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7402548 No.7402548 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, /jp/, I have a question. I'm not a troll, I'm not a denialfag, I'm just legitimately confused and hope someone can clarify things for me.

We know about Shannon and Lion being two sides of the same coin. In most universes, the baby Kinzo gives Natsuhi is rejected and thrown from a cliff, miraculously survives, and goes on to become a servant and a witch. In the very rarest of worlds, that baby becomes Lion, who is embraced as the successor to the Head though he himself doesn't know he's adopted. Alright, that's easy.

My problem is the fact that the gender ambiguity was a key aspect of the series, EP7 especially. The guts Bern drags out of Clair in the end indicate that the reason Yasu's body is fucked up and s/he considers his/herself to be furniture is because of the fall. The fall maimed Yasu's body, somehow messed up its genitals, and caused some serious gender identity issue. Okay...but then...

>> No.7402551

Why is LION's gender also kept ambiguous on purpose? Lion didn't fall from the cliff. If it was just that Ryukishi drew Lion's sprite ambiguous and didn't use gender-specific pronouns (easy in japanese), I'd just say 'well duh, it's because Lion is revealed to be the opposite coin side to Beatrice early in the story, before it's made obvious that Beatrice is Shannon. Ryu is a troll, so he didn't want us to guess immediately based on how Lion looked'.

But the fact that Will ASKS and Lion declines to answer throws me. It's not that Ryukishi just wanted to make Lion's gender ambiguous to the readers, but he went out of his way to prove that even in Lion's world, people are unsure - Lion says s/he gets that question a lot and has a complex about it, even. Which means whatever fucked-up gender identity issues that Yasu has, Lion has them too. Which would mean they can't possibly be because of the fall from the cliff...at least not entirely. So what's going on here? Is this just another shitty Umineko plothole that I'm overthinking? I know this thread will get a lot of haters but say what you will about the end of the series...Shkanyasutrice seems to be the one thing that Ryu planned from the beginning and followed through to the end without changing his mind. I can't imagine he made a mistake here, he just wanted to be a troll and never tell us in the end what was up with Yasu's gender, just that something was wrong.

Can anyone make sense of Lion and Yasu both having a gender complex, when only one of them fell off the cliff? What does that guts scene mean if not 'the fall mangled my junk'? But if the fall did it, why the Hell did Ryukishi even include a scene where Will asks what gender Lion is? My head is full of fuck, inb4 it's Umineko, stop worrying about it, etc. I'm genuinely curious.

Pic semi-related, since Rifyu is wrong, but hilarious.

>> No.7402555

Man, I still remember threads full of people angrily denouncing Shkanon. Ah, the years...

>> No.7402565

I think "he just wanted to be a troll" sums it up pretty well. That, or he wanted to add some comedy at the expense of things making sense.

>> No.7402578

Yasu's gender must remain within the catbox forever.

>> No.7402608

he wants us to ponder our sexuality. Would we love someone even if we found out they may be a different gender? We must love people for who they are!

>> No.7402990

It is weird for Lion not to answer, but it being weird is kind of the point. He's a completely made-up character to begin with, so Requiem's author could have given an in-story reason for him being gender-ambiguous without any problem. The fact that they deliberately left that reason out and had Will draw attention to it makes it just like all the other times Will pointed out something weird in the narrative. It's just the way the author chose to encode clues about Yasu's world in this game. In Lion's case, they wanted to draw attention to Yasu having a gender problem without indirectly revealing what her original gender actually was.

The bit about Yasu becoming furniture in the tea party did go against that objective by kind of confirming that she was originally a boy, but the tone of that section is so different from the main game that it was probably written by a second author who wasn't as interested in protecting Yasu's secret.

>> No.7403003

It wasn't denouncing so much as it was vainly hoping that it wouldn't be such an incredibly stupid solution.

>> No.7403031

Lion doesn't have a "gender complex", Lion is just either a masculine female or effeminate male. Either way, Lion is not messed up about its own gender, like Yasuda.

Lion, however, dislikes being ASKED its gender, and to be honest, I would too unless I was deliberately being a transvestite.

