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File: 115 KB, 800x600, AGE 2011-05-25 19-08-56-92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7395459 No.7395459 [Reply] [Original]

Eushully-newfag here. I loved Kamidori so I thought about playing some of their other games and now I'm hooked on Ikusa Megami Zero. Played all day through the prologue & first chapter and came to the realization that nothing good will happen in this game... ever.

I mean, the quests in the first chapter alone are just depressing: look for a missing priest and some abducted girls- > priest is dead by the time you find him and the girls were raped to hell and back. Try to release a little girl from the influence of an evil spear -> no choice but to seal her soul together with the spear. Prevent the summoning of an unholy presence? -> nope, ritual goes through, evil being lays waste to an entire forest. And let's not even mention the obvious tragedy in the making that is the main plot.

Game is still very awesome though, can't wait to play more. And then there is Verita. I love the feeling of having several games to look forward to.

>> No.7395473

> look for abducted girls
> the girls were raped to hell and back

Well what the fuck were you expecting?

>> No.7395482

Celica was the "it's so shitty trying to be a hero" guy before Kageaki came along

>> No.7395485

Thanks for the spoilers OP!
It's not cool spoiling the game.

>> No.7395494

Random plot-point's from the very first chapter. How sensitive can you be?

>> No.7395512
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Verita definitely has a more positive note to it than Zero. Personally I preferred the angst express that was Zero, but I guess people's mileage will vary.

I also liked the fact that a "bad end" relatively early on was probably the happiest end in the game in Zero.

>> No.7395564

Fellow Eushully newbie here except I went to Himegari after Kamidori. Holy shit it's the most amazingly fucked up thing ever, and I love it.

>> No.7395581 [SPOILER] 
File: 354 KB, 800x600, CG000042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well yeah, Zero is pretty depressing game, rest of IM games are bit brighter. Also just wait till you get to ch3. you'r gonna love that shit.
And that ghost girl (Rita) wasn't in that situation (if you don't mind minor spoiler, pic related), as it allowed her to live longer and join Serikas merry group of we gonna fuck you up people. also so delicious

>> No.7395611

[SPOILER]Yeah, they mentioned something along the lines of "wait until someone with a good heart comes to fetch you" or something so I figured that she'd join sooner or later.[/SPOILER]
Still not exactly what they had in mind when the battle started.

And yeah. I hope I'm ready when shit REALLY hits the fan.

>> No.7395619

whoops, I managed to fuck that up! That's what i get for jumping from forums to 4chan and back.

>> No.7395634
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stuff will start escaleting once you meet one of the best characters in Eushully-verse. so pretty soon.

also do keep posting your opinions, as I like to hear what others think of the experience of going trough IM Zero. just be careffull of not making any slips with major spoilers

>> No.7395747
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>> No.7395813

I'll just use the eroge general because this thread will be buried pretty soon by "which touhou would fuck"
Is this supposed to be some serious dilemma?

>> No.7395859

I too would like to see your reactions to how shit starts going down. Man, been so long since I played this.

>> No.7396036

Time for some gameplay questions since there was no manual in the torrent I downloaded and the in- game tutorials suck:
1. Do buffs and de- buffs stack?
2. How does fighting spirit work?
3. That windfairy summon is supposed to be useless, right? Dies way too fast, even in the back-row.

>> No.7396065

wait, am I misremembering the level caps or is level 46 way too fucking high for the part where you're still with Satia and Kaya?

>> No.7396086

Not really, not to mention Satia rapes you hell and bakc either way no matter the level

>> No.7396106

does a level reset happen and I forgot about it? Granted it's been a lot of time since I played this, but I think I finished the game around the 60 levels? Or maybe that was 160? Is it even possible?
My memory is a fucking swiss cheese lately

>> No.7396121

Probably 160.

>> No.7396162

Is there a translation for this game?

>> No.7396181

Of course.
It unlocks as soon as you learn Japanese.

>> No.7396258
File: 56 KB, 800x600, AGE 2011-05-25 23-12-09-81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First impression: pretty badass.

