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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7418799 No.7418799 [Reply] [Original]

Will there ever be more than 5 decent JRPGs for the PS3?

Pic not related.

>> No.7418810

I remember when I was eleven and played console games.

>> No.7418813

Resonance of Fate
Star Ocean
White Knight Chronicles
Ar Tonelico
Final Fantasy XIII

>> No.7418809

Atelier Rorona
Atelier Totori
Atelier Meruru
Star Ocean (for the combat)
Resonance of fate
The new tales game.
Final Fantasy Versus (I'm guessing)

>> No.7418817

Well the PS3 has still about 3 more years to go, so there could be.

>> No.7418821

Atelier / all NIS games are terrible, so no.

Just play Demon's Souls.

>> No.7418828

Why don't you just watch animu or something. Where's the fun in running in corridors and fighting the same enemies for 50 hours just to advance the story a tiny bit?
Oh, and it's not /jp/ related. Try /v/, /a/.

>> No.7418839

Ponpo, I was expecting more from you.

>> No.7418853


You're forgetting JRPG fans are all autistic. Battles that consist of pressing X five hundred times over and over again would bore us, but to them it's the height of excitement and engagement.

>> No.7418888

FUCK, you should have told me earlier. I just ordered AT3 and Neptunia 30 minutes ago.

>> No.7418890

OP, I hate to tell you this, but Neptunia is fucking terrible.

>> No.7418892

Just personal opinion (that I've whined about on /jp/ numerous times) but the battle systems in these games are so basic and boring.

I played Tales of Vesperia recently and didn't mind that, though.

>> No.7418902

How is the Disgaea battle system basic? Boring, maybe for you, but basic?

>> No.7418916
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Nier is better than every game listed so far.

>> No.7418921

Well Disgaea is more tactical / srpg, but my bad. I meant games like Trinity Universe.

>> No.7418931

These aren't developed by NIS, only published though.

>> No.7418940

What's funnier is that JRPGs aren't even RPGs.

>> No.7419097


Maybe if you're on welfare and suck furious amounts of dick.

>> No.7419106

Nier is good but I mentioned demon's souls somewhere which is superior ~

>> No.7419132

What's funniest is there isn't a single actual video game RPG, so even pretending the RPG genre is about role playing is a ludicrous notion.

>> No.7419137

Oh my.....
/jp/ full of faggots....
How can you forgot Valkyria Chronicles????
And Eternal Sonata.
Now dear op GTFO and go back to /V/ or /b/.

>> No.7419149

Tales of Graces f
Tales of Vesperia
Tales of Xillia

... Hm, I don't know OP.

>> No.7419195
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I like Neptunia

>> No.7419205

VC is good but not what people think of when they mention JRPG I think.

Eternal Sonata - not so good.

>> No.7419219

I started playing Neptunia recently, and... well, I guess it's okay. At least it doesn't try to be anything amazing.

But on some screens I've seen characters other than first 3 in battle. When do you get other people to your party, exactly? Mind, I'm still at pretty beginning, just went to Playstation place after first area, but I'd like to know when to expect some variation to party.

>> No.7419224

Yeah, me too. I wasn't a big fan of the custom combo system though.

>> No.7419226


>> No.7419334

Neptunia >>>>> Ar Torlenco.

Seriously Torlenco looks terrbile, handles badly and is generally rubbish. At least Neptunia has some gameplay.

>> No.7419338


The Persona series is, since you do "play a role".

>> No.7419342

Isn't the PS3 getting Tales of Graces F and maybe Vesperia?

>> No.7419353
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Waiting on this. And maybe the Tales of games if they get localized, which might not happen in my lifetime.

>> No.7419355


PS3 has Vesperia and Graces in Japan. Internationally we're getting Graces, they aren't bothering with Vesperia again. Xillia is coming out soon in Japan, expect it released internationally in 2020.
