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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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741541 No.741541 [Reply] [Original]

So /jp/ I've decided to write a visual novel in Renpy. But enough blogshitting, what I want to know is:

Are there any semi-famous games done in Renpy? I understand it'd be hard for amateurs to come up with something that could capture your interest because they aren't big like Type-Moon or something. But then again all you need is good writing, so there must be SOME Renpy games you guys must like.

>> No.741560


>> No.741564

I like Katawa shoujo. Wouldn't say the writing's fantastic, but it works.

>> No.741570


oh you

>> No.741582
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>> No.741583

Not really, unfortunately. There's not really a market for them outside of Japan, so they're all freeware and most have worse art than the original Higurashi vn's.

In after some Katawa Shoujo fag trying to viral market.

>> No.741586


Too late.

>> No.741592

I guess... Ori, Ochi, Onoe.

Decent music, art, and writing. Nice and short too; only an hour long. Silly background art though, even /jp/ could do better than that.

Western fan-made games really need quality artwork though, or no one will give two shits about whatever you write.

>> No.741608

Katawa Shoujo has good writing and music.

Art... well... the writing and music's good.

>> No.741615

wait, kawata shoujo is out?

i thought it was in perpetual limbo?

>> No.741628

It's not out. The people still working on it just like to post anonymously and sing its praises in the hope that they can get anyone to take it seriously.

>> No.741649

Isn't it supposed to be a joke VN in the first place?

>> No.741651

you know, i think actually getting the project out would cause more people to take it seriously than just posting about it on /jp/

>> No.741656

4chan used to love KS and the Japs like it even more.

>> No.741657

in b4 the thirty thousand other anons making VNs in Ren'py.

myself included, tragically.

>> No.741661

IB only one of them being worth a damn.

>> No.741665

ya' think?

>> No.741682


How far along are they, anyway? Will I be enjoying delicious Burn-tan within this lifetime, or is this a Message-and-installer kind of deal?

>> No.741685

So, can any devs here give us a status and a date as to when the hell they're releasing a demo?

>> No.741687

I think we need more people like OP to try and make more VNs because we really need to make a good western free-ware game to make VNs more noticeable. I mean jesus christ when you think about it VNs are the greatest platform of entertainment in terms of story telling.

Also, I know some people are going to laugh at this comment but: 4chan are filled with alot of bright and talented people, just that they need motivation to put their creative energy to good use.

>> No.741697

>But then again all you need is good writing
It's easier to tear writing apart than to actually create something worth reading. Still, good writing is not easy to find, and I don't mean OMG EPIC LULZ. I haven't personally tried any of the renpy novels due to the scary sprites, it kinda helps people get into the story if your sprites don't look like shit. The dev guy should have prepackaged something like 10-20 sprite sets in various basic forms if he wanted the resulting material to be taken seriously.

>> No.741698

You're from neo-/b/ aren't you?

>> No.741700
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When its done

>> No.741726

You could write like a god, but other weeaboos won't care about your VN unless it has good artwork.

You could probably get away with average writing/music in your VN if your artwork was really well done.

>> No.741728

crap, now I feel guilty for only making an anon-indulging fan-service-laden ero fest.

If the drifters project takes off, that would be very interesting to play.
I call the idea of the last man on the world with a magical girl, traveling the post-apocalyptic wasteland in a boat; Drifters. I like it, but it's not official.

Also, we are using ONScripter, not quite sure why. Maybe because the full window text style is more fit for an over descriptive novel, than one focused in first person narrative and dialogue. Lots of dialogue.

>> No.741738


Bullshit. Look at Higurashi. Fuck, look at Key. I'm not sure I'd call that good writing, but it sure as fuck isn't the horrific artwork that gets people to buy those fucking games. Writing is the most important. Who gives a shit how great it looks if the story is shit? Then you just download the HCGs. Ideally you want the whole package, but the writing comes first and foremost.

>> No.741740

>>741728 I feel guilty for only making an anon-indulging fan-service-laden ero fest


>> No.741751

Think of your audience: the wapanese.

Western-made VNs for other western fans? It better have good artwork.

The Higurashi original game art is charming to other Japanese fans. It is repulsive to your average weeaboo.

>> No.741754

and i feel bad about drawing it and realizing that no one else in the team gives a shit about it

>> No.741762

Most of 4chan is made of leeches.

/jp/ should, in theory, have a lot of creative people, but all they care about is spamming Touhou. I guess we'll never match the Japs in terms of creativity.

>anon-indulging fan-service-laden ero fest
It was good for what it was. I don't think it'll work a second time, though.

>> No.741766

Is KS going to be a free download.

>> No.741768

It's true that writing is the more important factor in determining a VN's overall success, but I'd like to argue that there is a certain standard of art required for most audiences. If the art is really really shitty, people won't even bother to download it and read whatever you wrote. For me, if the art is that shitty, I somehow doubt much effort was put into the writing either. There's lots of renpy VNs that make KEY art look like a fucking masterpiece. I shit you not.