>> No.7396280

I was in the 200's when I finished the game.

>> No.7397045

is there a specific order for the IM games or are they mostly unrelated?

>> No.7397155


Zero -> Veritas -> IM1 -> IM2

but IM2 didn't age well and IM1 was terrible

>> No.7397163


Oh, and there was also Genrin 1 and 2 in between Zero and Veritas

Genrin 1 is meh and is pretty hard to get by now

but playing Genrin 2 is highly necessary if you want to play Veritas

>> No.7397173

IM2 is still playable.
It's pretty long though but it has the best story in the IM series after Zero and the best character in the series only appear in it.

>> No.7397181

Spirits are immune against physical. Very weak against holy, and vulnerable to all forms of magic. Don't use your sword. Well.. if you have no choice, I think almighty element does a decent job ( element is represented by blue orb )

Undead resists physical attacks, are weak against holy and fire.

>> No.7397186


Leshente is not best character. You loli freak

>> No.7397222

IM2's will probably make you rage and break your keyboard. Seriously. I know people who quit playing because they were upset.

Major spoilers

The antagonist pulls a Griffith on Celica's girlfriend

>> No.7398004

1. yeah buffs/de-buffs stack to certain extend.
2. was answered.
3. yeah it's pretty useless

I would say that Genrin2 isn't that necessary to understanding Verita imo, sure it helps but it isn't as deeply linked to overall storyline as Zero is.

>> No.7399229

Half of Veritas was Louie's story, so I'd say yes.. playing Gernin 2 before hand is very much needed

>> No.7399242

>I would say that Genrin2 isn't that necessary to understanding Verita imo
just because they fill you in on the background for those parts it doesn't mean you shouldn't play it.
You're basically saying "I wouldn't say Zero is all that necessary to understand Verita". Of course they're going to explain what Serika's background is but hearing a passing mention and playing the actual thing are two very different things.

>> No.7399450
File: 322 KB, 1366x769, CG000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried playing Verita, but it looks pixelated as fuck whenever I play it in full screen
Is that normal?

>> No.7399451
File: 323 KB, 1366x769, CG000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried playing Verita, but it looks pixelated as fuck whenever I try to play it in full screen
Pic related

>> No.7399748

Using this "sovereign's staff" -item is the only way to increase the bar above the mini-map, right? The Nyacul dungeon is rather long and the random encounter rate is getting pretty annoying...

>> No.7399952

well I played Verita before Genrin2, and I didn't feel that I was lost that much with genrin parts of it, as it told me all the necessary parts then. sure I lost some small things, but it was very much doable. IM Zero is also much more necessary to Veritas plot, you can manage till god's graveyard sameway as you can with Genrin parts, but after that it's pretty much straight continuation from Zero plotwise and doesn't even try to bother to tell you the necessary bits of backgrounds.
well I'm not saying not to play genrins as genrin2 is good game, what I'm saying its doable, and Verita is called Ikusa Megami rather than Genrin after all.

how's you get it look like that? maybe your graphic-card sucks or update your drivers or something.

yeah, it's only-way that I remember

>> No.7399957

Warmly awaiting OPs reactions to the rest of Chapter 1

>> No.7399978

you mean rest of the "part 1"/ch3? as he's already met Haisherra and thats half-way trough ch2.

>> No.7399981

I'm using Windows 7 x64, so it might be a problem with the drivers.
Kamidori works perfectly fine though

>> No.7400038

Well, I just have trouble thinking how one would care about Liui and Irina's story more than in a superficial way, considering you're supposed to get attached and experience the tragedy before the game.

>> No.7400070

So I just looked through the HCG for this game, and what the fuck?

Rape, rape, rape, monster rape and more rape.

That blue lizard shit was just...

>> No.7400080

41 scenes, so there are still quite a few normal ones

>> No.7400089 [SPOILER] 
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well thats sad then, I don't have any ideas then.

well yeah, that was the biggest thing I felt that I missed because I had not played Genrin2. Still didn't stop me from shedding a tear in this scene, which was proof that Verita did manage to make me understand it all to some degree.

