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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7424400 No.7424400 [Reply] [Original]

I need help guys.

I made my little sister play Sengoku Rance and now she's terrorizing me to download her more hentai games.

She played Koihime and liked it more than Sengoku, then played Galaxy Angel and loved it, but said some porn would be nice. Now she's at Galaxy Angel 2 but I don't know what to get next.

Are there any other light-hearted porn/dating sim games like Koihime translated?

>> No.7424402
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To the police.

>> No.7424406

Just fuck her silly already. Porn games are for losers.

>> No.7424409

You should discipline her with your penis.

>> No.7424413

Give her a real fucking.

>> No.7424420

Yeah, your "little sister". Nice try.

>> No.7424476

>5 replies
>3 say fuck the sister
>1 reported
>1 doubts the sister's existence
Never change /jp/.

>> No.7424505

How about getting her look for her own games?

>> No.7424513

This sounds incredibly believable.

>> No.7424522


I'm trying to be a nice brother...

>> No.7424523

Muv Luv

>> No.7424533 [DELETED] 

Ever heard of the "teach a man how to fish not the fish" saying?

>> No.7424539

Is this going to be the new way people ask for recommendations?

>> No.7424544

Ever heard of the "teach a man how to fish not give him the fish" saying? It's bette if you telll your sister how to find her own games so that she won't other you every time.

>> No.7424548


This one has lots of mecha right?

She don't like mecha.

Thanks anyways.

>> No.7424549
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>> No.7424559


Is your sister a teen fashion model by any chance?

>> No.7424562

My little sister has played all of those
what do I download for her now?

>> No.7424563


>> No.7424564


I wish.

She's a bigger NEET than me.

>> No.7424565

I want to fuck your sister.

>> No.7424572

just to clear things up, how old is your imouto?

>> No.7424577
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>> No.7424576
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>My little sister has played all of those
She's the capturing Goddess on par with Keima

>> No.7424582
File: 364 KB, 550x750, omachi3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are there any other

Happiness is being content with the little things in life.
The fox is a very big thing.
She should be content with the fox.

>> No.7424583

Muv-luv is a school comedy. Get her that.

>> No.7424584


Stop shitty impostor. At least try to be creative next time.



>> No.7424591

Legal pictures?

>> No.7424602


Give me 5 minutes.

What kind of a a retard would post his sister on 4chan?

>> No.7424611


What are we going to do, use facial recognition software and track her down by doing a comparison on facebook?

>> No.7424613

Isn't Kira-Kira lighthearted?

>> No.7424630

The ending is especially heart-warming.

>> No.7424633

Even though it's a troll thread, try Daibanchou.

>> No.7424644

It's kinda rapey at the start, but that trails off pretty quickly.

>> No.7424645

If this is true you really should fuck your sister, I mean she'd likely be into that.

>> No.7424649


This one looks good.


>> No.7424666

>Please recommend some games for my little sister
Am I the only one that sees this as the usual "a friend of mine who has this embarassing problem", only brought to new levels of silliness?

>> No.7424669

That was already pointed out

>> No.7424701

Why would any responsible older brother give his little sister Rance to play?

>> No.7424723


Long story.

>> No.7424716

If she masturbated to it in front of me, sure.

>> No.7424726


If it's not this:
Then do tell.

>> No.7424779

It's.. surprising, but I think it's not a troll.

Did you already post about your sister playing Sengoku Rance and wanting more games, somewhere in 4chan?

I'm pretty sure I read about that like yesterday or the day before.

>> No.7424802

For the gameplay?

>> No.7424807

I'd like to believe you OP, but there's no way your little sister could be that cute.

>> No.7424812


I knew she was visiting hentai sites a lot and one time, while we were arguing about something I starting joking about that.

She got pretty flustered and said that it's normal and I definitely do the same thing but 10 times more often and with much more perverted sites. I laughed at her saying that she visit crappy sites for retards who don't know shit about internet.

She got pretty mad and said something like "then show me your superior shit retard" or something like that.