>> No.7403106

In my Sound novel, this is Umineko no Naku Koro ni Ryukishi07

1. steal stuff from other mysteries

2. lying to reader

3. spit to reader when writing, mouth smell bad

4. don't make good writing, He and his brother, plot holes and dirty story, ugly sprites

5. raping? jap boygirl because italian girl is dead and say jap grandfather no thanks, very ugly and his grandfather

6. very smell of candies eating by EVA-beatrice

7. very smell of incenerated body, no bath long time, sometime 2 days?

ryu07=monkey same

>> No.7403109

>Lion, however, dislikes being ASKED its gender, and to be honest, I would too unless I was deliberately being a transvestite.
That's what you get when you look, dress and talk ambiguously.
There was a girl like this when I was in Uni; my friends and I were puzzled for a while before finding out that the person was indeed female.

>> No.7403251


God, this.

>> No.7403258

Lion is hermaphrodite, that's why.

>> No.7403260

I chuckled.

>> No.7403756

Why did Genji conceal the fact whose Shannon is a child of Quadrillion Beatrice for Kinzo?
When Shannon grew up, Genji feared the thing that Kinzo makes a mistake again.
Additionally, Yasu had the doll.
The answer will be clear.

>> No.7403874

In the case of some, yes. But there were a lot of moonfags for instance who insisted that shkanon was a red herring, in spite of all the clues.

>> No.7403884
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But lion specifically says that a complex is the reason the question irritates them so much, and lion's answer is usually just 'what do you think I look like?' instead of really answering.

>> No.7403890

Because Lion gets asked so often, he/she is buttdevastated about it. Lion was genetically inclined to be gender ambiguous in the first place. The fall just exacerbated things.

The reason Lion is gender ambiguous is because it's convenient for R07 to make him/her so. There's no DEEP reason to it. It also makes more sense that Yasu was gender ambiguous regardless of the fall because otherwise the fall would have had to have caused huge changes.

Personally, I like to think of Lion as male and Yasu as female, even though it makes no sense.

>> No.7405534

Lion is male. Yasu was born as a boy. The fall from the cliff destroyed his genitals to the point that Genji and Nanjo chose to raise "her" as a girl. Yasu had a mental breakdown upon finding out the truth since, you know, identifying as a woman and being in love with men.

>> No.7405544

Anyway, it's kept ambiguous so that people who can't handle the idea of Beatrice/Shannon/Lion being male can stay in denial. The clues are pretty fucking obvious for those willing to accept them.

>> No.7405719

What kind of injury is so bad it would invert a penis to the point of making Yasu actually think she had a vagina until told otherwise? Really? Not disagreeing with you, it's obviously what the story was going for, I just can't comprehend it.

>> No.7405971

Well Nanjo was one of the few who knew right away...isn't it possible he took Yasu somewhere to get him "fixed up"? After all, if your genitals got THAT badly damaged, it seems pretty obvious some sort of surgery would have to occur so you could at least go to the bathroom. Maybe they just...took it all off? Especially since at such a young age, you really wouldn't be able to reconstruct the whole thing and then guarantee it would develop properly with the growing body.

>> No.7406039

I wonder what the fuck it looks like or what they gave him instead of a penis, so fucking horrible. but you know the whole gender shit might not even be right, he might be a girl and maybe just her pussy was damaged. it good go either way. but dont tell the yoai fan girls that.

>> No.7406600

Shkanon, yasu, who the fuck cares anymore. Am I the only one who wants to know why maria's goddamn rose was SO IMPORTANT in all the early episodes but never got explain? Ryu07 just forget? What's the deal here? And no one even seems to remember it despite it being a huge focus in all the early eps, because they're blinded by shkanon or then lambda was cake. Fuck.

>> No.7406640

>Shkanyasutrice seems to be the one thing that Ryu planned from the beginning and followed through to the end without changing his mind.

>> No.7406642

The rose was just a convenient device that allowed Maria to be separated from the group and meet with Beatrice. Yasu is one hell of a lazy author. Deal w/ it.

>> No.7406715


Doing this kind of thing to an infant boy with an irrevocably damaged penis has precedent in real life.


No, Yasu being born a girl and having a damaged vagina or whatever doesn't actually hold up when scrutinized under the various clues. But again, Ryukishi deliberately left it just shy of "confirmed" so people could stay in denial if they want.

>> No.7407281

Except Beatrice IS female, because she's an imaginary\meta being.
Maybe Shannon is technically too, but just infertile.

>> No.7407897

Something like this would also explain why Genji hid the child's death from Kinzo; if they thought the best way to repair yasu was to raise him as a girl, then obviously giving him back to kinzo could prove to have the same consequences.

>> No.7407944
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It was there to show that Maria is an obnoxious retard.

>> No.7408038

Did they ever name Kinzo's wife that gave birth to Krauss, Eva, Rudolf, Rosa.