>> No.7400102

hey only about bit over half of the h-scenes are rape, you are making it sound that it's a lot.

and then Verita has like only 3 rape scenes....

what a change

>> No.7400124


Is there even any rape in Kamidori?

Eushully sure have changed a lot.

>> No.7400139

>Eushully sure have changed a lot.
No they didn't. Tayuuta was about mainly happy consensual sex way before even Zero, and the game just before Verita and Kamidori was Himegari which has plenty of rape.
They just mix their genres

>> No.7400147
File: 340 KB, 1024x576, CG000252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no there wasn't, nearest was probably Will getting lightly reverse raped.
But yeah this new Eushully with little to no rape feels just not like Eushully, but they did atleast one non-rape game in the past tough.
Next Eushully game better have some rape in it dammit. Is there any new info on next game they are doing yet anyway? will it be Genrin 3 with Lifia as protag or remake of IM1&2?

>> No.7400759
File: 475 KB, 800x600, CG000002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well fuck the waiting for more info if there will be IM1&2 remake. I need my Serika fix now. altough It's probably wiser to just read this summary novel of IM1 as it has aged horribly (well it was their first game after all). IM2 atleast looks playable still.

And this joke just never gets old to me in its various variations

>> No.7400767

Need a remake of 1&2.
Sully now being a loli is a huge improvement already.

>> No.7400806
File: 334 KB, 800x600, CG000040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, also IM1&2 don't Have DOKAAN or Rita either, and I doubt they would miss the fun of whatever happens in them. also I think there is no mention of Loui or Lifia either. Pretty sure there would be other good ways too how they could improve them they really need that remake. Altough it's more likely that they will do Genrin 3 next, considering Lifia is just one big "oh hey we are going to so make Genrin 3 soon", and he has been already in 2 games, so it would feel more natural that way too.

>> No.7400979 [SPOILER] 
File: 80 KB, 800x600, AGE 2011-05-26 20-38-33-46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So yeah. Nothing good happens in this game...ever.

I actually feel bad for thinking that it was Satia who took that...vagina from hell with her. She's just the sweetest thing, how could I doubt such perfect waifu material?

>> No.7401015 [DELETED] 

the akward moment where the rest of thread shifts at their feet and look at each other nervously

>> No.7401023

the awkward moment where the rest of the thread shifts nervously and looks at each other

>> No.7401127

Hey now, the game makes it pretty clear that there won't be a happy end but I don't know how things will go down. She won't betray Serika will she, my heart couldn't take this. Shit don't answer this question.
Oh man, I got all worked up.

>> No.7401172 [DELETED] 

>Yuuka thread is an improvement.

>> No.7401175 [DELETED] 

Oh God that's like realta nua malice worm shit right there man.

>> No.7401549 [SPOILER] 
File: 75 KB, 800x600, AGE 2011-05-27 00-40-14-27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished chapter 2. Sex-magic seems to be one hell of a drug. This scene was also damn hot.

It was kinda surprising how Serika was willing to cut down his own sister for a moment. Shows you how much he cares for Satia. And yet again I was almost deceived by Kaya and that sailor-dude, thank god the game cut to Satia's POV to show that she never meant to leave Serika behind. She's so adorable.

>> No.7402255

alalalalaa, ch3 here you go, nothing baaad could happen here riiiight?

>> No.7403823
File: 715 KB, 1637x576, LOYALTY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

halp, after I started thinking this I just can't make heads and tails of this matter, which is more loyal? the strongest familiar with maxed LOYALTY or the strongest maid with maxed LOYALTY

>> No.7403872

just started playing this because it looks interesting and I have some more or less stupid questions

1. I should start with normal game mode instead of special, yes?
2. should I improve stats just whenever I feel like it or are these points better spend elsewhere?
3. what does the bar above the map and FS indicate?

