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File: 94 KB, 1235x905, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7412653 No.7412653 [Reply] [Original]

>you will never netplay this

>> No.7412670
File: 31 KB, 450x600, eeeeehmaji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still plays Melty Blood

>> No.7412685

people still play melty blood? lol.

>> No.7412692

people still play fighters? lol.

>> No.7412699

Why netplay when I can just go to the nearest venue?

>> No.7412700

people still play video games? lol.

>> No.7412713

>Melty Blood

>> No.7412730 [DELETED] 

wake me up when they actually make new chars

>> No.7412732

Is there any of the original Melty Blood cast who doesn't have an alternative version of themselves in the game?

>> No.7412741

#Meltyblood.fr @ irc.mizuumi.net

Come on, it still plays meltyblood there, and we should be able to netplay MBAACC because a PC version of it is likely to be released...

>> No.7412752

>Is there any of the original Melty Blood cast who doesn't have an alternative version of themselves in the game?


>> No.7412764
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, [Ayako]_Infinite_Stratos_-_IS_-_05_[H264][720p][1FA14D41].mkv_snapshot_19.28_[2011.05.29_03.05.35].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, enjoy your alternative versions of every casts.


MB is dead, it's time to move on.

>> No.7412768


ssf4 can go to hell

>> No.7412773

under night in-birth where

>> No.7412778
File: 103 KB, 643x979, mio 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>actually make new chars
>>my face when 7 versions of Saber

>> No.7412789
File: 153 KB, 1000x1200, 577cac27d919ba8a665184f2e7e9459d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just play blazblue instead.

>> No.7412794

Actually I think I'd play BlazBlue if it was on PC, buying an Xbox or a PS3 only for one or two game is still too expensive for me.

>> No.7412824

I can't wait for Giant Akiha, are you?

>> No.7412833

since when do you greentext and use saten shit, ZUN!bar?

>> No.7412839


zun!bar has always been a shitposter. This shouldn't surprise you.

>> No.7412866

>play blazblue
>suddenly arakune and makoto

>> No.7412873


>> No.7412882

It's time to take off your nostalgia goggles. Oh and no one plays GG anymore.

>> No.7412963
File: 161 KB, 849x1200, hydragp01l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What do you guys think of Under Night In-birth?

It seems like a blazblue, but with more fancier moves, seems like a lot of the normals are multihit.

>> No.7413000

looks like another generic moeblob anime airdashing game that only caters to japanese nerds

>> No.7413051

Truly insightful.

>> No.7413279


>> No.7413324


>we should be able to netplay MBAACC because a PC version of it is likely to be released

Nope. Its getting a PS3 release which most likely means that shit will be an exclusive.

God damn Ecole you used to be GOOD.

>> No.7413366

>Its getting a PS3 release

Source or it didn't happen. The grafics are not good enough for a PS3. They would most likely release it for PSP, if they plan to release it on a console at all.

>> No.7413387

>good graphic

>> No.7413429



>> No.7413478

That's the Sega Ringwide.

>> No.7413492

>good graphics

>> No.7413584


That was in no way a confirmation of PS3 port just because they have one laying there. French Bread has said however they're waiting to get the ok by Type-Moon and cannot work on MBHD really until a release date's been set for Tsukihime Remake. That being said they're putting all their effort into Under Night now anyway.

>> No.7413612

Is that in any way related to this?
"Tsukihime Renewal development has finally started"

>> No.7415148

I'm going to mod my stick soon so I need some awesome artwork.. any suggestions? Preferably Touhou or Blazblue but other anime/manga/LN/VN/Japanese vidya pictures are OK, too.

>> No.7415159

use this picture

>> No.7415170

Is Powerd Ciel and balanced!Archetype: Earth the only additional characters in MBAACC?

>> No.7415171

why is that translation horribly bad?
It doesn't say "Tsukihime Renewal development has finally started", it says someone complained saying something like "I wonder if you really are developing Tsukihime Renewal, lol" and the guy writing wanted to say "Of course we are idiot, lol", but he's forbidden to speak about it.

>> No.7415196

AC:E got balanced? When I saw the play vids, her damage rating was still over the top.

>> No.7415213


>Ryu and "a bunch of other different characters" all play the same.
>MB has alternate version characters that play very differently, even a different groove changes gameplay drastically.

>> No.7415228

typical delusional anime uguu fighting fan

>> No.7415467

Arakune isn't even played that much at all.

>> No.7415492

I wasn't aware that looking at reality as it is, is now called delusional.

>> No.7415493

netplay this
*grabs crotch*

>> No.7415497

Inbred doesn't seem all that original, but if it's fun then I don't really care. We'll just wait and see.

>> No.7416562

Is "IN-BIRTH" together witht he common Engrish supposed to make one think of in-breeding and generations of incest?
Is that like the special deal with all the special folks of this game?