How old is Yasu compared to these four?

>> No.7408135

A smashed uterus would do it.

>> No.7408168

If the older siblings are around 50 and Yasu 19 just do the maths.

>> No.7408183

Kinzo sure was lustful - to make 4 kids with a woman he didn't care for.

>> No.7408196

Surely you must mean desireful.

>> No.7408199

Kinzo had those kids (at least the first three, not sure about Rosa) before he was even drafted. He had Kuwadorian Beatrice after he and Bice came home, and she died in 1967. Yasu was born in 67, while in 86 the adult siblings are all in their 50's or late 40's (except Rosa who's probably in her thirties). Yasu is only 3 years older than she thinks she is, she's 19 while Battler and Jessica are 18. Was this question really even worth asking? It's like asking how old Jessica is compared to her parents.

>> No.7408207

don't you know what an arranged marriage is or something? Lust as got nothing to do with it, quite the opposite in fact

>> No.7408215


And? his first son was a man, he had an heir. Why to have two more sons? He hates them.

And even having 3 sons and one more with Bice he goes and has Rosa.

It makes no sense to have so many kids you are going to shit on.

>> No.7408220

Looks like someone knows jack shit about how things worked in the 50's/60's.

>> No.7408224


Looks like we have a Japanese here.

>> No.7408242
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So tell us how did they work.

>> No.7408643


>> No.7408653


And your point is...?

To start with Kinzo didn't even married in the 70's

>> No.7408666

And? We know that it was an arranged marriage.
The point is he really had no need to fuck his wife again to make Rosa after meeting his supposedly one and only true love of his life, Beatrice, more than 10 years ago.
And the previous kids too. He says he didn't feel alive at all. Well, looks like sometimes he did after all.

>> No.7408669

for powerful families, more sons meant more links to other families through marriage, not to mention reserve heirs in case something happened to the firstborn
it's just fucking common sense

>> No.7408680

>more sons
*meant sons/daughters. See Eva that had to marry Hideyoshi because he was rich. It's not that he wanted to, he was expected to do it as heir of a powerful and influential dynasty.

>> No.7408695

Umineko is a lot more pleasant if you try to forget how bad Ryukishi is at writing. I assume this is what people who read Twilight do too.

>> No.7408704
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Did you read Twilight yourself?

>> No.7408710
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>> No.7408727
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It's still a horrible example. I assume you're a retard.

>> No.7408776
File: 115 KB, 424x458, 1293268881100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't even say assume anymore, I just know you're ridiculously mad. Ryukishi still loves you, I'm sure.

>> No.7408928

Is there actually any in-story confirmation as to when Rosa was born? We can estimate her age, but I remember the other siblings talk about their life before moving to Rokkenjima...was Rosa just too young to remember, or was she born on Rokkenjima? You don't know that she was conceived after he met Bice.

>> No.7408933

A smashed uterus doesn't account for penis-bearing alter egos factoring into a specific gender complex, or being remembered/referred to as pre-accident capacity as someone's very male son.

>> No.7409173

She was still going to middle school and lived on Rokkenjima when she met Beatrice II in 1967. Kinzo met original Beatrice in 1945. Unless Rosa is that retarded, she must be conceived after he met her.

>was Rosa just too young to remember, or was she born on Rokkenjima?
They say they moved to the island about 30 years ago.

>> No.7409224
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Who's Ryukishi? I'm protecting Stephenie Meyer.

>> No.7409235
File: 80 KB, 500x500, whyismyseriessoshitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umineko is a babby's first VN of the worst kind. It's a bad series, a clusterfuck of setting and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and META. The NEET anon can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.

However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for normal, sociable, underage faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The metaworld characters all trying their hardest to look cool, the magic, the peculiar, colorful clothes, the whole "colored text" faggotry and everything about the Umineko world fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on love, and the overall preachiness of the whole series make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes normals and underage retards eat this shit right the fuck up.

Umineko is basically THE series to attract the most hated visual novel fanbase known to /jp/, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every anon to troll the fuck out of this franchise and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no Umineko threads ever encourage the normalfags to show their faces here.

>> No.7409409

>complains about uminekofags raiding threads
>raids umineko thread with copypasta that already has its own thread
Reported. You already made a thread for this pasta, go use that.

>> No.7409458

Who are you quoting?

>> No.7410902

/v/ is <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< that way

>> No.7411316

And /a/ is a little further. Go back.

>> No.7411896

You're trying too hard, son.

>> No.7412036

Fucking summer.
