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File: 410 KB, 640x480, touhou08reisen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7423657 No.7423657 [Reply] [Original]

I get it, its all an elaborate joke and these games are impossible to beat.


>> No.7423662


>> No.7423661

Don't be silly, they're not impossible to beat.

>> No.7423666

Nope. You just suck.

>> No.7423663

Reisen is the easiest stage 5 boss, actually.

>> No.7423668

They're hard but way easier than they look and than CAVE games are. Every modern human should be able to beat at least Normal difficulty.

>> No.7423669

My sister thought that at first, and then was amazed at how I got all the way up to that fucking cat

>> No.7423671

I know that feel.

>> No.7423678

Touhou is probably the easiest shmup series that doesn't suck.

>> No.7423682

Pretty much.
GENETOS isn't bad though.

>> No.7423683

A CAVEfag will now come and brag about how Touhou sucks and CAVE games are better, altough they're obviously impossible to compare.
It's only a matter of time.

>> No.7423686

I only like touhou for the music.
I don't even know why I come to /jp/ considering I don't play VNs either.

>> No.7423687

Eh? Impossible to compare? How do you figure?

They're quite comparable, in stages, bosses, music, difficulty, everything. Touhou's better in some ways, Cave's better in some, but that doesn't mean you can't compare them.

>> No.7423691

It's really easy.

You're just terrible and undeserving of my advice. Go practice more, kid.

>> No.7423692

Well, they are both from the same genre (shmups), but they differ a lot in gameplay. Touhou is more akin to a puzzle game while CAVE games are more akin to classical shmups.
Trying to compare the two is like trying to compare Crash Bandicoot with Super Mario.

This is only my opinion, however, and I might have been too categorical.

>> No.7423698

>>7423683 He called it

>> No.7423699

I don't think I'd call Touhou a puzzle game, really. Some spellcards have tricks, certainly, but in general they're not difficult to figure out, and certainly not sufficient for clearing the card, you have to apply all the regular bullet hell skills too.

You could make a case for Ikaruga being a puzzle game, but there's a much heavier emphasis on classical dodging in Touhou.

>> No.7423702

I'm pretty sure that's the same person.

>> No.7423705

Yes, I am.

>> No.7423714

Touhou takes time and practice, its not just something you can pick up and play right through right away.

>> No.7423723


I'm going to have to agree with that. That's how most of these kind of games are. I find it fun though.

>> No.7423737


>> No.7423742

Not always. You can either naturally good at the game or not. Practice doesn't always make perfect. I've probably had more practice in IN than most people, yet I still haven't 1cced it (or any other Touhou game, for that matter). I wouldn't be surprised if I was the worse Touhou player here. ;_; In this case, it's just a frustrating and depressing load of shit, especially knowing how many hours wasted on it. It could apply to anyone that finds these games impossible.

>> No.7423748 [DELETED] 

>not choosing team Reimu

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.7423753

reported for using retarded meme.

>> No.7423760

Well, there's people that are always naturally good at a game. Hell, I played against people in fighting games that have utterly destroyed me with high-level combos without even playing the game.

For most people, it takes about one week to a month to get good, though. For me, it takes about three to five months to get average level. I suppose it can't be helped. Some people just learn faster than others.

>> No.7423767

Border Team is garbage.


>> No.7423779

Fuck off back to /v/.

>> No.7423792
File: 1.66 MB, 1648x2460, 1306023645746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screw those Merry Sues, solo Remilia all the way.

>> No.7423804
File: 209 KB, 406x480, Buttranged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry, I'll use a /jp/ meme instead

>> No.7423806

That was epick for the win, man.

>> No.7423811

And CAVE games sometimes looks easier than they really are. It's like 'oh this is just grazing graze graze graSTRAY TINY BULLET CLIP'

Then you're not practicing efficiently enough. Maybe you have the wrong approach, or are just practicing it wrong. EVERYONE can be good at this kind of game. Of course not up to the level of, say, ISO or guys like that, but still reasonably good.

>> No.7423826


>> No.7423879

>EVERYONE can be good at this kind of game
No. It doesn't work that way. Not everyone can be good at anything through practice. This game is no different.

>> No.7423903

Yeah, think about the quadriplegics, they can't even play VNs.

>> No.7423912


>> No.7423917


I think I've developed carpal tunnel in my left wrist/arm. It's making it really hard to play Touhou. I'm too young to be disabled ;_;

>> No.7423940
File: 11 KB, 438x408, 1304792553153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree the game is hard but it's beatable.
but what annoys me is after i defeat the last boss in an epic battle, she just visits my shrine to mock me instead of being hospitalized

>> No.7423980

Hard game.
Easy shmup.

>> No.7423988

Wot, in your left wrist? That should be fine, all you need to do is hold z and sometimes press two other buttons. It's your right hand that you need to care for.

>> No.7423992

not reading this thread but why would you think this game is impossible when you have a shitload of lives left, OP?

>> No.7423997

What if he's left handed?

>> No.7424002

I got close to 1cc'n lunatic IN with 7 starting lives, it's actually quite doable if you just bomb everywhere.