>> No.741772

>/jp/ should, in theory, have a lot of creative people

which bodily crevice did you pull this theory out of?

>> No.741769

Some of my favorite VNs don't even use character sprites. Narcissu, The Noose, and The World to Reverse don't have any, and I never felt like anything was missing there.

For music, anon can easily steal stuff or use public domain/whatever shit.

I'm sure even minimal Photoshop skills would let you create Tsukihime-esque backgrounds with stock photos.

Production values shouldn't be stopping anyone with good ideas from making stuff.

>> No.741796

>/jp/ should, in theory, have a lot of ronery people,

>> No.741816

Failures like us are usually good at something, like writing or drawing or playing an instrument. Look at all the otaku selling doujin and CDs.

>> No.741827

Exactly. You may pride yourself on being a well-cultured weeaboo, but this is not representative of the target audience. People want moeblobs. They want epic lulz. They want sordid descriptions of people fucking. They will be clicking through your walls of text wondering when the characters are gonna fuck.

>> No.741852


Why the shit would any VN-creating anon have to pander to anybody? It's not like there'd be money in it.

>> No.741867

Appealing to the lowest weeaboos is an accomplishment?

>> No.741861


maybe a sense of ACCOMPLISHMENT?

>> No.741873


>/jp/ should, in theory, have a lot of creative people

You need more than that. Look at how hard we rip on fucking EVERYTHING. It doesn't matter if it's an eroge from a doujin group or Goethe, we have a huge ass list of problems with it and this is the internet so we're going to shout it from the rooftops. Making something "creative" is one thing, making something that would please all of /jp/ is simply impossible.

But who cares? I know I'm working on something at my own glacial pace. And so are many other Anons. The internet is a meritocracy, with no barriers to entry you can put out whatever you can make and watch it sink or swim in the ocean of shit. I'm sure /jp/ is working on a great many projects. Many will be stillborn or hidden out of shame, some will be in development hell for years, maybe a few will eventually see the light of day. But don't expect too much or you'll be disappointed. You can't just look at something and say "Well, that was from a doujin group, so any group of talented amateurs should be able to make something that can blow me away" because it's not that simple.

>> No.741886


enjoy no one reading your VN then, and having people considering it to be typical weeaboo shit

>> No.741890


I'm not going to pander with a non-commercial product, what the fuck? Maybe if I've got something to sell I'll aim for the dumbest of the dumb, but the great thing about making something for free on your own time is that you don't have to sacrifice quality for mass appeal.

>> No.741919
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[ ] procrastination (fapping/sleeping > creating)
[ ] perfectionism
[ ] other

generally one or more of these holds people up, I think. Not sure why the moonpeople manage to get things done. Stronger, more centralized community?

>> No.741924
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>pander to anybody = lowest weeaboos

>> No.741929

Since you can't sell it, the only thing you can rely on to spread it is word-of-mouth or viral marketing.

Release something less-than-pandering and people will react. It only takes 10 fucknuts saying "the story sucks (because of an absence of their pet fetish, whatever it is)" to make everyone decide ah well, it's just another weeaboo creation.

>> No.741930



>> No.741942

Go back to bed Garfiel -wait what the.

>> No.741945

>You can't just look at something and say "Well, that was from a doujin group, so any group of talented amateurs should be able to make something that can blow me away" because it's not that simple.
So you agree with me: It's possible, but most likely improbable. If only something could motivate us.

>> No.741975

>any group of talented amateurs
This is the problem. I'm generalizing here, but anyone who can write can't draw for shit, and vice versa.

Writer: I will write xxx and yyy.
Artist: Why am I drawing this shit for free for someone I don't know, especially if the creation is all his? Fuck this ima go make shitty webcomic #1456.

>> No.741996

One of Japan's biggest exports is their creativity. America exports lots of culture too, though to most Americans, it's getting old.

>> No.742003

Kind of like fansubbers go to /a/ and fight with each other anonymously. And then go bitch about "Anonymous" on their website when they have been arguing with other fansubbers all that time.

>> No.742004


If I ever managed to release something worth reading, people would find out about it. No, it wouldn't become an internet phenomenon, but who the fuck cares? The people who will be able to appreciate it will find out about it, and I don't particularly want the kind of people that populate shitholes like /a/ reading anything made by me. If people on /jp/ were put off by a few people insisting something is shit, no one here would have ever read, watched, or played fucking anything. I'm not some faggot who makes Youtube videos, I don't live and die by the number of views or subscriptions or what the fuck ever I get. I'm Anonymous, neither praise nor scorn mean a fucking thing to me. I just want to make something I can be at least somewhat proud of, and then put it out there for whoever has an interest to take a look at. No more, no less.

>> No.742007

Because in Japan, there is glory to be had if an amateur makes something amazing. The potiential to actually make some money is still there. Just look at Higurashi and Type Moon.

There is no such glory to be had in the Western world. Well maybe there is, if we made FPS games instead of VNs.

