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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7418510 No.7418510 [Reply] [Original]

>Wipe if off
>Shake it
>Squeeze it
>Wring it out
>Do everything possible to make sure every drop of cum is gone
>Put dick back in pants
>Go sit down to do something else
>30 minutes later, dick is glued to underwear

>> No.7418514
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>> No.7418511 [DELETED] 

why do you shitpost.

>> No.7418518
File: 440 KB, 598x564, upside.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reading this

>> No.7418523

I fapped and went to sleep. When I woke up and tried to get up I felt a tug.

Hunched over the bed pulled down my pants and found my dick was stuck to my stomach.

Still having the morning slowness I got up and and it ripped my dick off my stomach, taking a long stretch of skin with it.

>> No.7418528
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>> No.7418540

You guys don't masturbate to a point you barely even have anything to ejaculate anymore?


>> No.7418542

No matter how much you wriggle and dance,
the last two drops always go down your pants.

>> No.7418545
File: 73 KB, 960x720, uneveneye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when scrubs don't pee after they masturbate

>> No.7418550

Have fun with your retrograde ejaculation and bladder infections.

>> No.7418553

Fap 2-3 times. That'll clean the pipes and prevent drippage.
Or have someone suck the rest out.

>> No.7418555
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>> No.7418556


Now I'm worried. Please, tell me more.

>> No.7418575

The prostate controls what fluid flows through the urethra.
When you urinate after ejaculating it's stuck halfway between the two, so some ejaculate may flow back into the bladder. You get a foreign material in a typically sterile environment and it's going to cause infections, thus I say, "have fun with your retrograde ejaculation and bladder infections".

>> No.7418583
File: 110 KB, 1024x576, grin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sit on the damn toilet for a minute then

are penises really that hard? I hope so because that's how I like 'em! :3

>> No.7418585

Eh, just wait for 10 minutes after masturbating and you can totally avoid that

>> No.7418587

I've been doing it for years and I've never had any problems. Guess I'm good.

>> No.7418599

I know many people feel like they're peeing acid if they do it just after fapping, so that may not be a good recommendation. The dick is sensitive!

>> No.7418598
File: 81 KB, 478x822, 1283337669559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disclaimer: This is only the case if you piss RIGHT after you masturbate. Give it like, 2 minutes and it's fine. The more you know!

>> No.7418607

I couldn't pee just after fapping even if I wanted to. I need like 5 minutes to switch.

>> No.7418611
File: 159 KB, 714x682, squidified (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's your prostate hard at work anon!

>> No.7418617


I always feel the need to take a leak right after fapping and generally do so. I'm not sure if the fapping causes the need or the need causes the fapping. Its a bad thing either way.

>> No.7418624

That feel when you piss with a rock-hard dick and have trouble aiming into the toilet.

>> No.7418626

ganbatte prostate!

>> No.7418629

Since the prostate prevents mean from urinating and ejaculating at the same time it is the male body's natural response to be more easily aroused / more likely to have erections if the bladder is full.

That is why "morning wood" exists.

>> No.7418632

Whenever I ejaculate, I can't keep myself from pissing and it mixes with the sperm.Sometimes some blood comes out as well. What does this mean?

>> No.7418636

you have cum with the force of a thousands suns and ruptured your prostate

see a doctor

>> No.7418633


So basically the best time to fap is when you need to piss a river.


>> No.7418642

You're fucked.

>> No.7418648

it means you are dying.
no joke.

>> No.7418649

/jp/ - Fap Culture

>> No.7418653

Whenever I fap, I keep going after the first ejaculation, and I get a second, weaker one, which empties whatever's left in there. I've never had OP's problem.

>> No.7418660

I think it means you broke your nutbladder. Better get it repaired ASAP.

>> No.7418676

I don't have health insurance. This is fucking scary.

>> No.7418717

I had trouble pissing while standing up. So I went to the doctor.

After lots of hentai-esque situations involving probes (inside all of my holes, dick included) they found nothing.

I went to the psych, they found nothing.

It ended up being like "I dunno lol you just forgot how to piss while standing up"

I feel raped.

>> No.7418729

I bet this is as good a time as any to reveal some info that will change your life.

I have mastered the art of hands free masturbating.

The countless years, the endless hours, all of it has gone into mastering this technique. It's so mindlessly simple I hate myself for not finding it sooner.

What you need:
-Laptop with mouse
-Bed and pillows
-NEW material (like, 30+ images of some new fetish you just found. Something you have yet to use)

First, lay down on your back and become as comfortable as possible. Take a long pillow and lay it next to you lengthwise and set the laptop on it so it's about a foot from your face and at a 45 degree angle. Take your right arm and put it under the pillow with the mouse. You should be flat on your back, pillow under head and your head should be tilted slightly right to the laptop monitor.

Next, start looking at whatever you want. Your right arm with the mouse should be at an angle you are comfortable with. About 5 minuets into a solid erection slowly start to vibrate your hips.

That's it. Shortly after you start to vibrate you will notice slight twitches and pre-cum flowing out uncontrollably. Soon enough you will be breathing hard and your body will start to vibrate harder and harder on it's own until you climax.

It takes practice, but the result is always one of those 30 second long pulsating super loads.

Tips for beginners:
-Be as calm as possible. The room must be quiet and you MUST be able to concentrate.
-Try moving your legs. Start with them straight and after a bit bring the bottom of your feet together.
-If you absolutely cannot do this at first, gently rub the underside of your penis with one finger for 5 seconds every 60 seconds. This will accelerate the possess.

I share this information for one reason, so it can be used. There are some things mankind should know.
