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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7411860 No.7411860 [Reply] [Original]

I leave /jp/ to visit other boards.
I reply using sage normally, a habit for any /jp/er.
People are insulted by sage, get replied to with shit like U MAD? U MAD? BUMP FOR SAGE!

Never again. I don't even bother trying to explain sage to people anymore.

>> No.7411867

summer. nothing to nipaa about.

>> No.7411868

Nokosage? There are plenty of people who insist on sage-posting just to troll and shitpost (even on /jp/, sadly); at this point you can hardly blame people for misinterpreting it.

>> No.7411869

When you first came to /jp/ to get used to our habits, so if you leave you have to get used to other habits.

Sure we could debate now about the correct use of sage but let's face it, this is the internet nobody cares about what is correct and not.
We are the ones who make the rules

>> No.7411870

Yeah, stealth sage is the best option now.

>> No.7411889

Is that Mokou as a Persona?

>> No.7411890

You're a faggot. <3 /v/.

>> No.7411897

Is that Mokou as a Persona?

>> No.7411979

I only use sage for ironic posts, otherwise I use nokosage.

>> No.7411990
File: 16 KB, 250x250, 1305539909678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when you go to other countries, you insist on them accepting and following your customs, such as driving on the other side of the road?

>> No.7411991
File: 285 KB, 150x150, mhmmm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels like HELL

>> No.7411997
File: 395 KB, 600x600, parsee wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I leave the other boards to visit /jp/
I inquire what would be considered a /jp/ post so I don't shit post and get banned.
People reply if I don't know what /jp/ is about then to GTFO and other rude remarks.

>> No.7412004

hey just traveling by and was wondering.
What's the big deal about bumping threads?

>> No.7412024 [DELETED] 

to piss off sagefags

>> No.7412026

it pisses off sagefags

>> No.7412030

He meant the need everyone has to bump a thread and going crazy when someone doesn't

Nokosage all day erryday

>> No.7412031

I sage outside /jp/ often, and this never happened to me. Ever.

I've grown to believe people who complain about sage here are purely trolling.

>> No.7412035

It depends actually. Most people only go crazy if you reply with a rude/arrogant/angry tone and sage.

>> No.7412042

I would have thought introducing more people in the discussion would be productive and not 'going crazy' but I can see situations where a bump isn't warranted

>> No.7412044

You're polite - people don't complain because, well, you're polite.
You're rude - people complain because you're rude.

I don't see sage mattering much here.

>> No.7412047

sage for shit thread

>> No.7412054

Isn't summer school waiting for you kids?

>> No.7412057

I posted in a JRPG thread on /v/ about a game I was playing at the time. A minute later I got a reply.
"Why the sage?"
People on other boards are weird.

>> No.7412060

There's no point in bumping a thread that's still on the frontpage, specially in a slow board like /jp/.

I guess new people come so brainwashed from other boards they they actually think sage is a tool to attack and not something to help the thread flow.

>> No.7412068

I'd say it's your fault for going to /v/, of all places.

They're at their funniest when they make a thread and then bump it five minutes later, literally posting nothing but "bump". It's like they're afraid it's going to 404 otherwise.

>> No.7412074

But I enjoy playing videogames and I don't want to post offtopic content on other boards.
/v/ has some good to it too, like Monster Hunter threads.

>> No.7413110

The general idea is actually that you aren't supposed to ask what's related. Rather, you should lurk and come to that understanding yourself, silently.
It used to be pretty much common knowledge when joining new communities in general, but nowadays I jusy don't quite know anymore.
