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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 347 KB, 800x600, FUCKYOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7412554 No.7412554 [Reply] [Original]

This is so fucking annoying.
Can't I just skip this part?Pretty please?
It's Nagisa all over again.
Half of her sentences include "...", "uhh...huh?!", ".....what did you just say?" and "duurrrrrdeeerrrphurrrrrrrrr...."

Why did the VN devs feel the need to make the main heroine a fucking retard in the first place?
As if it wasn't enough that her main hobby is "spacing out".

>> No.7412561

I sympathize with you. I can't understand how anyone can enjoy her character/her chapter.

>> No.7412564

/jp/ isn't your livejournal faggot

>> No.7412571


>> No.7412566

chapter 4 natsumi is more bearable than chapter 5 natsumi, I'll tell you that.

>> No.7412573

I think she is cute and I liked her chapter the best.

>> No.7412575

Horrible thread filled with horrible people

>> No.7412581

After you're done with that chapter she becomes the main heroine.

Just skip the entire game OP.

>> No.7412583

Go ahead and skip most of it if you want.

But if it makes you feel any better with sticking with it, chapter 5 features the best character and is pretty awesome on the whole.

>> No.7412595

please tell me moer

>> No.7412602

Characters are rather forgettable in this, aren't they? The concept is interesting, but that's about it.

>> No.7412624

Best end is sister end.

>> No.7412738

Not to mention that the world feels as lifeless as it gets.

Aside from the cast, which consists of roughly 8 characters there is no indication of other life in the game.
It's like they couldn't be arsed to draw some additional characters/sceneries to bring in some variation/make it seem more believable.

>> No.7412761

>Characters are rather forgettable in this, aren't they?

>> No.7412760

Don't forget the one fucking background for the town, outside the supermarket. I don't want a scene where the characters are out shopping and the sprites are in the middle of the street.

You're right, the whole thing feels lazily done. It's like an unfinished painting Sachi tries to pawn off on Kenichi

>> No.7412785

Welcome to 2005!
Back when akabei had released exactly ONE VN just 5 months before sharin.

>> No.7412891

That's no excuse whatsoever if amateurs like us see the flaws so clearly.

>> No.7412909

And Sharin is still one of the best VN's.

>> No.7412912

They released all their VNs in a short space of time. I don't think when they were made matters in this case.

>> No.7412914
File: 349 KB, 550x366, laughing bitches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7412916

Lack of money and popularity=lack of superflous expenses like diverse backgrounds

>> No.7412930

Fuck you bitches. What do you know about VNs?

>> No.7412937

Yeah, thank god they released G senjou to make up for this piece of crap.

>> No.7412939

Are you seriously telling me drawing one additional fucking background would make any difference AT ALL?
Don't you think making the game as enjoyable as possible would result in more popularity?

I don't know what they were thinking, but I'm pretty sure it was nothing along the lines of "Let's give it our all".

>> No.7412940
File: 19 KB, 280x456, mirror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And Sharin is still one of the best VN's.
>What do you know about VNs?

>> No.7412947

Oh lord this. Ririko is the best.

>> No.7412959

He wasn't me though.

It's pretty sad. Whenever I see someone say senjou is better than Sharin I just want to go smash my head into a brick wall.

>> No.7412966

Good thing there aren't many saying that.

>> No.7412971

You know, when you start bitching about games instead of playing them, you're only ruining your own enjoyment of it? Suspension of disbelief is a powerful tool, and Sharin has enough awesome in it to justify putting up with some things that might annoy you. If you're not willing to do that, fine, your choice, now stop wasting your time. Go play something you enjoy instead of bitching on /jp/.

>> No.7412984
File: 97 KB, 360x367, 1305447733206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you playing this shit?

>> No.7412988

What's wrong with criticizing a game you like?
It just shows that you see certain potential in it, which wasn't completely exhausted by the makers.

>> No.7412990

Because it's good

>> No.7412994

If you like it as a whole, then fine. I just thought the OP was bitching about Natsumi's character and ignoring all the FUCKING AWESOME SCENES he would've had to see to get there. Sharin has faults, yes, but I really don't think it's much of a sacrifice at all to put up with them to get to the juicy bits.

>> No.7413014
File: 889 KB, 750x871, VN2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I'm through with everything in this list already.

Maybe you'd like to share some additional recommendations with me.

>> No.7413026

>recommendation list shit
Do you came from /v/?

>> No.7413030

>VNs for beginners

>> No.7413033

If you're dumb enough to use recommendation charts then it's no wonder you can't appreciate quality titles like Sharin no Kuni.

>> No.7413047

Good god, fuck off.

>> No.7413055

I don't see how that has anything to do with a lack of appreciation and I doubt you would be able to explain your reasoning.

>> No.7413057

I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.

>> No.7413060

If you don't understand his reasoning it simply means you're proving his point

>> No.7413065

Making no attempt to explain anything proves my point though.

>> No.7413128

I thought it was pretty straightforward the first time: you're an idiot.

>> No.7413148

I appreciate your self-reflection.

>> No.7413170

This thread is full of mad.

There's nothing wrong with using recommendation charts for VNs.

There aren't many TLed VNs to choose from anyway