Long story short I'm lying on the bed behind my sister who is playing Rance for the first time. It was pretty awkward.

But we are on much better terms since that day.

>> No.7424843

>she's terrorizing me to download her more hentai games.

What are you? A faggot?

Show her suck my dick or die

>> No.7424864

Point her to Kureha One and have her pick out her own shit to download.

>> No.7424865

Violent Semen Inferno
Dustmania Grotesque
Fate/Stay Night

>> No.7424873

Why are people replying un-ironically?

>> No.7424880

Instead of showing her Rance, you should have shown her your lance.

>> No.7424877

Cool story, bro. Manly tears.

>> No.7424891

Wanko? Ever17? Princess Waltz?

>> No.7424901

The part I don't get, is why you don't already have a bunch of eroge to share with her. Are you one of those crazy people who delete games after playing them?

>> No.7424917

I wonder how many "recommend my cute sister VNs!" threads we're going to see after this now.

>> No.7424924

Nobody actually deletes them, that's a myth.

>> No.7424928

Princess Waltz is in 13 fucking chunks in /rs/. Fuuuuuck that.

>> No.7424940
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Well, there's always Jdownloader or a similar program.
And there are other places where you can get PW besides /rs/

>> No.7424951

Why just VNs?
>My imouto is struggling to defeat the demon army in Sengoku Rance, give me some strategic tips so I can help her out
>My imouto needs some help translating these Chinese characters on a medallion she found in her grandma's attic, what do they mean?
>My imouto asked me to help her remove the hair from her legs, recommend me a good epilator
>My imouto wants to order a dakimakura, but she's afraid her parents will see it, what should she do?

>> No.7424952

Bitch, I downloaded Ikusa Megami in 80 god damn parts, by hand.

>> No.7424954

I like imouto tales even if the threads are terrible and the stories are bullshit.

I'm curious about updates on that one guy who wants to hatesex his annoying sister.

>> No.7424957

I delete the ones I don't like.

>> No.7424961


I used to "play" many hentai games, but few years ago I got bored of them and stopped.

I got interested in them again just recently. I don't even remember most of the names of eroges I played in the past.

Besides, most of them were not something l would recommend my sister.

>> No.7424963

Lets mew mew. If you are new to vn's and arent bored of the stereotypical characters its a really nice hentai game with heart worming sex going around all the time not heavy plot or anything just that its my first vn and i love it.

>> No.7424972

I'd hate to be the "TORRENTZ PLOX" guy, but I do wonder if you know a good group for that? Then, I can go search pirate bay and btjunkie and then get frustrated and give up. Then do something abominable like masturbate to Princess Maker or something.

Man, I just got really depressed.

>> No.7424981

Btw, looks like women liking Rance is a myth.

She said he's completely fucked up and that she don't like him.

She liked MC's in GA and KM a lot more.

>> No.7424989

My imouto has a tight foreskin on her penis, do you guys know any exercises to stretch it out?

>> No.7425002

>She said he's completely fucked up and that she don't like him.
That's what all women say until they taste his hyper weapon.

>> No.7425012

<game name> site:hongfire.com
<game name> megaupload
<game name> +torrent

Do these searches in order on google, it should find you anything you need.

>> No.7425023
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>My imouto asked me to help her remove the hair from her legs, recommend me a good epilator

>> No.7425053
File: 436 KB, 800x600, !castlefantasia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brave Soul
Castle Fantasia 2
Nocturnal illusion
True Love

>> No.7425057

Why did I lol so.

>> No.7425059

If she liked Sengoku Rance except for the MC, then Big Bang Age is an obvious choice.

>> No.7425060

keep dreaming

>> No.7425062
File: 39 KB, 289x400, 1254785097862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, try


>> No.7425093

Get out, Jay.

>> No.7425209

>heart worming
They have pills for that

>> No.7425221


>> No.7425257

Go away, Cudder.

>> No.7425599
File: 89 KB, 600x480, 1260241552438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She sounds embarrassed and unable to express her true feelings. You might have a chance if this weren't all make-believe.
