other than Ezio/Altair in Assassin's Creed, you know. Half of the multiplayer characters deserve their own figures.

>> No.7455074
File: 507 KB, 1140x858, HPIM0352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the GSC StrkerS Nanoha in this week and finally unboxed my 1/10 Wave figures.

>> No.7455146

just add whatever email that you used to register to your paypal account. i'm not sure if you have to set it to primary in your paypal account or if it'll act like a catch-all.

the largest size PO box is 22x12x14 and it costs $205 at cheapest, up to $300 depending on the location, for a 6 month block (they only do 6 and 12 months). given the size of figure boxes you're probably looking at 1-2 large figures to fit in one PO box. it'll probably be cheaper in the long run to have them delivered to your japanese address and send them via SAL back to your american address. let's say it's 1500 yen (might be a little less) per large figure to ship it SAL. if you really want to be cheap you can send it via surface ship which took about a month to cross over but my stuff arrived fine (but they were books).

>> No.7455166

also note that a lot of places only have the 11x11x14 or smaller boxes

>> No.7455434

where can i find rest of this particular review?

and this one >>7453697 ?

>> No.7455440
File: 351 KB, 1536x2048, DSC03959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just unboxed my new Flandre.

Simply put, she looks fantastic. It's my sixth Griffon by now I think and I have yet to experience a major problem with it. She has a very very tiny dot of white paint on her dress but otherwise she's perfect.

>> No.7455462
File: 1.23 MB, 2048x1536, DSC03957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is she compared to the other Griffons. Needless to say she is miles better than the older model, the hair is more detailed, the facial expression is less bland and the pose is just generally much better. Besides the size the wings are pretty much the same though, it shows that the same company made both.

I don't know what to do with my older Flan now, maybe I'll buy 2 more and have myself a complete set.

>> No.7455466
File: 68 KB, 412x550, aa2e904b848ca1179b21b2fb79a6e5d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of characters having their own figure, will they ever make a good Final Fantasy character figures instead made by Playarts?

>> No.7455479

Judging from the background, I would totally say CUTANEWS. It is not from there though...

>> No.7455487

>1/4 nanofei bikini set
lalala I can't hear you, I'm not staring at the pound-me-in-the-ass prices on plamoya, lalala~

>> No.7455674

PROTIP: they dont actually store the box in your PO box, they store it in storage and put a little slip notfying you of post.

At least in Australia...

>> No.7455817


Question, does anyone else's VN02 lean slightly to her right?

It's not noticeable if you look at her from the side or diagonally, but if you look at her from the front it becomes very obvious.

>> No.7456007

Max Factory's VN02 is very.. eh.
I bought her, looking at the pics you'd think she'd be a super solid figure. She locks into the base with a metal peg, but the base itself is made from a very malleable vinyl...

If you look up reviews, you'll see that she leans in all directions, depending on the product. It's kind of odd. Still, I love this figure & do recommend her. She can be found on mandarake from time to time for very modest prices too (about 90-100USD usually, despite having retailed for 120USD)

Please take a look at these reviews & judge for yourself:




>> No.7456089


Off of amiami. Shoot me a email if you're still interested.

>> No.7456187

usps only holds packages for 2 weeks before rts. i don't know how long other places hold theirs. since he's going to be out of the area for a while the safest would be either to get po box or have it sent to him in japan and then he sends it to his home address.

>> No.7456207

well, 15 is the default time for regular addresses. might want to call them up and see how long they hold for po boxes. i've never had a package sent to my po box, honestly.

>> No.7456438

>little slip notfying you of post
Yes I know but all of my shit are sent using SAL registered which mean I need to sign them in 2weeks time once I got slip if not they will resend it back to japan.

Look Like the only choice I have is to ship to my japan address and then post half of them back and carry the other half on the plane.
Shit man, I am not looking forward to the stigma of a grown man carrying little girls toys.

>> No.7456518

>Shit man, I am not looking forward to the stigma of a grown man carrying little girls toys.

