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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 51 KB, 572x800, rpbath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7425823 No.7425823 [Reply] [Original]

How often do you bathe/shower /jp/?

Twice a month, at most.

>> No.7425835

I don't think I've ever bathed in my life.

>> No.7425831

Twice a week

>> No.7425837

Once a week.


Itchy tasty?

>> No.7425836

When head starts to itch.

>> No.7425839

Everyday, sometimes skip a day if it's not so hot out.

>> No.7425843

Whenever I start feeling too sweaty, which is about every 3-5 days.

>> No.7425850

Generally everyday, as it feels nice.

>> No.7425852

Every single day, no exceptions.

>> No.7425856

Bath every night before I sleep

>> No.7425863

Every 3-4 days.

>> No.7425866

Once a day. Twice if I need to look good.

>> No.7425900

Every Sunday before lunch which is roughly at 1:45.

>> No.7425906

I like how my hair feels when wet, so everyday.

>> No.7425919

I shower every day, but I only wash my hair twice a week. Any more than that, and it frizzes up like crazy.

>> No.7425934
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sometimes every other day

but my showers are close to an hour long

and I was my hands a whole fucking lot

and I vacuum about every other day

and I wipe my keyboard and doorknobs and light switches and shit with sanitary wipes all the time

and I was my clothes on the "sanitary" or "heavy duty" cycles

and I'll put the washer on the self cleaning cycle before I put my clothes in

and I won't touch bathroom doors with my bare hands, and will open them with paper towels or my feet

I'm really good and opening doors and stuff with my feet so I don't have to touch them

also I'll use a paper towel to touch public keyboards or remote controls

and yes I have OCD

>> No.7426002

Heard of conditioner?

>> No.7426003

Twice a day. I love my showers.

>> No.7426004

>and I won't touch bathroom doors with my bare hands, and will open them with paper towels or my feet
>my feet

Teach me this wizardry

>> No.7426014
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>he can't pick things up or open doors with his feet!

>> No.7426018

It doesn't work for me, I swear. My hair is nice and soft when I get out of the shower, but the next morning it's like iron wool.

>> No.7426027

Every other day

>> No.7426031

Use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner.
Rinse and repeat with the shampoo the first time, then leave the conditioner in for a good 4-5 minutes.

Also make sure you're drinking plenty of water. Maybe take a multi-vitamin. Worked for me.

>> No.7426037

Okay, I'll try that...

>> No.7426050
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To be honest its not first hand advice, just what my hair dresser tells me to do.
He's so polite and upbeat, but I never talk back much.

>> No.7426052

Pretty infrequently most of the year. Maybe 3 times in two weeks unless I go out with my friend. But during the summer I'll shower at least once a day. I can't stand this hot and humid weather.

>> No.7426059

I try to once a week, but usually I get lazy and go about two weeks.

>> No.7426072

once in the evening
once in the morning

>> No.7426085

once every 2 days is good, cept for weekends

>> No.7426090

Whenever I wake up.

The instant I get out of bed I feel sweaty and greasy. My hair also gets incredibly oily somehow. Made puberty real fun, the dermatologists gave up on me and that wrecked my self-esteem. Now I'm on /jp/ all day every day and have no friends.

>> No.7426095
File: 111 KB, 510x518, 1275010209734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every other day. I can't stand when my hair or face starts to feel greasy.

I wash my hair right off the bat, then apply conditioner. I leave it in while I wash the rest of my body, and then rinse it out with cold water once I'm done. Try that.

>> No.7426097

Generally twice a week, but sometimes I miss. Showering is too much a hassle if I don't feel dirty. I don't often do things that would make me dirty, sitting on my rear at my computer most of the day and all.

I do clean my crotch every morning with wet wipes, though.

But if I get really sweaty/dirty on a particular day, I'll shower. I hate feeling dirty.

>> No.7426105

Are you supposed to rinse all of it cleanly out, or do you leave some in there?

>> No.7426110

Every time I go out. No need if I'm just taking it easy inside, but I will on occasion if I feel too gross.

>> No.7426118
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I rinse it out thoroughly, but I've heard people recommend leaving a little in. I'd try both if you're concerned about frizziness.

Also, if you have long hair, try showering at night. Wrap your hair in a towel before going to sleep. I guarantee you it'll be soft/smooth when you wake up. At least, that worked back when I had hippiehair.

>> No.7426138

I have this skin condition where it could be fixed by using expensive medical shampoo, which I have but I am too lazy/cant be bothered to use it, mainly because due to the condition, I absolutely hate washing my hair. Baths and showers are fine, just when shampoo or conditioner gets on my scalp, it itches like nothing else for the next day, not worth it if you ask me, just rinsing my hair with water seems to be fine, Im a man, i dont want my hair to smell like perfume anyways (which im allergic to). Anyways I take a shower whenever I feel the need to.

>> No.7426141

Eh, mine's about medium length. In any case I've duly noted your advice. My hair thanks you.

I'll back off now, don't want to saturate the thread (not that it was on-topic to begin with or anything) with my trichological issues.

>> No.7426144

Every 2 days, or any day that I have to go somewhere.

I hate the feeling of greasy hair.

>> No.7426146

Every other day, my pubes become a mess after about 5 faps.

>> No.7426147

God damn you people are disgusting. If I don't shower twice a day, I feel like utter filth.

