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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7423712 No.7423712 [Reply] [Original]

One of cornet maniac and unemployed ex-idol Aya Hirano's remaining fans has been arrested for posting threats against the seiyuu on 2ch and Twitter.

The 24-year-old lifeliner was arrested by Sapporo police after a brief shootout, the arrest warrant was issued due to his threatening to harm Aya Hirano on 2ch, and it also appears he tweeted a variety of mysterious remarks, such as "Aya Hirano is dead" and "Aya Hirano has already been killed" on Twitter, and under his real name.

In addition to threatening Hirano, he also made threats to "blow up" Fuji TV, which is still providing Aya Hirano with a steady job despite her shady precedents in tax evasion and multi-man dating.

After his arrest he admitted his crimes, saying "there's no doubt I made those posts".

It is not clear whether he was originally a fan who became disaffected (this seems likely), or was instead a Hirano-hater from the start, but in either case the maniacal depths of his devotion for a woman are beyond question.

>> No.7423716

Idolfags are the worst.

>> No.7423715
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>> No.7423719


>> No.7423718

Can we use this as an excuse to roundup and arrest any leftover lifeliners that exist?

>> No.7423725

>he also made threats to "blow up" Fuji TV, which is still providing Aya Hirano with a steady job despite her shady precedents in tax evasion and multi-man dating.

>and multi-man dating.

Since when is that a reason for firing someone? What the hell.

>> No.7423728
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>> No.7423730

Seiyuu are supposed to be amongst the purest 3D characters.

>> No.7423731

I'm following Aya-sama on Twitter. Hatas gonna hate.

>> No.7423747

TN: hata means flag

>> No.7423751

It's basicly bad publicity.

>> No.7423757

looks like the radiation is getting to them

>> No.7423758

What a badass

>> No.7423762


This isn't happening in Amurrica.

In certain countries, women get raped and killed for having a relationship with a man outside of marriage.

Japan simply doesn't condone the slutty attitude that is viewed as 'normal and healthy behavior' in NA.

>> No.7423787

You seem to think that a population of 120 million individuals and another of 310 million individuals are absolutely monolithic in their respective opinions.
This is just stupid.

>> No.7423797
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>he browses sankaku

>> No.7424037

I do, but I only look at the pictures.

>> No.7424045

Resisting arrest for what? Internet fartola? The "shootout" had to be more seriously illegal.


>> No.7424062


What is this supposed to be like?

>> No.7424071
File: 5 KB, 229x220, big_rambo_knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't fucking find it or I'd show you

anyway, very famous incident, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Tim_McLean

>> No.7424120

>After the incident, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) sent an advertisement to the Portage Daily Graphic comparing the murder of Tim McLean to the killing of animals for food. The ad was rejected by the paper.[23] PETA was harshly criticized for attempting to exploit the incident in such a manner, but refused to apologize.[24]

>> No.7424148

What the fuck is a "lifeliner"?

>> No.7424240
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As I knew the goverment monitors all of our individual internet interactions, expecially on /jp/ (sense theres only about 15 of us.). Op's thread is just an example. I don't know what the goverment thinks of me, but I do love Asmerica.

>> No.7424245

7424240 here

>> No.7424266
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now that I think about it, I guess OP's drivel does mention a quasi-credible "bomb threat" or drunken rambling or something

whatever you're trying and failing to say, fuck off

>> No.7424317

I was pretty clear, as to what I was saying.

>> No.7424711

Bump, things have reached a critical point.
This time Aya Hirano's life might be in real danger.

>> No.7424813

>was arrested by Sapporo police after a brief shootout
But Japan has strict gun laws, where could a "lifeliner" dude get a gun?

>> No.7424903

Bought a smuggled gun at Comiket, it was conveniently hidden inside the box of some garage kit figurine.

>> No.7425109

Lifeliners gonna liner.

>> No.7425179

I don't know if Aya has the disposable money for this sort of stuff, but considering how ugly things are getting for her at this juncture I think she should better invest in a couple of bodyguards for her public appearances before it's too late.
This way, if a crazed lifeliner will attempt to stab or point a gun at her, there will be someone ready to push her out of harm's way. And if the lifeliner will want to physically assault her, he'll sooner get a fist on his face.

>> No.7425181

What's a lifeliner?

>> No.7425188

This question has already been asked.

>> No.7425192

And not answered.

>> No.7425229

It's funny how in America, nobody gets arrested for false statements, malicious outbursts and death threats (seen all the time done by politicians).

>> No.7425291

something to do with her twitter account, the ones who are still following her after all the bad press the past months have been dubbed "lifeliners"

>> No.7425301


I seriously don't get these people.

How fucking retarded do you have to be to expect an adult female idol to remain a 'pure untainted virgin like myself ;_;'

It's still sad with 2D but at least it's still clearly in the realm of fantasy there. These guys who expect the same from idols are mental.

>> No.7425330

Agreed. How can anyone expect a pretty female to not become a whore eventually?

>> No.7425335

Using Aya's crazed lifeliners as a case against all idol fans is just about as stupid as one possibly can get.

Keep holding on to your delusional one world 2D reality dumb fucks

>> No.7425343

Keep dreaming that you'll one day get to fuck an idol.

>> No.7425347

That isn't the end all purpose of idols, detached social scumbag

>> No.7425350

Your idols are unreachable, our waifus are unreachable. Except ours remain pure, yours become sluts.

>> No.7425441

Butthurt idolfag detected.

>> No.7425465
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>> No.7425524

What the fuck is a lifeliner?

>> No.7425582

This question has already been asked.

>> No.7425654

Those lifeliners turned Aya's life into a living hell. I'll never forgive them for the psychological bullying they inflicted upon her.

>> No.7425721

And answered.

>> No.7425773


Who the fuck are you?

And no it wasn't answered.