Why? The custom people at the airport see weird shits everyday, you are not special at all.

>> No.7456530

Feels good being not American and not having my luggage searched by customs for no reason.

>> No.7456547
File: 81 KB, 471x498, e87baf5cs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7456558

They're really milking the whole charity concept. Not that I'm really surprised.

>> No.7456566
File: 715 KB, 848x1131, nemu_matsukura_reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I really like her but I can't justify owning her and not Rachel.

Fucking OCD.

Got my new waifu figure in. This version turned out MUCH NICER than the product photos suggested. Very pleased.

>> No.7456611

he's not talking customs
he's talking having to carry that shit onto the plane in view because there isn't space for it in his luggage. shit i don't even know where you are putting that stuff when you get on the plane. better hope you get on early or there is a lot of overhead space free. hell, they might deny you at the gate and tell you to check it.

with that in mind, box that shit up and check it to begin with. if japanese handlers are like american ones they are going to toss, cram, and smash that shit as much as they can in order to fit it on the plane. better have sufficient cushioning.

>> No.7457128
File: 61 KB, 501x354, 26700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies are travelling to me.
After that I'm done.

>> No.7457362
File: 423 KB, 1600x1200, 1307622884256..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So cute.

>> No.7457460

How are Azones to pose?

>> No.7457531

Put as much as you can in your luggage. Take your clothes that you arent using as padding on board with you. Best bet

>> No.7457591
File: 36 KB, 350x263, 835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Mandarake ships something, does it arrive in a box or just like in the picture (it's not what I'm planning to buy).

>> No.7457643
File: 105 KB, 888x1075, 1307295362179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amiami banned a guy with 100+ completed orders after he canceled about 10 preoders (not at once obviously).
That's kinda strange policy, I've never heard about something that from HLJ-clients.
Business isn't running that well, Amiami?

>> No.7457647

>something like that

>> No.7457695

Big herp here: How does everyone manage their boxes? They're the best way to manage accessories, but they're just. so. big. Particularly the ones to Alter's 1/7 line.

>> No.7457714

shit, they have a limit?

looks like I need to be a little more cautious, I already didn't pay for like 5 things already

>> No.7457733

I'm pretty sure what happened was he forgot to request a cancellation and just let the time run out to pay then didn't even bother to respond to the late payment message.
I have over 10 figures that have been canceled by request in the past 3-6 months and we still do business.

>> No.7457878

No, they will just respond you after your cancellation request like "we will not cancel any more orders, cancellation denied".

>> No.7457892

Sucks for him then.

>> No.7457900


I've probably cancelled about 10 figs from AmiAmi lifetime as well but they've never given me shit about. The thing is though is I request 1 shipment per month with everything grouped together for that month so I guess they don't mind as much if I ask them to take out 1 fig from a large order every now and then.


No they ship it in a box. I'm pretty sure the post office doesn't allow non-boxed items to be shipped. I mean where would the write/attach all the information?

>> No.7457954
File: 287 KB, 725x640, 4c4e1fff943e23288e471494295c0038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sucks for him then.

It sucks for Amiami, not for him.
I don't know why are you so concentrated on Amiami since HLJ and Hobby Search are completely the same (Amiami is not cheaper because they charge a lot for shipping).
They must be really ballsy to ban someone who paid for more than 100 figures in their shop. That's how they care about their customers.

>> No.7457960

I've probably cancelled about 10 figs from AmiAmi lifetime as well but they've never given me shit about. The thing is though is I request 1 shipment per month with everything grouped together for that month so I guess they don't mind as much if I ask them to take out 1 fig from a large order every now and then.

Are you American? I'm sure Japs love Ameribros.

>> No.7457994


yeah, but I think they just love money. I get the feeling as long as you're still ordering from them and not cancelling the entire order they're at least somewhat happy.

>> No.7458015

They wont just deny your money. That guys story sounds fishy, and he more then likely canceled shit left and right not just 10 items.