>> No.742009

Oh man, I loved that show. Too bad that if I went back and rewatched it, I'd end up being crap.

>> No.742014

They also have this creepy work ethic, even if they're total NEETs, they feel forced to do something productive.

>> No.742070

The structure of Japan also lends itself to collaboration. If I start a VN with some other anons, there's no way I'll ever actually talk to them.

In all likelihood, the elevens are just a train ride from each other.

>> No.742093


Even if they lived within walking distance, would you talk to them? I don't know about you, but I don't want to meet anyone from the internet face to face. It's not even that I'm worried about winding up in a basement dungeon somewhere, it's just... ugh.

>> No.742104

If you're going to make someone with somebody else, you need to have enough respect for them to actually talk to them in real life.

And being able to talk in real life is essential to having enough sense of purpose to actually get things done in a lot of cases.

>> No.742108

You can actually get projects done if you know the people you're working with. If you don't know them beforehand and it was all from a "LOL NEED AN ARTIST FOR MAH GAEM" then get to know them, try and become more than an internetz friend club.

>> No.742112



>> No.742125

I work with an irl friend that I know and admire, and I still don't get anything done.

>> No.742145


yeah but I'm coming from the perspective as if YOU yourself had the motivation but the people around you didn't.

>> No.742147


I don't think it's essential. Your internet project never has to go off the internet. Sure, maybe it would help, but it doesn't need to be that way.

>> No.742148


It's usually that neither of us have motivation. We would just work on it when we were bored.

>> No.742178

Reading this thread makes me question my choice of comics as a story vehicle... maybe I SHOULD go VN style...

>> No.742180
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Wait, a /jp/ thread not about touhou!?!?!?

>> No.742187


Maybe, but maybe not. Depends on the story.

>> No.742223

true. He's motivated, I'm not.

>> No.742224


God, I hope not.

>> No.742219

Only superficially; I'm sure at least 50% of the readers here are toying with a Touhou VN idea.

>> No.742290

Using ZUN art.

>> No.742321


I actually am. A couple of them, even. If I ever actually got to work on them, they would possibly be the worst things the OELVN community have ever created.

>> No.742323

Do want.

>> No.742344


With ZUN art, right? Right?

>> No.742359

I'm not the anon contemplating a touhou VN, but I wish I could draw as well as ZUN. I can't even draw good stick figures.

My craptastic work will spare you from sprites.

Also, I'm glad we're all honest about how miserable our respective pathetic efforts are.

>> No.742361


No...I...don't think you do. One is a Touhou locked-room murder mystery/courtroom drama, which even I have a nagging feeling is a fucking stupid idea.

>> No.742366


Nah, I was going to steal SWR/IaMP art.

I guess ZUN art would fit the overall level of QUALITY better, though.

>> No.742375

sae is that you

>> No.742396

How can I write a VN for American audience about lolis? Not just /jp/ anons from America.

>> No.742418


Yes, I understand. My art is unspeakably awful. Even a decent stick figure is beyond me.


Make them really 900 years old. Vampires, zombies, Cthulhuian horrors, something like that.

>> No.742429


It isn't.

>> No.744888


This is truth, especially here in the West. I've even paid artists to work on projects but they ALWAYS flake out. If they're really good, they end up getting a pro-gig (not always in comics) and if they're average then they graduate from college with their degree in accounting (nobody interested in comics or anime ever seems to go to school for art unless they drop-out half way) and get a job. Two months later they get married and then never draw again.

Or worse. Become convinced they are hot shit and decide they don't need writers. Basically any of the current Indie scene artists you find in comic stores today. I remember when half those knuckle heads were kids on forums drawing Ranma and EVA fanart. Now their art looks like shit (intentionally BTW, artfags can't make stuff that actually looks good or it won't be "art") and their stories are worse.

Best bet is to just learn to draw yourself. I think I'll be there in about a year. If I can keep with it.

>> No.746286

>>Best bet is to just learn to draw yourself. I think I'll be there in about a year. If I can keep with it.

Pretty sound advice.

>> No.746293
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>> No.746389
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So I herd you guys hate KS now. Fine with me, it will still take at least a year to be released (trust me on this), though it looks to be pretty good IMO. It just suffers from being... well, long. Longer than the average commercial visual novel. Stuff like that takes time, and if you don't want the 5k words quickshots you have to wait.

Have a wallpaper.

>> No.746494

Nothing wrong with KS, and love it or hate it, it's not like we can affect the production in any way. Don't forget it'll be judged as some kind of breakthrough production by all the animeblog retards, so might as well take your time.

>> No.746526

You can affect the production, though merely screaming for "OMG WHERE DA PRONZ AT" won't get you much credit; you have toi be actually useful in some way.

Well, I just wanted to say that because this thread seems to say:
Q: Why is nobody making their own visual novels?
A: People are.
Q: But they all suck and have really low production values!
A: Good ones takes time.
A: Fuck off.