>> No.7426164

If they're doing it right only they have to do deal with themselves being disgusting, and if that doesn't bother them then there's no problem.

>> No.7426166
File: 37 KB, 364x344, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's easy

just lift your leg up, twist your foot and put it through the door handle

then pull it open

and at home you can open doors with twist handles barefoot if you just wrap your toes around the handle and twist

>> No.7426644
File: 206 KB, 480x320, bath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You`r lucky guys, water more expensive than oil here


>> No.7426651

Everyday. Obviously some days I forget or am busy, but it's usually everyday.
Once or twice a week is fucking disgusting.

>> No.7426654

What country do you live in? Maybe I could start a petition to get my country to send you guys a few bottles. People are just dumping their trash and chemical waste in the bodies of water here, may as well go to someone who needs it.

>> No.7426656

I shower when I feel like it. Sometimes once every day or two, sometimes I won't shower for a week. No one is going to notice anyway.

>> No.7426657

Twice a week, just about when I start getting dirty. Plus I'm being more friendly to the environment.

>> No.7426658

Every day less my purity be question.

>prehensile feet
I can smell the taint of the warp among you /jp/. SUFFER NOT THE MUTANTS TO LIVE!

>> No.7426659

man /jp/ is very diverse. I shower strictly when I wake up, usually at 6.

>> No.7426664


On average, 3-4 times a week. When I'm in a good mood, every day. Showering does feel good, seriously. It's just a matter of developing the routine I fell out of

>> No.7426665

Twice a day (morning/evening) on workdays; once or not at all on days off if I ain't got shit to do. And I never do. ;_;

>> No.7426674

Either every day or second day, depending on how lazy I am.

>> No.7426682

it also depends on how fat you are I guess

>> No.7426686

Fatness usually doesn't change by the day.

>> No.7426693

My weight seems to vary by up to five pounds, daily. It depends on what I ate and how much I drank.

>> No.7426694

Once every week or so. I don't really keep track, just once I start feeling disgusting (which takes a while since I don't really get sweaty and it takes a while for my hair to get greasy). Not like anybody other than my parents see me anyways.

>> No.7426721

5 pounds is nowhere near enough to make you think the fatness has gone.

I've lost damn near 40 pounds in the last few months and I almost feel fatter now than I did then because my body is a terrible person who suck out the fat reserves in the places where it looked okay first.

>> No.7426725

shower everyday and a skin destroying dirt annihilating bath every month

>> No.7426757

How can you stand not showering for 3+ days? I know you're not going anywhere but doesn't it feel disgusting?

Going to sleep with a dirty asshole feels awful.

>> No.7426760
File: 235 KB, 1531x1070, soaplabel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm heading in the shower right now, as a matter of fact.
I have been working overtime until 1:45 in the morning and I make it an imperative to shower twice within a 24 hour period.

And fuck whatever made me buy Kodomo Old Spice this time instead of the old Dr. Bronner's soap with the schizo rantings on the bottle. Oh well.

>> No.7426775

At least daily, during summer even 2 or 3 times a day ;_;

>> No.7426785

I shower once and occassinally if its hot out or I sweat for some reason, twice a day.

Bathing any more than that is actually harmful to yourskin.

>> No.7426793

>Vampires are weak against water
>Remilia having a bath

also ew, baths. I can't take one, something scarred me pyschologically when I was a kid and now I have a phobia about sitting in a bth tub and unwashed bathrooms. My skin crawls just thinking about touching wet enamel/tiles.

I shower twice a day and bath never.

>> No.7426804

Daily. Sometimes twice.
One has to make do when they can't be assed using deodorant/antiperspirant.

>> No.7427001

Once a week, just to try and hide my body odors.
It gets hard during the summer though.

>> No.7427056

couple times a week

>> No.7427057

When I can't take how greasy my hair is anymore, so about once a week, sometimes twice.

>> No.7427066

People really shower less than once a day? I'm horrified

>> No.7427075

1-2 times a day. Feels good man.

>> No.7427078

When I smell my body oder so every 3/4 days

>> No.7427079

I'm forced to shower and shave every day. Otherwise I'd do it 4-5 times per month

>> No.7427086

Everytime I have to leave the house. If I don't, twice a week.

>> No.7427098

When I wake up and when I go to bed, I was my face thoroughly in the morning. Everything is dusted and vacuumed every other day. Sometimes I wish someone could see how clean my place is other than the doddering landlord who complains a man of my age should live in a sty.

>> No.7427119


>> No.7427322
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>> No.7427344
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Hmm it depends. usually about every 3 days, but now that its summer its about every 2 days. Stupid heat!

>> No.7427364

about twice a week, it's not like I go anywhere

>> No.7427371

>oder so

>> No.7427380

where i live we sweat the moment we leave the room with an ac. temperature at day is almost always 33~40 degrees celsius with humidity you westerners cant live in.

and i shower once per week.

>> No.7427391

I love taking showers, if I can get away with it I do it twice. Just for personal satisfaction, not like I meet people other than buying groceries.

>> No.7427407

About once a day unless it's the weekend then it's either once or not at all depending on whether or not I have to go outside.

The longest I ever went without showering was about a 4 days, though that was mainly because my water heater broke, during winter. On the plus side I found out that all you need is 1 part Hot water to 2 parts cold to make a warm bath.