>> No.7458075

>They wont just deny your money. That guys story sounds fishy, and he more then likely canceled shit left and right not just 10 items.

What about the story about banning if something similar is going to happen next time with that ex-Yukari owner? It was his fault too and they won't deny his money after selling bootlegs?

>> No.7458088
File: 222 KB, 515x614, OhnoRaptors1307345000..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if I'll keep myself off licking her ASS.
This is way too delicious.

>> No.7458167 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 480x517, nendoroid_puchitto_rock_shooter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, the figure pictured is by Kotobukiya not Azone... but if you look beyond Reimu you will notice the orange locks of one Azone Kuroko Shirai doll.

Azone's have a few different body types. The Obitsu and Pure Neemo Flexion Body XS Poseable Versions are nice and poseable.

Unfortunately most of mine are regular PureNeemo bodies and they are kinda awkward to pose and therefore become shelf darlings.

Mikatan's blog updated. Nendoroid Puchitto Rock Shooter Support Version.

>> No.7458171 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 480x517, nendoroid_puchitto_rock_shooter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, the figure pictured is by Kotobukiya not Azone... but if you look beyond Reimu you will notice the orange locks of one Azone Kuroko Shirai doll.

Azones have a few different body types. The Obitsu and Pure Neemo Flexion Body XS Poseable Versions are nice and poseable. Unfortunately most of mine are regular PureNeemo bodies and they are kinda awkward to pose and therefore become shelf darlings.

Mikatan's blog updated. Nendoroid Puchitto Rock Shooter Support Version.

>> No.7458179
File: 91 KB, 480x517, nendoroid_puchitto_rock_shooter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, the figure pictured is by Kotobukiya not Azone... but if you look beyond Reimu you will notice the orange locks of one Azone Kuroko Shirai doll.

Azones have a few different body types. The Obitsu and Pure Neemo Flexion Body XS Poseable Versions are nice and poseable. Unfortunately most of mine are regular PureNeemo bodies and they are kinda awkward to pose and therefore become shelf darlings.

Mikatan's blog updated. Nendoroid Puchitto Rock Shooter Support Version.

>> No.7458228

Yeah that's what I was referring to.

Thanks for the answer, it's between Azone and Mamachapp. But that belongs in another thread.

>> No.7458583

I have a bootleg GK of this that I painted and assembled in like 2008. I kinda want the PVC because my work was decent at best, but it still feels kinda weird since I am still displaying my old GK... Nice to hear she's nice though. I love the sculpt, it was very fun to work with.

>> No.7458621

[Overseas Sales]

- GOODSMILE ONLINE SHOP (http://cheerful-japan-global.ecq.sc/))

■ Orders can be made from 28th June at 11:00 until the 7th July at 20:00.

Mark your calendars, friends.

>> No.7458806

For a BRS nendo? I'll try to remember to sleep in.

>> No.7458815

Isn't that just for the Gumako girl?

>> No.7458818

Im a huge nendoroid fan & buy them frequently. This nendoroid looks like absolute shit though, why is everyone obsessing over her?
Even /toy/ who seems to hate the limited joints of nendoroids is drooling over her.

>> No.7458884

It's an adorable take on the regular BRS design.

>> No.7459245

305 posts, is there a new thread I haven't seen yet?
Cellphone so I'll make a new one when I get home if no one else does.

>> No.7459254

let ponpon make it please

>> No.7459371

Make it with GSC Rin, I dare you, motherfucker!

>> No.7459409

I don't see the appeal either.

>> No.7459431
File: 91 KB, 300x300, fig_op_pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do it ponpon

i made this special pic that features tohsakabutt for it

>> No.7459535

>>7459528 I don't think these threads get too inflammatory anymore so you guys can make them too ~

>> No.7459890

hey guys I just got my new Buddha figurine, can i stay here?

>> No.7460479

Only if you post lewd or moe pictures of it.