FS looks like morale: you get hit, you loose some, you hit, you gain some but I'm couldn't find information on how this works for me/against me

can someone be bothered to help to help a new player out?
I also haven't played any of the other games related to this, but so far I'm having fun

>> No.7403887
File: 683 KB, 2893x4092, 18853797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. yeah first playtrough should be normal mode.
2. um what? stat points can only be used to better your stats? just up what you feel like, altough in IM Zero its wise to increases Serikas hp, due to summons costing hp and if summoner dies summons unsummon.
3. bar above map is how strong enemy encounters are and how often you get them. FS is like morale, at mid point your stats are normal, but higher gives boost to stat and less decreases, goes for both you and your enemies. and 0 FS is KO too (doesnt work on bosses tough).

and for the record the timeline is plotwise: IM Zero > Genrin 1 > Genrin 2 > IM Verita > IM1 > IM2. other games in Raublach/Eu-verse can be played when you feel like as they aren't really connected by plot.

HAve fun, if you need some more info feel to ask.

>> No.7403936

thanks for making things clear
I'll stick with Zero for now and look at the others when I'm done

2. I meant my current exp points with "these points", poor choice of words on my part ...

>> No.7403942

After chapter 3, I nearly stopped playing. I cried like a bitch for Satia.
And then I remembered, I still had Haishera.

>> No.7403958

you might want to spoiler that, there's people playing the game
not that it's that hard to guess if you saw Serika before, but still

>> No.7403971 [SPOILER] 
File: 360 KB, 800x600, forever together.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why so sad? they are together for forever from now on technically, so no reason to be so sad ;_; , right ;_;. well her soul is still who knows where tough.. then there's the harem he gets too.

>> No.7404260
File: 487 KB, 800x600, CG000006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay this is like really small minor detail that has no bearing even if its retconned, but wasn't Roka like reincarnation of Luna? and Lunas hair was black instead of blue like Rokas? Retconnin the hair color is oh such a big deal

>> No.7404357 [DELETED] 

Am I the only one who thinks that Satia could seal her soul inside her body. Something similar happened with Serika's soul when Haishera took over his/Satia's body.

>> No.7404360

She is the reincarnation of Serika and Luna's unborn child.

>> No.7404366 [DELETED] 

Am I the only one who thinks that Satia sealed her soul inside her body. Something similar happened with Serika's soul when Haishera took over his/Satia's body.

>> No.7404363

Am I the only one who thinks that Satia sealed her soul inside her body. Something similar happened with Serika's soul when Haishera took over his/Satia's body.

>> No.7404420
File: 498 KB, 800x600, CG000008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some more minor retconnin here too, about how the final events of Verita went with Abeloos. or then its just Serikas memory being shitty, but doubt it as Haisherra would know better and she doesnt in this case.
This summary VN of IM1 is decently detailed tough, or more like this is just most important bits made in VN form. also feels weird to read this with the mindset of thinking of seeing what of the many things they changed with Zero/Verita.

I doubt that, due to Luna mostly. as Luna was Reincarnation of Satia or so I remember, and that would imply its soul should be out there. also they have speculated that her soul is wandering somewhere in the world. also Serika has had Satias body for over 600 years for now, and I doubt it wouldn't have surfaced atleast once during that time.

>> No.7404877

godfuckingdammit why can i still not read japanese fluently

>> No.7404897
File: 357 KB, 800x600, CG000030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you got the basics down and just need to grind kanji knowledge, then you just can use hooker + electric dictionary to quickly look up words. sure you read really slowly but its fun way to learn like that imo

>> No.7405045 [DELETED] 

My favorite Eushully characters are Ignat, Emilio and to a lesser extent Louie. What can I say? Overlords are a lot more interesting.

Anyway, back to Ikusa Megami

Reincarnations, Reincarnations everywhere..

Spoiler for Ikusa Megami Zero, Veritas and 2

Marinya is a reincarnation of the thief from Zero which in turn is a reincarnation of Kaaya. In the end she met Celica again, but Celica doesn't even remember because his memory is torn away from his body.

