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7393349 No.7393349 [Reply] [Original]

I... I just got to the CHOMP scene and... oh my.

Oh my.

>> No.7393385

MLA thread, if that wasn't obvious enough.

>> No.7393390

what's a MLA

>> No.7393406

Marimo Loves Aliens

>> No.7393407

A miserable pile of BETA food

>> No.7393405

Where is my Marimo route, Age?

>> No.7393409


It got eaten.

>> No.7393422

it's about people eating people?

>> No.7393433

No one can reach the good end. It Leads only to bad ends, of either death, or separation and so on.

>> No.7393646


No, it's about Starship Troopers with mecha.

>> No.7393659

oh... that's okay too.

>> No.7393667

>No, it's about Starship Troopers with mecha.
>Starship Troopers
A bit redundant.

>> No.7393679


Maybe he didn't read the book.

>> No.7393691


I don't read fascist literary tracts.

>> No.7393701

explain what fascist means, since the book was just glorification of military and action

>> No.7393714

I don't think Starship troopers goes full fascist, but yeah it does have those overtones

>focus on social responsibilities as opposed to individual rights
>conflict as the bond for society (conflict against communists, minorities, religious groups, external enemies are used to contain the social structure)

>> No.7393720

What is this visual novel called, my good fellows?

>> No.7393723

CHOMP got spoiled for me years ago good thing age made it happen twice so I could still be shocked by it

>> No.7393725


Uchuu no Senshi

>> No.7393779


Muv-Luv Alternative.

It's excellent, but you need to play Extra and Unlimited first to have any real understanding of it, and they aren't as good.

>> No.7394102
File: 1017 KB, 1025x601, the best heroine ever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7394185
File: 863 KB, 1141x1974, 1302996314010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the best heroine ever.png
you seem to have posted thw wrong picture

>> No.7394192

Why are Meiya fans so insufferable?

>> No.7394198

Playing VNs after MLA is depressing, because you know you'll never play anything as good until Baldr Sky or Muramasa get translated lol

>> No.7394236

I have so much rage accumulated that I can't just keep it anymore. Fucking BETA.

>> No.7394241

You seem upset Sumika fan.

>> No.7394253
File: 26 KB, 400x400, marimo eat beta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Playing VNs after MLA is depressing
Because you can't help but imagine multiple ways a happy scene can go horribly horribly wrong just like it did in MLA.

>> No.7394272

If you only like mecha stuff then yeah VNs don't have a whole lot to offer.

>> No.7394320

I don't but there isn't much else that stands out to me besides maybe YU-NO.

>> No.7394325

Baldr Sky is not really at the level of Alternative's storytelling. The story is a lot simpler and straightforward, it just makes it up with gameplay and fuck yeah moments.

>> No.7394343


This is all I'm looking forward to in these next couple of months... well, that and the lockout ending.

>> No.7394377

WTF? Have we played the same game?

>> No.7394927
File: 362 KB, 600x714, 0f80de71bf2a09dec7f796fb0b734bc44441503b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

randomly found this
thought it was pretty awesome

>> No.7394935

out of all the characters' hair I found yuuko's to be the scariest. the side parts make it look like some kind of insect carapace.

>> No.7394938

Are BS and Muramasa really on the same level as Alternative?

>> No.7394970

It's arguable for BS, though I consider they are close myself but for Muramasa, yes.
I actually favor Muramasa personally

>> No.7394979

>Have we played the same game?
You can't honestly tell me Baldr Sky has the same breadth of characterization and themes as Alternative. It's basically just Kou going around fucking shit up. It's great for that, don't misunderstand me, but it's not that complex once you straighten the amnesia thing out.

>> No.7394985


>> No.7394997

As for Mecha VNs, Demonbane isn't half bad. It's just more fun than "OH FUCK OH MY GOD" and doesn't keep you as glued to the screen due to not know what the fuck is going to happen. It's still full of FUCK YEAH and knows how not to make a scene so tense by lightening the mood.

>> No.7395004

Yeah, I can definitely see how Muramasa gets on that level, at least in term of production values. Can't really say anything else as it'll probably take a while until I can play Muramasa.

>> No.7395015
File: 64 KB, 539x479, Yuuko Kouduki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even close

Close...but still not enough

Superior heroine is superior

>> No.7395035

Yes I do, actually BS has better characterization all around. BS did it themes pretty well, the cyberpunk setting is pretty great and well thought out. MLA did its themes better though but it's kinda incomparable since they expound different themes.

>It's basically just Kou going around fucking shit up.
Sigh. Isn't that MLA?
Anyway I don't want to turn this into BS vs MLA. I love them both.

>> No.7395222


Fuck you, you don't deserve Takeru.
You spent like two days with him when you were really little, and you somehow think this gives you the right to barge into his life and take him away from the person who's been with him for most of it?

Get out, Meiya.

>> No.7395278

But it HAS better characterization and a more interesting plot. Nobody would give a fuck about MLA without the "shock-factor" scenes, it is a very poorly paced story with some incredibly annoying characters.

Plus, you know, the whole gameplay thing. BS kicks the shit out of MLA as a VN.

>> No.7395304

Coup D'etat arc was one of the highlights of the game and had no shock scenes. Main hive infiltration had no shock scenes (though it was "shocking").

>> No.7395351

Eh, after a while, Alternative kind of numbed me to the events. Once you realized that all the plot twists were basically "IF SOMETHING CAN GO WRONG, IT WILL GO WRONG, AND MOST LIKELY AT THE MOST CRUCIAL MOMENT TOO", it took a lot of impact out of most of the deaths because you began to expect them after a while.

Still a good read though, and CHOMP did catch me off guard the second time it happened. First time it had already been spoiled for me, but when it happened the second time, I nearly lost it. Had to take a break and listen to some music to calm myself down.

>> No.7395361

People who were spoiled about the chomp are royally screwed. One of the best shock scenes I've seen hands down. It took me around ten minutes before I actually believed it wasn't Takeru's nightmare, that's how shocked I was.

>> No.7395365


It can still fuck with your head if you don't know exactly when and where it's going to happen.

I remember seeing it mentioned in one of the threads, and all I could think was "well, that sucks". Then when I was playing the game and actually got to the part, it still shocked the hell out of me because it happened in such an unexpected place. I thought it was going to have some big, dramatic build-up, but instead it was just like BAM, DEAL WITH IT.

>> No.7395366


>> No.7395374

Are there any pictures of Marimo wetting herself?

>> No.7395419

I had a hard time with the whole death scene of Haruka ;_;

>> No.7395431

Same here.
I went WTF considering the scene just happened after the drug/hypnotism injection.
I was still thinking it was some illusion/dream when he was being questioned by the doctor. I think I only accepted her death after his talk with Meiya,

>> No.7395781


This, this.

OP here. I knew CHOMP was coming but I didn't expect it to happen like that. One minute she was alive, and then...


>> No.7395835

who's still losing sleep because of chomp chomp

>> No.7396025


Me ;_;