>> No.7424007

Mmmm, I wouldn't really call a 7 starting lives clear a 1cc, to be honest.

Unless you cross your arms at the keyboard I don't think it matters how you're handed.
Well, I guess you could use a pad.

>> No.7424010


Pick one.

>> No.7424015

That's not his replay, it's the new world record (the old one was Youmu solo.)

>> No.7424016

No... I'm saying. If you're left handed, your left hand is more im- you know what. Nevermind.

>> No.7424028


It's the easiest way of unlocking Kaguya's lunatic cards for practice though, it's quite useful.

>> No.7424029

It's quite possible for a shmup to be easy, I don't see what you mean with this.

>> No.7424034

I think he's referring to Bullet-Hell SHMUPs as just "SHMUPs."

>> No.7424041
File: 52 KB, 643x481, genetos-laterlevel[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, even then.

>> No.7424270

thats how I felt about guitars honestly if I didn't already know people were using these things to make music i would assume that it was physically impossible to do so.

>> No.7425139

But you get so many extra lives in IN that if you could get through the beginning all those extra starting lives wouldn't make much difference anyway

>> No.7427280
File: 319 KB, 368x368, sanaesmirk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree. Sanae is all about claustrophobia, combined with some of MoFs h4xboxes which lead to lots of clipdeaths I pretty much never capture her stuff.


>> No.7427291
File: 96 KB, 355x330, disgustedaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suddenly remembered Shou....

>> No.7427981

On comparison how do you fare with other bosses?
Because It's funny that you have problems with Sanae.
On my first try I passed herlike It's nothing. On hard. And I consider myself rather crappy player.

>> No.7427993


I'm not him, but Sanae gives me troubles as well. I always tend to panic because of the large amounts of bullets. I find Reisen and Youmu to be easier to beat. Then again this is only Normal I'm talking about.

>> No.7427992

the only mildly challenging ones are her first card and her non-spells, since like you said they're so dense and those rice-grain bullets are fucking bullshit.

>> No.7428008

Yeah me too I'm kinda bad at Sanae. Or used to be.. I think now she's the easiest hard mode stage 5 for me as long as I don't make a slight finger mistake. The pattern I'm worst at is the one with the slow lasers (I hate slow lasers).

>> No.7428013

In fact, I hate slow bullets too. Fuck slow bullets. Get the hell out of my way so I can stop worrying about you.

>> No.7428098

Since we're talking about the games anyways...I'm really close to beating UFO. As in even with terrible runs where I don't get optimal lives or bombs I can get to Byakuren. The problem is actually beating her. I don't usually make it to her with more than two lives, even then I can't win.

>> No.7428109

practice practice practice. I have the same issue with my scoring runs, I find it pretty harsh that you get no extra lives/bombs in the 6th stage (and none in 5th either if I recall correctly?) so the only thing you can do is be able to do a perfect byakuren run.

>> No.7428123


I don't practice more than one run a day due to frustration. It's just that all her cards are a huge pain outside of Purple Mist. Plus there's that orb right before Byakuren that I always lose a bomb or life at. I feel that as if I could beat that orb, I could beat Byakuren, but I can't. It's harder than the one on stage 4 for some reason.

>> No.7428127
File: 25 KB, 400x430, get out classicsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't practice more than one run a day

>> No.7428134


Hey, you try playing after losing while trying your best. My hands are still a bit unstable after I get that best run, so for me to play another run would just leave me worse off and dying to stuff I wasn't dying to before.

>> No.7428142

it's okay, I'm just having fun. I think ZUN himself said you should enjoy your touhou with breaks in between

>> No.7428148


I'd like to play it more admittedly, but I tend to get left a bit tired after playing. A bit shaky, a bit dazed, stuff like that. Nothing that bad, but just not optimally focused I'd say. Happens in fighting games as well.

>> No.7428162

That's common practice actually. In Japan, after a run shmup players usually go watch other players play to see their strategies or go play fighting games.

>> No.7428168

OP has:
> 9 lives
> 5 bombs
> Reisen is one of the easiest bosses in all of Touhou, because all of her spellcards have easy dodging methods.

Obvious troll is obvious

>> No.7428171

For the orbs, try staying in the center, and about midway up the screen and then working your way down, that makes the first 3 waves a piece of cake, last one you just have to use your instincts really. I still can't do it perfectly either.

I can sympathize with getting mad and giving up, but I feel that I need to try the same run at least a few times (even if I fuck up) to improve, or else I'll just keep making the same mistakes again.
Also, theoretically, trying it over and over again in practice mode should let you stay calm throughout, but that never works out for me either and I die consecutively once I screw up.

>> No.7428178

Your trolldar is malfunctioning.

>> No.7428179


I kind of get it, but the problem is that I can get trapped in places where the stage 4 version of it leaves gaps for me to escape which is kind of frustrating. As for the other thing, it's less of anger and more of exhaustion I guess. The spellcards stay in my head for a while so even without practice I can start to get used to them. I even almost managed to capture Shou's spinny laser card even though I usually bomb it early because it gets too hard for me.

>> No.7428191

Apparently you can't read. >>7424015