Roka is a reincarnation of Luna's unborn child. Kinky sex ahoy!

The main antagonist of IM2 is Celica's shadow which was torn away. He holds all of Celica's past memory and sins. He was separated from Celica by Astrea's purification ritual. In IM2 he takes an appearance of a young boy, which strangely has a voice. Something untypical for Eushully


>> No.7405054

My favorite Eushully characters are Ignat, Emilio and to a lesser extent Louie. What can I say? Overlords are a lot more interesting.

Anyway, back to Ikusa Megami

Reincarnations, Reincarnations everywhere..

Spoiler for Ikusa Megami Zero, Veritas and 2

Marinya is a reincarnation of the thief from Zero which in turn is a reincarnation of Kaaya. In the end she met Celica again, but Celica doesn't even remember because his memory is torn away from his body.

Roka is a reincarnation of Luna's unborn child. Kinky sex ahoy!

The main antagonist of IM2 is Celica's shadow which was torn away. He holds all of Celica's past memory and sins. He was separated from Celica by Astrea's purification ritual. In IM2 he takes an appearance of a young boy, which strangely has a voice. Something untypical for Eushully

>> No.7405071


In Louie's Light Route Ending The goddess Femilens(sp?) tells you that Astrea's soul is still wandering. So by Veritas she still hasn't reincarnated yet

>> No.7405108

Eushully will never top fire sex from Zero, will they?

That shit was hilariously inappropriate

>> No.7405123

It was a horrible mood-killer
Oh NOOOOOO, Satia is dying, which will propiciate the events of the next games, this is a great climax and I should feel sad
Let's fuck for the last time in the most retarded way

>> No.7405139

Fire sex was awesome

But ghost sex, water sex and mud sex from Kamidori isn't bad either

>> No.7405179
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Favorite Eushully characters for me are Serika (something just hits so right with him to me), Haisherra, DOKAAN&Rita, Sylphine and maybe Kohakuren and Elizaslein. bit weird choices I know. still got to play some of games some might add some more later.

shit I need to read this IM1 summary faster so I can get to IM2 faster, always was wondering in Verita what they were going to do with Serikas shadow/memory. so nice to see he has closure there. Also isn't Marinya just normal descendand of Shamal? you kow she was human after all so she could have had kids normaly. altough them being reincarnations of Kaya was new to me. that wasn't mentioned in Zero/Verita right? and Serika bangs Roka right? thats incest then too.

I could have sworn that Luna was reincarnation of Satia/Astrea, my memory can't be that wrong, or is it? it's been sometime that I played tough.

Well yeah, that was kinda unfitting, altough it was not completely unfitting as I saw that scene as Serika and Astrea merging and causing the bodyswap thing. still they should have done it bit differently

>> No.7405183

>still they should have done it bit differently
A fire embrace as Satia definetely dies would have been a better and more emotional option.

>> No.7405200


Maybe you haven't played Veritas True History route so you don't know, but Marinya's identity is indeed confirmed in the last chapter. Of course only the audience knows about it. Neither Celica and Marinya had no way of knowing

>> No.7405226

oh that, yeah they were hinting something with her, I just connected it to be the obvious Shamal - Marinya connection with both being Krupps and all, didn't think about any other choices like Kaya, also they had different eye color between Kaya and Shamal/Marinya so didnt make the connection as eye colors have been pretty much the same between the reincarnations always.

>> No.7405290


the voice actress is also the same

>> No.7405336

um what? no they are not the same Kaya and Shamal/Marinya have different voice actors, unless they are using different name in same game.

>> No.7407555

damn Serika is "weak" in IM1, didn't think that he would be that depowered after his stunt at the end of Verita. or then it's just that this was the first game so it was changed a bit

>> No.7407560

It was the fight with the dragon that took most of his power

>> No.7408311
File: 491 KB, 800x600, CG000012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serika seemingly has really picked up this habit of picking up unfortunate girls in Verita
